New young neighbors with two kids, they all made my night – Part THREE

I was asked to babysit next door, the new sitter lined up had flaked.

I am retired, no place I needed to be, and it was going to be another warm and sunny day, so my only plans were to maybe go out and lay in the sun. So when there was a knock at the door, and it was the cute wife from next door asking if I could at short notice babysit, how could I say no.

I only had a robe on, and asked if I should dress, adding the question of do I go over there, or do they come over here? The mom says it does not matter to her, we could go back and forth, no worries. And for getting dressed, she laughed and said the kids would just make you get undressed anyway, please do not waste your time. Now that sounded good to me.

I walked over to their house in my robe. Dropping it on the floor inside the front door. The dad came walking out, gave me a look up and down, gave his wife a kiss goodbye and then gave me one as he rubbed his fingers over one of my nipples. Out the front door he went. She tells me the kids are still in bed, at last check still asleep. She too gave me a kiss goodbye, but moved her hand down between my legs and slid a finger between my pussy lips. She pulled it out and headed to the front door, as she said she now had something tastie to suck on while driving to work.

I walked down the hall and looked into the kids room, both still sleeping. I went out and sat in the front room, turned on the tv to low volume. I saw that there were video VHS tapes out, took a look at them, all just had home movies on the label, hand written by what was a ladies hand. I picked up one of them that had a heart drawn it the label next to home movies. It started playing after I pushed it in. Yep home movies for sure, Dad, Mom, Daughter and Son … all nude, most likely at their old home. It started off slow, but I was enjoying all the nice young firm bodies. Looked like Mom and Dad took turns filming, then I knew it would be getting better when the camera was put on the tripod and pointed toward the large sofa in the room. Both parents sat on the sofa, the kids joined them.

Turned out to be a very nice family home movie, Both kids sucking on moms tits, both sucking on dads cock … and then I started to finger my wet pussy when dad started to eat his daughters pussy and the mom started to suck her sons cock. There was some good stuff, before I stopped watching I had come several times. I got a little laugh out of it when the son jumped onto his mom and started to fuck her, I bet his little cock went in the most to an inch. But I did cum again when seeing the daughter rubbing her cute little pussy up and down on dads hard cock as she sat in his lap. I had to rewind a few places to re watch some. I was guessing that the video was maybe a year or more old, from seeing the kids looked younger, the parents about the same.

The kids both came waking out from the hallway rubbing their eyes. Both asking if I was the new baby sitter, both grinning. I said their baby sitter was a no show and I was filling in. They said they never were allowed to do anything other than be nude, with any other baby sitter, so both were happy to see me.

I got up and helped them with breakfast, afterward they were just like any other kid, both wanting to watch some morning cartoons. We all sat on one sofa to watch, I was in the middle and one of them on each side of me. Each one of them put a hand up onto my boob on their side, feeling me up.

During the day, each one of them gave me some very nice pussy eating, both being so very good at it. Not like I had forgotten about the day before or anything. In turn, I gave both some head, eating her little hot pussy and sucking his little hard dick. After much begging from him, I let him climb ontop and fuck me, doing my best not to let out a laugh remembering the video of him humping his mom.

We checked out their back yard. I wanted to get some sun anyway. But I had never really looked at the yard, other than over the fence from my place. Now you can not see it from my side, but we spotted what is a gate between the yards, which was covered by ivy vines, and much more so on my side as I did not even know it was there. I told them to remind me later, when their parents got home to ask if maybe that could be made to use it. They agreed.

Outside, they enjoyed the sun too. Laying with me for well over an hour. I of course rubbed them both down very well with suntan lotion. And of course they both had a blast rubbing it all over me. They both sure kept doing my boobs, I think they both like their dad have a major thing for large boobs, which I hope will never bother their mom, but I felt safe in knowing that mom loves big boobs too.

Back in the house we all took a bath together in their parents bathroom because it had a large tub in it. We had to wash off all that suntan lotion. Now I had fun washing them, head to toe, mostly had to work on between their legs.

We ended up back on the front room sofas, at first all spread out, watching a mermaid movie. But before it was over, both of them had again moved up on each side of me, both sucking on one of my tits. I felt like a mother again, and mostly when each one of them feel asleep for their afternoon naps as they sucked away. I just did not have to burp them LOL.

Mom was the first one home. The first thing she did at the door was to remove all her clothing, saying that after a week of no work to move, she could hardly stand being dressed all day. She started cooking dinner, and came out while things cooked. The kids had moved to the other side of the room, playing with some toys. Their mom and I enjoyed each other boobs, she liked my large breasts and my huge nipples, I in turn just loved her cute perky tits with the pointed nipples. I could not hold back and moved my way down between her legs, enjoying the moist hot pussy, I liked the taste of her, as it was all just her, not having just showered but from having been up and moving around all day, got me really hot and wet.

I was still down between her legs when the dad come home. He also shed the clothes at the door, with almost the same reason why. But I think he also had seen the action going on and wanted to join in right away. Just as soon as his clothes were off, he was on his knees behind me, pushing his now rock hard cock into my pussy from the rear. His cock slid in nice and easy as his wife had gotten me so wet . I was so super horny, and his hard cock was needed badly. It was nice to have a good size cock pounding me, I had some dildos at home, of all sizes, but i think only one of his size, his wife was lucky to have his huge cock, now depending on what they all did with the kids, I got worried for the little ones, but only for a second as my mind went back to getting fucked by him at the next ramming he did, when he pounded his body into mine, making a loud slapping noise. She had come several times, and did one more time. I was just about to cum again, when he began to pump a load of cum into my pussy. All that cum made the feel of things change so much, I lost the pending orgasm I was just about to have.

The day with them for me was over. They asked if I could do it again the following day, which was no problem. They did have another sitter lined up, but did not know if it would work out, so it was a wait and see. We did discuss the gate in the backyard fence line, and all agreed it should be made to use it. The kids and I said we would start on that the next day. After dinner, I headed home. Not knowing who would be around I did put my robe back on to walk home. Cum dripped from my well fucked pussy with each step all the way home. I was so hot as I walked in my front door, feeling that cum going down my legs, I sat down and fingered myself like crazy, coming one more time for the day. I did so miss that feeling of being loaded with cum, that I did not shower or clean up at all for bedtime, and just laid back in bed , now and then moving my fingers down between my legs feeling the cum that still was there. To be totally honest, I did end up using two dildos, one in my pussy and one in my ass, as a lot of cum ran down from my pussy to my ass. As I played with those dildos inside me, I had a fantasy of the two men from next door, the boy being older and thus a man, but having both the father and the son do me at the same time, with some double pen, say maybe sitting on dads hard cock riding him, and the son behind me, taking my ass, pounding me hard as I ground down on his father.

( On a side note, no I did not watch their home movie that day, even though they do have home movies. I added that at the request of some readers who requested a few things. Those requested things did happen, but not yet, but later on, which is if I keep writing will come out )