OP Ness

It all started when I got this game for Christmas, then I started making videos when I discovered stuff that really worked.

I didn’t do it to get attention from boys, but wouldn’t you know it? I got the wrong kind of attention, for being a “Fake Gamer Girl.” So, my first messages were hate mail, from this boy that thought my units were too girly.

Okay, first the game is called Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, or TABS for short. I beat the whole thing before New Years, but really the first time I had any trouble was in the Renaissance Campaign. That ones’ called Renaissance vs Vikings 1, but the trouble is, you only have 150 coins left over from all the muskets they give you, and you can’t get rid of the muskets to buy more units.

150 isn’t a whole lot, you can have 3 Painters, which don’t do any damage, or 1 Fencer for that. That’s the way you’re supposed to do it, but if you go into Settings, then you can add more factions, and even make a custom unit to beat that one. So, that’s what I did, and I felt so good about it, I got dad to help me edit a video for the youtube.

I never posted a video before, but I made the mistake of putting her in a dress, because I’m a girl. Okay, first of all, I made her a halfling so she was small, and harder to hit. Gave her Hover a bunch of times because that’s free, and keeps her out of reach of the melees. (The Vikings are mostly axes, of course.)

The problem is, that most of the clothes don’t fit Halflings all that well, without covering up their faces. So, I used Red Jade’s dress, since that didn’t cover the shoulders, and the Valkyrie helmet. Cupid’s wings, I started out with the Valkyrie wings, but that made her cost 360 all by themselves, so I just gave her Hover 4 times, and Painter’s Dodge, since that’s free, too.

Super Peasant Punch put her up to 120, so I could give her 169 hit points (That’s 13 squared) so she could take a few hits while she was zipping around the Vikings like a pinball, and it worked! So, I made a video, and some boy named Vet1337 made fun of her dress.

I got in an argument with him, then he made fun of me for being a girl when that came out, and finally this other guy stepped in to tell me to ignore him. I didn’t know that you could just ban, or block people on your channel, because I never made a video any more, but then he Emailed me to show me how, in my Gmail.

Now, I’ve read the comments on this site, so no. I’m not on Snapchat, you can’t have my Gmail, and it’s kind of illegal you know? I’m 12, so now that you know that, it’s soliciting child porn, which is a felony the FBI would really like to know about. You know?

Well, that’s how I got my first real fan, and I didn’t give him my Email. It was part of my youtube account, or I had to get a gmail from my dad to start making videos, and uploading them on youtube. He asked me to put Valorie up on the custom units, so he could download her, like her, and subscribe to her.

Then, he asked me why I called her Valorie, or spelled it that way, and I said after Valorie Curry? Yeah, she played Dot Everest on The Tick, and a whole bunch of other stuff too, but I hope they start making more episodes of The Tick, because her character’s getting really good. I guess they’re making The Boys now, but I don’t really like that, as much. I mean The Tick was kind of bloody, since she’s dating Overkill, and he’s kinda bloody, but it’s also funny.

Not like a superhero running right through some guy’s girlfriend on accident, and leaving a puff of blood. Guts, and bones all over the street, with nothing but her hands in his. Okay, I just stopped watching after that, until I’m old enough to appreciate it, because it’s way past PG13.

I didn’t tell Marty all that, in the Emails. I had to go back, and read them all, but you know what? I never once told him how young I was, until it was too late. I guess it either slipped my mind, or I thought it was obvious because I like playing such a silly kid’s game as TABS. Oh yeah, and “Totally Accurate” is totally sarcastic. They call the regular bodies Wobblers, and everyone’s a ragdoll, even the horses. It’s mostly just silly, but also you get to dress up your characters in the unit creator.

So then, I guess we’re talking about that Vet1337, and Marty mentioned that he’s just immature. He’s not a Vet as in a Veteran, but he’s just this gamer guy, and I asked how he knew that. He sent back [Well, it’s all over his channel.] I didn’t know he even had a channel, since you can comment on other videos without uploading your own. [You know, he plays nothing but war games, and all his units in TABS are over-powered shooters that finish every match instantly, because they’re so over-powered. That’s why I like your’s better, you actually have a battle to watch, instead of just downloading Saitama one-punch man.]

[Well,] I wrote back, [Actually, all those are is a re-skin of the Super-peasant, and I pretty much did the same thing to beat Renaissance vs Vikings 1, because I had to. Oh yeah, and I just finished my new faction, it’s all Summoners, so I just called it Summoners, and I’m making a video about them. I think I’ll just call it [Summoners OP] because that’s the truth. You know what you’re saying about there being a battle to watch? Yeah, well if they’re all fighting snakes, and crows, then I don’t lose anybody. I also made a little Death called Lildeth, but she throws necromancer skulls to turn everyone into stiffies.]

[Yeah, I got a little stiffy too.] He said, and I thought he ment a unit, in the Unit Creator. Since that’s what they call Skeletons, they only have 3 types of Base body: Wobbler, Stiffy, and Halfling, but I mostly use halflings. So, I didn’t know what I was asking when I sent back [Well, why don’t you upload it, where I can see it? I’d love to see your unit.]

So, he sent me a dick pick, and I was like “OMG, hnhm! No!” I typed back, [That’s not what I ment. I ment custom units, in TABS! LOL.]

[Oh, sorry. I thought you’re flirting.]

[How old RU?] I realized now we were pretty much chatting in Gmail, which ment waiting for Emails, and it was starting to stack up in a nest of <<<s. [We better switch to some sort of MSG service.]

[19, why?]

[Well, I’m 12, so. You might want to be careful who you send stuff like that to. I’m not going to call the FBI or anything, but just so you know.]

[Really, oh god. I’m sorry. Uhm, you got FB?]

[Yeah, but I’m not sure I want to.] Let me think. [Trust you after what just happened.] My face is still burning though, and now it’s starting to spread, but usually, it goes up to my ears, and I keep glancing down at Attachments:

The thumbnail, only it’s not a thumb, and it doesn’t have a nail. It’s got a little split in the bottom, and he wrote: [Yeah, I got a little Stiffy too.] Only it didn’t look little, it was hairy, and while I was waiting for him to come up with a good place to chat, I clicked on it. It had a little clear drop on top, too.

[That’s not Pee, is it?]

[What? Hang on.]

[You’re not,] Maybe I shouldn’t write it out, loud, or. You know what I mean [Looking for a good place to chat, RU?]

[No. I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble typing, with 1 hand…]

So yeah, he was, and now the flush was running down my neck, and under my collar. “Huh,” [Well, I guess I already saw it, so…]

[You don’t mind?]

[IDK. I kinda want to see it. When you’re done…] I can’t believe I sent that, but there it is, and now my nipples are swelling.

“HUH!” Then, he sent a picture. He was soft, but now there were more drops all over the front of his pants. In his lap, and on the bottom of his shirt, but what really got me was the string running from the wet tip to the last drop, sticking to his pant leg. [OMG, that’s so hot. I better delete this, before anybody finds it on my computer, but thanks.]

[Yeah, I’m going to delite it too.] He spells it like Elite, with a D. Instead of 1337, that’s what that number means, when gamers use it in chat, or in their user names. it’s short for “Leet,’ or Elite, but I just sexted with Marty. He’s a teenager, 19 so it’s not even like a high school freshman, he’s practically 20.

Then, I remembered Morgan. Morgan Freeman, but not the black voice actor, it’s a joke from The Spy that Dumped Me? Yeah, the blond girl’s name is Morgan Freeman, no relation. Obviously, but then I remember her sending her mom the dick pick she’d gotten from that guy, and you even got to see his balls from behind, when he came in the kitchen naked, and tried to kill them.

“Uh, mom?” I called her. “I think I just got my first dick pic. I mean, I kinda solicited it, but I didn’t mean to. It was just a misunderstanding, but he didn’t know my age when he sent it. He didn’t ask, but call me back.” I hung up before I said anything else, but I had to tell somebody.

I got her voice mail, since she’s at work, and she uses the work phone at work, instead of her cell phone, but then she called me back, a little later. “Vanessa!” She only calls me that when she’s upset, “What’s this about you soliciting dick pics on the internet?”

“I didn’t! It was an accident, we’re talking about Unit Creator, and I thought he was talking about a Unit, in the game.” I felt really hot all over, though. So, while I waited, I unbuttoned my top, and started touching myself, in dirty ways, and imagining his hands touching me, somehow while he whacked off, sitting down at the same time.

“Well, I didn’t even know they could send images through the chat in that new game of your’s.”

“You can’t, there isn’t even a chat, we were talking on Emails.”

“Well, how did he even get your email?”

“Because, I had to get a gmail to upload videos on youtube, and that’s attached to the channel, because they’re both Google, and that’s all I know, really. So, you’ll have to ask dad about that.”

“Huh, all right, but are you okay, sweety?”

“Well, I feel kinda hot, and really horny, actually.”

“Oh, my god. Was it. How old is this guy?”

“Only 14, and I know that’s technically childporn, but I didn’t send him any pictures back, and he said he was sorry, but it was a little. Drippy?”

“His cock?” I giggled, because she’d never said anything so dirty to me before. Okay, yeah she and dad had started saying 4 letter words around me, more, and more. I even got to see some R rated movies on Amazon, like The Spy Who Dumped me, with balls, and everything. “Here, let me show you the Email, and you decide whether or not it was predatory.”

I went back through the stack, to before we started talking about finding a chat room, but saved it at the part where I told him I was 12, and he 19. Then, I sent it to her inbox, and then I realized that I just told her he was 14, instead of 19.

“Hm.” She stayed on the line. “I see what you mean.”

“That’s not pee is it?”

“No, it’s precum. Um, semen, but it’s not like semen. It’s mostly just prostate fluid, and a little from the cowpers gland.”

“Uh huh.” She realized halfway through talking about a dick, and cum, then switched to mommy mode. A sex ed lecture in all medical terms, even though we’re talking about a dick pic, with cum. “Oh, and Stiffies are Skeletons in TABS.” I read over it again.

“I know, honestly. I see what you like about that game. It’s silly, but fun.”


“What? I’ve had a lot of downtime lately. I love your little baby Valkyrie character.”

“She’s a halfling, not a baby.”

“Well, you can see the safety pins through her dress.”

“Well, there’s no way to cover them up, all I could do was color them gold, but the diaper came with the wings.”

“Well, she’s cute.”


“But I’ve GTG. Huh!” She blew out smoke, I guessed. “I just clocked out for a smoke, but you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah,” just horny, but I’ve got to figure this out some time…



This is complete fiction. I’m not a 12yo girl, and even if I was, I wouldn’t want to sext, nor snapchat with you. So, the answer’s no.

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