Over the garden fence – part one

I spy on my neighbour, like what I see and arrange a meeting

When I was growing up I was the only child and had the second largest bedroom in the house. But when Grandpa came to visit, he had my room and I moved to a smaller room with a single bed. I didn’t mind, a change is as good as a rest, they say.
When I was 17, coming up to 18, we moved house. But the arrangement when Grandpa came was still the same. So, a month or so after the move into the new house, I was sleeping in the single room for the first time. My usual room looked over the road in front of the house, the new one looked over the back garden. Beyond our garden was a fence and on the other side of that fence was the back garden of a house in a road running parallel to our road. And, of course, the back of that house was facing our windows. It was maybe about sixty yards away.
My first morning, waking up in the new room, it was summer. I drew the curtains. The rising sun was up, and was shining right into a window of the house opposite. I could see into the room, it was almost directly opposite my window and it was a single room like mine. I could see on the left of the room a dressing table with drawers and a mirror and at the back of the room was a door then I saw part of a wardrobe.The bed must obviously be longways against the wall on the right, I couldn’t see it. But I could see the back of someone in the room. I recognised the uniform of the local girls’ school. As I looked, the wearer left the room and closed the door.
This was looking interesting. It seems that if I’d opened my curtains and looked out, five minutes earlier or more, I might have seen something even more interesting. So, tomorrow I’ll get up earlier.
We have a telescope and also binoculars. I found them that afternoon and tested them out, looking over the gardens. I preferred the binoculars. I went to bed earlier than usual, didn’t want to oversleep. I usually get up about ten to eight but, today, it’s seven thirty. I’m dressed and binoculars in hand by seven forty. The curtains are still closed in the room opposite but almost immediately they are drawn back. Through the magnifying glasses I see a girl in pajamas. Mid-length dark hair. After a quick look over the gardens she turns round, picks up a bathrobe and leaves the room.
Five minutes pass and she’s back, wearing the bathrobe, holding the pajamas. She closes the door, tosses the pajamas towards the bed and takes off the bathrobe. Wow! She’s completely naked and for a few seconds is facing me, before she turns to the dressing table and starts looking in a drawer. I must get a camera and a telephoto lens! During my brief look I’d seen a dark hairy unshaven pubic mound, a girl maybe 14, probably 15, legs look good, slim body but not too thin. But the tits! A gorgeous pair of firm but certainly not small tits.They look good when she faces the window and just as good when she’s sideways on, bending down to search the drawers.
She finds socks and puts them on, then a pantie and faces the window again to put it on, hiding the pubic hair. She hides the lovely tits in a bra, looks at herself in the mirror, puts her hands under the cups and moves them to make sure the feel and look is just right. (I’d love to do that for her!). School shirt and tie, school skirt, a light sweater. She puts on a pair of glasses. Then, school blazer in hand, she leaves the room and the door closes. The show’s over. I hope she enjoys breakfast.
In the afternoon, I’m back from school, but not as fast as I usually am. So, not quick enough. I can see she’s doing homework on the dressing table and has changed from school clothes already.
Next morning my routine’s the same and hers is too. This goes on all week. I have a daily show of that hairy mound and the lovely tits. Not sure from the long distance whether she’d win a beauty contest, maybe not, but the tits would make up for any faults, and in spades.
Weekend comes and routines change. I look, but see nothing of interest. Next Monday though, there is a change from the weekday routine. I’m looking again, and she’s there too. When she’s naked and looking in her dressing table drawer, she brings out a little belt and a sanitary pad. Facing the window, she opens her legs, puts the pad under her hairy pussy (I wish there were fewer hairs, I can’t see any pussy!) secures it and starts the rest of the usual routine.
Time passes, Grandpa’s gone back, I’m back in my own room but I go to the other room with my binoculars every morning and sometimes in the afternoons. The coming week there’s a change in my routine. Usually my father takes me to school on his way to work. Bur his work is out of town for a week. He’s manager and majority owner of the business, this week he visits the other partner who’s his main supplier. So I’ll go to school on the bus. My school, for boys only, is next to the girls’ school. So if “the girl with the tits” goes on the bus, we’ll get the same bus. I get on at my usual stop. If she gets this bus she’ll get on at the next stop, which is almost opposite her house. I’m on the upper floor of the bus and look down. Only one person waiting for the bus and, I’m sure, it is her.
She comes to the top of the bus too. She passes me and sits down further forward. When we get to the stop for the schools, I wait and she gets up and walks down facing me. She looks nice, not a beauty but OK. I get up and she looks at me with a little shy smile. Something neat about her, a Miss Prim & Proper sort of thing. Off the bus she’s walking in front of me. I’m admiring her legs again, and her very nice walk. She heads off to the girls’ school, which I pass and then arrive at my school. After school, I get the first bus home, but she’s not there.
Next morning, after my daily tit fix, I decide to go to her stop, to get the bus. I make sure to arrive early so, when she arrives, I’m there already. She looks at me with the shy smile again. “Hi, I’m Dave, I saw you on the bus yesterday”.
“Hello, I’m Helen. Nice to meet you”. We chatted and soon the bus arrived. Good manners to let the lady go first. Two advantages, first she goes up the stairs ahead of me, showing off those very nice legs. If her skirt was any shorter than it is, I’d be able to see her blue pants. Yes, I know she has blue ones today! Second advantage, I can be sure to sit next to her. We talk and after we get off, we walk together. She talks, I talk, I like her and she’s friendly. She’s expecting to get the first bus home, today. So am I. “See you after school!”
I arrive at the bus stop. She’s waiting. There are a few others there (including Stephanie who I’ve fancied for a while but I’m too shy to talk to) but Helen’s not talking to any of them.
“Hello again Helen, had a good day?” We’d both had an OK day. “Something I should tell you. We’re neighbours. My family moved into the house behind yours a few weeks ago, our garden’s behind your garden fence”.
Helen was interested to know where my room was. “My room’s at the front of the house but I was using the smaller room at the back for a while, while my Grandpa was visiting”. She didn’t comment, but I got the feeling that she was considering possibilities.
I continued “If we’re neighbours, we could be friends too. I’ve never had a girlfriend, I’m too shy. I like you and I’d love it if you’d be my girlfriend”. She smiled “I like you too. I’ll have to talk to my parents. I know you’re in your second year sixth form and I’m only just 14, they might say you’re too old”. I thought, Miss Prim & Proper she is.
“I thought you were about 15, how did you know what form I’m in”.
“Asked a few questions, some girls at school know who you are. We all talk about boys”. Next morning, I had my binoculars ready and watched the curtains open, over the gardens. Helen was looking right at my window. The morning sun was shining into her room, I could see her but I thought she wouldn’t be able to see into my room. It seems that I was wrong as, when she came back in her bathrobe, she looked across to my room and waved. Oh my god, she’s seen me, have I blown my chances? Anyway I waved back and kept on looking.
She was a little nearer the window than usual when she opened her bathrobe, slower than usual. She removed it and, facing me, put her hands under her lovely breasts, lifted them a little, and pushed them together. I blew a kiss to her, over the gardens. Her left hand was still lifting one breast and the right hand went down between her legs. She began fingering her pussy, masturbating herself for a minute. She put a finger in the air, put it back down and it appeared that, hidden by the pubic hair, she was finger fucking her pussy. The finger went into her mouth, she waved again and resumed her usual routine.
I went to the bus stop, wondering what to say. Luckily she spoke first “I hope you enjoyed the show, Dave”.
“It looks like you don’t mind me watching. I nearly didn’t watch this morning. It seemed OK when I didn’t know who I was watching, but now I know you and I really like you, it might seem disrespectful. I didn’t think you’d see me, the sun shines the other way”.
“I don’t mind, it turned me on”. We got on and off the bus, talked until we got to school. I asked her “Did you ask your parents about us yet?” Helen said “Not yet, I need to try something out first. Make sure to get the bus after school, I’ll have something for you”.
So, after school, I was at the bus stop. Helen said “You’ve got binoculars. I’ve got a telescope and you’d be amazed how good it is. So one show deserves another, it’s your turn next. I’ve something to give you when we get off the bus and I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it”. We got off, and from her schoolbag Helen brought out a little bag. “I was so turned on this morning, my pussy was dripping and I knew my panties would be soaked by the time I got to school. So I took another pair and the wet ones are in this little bag. You need to show me how you use them, tomorrow morning”.
I said “I thought you were Miss Prim & Proper. But you’re a 14 year old sexbomb! OK, I’ll see what I can do, but not tomorrow morning. My parents will be around and it’s too risky then. They’re out now until 5.30, maybe now, when I get home in a few minutes? You change from your school clothes, let me see your lovely body again and I’ll work something out”. She agreed. I said, if I’m going to do that, I deserve a kiss. Is that OK?” I kissed her gently on the lips, she responded sweetly but briefly. She said “More next time, all the windows in this road have eyes. If my mother tells me tomorrow that she’s had a report that a boy got off the bus with me and then kissed me, it’ll be no surprise”.
So, very soon I’m home. Binoculars at the ready and when I looked over the gardens through them, I got a wave so I waved back. Helen started removing her clothes and very soon was facing me, naked. Every time I see her naked my dick’s stiff. I opened her little bag and took out the panties. Stretched them out to see them properly and the crotch area is soaking wet. I put them to my nose then to my mouth and taste her juice. Right, this is it. I have to take my trousers off. Now my underpants. I’m facing her with my stiff dick pointing at the window. No binoculars but I can see Helen’s watching with the telescope to her right eye, held in one hand. The other hand is massaging her left tit, then moves to her pussy. I can’t help wondering how powerful the telescope is, as I start wanking myself. I’m nervous but it’s starting to feel good. I hold her panties round my dick, making sure the juicy wet crotch is in direct contact with my bell-end and I realise this wetness is making the wank better and better. Keep going, it’s cumming and I spurt my spunk into the panties. I’ve had plenty wanks before but this is quite different.
Helen’s still playing with her pussy as I start putting my clothes back on. I try to signal to her, go down to the garden fence and I’ll meet you there. I put the spunk soaked panties back in the bag and take the bag and the binoculars downstairs. I arrive at the fence, mostly there are trees and bushes close to it on both sides but there’s a spot where we can meet. She comes down to meet me. “Here are my binoculars, can I swap for your telescope for the night?” She went back and returned with the telescope. I gave her the bag. “These really need washing now but I hope that you enjoy them first. That wank was incredible, with your wetness against my cock I could almost imagine we were having sex together”. She looked into the bag, opened the panties and if she hadn’t realised it before, now she saw my white juice all over her blue panties. She looked up and I kissed her, this time she put her arms round me and held me close, the kiss went on and our tongues played together.
“You passed the test” she said “I’ll ask my parents tonight. Try the telescope in the morning, I think you’ll be surprised!” I wasn’t waiting for the morning. I went up and looked through them towards the window. Helen wasn’t there but the power was amazing, I could see every detail of the pattern on the wallpaper behind the dressing table, hadn’t even known there was a pattern on it before. Helen must have had a great view of my dick, hope she liked what she saw. I can’t wait for the morning show.

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