Not Safe 4 School

Ironically, I first heard of porn on the TV. A comedian joked about it being on the internet. So, I went, and looked it up on the computer.

Sure enough, if you look up [Porn] on the internet, you get a lot more than just a definition on Urban Dictionary. So, I showed my friends at school, we all had phones, but cock blockers to keep from seeing anything too graphic, when we’re too young.

I took my dad’s laptop, since she could look up whatever he wants on there. The school wifi still wouldn’t let you go on any Adults Only sites, but I could download anything at home, and show the girls at school. In fact, my dad already had a folder full of slut wife gets gangbanged movies on there. I got caught with it in the girl’s restroom, so it had to be another girl that squealed on us, but I guess that turned out all right.

First, my mom had to come pick me up from school, since I got suspended. She told me about SFW, and NSFW, or Not Safe for School. I guess when you’re not old enough to get a job, school is the next best thing, but that’s how I heard about Story sites, like SexStories69.

Let’s be honest, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, then Video must be a bargain! Out in public, though. Anybody could see what you’re watching, but if you’re reading a story, then it could be anything. Not to mention the fact that dirty old men can write about stuff it’s illegal to take pictures of, like there underage daughters, nieces, and sisters naked.

I say it worked out, because word got around, whoever snitched didn’t just tell the principal we’re watching sex videos in the girl’s room, she told everyone. Then, the rumors got started, and blown way out of proportion, until I heard we’re all lesbians, getting gay and licking pussies in the girl’s room. It’s not true, we’re mostly giggling at all the big stupid stuff.

Big stupid boobs, and big stupid dicks. We wondered out loud if pornstars got implants in their dicks to make them so big, or they just found the biggest ones, and just got the girls breast implants. Only the oldest girls even had real bras, with something to fill them out, but a lot of them stuffed those too. Mostly to get boy’s attention, but also to joke about being porn stars.

You know, “Look at me, I got a boob job!” With water balloons filled up just enough to stretch an older girl’s stolen bra, or her mom’s. I know, it was childish, and silly, but funny. She got lots of laughs, so I wasn’t the only one bringing naughty things to school, and showing them off in the girl’s room, I guess I started it.

Finally, an older girl came over to me, and asked if it was true? “What?” I shook my head, because “It” was pretty vague, “It” could mean anything.

“Well,” she heard that I was showing girls dirty sex videos, to trick them into trying stuff. Gay, and bisexual stuff, so I said “No? We’re just making fun of the grownups in the videos.” So, I told her about the big stupid boobs, and implants. I got a laugh, but it was after school, and she caught me on the way to the bus.

“Well, my sister’s coming to pick me up, so maybe you can come over, and show me what you’re talking about?” After school, her sister was a teenager, but she already graduated high school. So, not only could she drive, but also get other things. Adult things, from the sex store.

Yeah, I know. “Are you sure you’re not even a little gay? Maybe you just haven’t met the right girl, how do you know if you’ve never tried it? Haven’t you ever even felt a little bi-curious?”

Well, duh. I had been looking at porn on the internet since 3rd grade. They’ve got gay, and bisexual girls on there too, with sex toys, and step-brothers to jerk off watching them get lezzy on her mom, and dad’s bed with her girlfriends, and dildos, and buttplugs, until finally the man comes in with his big hard dick to fuck them in every hole.

I say man, because even though he’s acting like her step-brother, or whatever. They’re obviously too old to be living with their parents. Not like Jane, though. (I might as well call her Jane Doe, because she doesn’t want me blabbing her real name on the internet.) So, I guess I lost my virginity to a 6th grader, her older sister, and there collection of sex toys.

A long story short, I got caught playing the “Step Brother” in the hall. Since I’m really a voyeur at heart, and the flattest chested, I kinda liked peeking in the door to the girl’s room, rubbing a dick I had stuffed in my pants. I guess maybe in some little way, it was even transvestite, like a dick implant, since it was a bid stupid dildo. Porn-star sized, a 10″er, with realistic balls molded in the bottom, and a harness to hold it in place.

A strapon, since Jane liked to get nailed, because who doesn’t? She’s not like a bull-dagger, yes she liked molesting little girls, and tricking us into having gay sex with her, and her sister. (She started off by seducing her little sister, after all.) But she still likes to get fucked, so the plan was I’d stand out in the hall. Looking in the door, and playing with my big hard dick until they got hot and wet enough for me to come in, and fuck them in all there holes.

“What the fu, uh.” Her dad caught me, but he didn’t curse in front of me, or anyone. Maybe he told dirty jokes to his drinking buddies when nobody else was around, but then he got mad, and started yelling. So, the girls had time to Straighten up, and come see what was the matter.

By then, he was calling me gay names. Dyke, and making me put my clothes on. (I had one a pair of pants I borrowed from my brother, but that was it. I was topless, wearing nothing but a strapon, a pair of boy’s pants, and a hair-tie.) So, I ended up out on the street, but I put on my dress, socks, shoes, and even my jacket.

It was still really cold, because it was after midnight, and I was crying. So, it was my first walk of shame, I had my purse with my phone in it, so I could have called someone for a ride, but I didn’t want to try and lie about why I got kicked out, in the middle of the night. For one thing, I still had Jane’s strapon, sticking out of the pants under my dress.

I couldn’t really hide it under my coat, I tried, but come on. It was a 10 incher, and I’m not exactly built like a muscle hunk, with broad shoulders, perfect abs, and shaved balls like a porn star. I just had the big stupid dick, on my skinny little body. So, I started walking home, and wiped my face dry, because the tears were making my cheeks too cold in the wind from cars passing by.

None of them stopped, and I wouldn’t have gotten in if they offered me a ride. What am I, stupid? Might as well hang a [Rape me, and murder me] sign around my neck. Finally, a man came up on foot, and started talking to me.

“Hey, little girl, what are you doing out so late?”

“None of your business, leave me alone.” I got my phone out, “Before I call the cops.”

He called my bluff, and just stopped, in front of me. Looking down at the obvious bulge, I was trying to hold my coat down to hide.

“Oh, okay. You don’t want to talk to me about it, but you think the police would understand what you’re doing out in the middle of the night, walking the streets, dressed like that?”

“Huh, well it might come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a whore.”

“Well,” he reached out, and patted me on the shoulder. “Look.” He pointed across the street. “Maybe you can tell me all about it, over a cup of coffee?” He turned me, and kinda pushed me across the street. “I know you’re scared, but you don’t have to trust me. I’m not going to do anything in public, in front of anyone, then I’d be the one getting arrested.” He took off his coat. “Here, this aught to help you cover that up.”

It was a trench coat. In fact, I could even call it a Stranger Danger coat, because he had the hat to go with it. You know, the Fedora? The kind of guy that talks to little girls like me, about how #NotAllMen are creepers.

Yeah, I bet. Just the ones that dress up like Stranger Danger to lecture girls on what dressing like a whore means. As if they know more about making a fashion statement, then little girls that talk about nothing but what to wear. Until we’re old enough to talk about boys, and which ones to stay away from, unless you want to get molested.

Well? I was already molested, and I’d never even kissed a boy before. So, I guess I wanted to be molested again. (Just not raped, murdered, and dumped in a dumpster like a hooker holding out on her pimp, drug dealer, or you know. Just stabbed to death by a customer that likes stabbing women, and lures hookers into their cars with the promise of money, knowing she’ll be just another dead hooker to the cops? Okay, I had been reading some pretty fucked up stories on the internet, lately.)


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