Pig Pickin’

My sister was almost 3 years older, so she went through all this before me.

When I was 12, we had to stay inside all year, and I didn’t really get a chance to show off my bras. When I got them, because I had enough to fill up A cups.

She never told me about Jimmy Benson. Old man Benson, he had a smoker. A big one, so he could buy a whole hog (Except the head) and Barbeque.

He told everyone that would stand around long enough to listen: “Where I’m from, pulled pork ain’t the Barbeque. That’s just the leftovers.” One of the last chances he got to do a Pig Pickin’ was Thanksgiving Weekend.

It didn’t take all weekend, just overnight, but the whole neighborhood was invited. It was always a big party, “Now that’s the Barbeque.” It’s called that, because everyone showed up with little mops, and picked at it with knifes, and forks, while it’s cooking.

Otherwise, the skin is so tough, and the fat so thick that the smoke doesn’t get in the meat, but he uses Hickory, and Pecan. The sauce is thin, and runny, in vinegar gallons, he cuts the tops off to stick mops in.

Then, he cuts the skin off, and fries it up, with rendered fat to make smokey pork rinds, and I’m not a big fan of those out of the bag. “Chicharrones” the Spanish kids call them, but I make an exception for the smokey ones, fresh out of the fat.

Now, old man Benson is old, but his son Jimmy. He’s older, as old as my dad, and uncles, but my big sister started getting attention from boys, when I was about that age. She stood back in the corner, with all the neighborhood boys gathered around here, even with her big down vest on over her 32Cs.

That’s what got her all the attention, and made all the other girls jealous. At least the other Sophomores, that didn’t have boyfriends of their own at school, but she likes to play the field. She dates, but even if they call her back once she gets their number, she says she hasn’t found “The one.” The right guy, she wants to keep, but don’t listen to all the rumors about her being a slut.

She’s not, just because she usually gets some action on the first date. She’s a teenage girl, she has needs too, and there’s no telling if she’ll get a second date. Even if she does put out, but she doesn’t. Not all the way, but there’s all kinds of stuff you can do, without going all the way. So, she’s still a virgin, in a way, at least she hasn’t given up her last virginity, but you don’t have to spend it all in one place.

On one guy, before you find out whether or not he can please you, or will even bother to once he gets his. That’s the problem with most high school boys, she says: One, and they’re done. They lose interest after they blow it, and a lot of them blow it early, too. Then what, a fingerbang? Only if they know how to, which most of them don’t. The same goes for oral sex, I tried that but only with other girls.

Mostly her bisexual friends, since she’s straight, and she can get any boy she wants with those eye catchers of her’s. Any girls too, if she was interested, but they settled for me. After they come over to get all hot, and bothered, but that’s kinda fun. I never got to make it with a boy though, let alone a full grown man. Locked up just when I was really starting to show, which is kinda unfair, at least to me.

So, I had my jacket off, since it was hot over by the smoker, and the fryer. Once I ate my fill, I went back in the house to wash my greasy fingers, and my face, so I could put on my mask again. Jimmy was outside, but I wasn’t paying attention until I came out of the restroom, and I saw him on the couch, waiting for me.

“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he said, but standing up, while he was sitting down, that left my chest right at eye level.

“Oh,” he didn’t even look up, “that’s because I’m visiting my cousin, Jill.” That’s me, but since he didn’t recognize me with the mask on, I figured it was a chance to show off, without getting a reputation for being a slut. Even if it came true, you don’t want people talking about it. So, I guess that’s one good thing that comes from having to wear a mask, whenever you’re outside the house.

“Well,” he got up, but not before I got to see him with his legs spread wide open, and his pant leg pulled tight over his dong. “Let me show you around.” He straightened it out, heading back down the hall where no one else could see it, except me. “What a coinkidink, I’m just visiting my old man, but I’m staying in here.” He opened up the guest bedroom, and touched my back. To gently guide me in, but his hand slipped down to brush my butt.

I turned around, as soon as he closed the door, and stuck my hand in between his legs. “Is this what you wanted to show me?” I thought it was all the way hard, but then I felt it, squishing out of my fingers, so I followed it back, and rubbed it up and down.

“Well, now.” he put his arm around, under mine, and pulled me in to his smokey shirt. It wasn’t just hickory, but also tobacco. No real surprise, I’d seen him smoking his pipe, and being from North Carolina. You know that Pulled Pork is only the second most famous thing to come out of there.

“Huh!” I pulled my mask back up over my nose, reluctantly. I didn’t realize that, he was watching me the whole time, out by the smoker. Taking my turn, and more than my fair share of turns mopping the side, and dipping cracklin’s out of the fryer, but I couldn’t blow them off, and eat them without pulling down my mask.

So, he lied, when he pretended not to recognize me, and nodded politely when I told him about visiting “My cousin, Jill.” He knew damned well it was me, and he just didn’t notice me before I started busting out.

I guess I had grown a whole cup size since 4th of July. The last time he came over to help his old man with the smoker. He was getting on in years, and couldn’t do it all himself. So he had his youngest boy, Jimmy stop by to help him out. While he was there he appreciated all the girls in their skimpy summer outfits. At least the ones with something to show, but I had put on a little weight.

Not just in the chest, but there wasn’t much else to do around the house but cook. I wasn’t getting much exercise, and a lot of it went to my chest, but also it’s not like anyone outside of my immediate family could see me putting on weight. When I was in 6 grade, I didn’t dare let myself go, but now I was supposed to be starting Middle School, and my sister says it’s even worse there.

“Huh,” I pulled out a chair, from underneath the desk he was using as a bedside table, and that’s when I realized it was actually a sewing table. Oh yeah, I remember when Mrs. Benson used to sew, but now she was in the kitchen. Mixing up a big batch of red slaw in the salad bowl, and stirring a pot of greens on the stove. So, we didn’t have to worry about her checking in on her son, in the guest room.

I suppose she stopped sewing, but she made that quilt, and crocheted the afghan over the back of the sofa in the living room. Before her joints started swelling up, and hurting, especially in winter, so she must’ve quit. Put her sewing machine away, in the guest room, since her children all grew up, and moved out.

“Your cousin didn’t used to eat as good as you when she was your age.” He sat down, and rubbed my tummy, but his other hand went up my back, to my bra strap. I shook my head, confused for a minute until I realized he was talking about my big sister. Of course, if I was Jill’s cousin, that would make her my cousin too.

“Huh,” well I pulled out the chair in the first place so he’d make a lap to sit in. I put my arm around him, and let him feel up from my tummy to my loose bra. Push the cup out of the way, and squeeze it through the top of my dress. “Yeah, well I’ve been sitting around the house back home, since this virus thing started. So, I put on a little weight.”

“Well, I can’t say I mind it, you got plenty up here where it counts.”

“Well, why don’t you unbutton my dress,” in the back, “So I can get this bra all the way off?” He still had his wang down his pantleg, but now it was sticking up enough to rub the head with the back of my leg. Even through his pant leg, and my tights, I could feel it, and got a dirty thrill from it being so close to my crotch.

My hot panties, starting to feel really damp, and muggy from his body heat. I wasn’t just warming up, I was burning up. So, it was a relief when he slipped the arm off my shoulder, so I could slip my hand out of my long sleeve. He took my bra half off, but then went right back to my boob, bare handed this time.

“Huh!” I scooted out to his kneed, and felt in his crotch for his zipper. “Can you unbutton your pants?”

“Yeah, get up, and take your clothes off.” I shook my head, pulling my dress, and bra off.

“Um, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m still a virgin, and I’d like to keep it that way.” But then, he pulled down hit underwear, and his boner out. Boxer shorts, of course that how it dangled down his pant leg in the first place. “Huh!” He held it up, but moved his thumb when i reached out for it. Sat back down, and scooted back up his lap.

“Not at all, I like it better when a girl’s got a little meat on her bones.”

“Uh huh?” I spread my legs, and turned around to straddle his knees, then sat down to hump it into my butt crack. Through the seat of my tights, and underpants, but he just put his one arm around me, and stuck his other hand in my crotch. “Huh, it’s so big and hard.”

“Yeah, and your big ass feels nice and soft on it.”

“Huh, yeah.” I just closed my eyes, and enjoyed the way it felt.

“Your sister sure was boney when she was your age.”

That just told me that he knew damned well who I really was, and the mask was so hot, I saw no reason to keep it on any more. “Huh, yeah. And not as busty?”

“Yeah, you got a little more titty then she used to.” He squeezed out my nipple. “Big fat nipples too.”

“She suck your dick?” I was so hungry, I just turned around, and got down. Spread his legs once he dropped his pants around his ankles, and held it out where I could lick, and kiss the head. It didn’t take long to figure out what I guess I already knew. It doesn’t take much to suck a guy off, once you get him hard.

“No, not like this, but oh god, you’re a good little cock sucker, ainchu?” I just nodded, holding the head in my mouth, careful not to scrape it with my teeth, but he brushed my hair out of my face so I could look up at him. Push his shirt up, and feel his chest.

I guess I figured since he was so fit, he’d like skinny athletic chicks better, but I was wrong. He told me later, he doesn’t really care. one way or another, “Anything between pushing them out of the way, and banging against bone is good for me, but any more’n a handful is just a waste.”

“Like my sister’s?” He nodded, but he didn’t tell me much more. I had to ask her when we got home, and the door closed so we could talk in our room.

“I got a turkey dinner!” I bragged, but she knew exactly what I ment, because she told me that joke in the first thing. Houlding her hand up to make “Gobble gobble gobble!” noises, pretending to wring it’s neck.

“Oh yeah? With who?”

“You know Jimmy Benson.”

“Jimmy, or Jimmy Junior?”

“Uh, Mr. Benson’s son?” I shook my head, “There’s two of them?”

“Yeah, didn’t you see them at the party?”

“No, but I guess he was in with the crowd of boys all around you. He as big as his old man?” Well, not that old, old to me. Old enough to have a teenage boy.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it.”

“Hard to believe there’s a dick in town you haven’t seen, yet.”

“Well, he doesn’t live here, he’s probably on his way back to Jhonston County with his family.”

“Oh no. They’ll be here all week.”

“Oh yeah? So how was it?”

“Well,” I sat down, on my bed. She was already sitting down on her’s. “He told me that he used to fool around with you, when you’re my age, and you never told me?”

“No? I’m not one to kiss and tell, you know that.”

I scoffed, “Since when?”

“Well, I supposed he was the first. Guy I really got to kiss, and he just ate me out. That’s all, he kept his pants on, and everything. That’s why I never gave Jimmy Junior a chance. It didn’t feel right fooling around with him, after fooling around with his old man.”

“So that’s why you won’t let your bi friends eat you out?” I guessed.

“What bi friends?” I giggled, and covered my mouth. To hold it in, realizing I already gave away too much. “Wait, you haven’t been sleeping around with my friends?” I shook my head, but she didn’t believe it. “Which ones?”

“I’m not supposed to tell.”

“Huh, well.” She thought, “Never mind, I probably don’t want to know, but you’re bisexual, really?”

“Well, yeah but you’re changing the subject. When was this, you and Jimmy.”

“Jimmy Senior.” I nodded, so she looked up. “Well, I guess it all started when I was on summer break.”

“Which summer?”

“Uh, a couple years ago.” She stopped, and even closed her eyes to think. “I guess between 6, and 7th grade.”

“So, right before you started Jr. High.”

“Yeah, uh huh? Well, he was over there, getting ready for the big 4th of July picnic, and we’re heading back from the pool.”

“What pool?”

“Oh, Jenny’s house?” I nodded, since she was the only one we knew who had a pool. “I saw him pulling out the smoker from the garage, so I asked him if they’re getting a pig. He stopped what he was doing, and he noticed the swimsuit I had on.”

“Which one?”

“Oh, my first bikini?”

“The one with the ruffles.”

“Yeah, the blue, and yellow one.” It had a sort of skirt around the bottom. So it covered up your butt, and the tops of your legs when you wore it. I wore it after she outgrew it, but the top was string bikini style, so she could tie it on as tight as she needed to, as she grew into it. “I was just filling it out, but then he invited me in, and took my top off in the garage. One thing led to another, and he said I probably had some hair on it, too.”

“So, you took the bottoms off?”

“Yeah, but I was shaved all over for summer, and he said he didn’t mind, but with the smoker out of there, he could lay down on the crawler.”

“The what?”

“You know that skateboard thing mechanics use to roll under a car, when it’s up on jacks?”

“Oh yeah.” I nodded.

“Well, that’s a crawler, or at least that’s what he called it. But anyway, he lay down on that so I could sit on his face, and he ate me out. Feeling me up until I got my first orgasm that way.” She took a deep breath, and sighed. “Huh, I guess that’s why I never really enjoyed anybody else, giving me oral sex. I’m spoiled, since he’s so good at it, it was never the same any time anybody else did it.” She blinked, and shook her head. “Let me guess, Chloe?”

“I’m not going to tell,” but I didn’t have to. Sounds like she got both of us curious.

“Huh, well you’d think that a girl could do it, at least as well as any man.”

“Maybe with more practice, but if you think about it, he’s probably got years more practice. So, he’s really that good?”

“Huh, yeah. Amazing.”

“Well, I’m a little sorry he didn’t offer, but honestly? I couldn’t wait to get my turkey dinner.”

“With gravy?”

“Oh yeah. I swallowed every last drop.”

“That’s my girl.” She wasn’t even jealous! Which I was a little afraid of, but I shouldn’t have. She doesn’t care about cheating, and she’d be a big old hippocrite even if she did. Especially some guy she had oral sex with once, years ago.

Even if he was her first. I guess he was a first for both of us, even though the oral sex went the other way for her from me. “Well, maybe I should ask his son, if his old man taught him anything, about oral sex.”

“Maybe we both should.”

“You mean it?”

“Well, he’s too tall for 69ing.”

“Is he?” Not surprising, all the girls are petite in our family. That’s why we look so busty, or at least I will, as I keep growing…

“Yeah, maybe we should stop by there before they leave, and see if they’re up for a foursome.”

“Huh, yeah.” I lay down, and pulled the covers over when she turned out the light. “See if like father like son is true.”

“Or if like big sister is like little sister.”

“Huh, yeah. Does Jimmy like your big boobs?”

“Jimmy Junior.”

“Yeah, his dad mentioned that. He said if you have to push them out of the way, it’s too much.”

“Sph!” She scoffed. “Yeah right, he just likes to molest tweenage girls. Is that what he told you?”

“Hahaha, yeah. I guess.”

“Well, don’t listen to that bullshit. The truth is, guys like that will tell you anything to make you feel older, then leave you when you get too old.”

“Oh.” She would know. Then, we shut up, and tried to masturbate quietly, but I had plenty to think about, the whole time…

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