Patient X #2

I got up the nerve to look for my former patient

4 months later…
I’d gotten another job at a different hospital but refused to get into any trouble. My stomach barely showed but I often thought about my sperm donor and the things I did to have this baby growing inside of me. Just like any other night I was having those same thoughts replay in my head. Instead of finding another patient to mount, I brought my joy with me. Packed with AA batteries and quick satisfaction at the tip of it. I excused myself to one of the private restrooms in the lobby, ran some water to drown out the buzz, sat on the toilet and went to work on my clit with my manufactured dildo. After a few minutes I slipped it inside me placing it in the perfect spot and squirt into the toilet. I washed and dried my “friend” and put it away. Back to work I go…

Pleasing myself was becoming boring and my urges were getting stronger. One day while I was off and playing in my pussy I decided to look for my sperm donor. I googled the name I got off his chart and not too much info came up. I went to social media and typed his name in and his picture popped up. He was out on a yacht sipping a cocktail in his profile picture. I liked the picture and logged off. I wondered if he’d see it and if he’d respond. I went back to my fantasy of how things would be if he were there pleasing me himself and brought myself to another climax. Days went by with no indication that he saw it and I was ready to give up. I went on my lunch break and clicked on my social media and had a new message and friend request. I decided to read the message first (since they don’t know you’ve read it unless you respond). It said “I’ve been waiting for you, and from the looks of it you may have something for me. No?”. The element of surprise was ruined by the lack of privacy I had on my page. I didn’t know what else to do but act clueless. I accepted his requests and responded to his message with “and what would I have for you??” I took time to go through his page while waiting for a response. I quickly learned that the woman who was in the room that day was his wife, & he had an accident that landed him in the hospital.

The notifications tab lit up letting me know I had a new message. I clicked on it and he was asking to meet up because he had a lot of questions. I was skeptical, scared, nervous… all of the above but I also figured a conversation would ease both of our curiosity. I agreed to meet him at a Starbucks the following day since I’d have time to spare before my shift. We continued to chat about random things before signing off. The next day I walked into Starbucks and ordered me a refresher. I had about 3 hours to spare before my scheduled nap before work. He walked in and spotted me seated at a table for 2, went to order him a drink and joined me. We introduced ourselves and then I asked him about his message. He asked if there was anything I needed to get off my chest before he answered me. I shook my head no and waited for his reply. He chuckled and said well either you don’t feel bad about it or you’re hoping I don’t remember. My eyebrows scrunched together trying to put my finger on which part he was referring to. I wasn’t giving myself up, I wouldn’t admit to more than he already knew. I smiled lightly still waiting for him to say what he knew. He recounted the times I came into his room and fucked him. He also told me that I wasn’t the only one. I thought back to the male nurse I saw taking advantage of him before I did. I was shocked that he remembered all of that. I assumed because I was the one who woke him that it was the reason he remembered me. We chatted for a while and he asked if I wanted to go somewhere private to talk. I agreed and he gave me an address.

While driving to the location I was trying to think of an apology while panicking at the same time. What if he press charges, why am I meeting him?, is this a setup? Question after question ran through my head but I kept following the GPS. Once I arrived I noticed it was a pier or boat lot. He was standing outside the gate waiting for me. We walked along the path until we made it to his boat. The thing was huge. It was fully staffed and although I knew they were there they were never seen unless requested.

We got back into the conversation about what happened during his stay at the hospital and out of habit my eyes watched his crotch. Either he was fully erect or he’d grown in the time I hadn’t saw him. When he noticed where my thoughts were he became quiet, stood up, pulled his penis out, came over to stand directly in front of me. “See something you like”? He asked while my mouth was agape and embarrassment turned my cheeks red. Again he chuckled and my eyes shot up to his and his hips darted forward awarding my tongue with the flesh I’d been craving for months. I felt like a statue, but my glands were very aware of what was going on and moistened my mouth to help him glide inside. By the time it (his dick being in my mouth) fully registered, he was in my throat, way past the point of me gagging to keep him from going further. I just relaxed and slowly leaned back on the lounge chair I’d been sitting in on the deck. He kept his pace and place in my throat and was almost straddling my face.

The sun was setting so we didn’t really have to hide because it was getting dark fast. But I’m positive someone saw us or was somewhere watching. That thought turned me on and I sucked on him; he stiffened and emptied himself down my throat. He slowly fucked his way out of my mouth telling me the pull my panties from under my dress. He let he dick trail down my body from my lips and when he got to my pelvis he lifted my dress up and said “I hope these lips are just as wet”. He centered himself and shoved his dick in with one motion. This was nothing like when I rode him when he was half dead. He was fully aware of everything and his dick was bigger than I remembered. His strokes were hard and deep. He leaned forward and asked if I remembered. I shook my head no and he fucked me harder. I was a mess. Wetter than I’d ever been, hornier than I’d ever been, and more turned on than I could ever remember. He asked me again and I shook my head no. He stopped and stood up, lifting me off the chair. He walked over to the ledge and placed my ass on it. It was like a patio so I laid all the way back. I was no match for him. I was overwhelmed with dick but because I was pregnant and my vagina was juicy and plush it felt great. He was up on his knees fucking forward and decided it was time I heard the truth. As he’s telling me verbatim what I said to him when I rode him in the hospital; his hands slid to my neck and he squeezed. With every move he tightened his grip. He licked my face and roared in my ear. I hadn’t noticed how deep his voice was until this moment. I don’t know how many times I’d cum but I didn’t really care. A few more strokes and his pace begin to slow, his grip eased, the breath I never knew I was holding came out, my legs were weak, and I felt paralyzed overall. It was the best feeling in the world. Still panting, I turned to look at him as he stared back at and me and asked “so what are we having?”. I peeled my eyes back up from his glistening dick and looked at him. That’s when it dawned on me that he truly knew everything. It wasn’t just sex talk anymore. I was facing the man that I’d raped and gotten pregnant by.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅