Out of control incest

It started with just me and my mom, now there are more than 30 of us living on the farm and they’re all technically my kids. Thank god for Tom.

I’m 55 years old and I have 28 children all born out of incest over four generations and all from my seed.

In simple terms I have 2 daughters, 8 granddaughters, 10 great granddaughters, 1 great grandson, and 7 great great granddaughters, but technically every single one of them is my son and daughter.

It started when I was 12, we were living on an old farm which was miles away from any kind of civilisation, the nearest town was more than 5 miles away, it was just me and my mom and I was home school but didn’t learn anything boring like calculous or science, I was taught how to run a farm, grow vegetables and manage livestock of food, drink and eggs.

Because I didn’t go to school I never met any other kids my age, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because the nearest town was very small and there wasn’t a lot of kids around, we were isolated and lived by ourselves in the middle of nowhere, we grew our own food, had our own natural water supply so we had no need to ever go in to town.

Mom got lonely too and when I started having proper erections, she noticed my body changing and it all started one morning when mom came in to my room to wake me up, she saw my erection under my sheets and jerked me off, she explained sex to me and for weeks she would always come in to my room in the morning and either jerk or suck me off, I needed the release and mom needed male company, or more accurately, she craved cock.

One night mom asked if I would sleep in her bed with her and that’s the night I lost my virginity, my mom was only 29 and still very attractive and she had an amazing body, we had sex numerous times that night and it didn’t bother either of us that we were mother and son, we became passionate lovers, but a few months later she got bigger and was having cramps and being sick, she was pregnant with my child.

We stopped having sex and 7 months later she went in to labour, there were no doctors around so mom talked me through what to do, I’d helped deliver calf’s and piglets on the farm and it was quite similar, the baby was born, it was a healthy baby girl, we called her Chloe.

A few months later and our nightly sex sessions continued, but mom quickly became pregnant again, we had another baby girl, we called her Emma.

Mom couldn’t bare having any more babies, she said her body couldn’t take it, so she drove all the way to the city and got treatment so she couldn’t get pregnant ever again.

Fast forward to when Emma and Chloe were 12/13, they joined mom and I in the family bed, I popped their cherries and got both of them pregnant at the same time, they each had a baby girl, a year later they got pregnant again and had baby girls again, I started to think that maybe my seed would only ever produce females.

When my granddaughters were old enough, I took their virginities in the family bed and got them all pregnant, I also got Emma and Chloe pregnant again and the house was very quickly filling up with babies.

I slept with all of my granddaughters until finally one gave birth to a son, Tom, who in simple terms was my great grandson.

The cycle of incest continued, while impregnating my grandchildren and great grandchildren I could keep having sex with my daughters and getting everyone pregnant, keeping it all in the family.

I’m now in my 50s and I can’t keep this up for much longer so my great grandson has turned 12 and he is now taking over my family duties as “head cock” of the house, he’s already impregnated his grandmother and three of his aunties.

It’s hard work running a farm whilst being the only man in the house and having to sexually satisfy 30+ women and girls and keep multiplying like rabbits.

Tom has his work cut out for him but I’m sure he can handle it, he’s still young after all, I just hope his seed can produce some baby boys to help him out before the family cock becomes extinct.

As for me, well, I’m too old to keep going and I need a rest, although I’ll probably give Tom’s girls a try when they’re old enough, if I can still get it up.