Pee Nuts

The first thing I really remember was seeing a boy’s privates over at the baby sitter’s, and he even let me play with them!

Mrs. Stemple was old, retired, and a widow, but she made a little extra money watching us kids. Which basically ment letting us play at her house. She had a swing set with a slide, and a kiddy pool to splash in during the summer, but that was pretty much it for adult supervision. She just sat up on the porch, and watched us to make sure nobody got hurt, or drowned.

If you needed a snack, ask her, and she’d make ants on a log, or sometimes grilled cheese with tomato soup for all the kids. Chicken nuggets weren’t a thing, but hot dogs rolled up in tortillas with a slice of velveta to melt with the hot-dog, that kind of thing. She wasn’t in great shape, so she got tired easily, and had to go out to take a break often.

If you had to take a nap, she had a couch, her own bed, and a spare bedroom with 2. One on either side, instead of bunk beds, no dressers, or cribs, but you get the idea. So, I was feeling sleepy, and I went to find some place to take a nap. There was a boy in there, I don’t remember his name, but he wasn’t that much older.

He rolled over when I came in, and sat up, but before I climbed on the other bed, he stood up, and pulled down his pants. “Lookit!” He had an erection, but we’re still talking about a little boy. He grinned, and he still had all his baby teeth, but I’d potty trained (She had potties, and toilets in both bathrooms, too.)

I didn’t have any of that, because I was a girl. So, I turned around, and played with his balls. Mostly, yeah his peepee was standing up, but I didn’t know what that ment, and his hairless little balls were more fun to play with. I stuck a finger out, to wiggle it back and forth, and make his testes bounce around in there.

He stopped jumping up and down, to get down on his knees so his crotch was easier for me to reach. It was still way over my head, but I could reach up, and he let me play with them until he lost his erection. That was it, but then he pulled up his pants and left. So, I crawled into his bed, it was still warm, and I curled up to take a nap.

I pretty much forgot about it, until the next time I had to go potty. I was at home, but I remembered all the funny things he had sticking out, and hanging in his undies. He also had typical boy underwear with a fly, but I didn’t get to see him use it. So, I sat down to pee, and wipe with some toilet paper. Then, I dumped the bucket in the toilet, and flushed, but then I got mommy’s haircut mirror out of the drawer.

She only got it out when she gave you a haircut, to let you see what she’d done, and how you look with bangs, or the sticks and tangles cut out, because we rolled around in the leaf pile until it was wrecked. I couldn’t really see much in there as far as I could bend over without falling down. So, I put the mirror on the floor, and spread my knees in the bath mat to get a good look.

I thought his pee nuts were what he kept his pee in, only on the outside, instead of the inside. I also found the wrong hole, but I just peed, and dried it with toilet paper. So, it was dry, and I didn’t think of using spit, or anything else for lube. I just wiggled my finger in carefully, so it loosened up, and worked it’s way in deeper until I could feel my bladder.

I have no idea what happened to my hymen. If I had one that was in the way, and I broke it, I don’t remember any pain, or bleeding. So, it couldn’t have been that traumatic, but at that point it was just anatomical curiosity. It was my body, and I explored it, to find out things like I could squeeze the pee out from the inside, if I wanted. I also stuck things like marbles in there to pop back out for fun, but I didn’t show anyone those tricks.

It was fun, and it felt good, but not orgasmic. I didn’t orgasm for years, and it had to wait until I got a boyfriend. He was an older boy, and he hung around the playground after school, even though he didn’t have any little brothers, or sisters to watch. He was in middle school, so he had to be 11-13, and he was ejaculating, but he didn’t have much hair in there.

He was a child molester, which almost goes without saying, but he was watching the older girls run around. The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders that had something to show for it. Training bras, if not hookup bras with AA cups. He was horny, and he had a boner he rubbed in his pants behind the fence.

So, I came around the outside, where I could see his hand rubbing his crotch, and I had some basic idea what he was doing. I giggled, and he ran off when he saw me, but he came back another day on lunch. Of course he came back, and I ran up on the inside of the fence to talk about him playing with his “Peenuts.” I asked him if it was sticking up, and he invited me around the gate to show me.

We left together, and I skipped the rest of school. Lunch/Recess/Naptime, after you finished eating you could go out to the playground, or put your head down at your desk if you’re sleepy. He skipped school to watch the playground, especially for girls doing stuff like cartwheels, summersaults, or hanging up side down in skirts or dresses, but I had pants on.

So did he of course, but he pulled them out to play with as soon as we got in the bushes. He told me about sex, even though my mom had a baby, and I knew what breasts were for. She still hadn’t told me how babies are made, or the doctor got him out of her belly, but I had a little brother. I helped him potty train, and I didn’t even think about molesting him. Either he didn’t get boners, or he didn’t drop his pants to show me, but I’d seen him peeing, helping him potty train.

I also found my pee hole, squeezing the pee out from the inside with a finger, but he showed me how to get it wet. First, he stuck it in my mouth, and let me suck him off? He didn’t make me, but sitting down on my feet ment his balls were right there, where I could play with them, while he slipped his dick in, and out of my mouth.

I really liked playing with the few hairs he had on them, and there were several more up front where I could see them. Too many to count, but not what you’d call a bush. Most of them weren’t even long enough to curl, and twirl around with his fingertips, but he finally started shooting his wad in my mouth. I spit it out, but when he finished beating off in my face, I tasted it, and wiped it off with my fingers to look at it.

“That’s not pee.” I realized, but I felt it come out of his peenuts, or at least his PCM twitch when he pumped it out, with his balls in my fingers.

“No, it’s jizm.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, it’s what I shoot in your pussy to get you pregnant.”

“My what?” I laughed, but I wiped off my face, and ate it while he told me about the birds, and bees. Then, he pulled my pants out, and let me sit on his face for oral sex until he got it up again, and then we switched places so I could spread my legs, he could pull my butt up off the ground, and hold them until he found the hole, and worked his way in.

I didn’t pee, not even a little! I was proud of myself for that, but he fucked me for what seems like forever until I got bored, and told him “I don’t want to play this any more, get off.” So he pulled out, and let me sit up. I watched him beat off again, and played with his balls to feel them twitch when he shot his second cumming all over my lap. I wiped up what I could, and pulled my pants up over the rest, but I ate it. I loved it, and I thought it was yummy, but mostly learned my favorite game to play, a little better.

He came back after school, and he brought dirty magazines like Playboys and Penthouse to look at. So, I stopped waiting for mommy and daddy to pick me up. Mommy was “Worried sick!” but by then he already told me the rules. It was part of the game, but of course one of the most important ones was that it’s private. Our little secret, and you’d get in trouble if any grownups ever found out you’re playing it, so young.

So, I played innocent, and held my tongue, until it was time to play with him after school again. He fingered me in both holes, then my pussy with his dick in my butt, and vice versa. He liked to go back and forth, stick it in my pussy, then my butt. He really liked cuming in my crotch, and butt crack, then stuffing it in with his fingers, but I’d rather it went in the other end, so I could eat it.

I had to’ve been 6, or 7, so half his age when we got started, but then he got a real girlfriend. Closer to his age anyway, with boobs and stuff. He was in high school, and I think she was probably in middle school, but I don’t know. I never saw her, let alone got to talk to her, and he’s the kind of boy that lies, but at least he broke up with me. Instead of just leaving, and letting me wonder if he was dead, or why he never came back, but I wasn’t in love.

I didn’t even think it was love for more than a minute, it was barely even sex for me at that point. It was sex play, and he was my playmate, but I was still too young to really have sex, to the point of orgasms. I remembered him though, and masturbated until I started getting them. And then I met other boys, who really appreciated how experienced I was in bed.

Some of them were disappointed that I wasn’t a virgin at first, but they got over it as soon as I told them “A virgin wouldn’t know how to do this!” Then something dirty, but I love anal, and blowjobs. Teabagging, and even rimming if he lets me wash his asshole out real good first.

I finally fell in love with a boy in high school, who loved anal as much as me, and he turned 18 first. So, he could buy buttplugs, and other sex toys to share, and fuck each other with. I got a strapon harness for my birthday to surprise him with, and really play the man, but I guess that’s a whole nother story…