old days

So this is a real story btw ama 16 now … when i was 10-11,i dont remember well so thats how it was … one day me and my friends (2 boy there dont want to say their names so first one was-G and another one-R) so it was mess in country like war and stuff and only fun was messing around so that R was younger than us (me and G were same age) so we were just walking around and talking so R started talking about dirty stuff so i smiled and whispered to G “we should tell him to show us dick” dunno why i said but yeh…
But he said”am going to home u can tell him” so he went to home and we went in like it was demolished house like only walls on ground so we got on positions he was sitting there and i said to him “may i see ur penis with smile on my face” so he was like “nah show urs first “ so after that i finally slide my jeans shorts little bit down to put my dick up and he was like “oh woah thats really bigger then mine with laugh” so he pull up his penis and mine was really bigger
So after that i dont remember conversation but i remember how i was bent over and waiting him to put his dick in me so in that period we had not phones or stuff and i had never saw a porn so i was clumsy but he knew sucking dick and stuff he just kept putting his dick in me but it wasnot going any deeper bc it was rly small so after 1-2 minutes i moved on fucking him he got in position spreading his ass chicks ((and btw he was blonde blue eyes skinny boy and i was dark hair dark green eyes and i was skinny too)) so i started fucking him and he was just crying or something like that he didnot like it as i saw so he said to me to stop and i did like that and he told me “should we try like liking each others dicks?” I was confused i had never heard about that so i said “nahh” after that he said to me “okay lets do it last time” and after that we changed location because construction worker saw us from near building so we got scared. That location was like middle of bushes and locked building so we got in positions ,i remember feeling of spreading ass chicks and waiting him to put his dick inside i love that. So he put his dick inside me again but deeper it was like warm finger inside i loved that so he didnot put it out dick out like next 30 secs and after he took out dick we had smiles on faces jumped out of bushes and ran at our houses … we didnot talked about it much but i remember sex experiences with another young boys i posted that one bc i remember that story more than others

Hope u liked that
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