Old man helps teen boy. Part two

I didn’t ask him how but we sat there a while kissing and cuddling and talking. He said let’s go inside. We went in and he went in the kitchen and made a phone call. He came back in the living room . He started to kiss me passionately and said that someone was going to come over and take photos of us. Well the same neighbor came over.
Well she took pictures of us making out and kissing . Then we went to the bedroom where she took more of us kissing and making out and me sucking his cock then him fucking me in different positions but the best one was me reverse cowgirl and us kissing and his cock deep inside of my boi pussi. Well after she was done with the pictures she left. He was on top of me my legs wrapped around his waist and he was fucking me slowly till he and came. Well we laid there a few minutes quietly then he said to me that he just çould not believe that he found me walking down the road. I said that I was very happy he did because he helped me realize my true sexuality. He said so tell me what it is and I said that I was completely men only. He gave me a long passionate kiss.
We got up went into the kitchen and got a drink and then he took me into his arms looking me in my eyes and said that he wanted to keep me to himself. I said well I think I would like that. Well the phone rang he said ok . Then he said that she was bringing the pictures back over she took. She bought them over and we all looked at them together. She said that I looked so happy and enjoying everything. I said I was and I said only thing I don’t like is my eyebrows. She and him both asked me why I said just think should be more feminine looking. She said that she would fix them and told him to go get some tweezers and she picked them so they were thin and arched feminine. Well we talked more than she left. He and I looked through the pictures again. Then he said what do you think that your mom would say if she saw these pictures. I said that was a great ideal so we picked out a couple of very very good ones and very very very naughty ones. I put them in a envelope with a short letter.
He asked me if I wanted to drop it off at the house and I said yes because I knew that she would not be home until a certain time. He said that I need some clothes to wear. So he called his neighbor again. She bought some daisy duke shorts over and string strap tank top and pair of pink flip flops. We drove to the house and I put the note and my keys were she couldn’t miss them. On the way back to his house I gave him a BJ. When we got to the house we went inside and spent the rest of the day and night in bed.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅