Not the daddy I wanted

I thought I’d finally got a daddy, but turns out he only loved me for one reason, and my mom knew about it.

Mom got married to Ben, a nice man she met at work, I was 11 years old and I was really happy because I’d never had a daddy before, my real daddy left before I was even born.

Ben always gave me big hugs and kisses, and he bought me loads of sweets, clothes and toys, and he played with me outside and in the park in a lot, he is so nice.

Then he started to do things that I thought were a bit weird, but because I’d never had a daddy before, I just assumed it was normal and went along with it.

Ben came in to my room to wake me up when mom was out, he was wearing his night robe and he tickled me until I woke up, he said we were going to have a father daughter day, I was happy about that, “Before we go out we need to get a shower, come on.” He said, pulling my covers off of me and encouraging me in to the bathroom.

I took off my nightshirt and panties and got in the shower, I didn’t mind that he was watching me, it didn’t feel wrong at the time, but then he removed his robe and he was naked under it and he stepped in to the shower with me, I turned around so I didn’t look at his cock.

He stood behind me washing my hair for me and I could feel something pressing between my shoulder blades, he turned me around and his big cock almost hit me in the face, “Wash this for me, princess, that’s a good girl.” He said, handing me the liquid soap bottle.

I hesitated at first but then as I said, I thought it was normal thing for girls to do with their daddy’s so I did it, put some soap on my hands and then generously rubbed it all over his cock and his balls, after about a minute he told me to tilt my head back, “All the way back. Look at me, look at my eyes. Now, open your mouth.” He instructed and I obeyed.

He lightly grunted a couple of times, and each time he grunted, I felt something hit the back of my throat and it made me cough as I swallowed it, he held on to my chin and kept telling me to look at his eyes, never look down, obviously he was ejaculating in to my mouth, though I didn’t know that at the time.

Once he’d finished and I’d stopped coughing he asked me if I was okay, I said I was, which I was, confused but okay, “Alright. All clean now, let’s go get some breakfast.” He said, and we got out the shower, dried, dressed, and went downstairs, it was a nice day so I decided to wear a yellow vest and my favourite white summer skirt.

After breakfast we headed in to town, he didn’t drive so we took the bus, and he let me sit upstairs on the upper floor which I loved during a bus ride, the journey took about 15 minutes to get in to town, while we were sat upstairs, with only a few other people in the far seats behind us, we were sitting right at the front, he started to rub my leg and then his hand went between my thighs, I popped my legs open in reaction to his touching.

As soon as my legs opened, his hand moved up my skirt and he rubbed my pussy over my panties the entire trip, he looked at me and smiled, “Love you, princess.” He said then leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, “I love you, daddy.” I replied, again I thought what he was doing was normal so said and did nothing.

Long story short, when we got to town we did a bit of shopping, mainly clothes, then we got some food and took it to a quiet spot down by the river.

After eating our burgers and fries, he sat up and asked me to sit straddled across his lap facing him, he brushed his hand through my hair and rubbed the side of my face, “Do you like me being your daddy?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I replied, I really did.

“I’m so proud to call you my daughter. My beautiful gorgeous princess.” He said, his words made me blush and smile, then he gave me a quick kiss, and he pulled me close to him for a hug, as he was hugging me I felt him lift up the back of my skirt, he put hands down the back of my panties and squeezed my bare butt cheeks, I just smiled, a little uncomfortably, but just went along with it and let him do it.

“I need the toilet. Do you need the toilet?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I replied.

We stood up and walked to the public toilets that were a few hundred meters away, there was no one else around, it wasn’t exactly a good area to be fair, the walls of the outside of the toilets were covered in graffiti, and there were like drug needles and stuff all over the floor by the entrance, the female toilets were boarded over, so I had to use the men’s, “Come on I’ll come in with you, it’s alright.” He said.

We went inside, he used the urinal on the wall and I went in to one of the cubicles, I finished peeing and pressed the flush, that’s when he opened the cubicle door and came inside, closing the door behind him, he picked me up, kicked the toilet seat closed and then stood me on the toilet, I giggled thinking he was being silly.

Then he kissed me and I giggled nervously.

He reached up my skirt and pulled my panties down, telling me to step out of them when they reached my feet, he unbuckled his belt and let his jeans and boxers drop to the floor, I could see his cock again, I lifted me and got me to hold on to him and wrapped my legs around his waist, then he turned around and pushed my back against the door.

I could feel his cock rubbing and touching against my pussy, “Daddy?” I questioned, confused about what he was doing.

“It’s okay, princess, its okay. I love you very much.” He replied, then he kept kissing me while rubbing my butt and thrusting his cock hard against my pussy.

“Argh-Ouch!” I cried out, feeling his cock rip a hole through my virginity and slide inside me.

“Shush – Its okay.” He whispered, kissing me and licking my face like a dog, whilst continuing to thrust his cock in and out of me.

“Argh – Daddy! – It hurts – Daddy.” I cried.

But he didn’t stop, he just kept on going, thrusting faster and faster, driving his cock deeper and deeper inside me, it really hurt and still hurt the whole time, but after a while it started to hurt less and I found myself kind of enjoying the feeling of his cock moving in and out.

“Argh – Ooh – Ut – Ungh” I moaned.

So yes, he fucked me, he took my virginity in the dirty toilet cubicle, he was pounding me so hard against the old door that it actually came off its hinges and almost fell on us, I had my first orgasm as well, it was so intense it made me screech out like a banshee, and all I could hear while he fucked me was the banging of my ass hitting the loose door, *Bang! – Bang! – Bang!*

When he ejaculated it actually felt like his cock exploded inside of my little pussy, it expanded, I felt a tingling popping sensation, and then it shrunk and repeated a few times.

It was over and he stood me on the floor, my legs were so weak and shaking I could barely stand, he moved the door out of the way and we slowly walked out, he was very nice to me, asking if I was okay and stroking my hair, then he picked me up and carried me because he could tell I was struggling to walk.

We took a break and sat on a bench, he told me that what he’d done was normal and that’s what dad and daughters do together to show how much they love each other, and I believed him.

He continued to have sex with me until I was 13, it was only when I slept over at a friend’s house that I noticed she didn’t do that stuff with her dad, I asked her why her dad didn’t fuck her when he came in to say goodnight, she thought I was joking and being disgusting.

So when I got home I told my mom what Ben had been doing to me all these years, but to my surprise it turns out mom already knew, she allowed it to happen, she married Ben knowing that he had a thing for little girls, and she let him abuse me to keep him happy.

I felt really betrayed, all I wanted was a daddy, and I thought Ben really loved me, turns out he just liked fucking me.

From then on I denied him access to my pussy, told him I’d break his cock if he came near me with it again, and when I was 16 I moved out.