Playing Dirty

I honestly don’t remember how old we were, so I’m just going to say I was 8, he was under 16, and my babysitter was in Jr. High.

My mom, and dad had to work, so just about every other day, I had to go over to a neighbor’s house after school.  One day, her mom, and dad were out too, so she had a boy over, and they were playing in her mom’s room when I came in.  The door was locked, but I could hear them laughing, and some other sounds I didn’t know were her moans.  He grunted too, and then he came out to take a shower.

He just had his pants on, but I ran back to the living room, while he was in the bathroom.  Just a 2 bedroom, one bath apartment she shared with her mom.  I got my books out, and pretended to start my homework, in case she came out and saw me.  Instead, she went in the bathroom too, so I head more laughing, and other noises, you’d call “Fapping” now.  

She got in the shower, and turned the water back on, then he went back to the bedroom to get the rest of his clothes on.  When he came back out, I asked him what they were playing in there, “It sounded like fun.”

I had some idea, because my parents were still together, and they locked the door to play bedroom games too.  Sex games, and sometimes they got affectionate before they went back to the bedroom together.  Dad sometimes touched her butt in the kitchen, or her tits out in the living room, to let her know he was feeling frisky.

There wasn’t as much laughing, and no moaning, but when I listened through the door, it sounded like they were jumping on the bed.

He just held his finger up in a silent sh, and leaned over to whisper ‘dirty games,’ with a wink.  I guess he thought I ment the bathroom, when I said in there, because then he went in the kitchen, and peed in a cup.  Right in front of me, he held his penis out in the kitchen door, and filled it almost halfway up.  He said “Drink it,” and I said “No way,” so he poured it out in the sink.

I didn’t get to see him hard that day, probably because Felicia (That’s my babysitter) satisfied him, but he still flashed me, and grossed me out.  Finally, Felicia came out of the bathroom, after he left.

“Oh, you’re early.”  She grabbed a bathrobe, and put it on.  Honestly, when I checked the clock, it was almost an hour later than I usually showed up, but she was having so much fun, she lost track of the time.

Heading back down the hall to her mom’s room, I followed her, but I just peeked in the door while she straightened up.  Smoothed out the covers on the bed, which where messed up, and put some things back in a box, that I couldn’t really see.

One was metal, shiny, and sparkly, the other was long, and flesh toned.  Her mother’s dresser had a drawer open too, but she just closed the box, and left it open.  She told me to “Finish your homework,” and took the cigar box in the kitchen, to wash the vibrator, and buttplug.

Just to spoil all the mystery, she got into her mom’s sex toys, with her boyfriend, who molested her too.  I don’t know how long, but before she put the robe on, I saw her naked.  She didn’t just shave her legs, and she was skinny, with barely any boobs to speak of.  At least she didn’t have to wear a bra, or worry about them sagging any time soon.

After she dried them off, and put them back in the cigar box, she took that back to hide it, in the back of her mother’s underwear drawer.

Oh yeah, and her mom was a big woman.  So, she had a bra drawer, and a pantie drawer.  The bras took up a lot more room, so the toybox went behind her panties, but those weren’t neatly folded.  So, she just stuffed them back in from a pile on the top of the dresser.

I was too ashamed of, well pretty much anything to ask her about it, let alone tell her that her boyfriend flashed me, but let’s just say he liked them young.  She was getting a little too old for his tastes, so he broke up with her, but he kept hanging around her street.  So, he met me at the bus stop, and said “Sammy, right?”

I nodded, and said “Samantha,” because I thought that sounded older, and less boyish, even though I didn’t mind my friends calling me Sam, or Sammy.  

“Well, Samantha.”  He put his hand up on a fence, to stop me, but I already wanted to talk to him more.  About the dirty games he liked to play with Felicia, before he broke her heart, but that ment he was single now.  So, I took him back to my house, and called Felicia’s.  “I’m doing homework over at a friend’s house, so I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow’s thursday, so I’ll see you friday.”

“Oh yeah, so I’ll see you then, then.”  I hung up, and went to get the step-ladder.  I got a cup down out of the cabinet, and turned around.  Carefully, but I had the back of the step-ladder to hold onto.  “Can I get you a drink?”  I set the cup down, and squatted, to pull the crotch of my panties aside, and tried to pee in the cup.

Most of it didn’t miss, but he grinned, and held it up.  “Cheers,” he threw it back like a shot.  “Kah!  Can I get you something to drink?”

He unzipped his fly, but I shook my head, and hopped down.  “No, you’re the pottymouth, you like the taste of pee?”

He shrugged, “Not really, but you like to look at my dick?”  He pulled it out anyway, and he said “Yeah, you do.”  He pulled it up, and held it under the head like a snake.  “It’s okay, you can touch it.”  He wrapped his fingers around mine.  “Squeeze it, squeeze it hard.”  I got the giggles, but sure enough, I could feel the blood pump in, and when he got hard enough to, he started stroking it with his hand.

“Huh!”  He hunched, and I looked up, but he stopped, and slipped his thumb up.  Off my fingers, he rubbed it on a drop of pre cum, and let go.  A little string snapped when he lifted his thumb enough, and held it up to my mouth.  I kissed it, and licked my lips.

“That’s not pee is it?”

“You like it?”

I shook my head, “It’s not bad,” even though I knew it was.  Not just a little naughty, but really bad things, I knew I shouldn’t do with a very bad boy.

“You want more?”

I nodded, but there was a little left on the head of his dick, so I bent over, and licked it.  He grabbed my hand, and started jerking off with it again.  “There’s more where that came from, huh.  I’ll give you more, yeah.  Suck it, suck it out, huh!”  He stuck it in my mouth, and gave it a couple more pumps before he shot a wad in my mouth.

“Agh!”  I wasn’t expecting it to shoot out so hard, and I gagged when it hit the back of my throat.  “Uh!”  He backed up when I let go, but he was already spraying it all over the kitchen floor.  He managed to grab a chair from the table and sit down.  Hunched over, he panted like a dog, and grunted.  

Just like I heard him grunting through the bedroom door, when he was playing with Felicia.  “Huh, fuck.  Uh!”  His dick went soft and shriveled up, but the last drops dribbled out on the seat.  “Huh, we better clean up before your mom gets home, and sees it.”  He got up, and tucked it back in his pants, but I licked it up off the seat.  It was warm, and I rubbed it around with my tongue before I swallowed.

“You like it?”  He pulled off some paper towels, and dropped them on the floor.  To mop up with his foot, but I nodded.

“It’s yummy, but if it’s not pee, what is it?”
“Jizm, or Jizz.  Cum, the real name is sperm, that’s what makes girls pregnant if it goes in the wrong place.”

I pulled my dress up, and pointed at my panties, “In here?”

“That’s right, but there’s lots of stuff I can put in there so you don’t get pregnant.”

“Like what?”

“I’ll show you later, but I better get going.  What time does your mom get home?”

I looked over at the clock on the back of the stove, “Not for another hour or 2, but my daddy could get home any minute, so you better go.  See you later?”

“After school tomorrow, but you’re not going over to Felicia’s?”

“My dad’s day off is thursday, so no.  But I can’t bring you home, because you’re a boy, and I’m not supposed to have boys over.”

“Well, I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”

I buttoned my lip, “I promise.”

He couldn’t take me home either, in fact he wouldn’t even tell me where he lived, but he promised to stick something in my pussy next time.  So, as soon as he got me behind the bushes, I already unbuttoned my pants, and bent over.  Pulling them down, I giggled, “Kiss my butt.”  Mooning him, and wiggling, but he sat down in the dirt.

“Come here,” he pulled me back, and lay down so I could sit on his face.  I made sure to drink a lot at the water fountain, and I saved my milk carton from lunch.  So, I filled that up, and drank it on the bus home.

“Agh pt!”  He shook his head, but I scooted around, and held the rest of my pee in. 

“Open your mouth, and drink it!”  This time, he gulped it down, but he didn’t make that “Kah!” noise again.  He just stuck his tongue out, and wiggled it in, so I scooted up.

“No, kiss my butt, kiss it deeper.  Ihihihn!  That tickles!”  It tickled even better than him licking my pussy, so I made him do it, until I noticed his hands rubbing his pants.  Right in front of me, so I slapped them.
“Let me do that,” I unzipped his pants, but he had to unbutton them to let his boner pop out the top.  I squeezed it hard, just liked he showed me, and even tried to wring another drop out, but while I was distracted.  He licked back down to my virgin hole, and wiggled his tongue in there again.

Finally, another clear drop of premen squeezed out, so I had to get off his face to lick it.  He grabbed my butt, and pushed me down.

“Suck it, suck me off uh!  Suck that dick, yeah.  You’re turning into a good little cock sucker!”

“Mh mh mn!”  He made me so cum hungry, I just nodded, and tried to suck it right out.  Milking it with both hands, until his legs started shaking.  

“Uhuhuhuh!”  This time, he kinda grunted, and stuttered, but I was expecting it.  So, I licked my tongue up, and blocked it, to feel it splash hot and wet under it.  “Uh fuck, you suck dick so good, little girl!”
Finally, it went soft, so I gripped the bottom tight, and pulled my thumbs up.  Adding finger after finger to the top, to make sure I wrung out ever last drop, and gulped it down in 1 shot.

“Kah!  Thanks.”

The next day, mom, and dad were both at work, so I called Felicia again from my house.  This time, I had time to think up a much better lie, so I made up a project we had to finish this weekend.

“Uh huh.”  She just hung up, but I was too ready to have more fun for cum to worry about her not believing me.  This time, he bent me over the back of the couch, and licked my holes just enough to wiggled his fingers in.  His pinky in the back, but he pointed in the front, and forced right through my cherry.

“Uh, ow!”  Without any warning, he popped it right back out.  “That hurt!” I thought he just scratched me with his nail, or something.

He sucked my virgin blood off, before I could turn around, and slipped his finger out of his mouth.  “Sorry, but it doesn’t hurt up your butt?”  I sat down, and pulled my legs up, but no matter how hard I bent over, I couldn’t see inside my pussy.

I shook my head, but he caught my legs when I let go, and pulled me out to the end of the couch.  He gave me a dirty grin, and offered to “Kiss it to make it feel better.”

“No,” I put my feet up, on his back, and pushed his head down.  “Kiss my butt, you dirty butt kisser.”  I felt a fart from him fingering me, so I pushed, and pooted right on his lips.  “Lick it, stick your tonge in there, and lick it out real good.  Uh?  Ihn!”  He licked back up to my bloody cunt, and stuck his finger in there.  Wiggling and twisting it deeper, he swirled it around, and round.  

He was just about to work another finger in when I heard a key in the lock.  “Sh!”  I pushed his shoulders with my feet, and pulled my pants up.

Then, Felicia looked in, before he even made it to the hall door.  “I knew it!”  Of course she had a key, sometimes she had to walk me home, and let me in, or others she stayed the night, and put me to bed if mom, and dad were out on a date late.  “So, that’s your friend,” she put her fingers up, “You had a ”School Project” with” to quote.

“I’m sorry, but I only lied because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“Huh, it’s okay,” she came and sat with me on the couch.

“I’m sorry I stole your boyfriend.”

“No, it’s okay, I mean it.”  She took a deep breath, and sighed.  “Huh, honestly, I’m seeing someone new, and can you keep a secret?”  I nodded, and buttoned my lip.  So, she whispered ‘i cheated on him for years!’ She bragged.

“Oh, you old boyfriend, or your new one?”

“Both, but my new boyfriend is my old one.”

“How does that work?”

“Well, your new is younger, than my boyfriend.”

“Oh,” I nodded, and shook my head.  “So, does that mean he’s got a bigger dick, too?”

“Yeah, much bigger.  And he doesn’t shave it, either.”

“Wait.”  I pointed back down the hall, where he found a window to jump out of, and left it open when he ran.  “He shaves his dick?”

“Yeah, his balls, and even his legs, too.”

I laughed, “Like a girl.”

She laughed too, “Yeah, he thinks it makes him look younger, but have you nailed him yet?”

“Nailed him?”  I shook my head, “How do you nail a boy?”

“Up the butt, with your fingers, the handle on the rolling pin…”

“Your mom’s buttplug, the one with the pink gem in the bottom?”

“Ah, huh!”  She shook her head.  “When did you find that?”

“The first time I caught you, and him, playing dirty games in the bedroom, and the bathroom.  You remember, you had to wash them off in the kitchen, but you left her pantie drawer open.  So, when I got the chance, I knew right where to look.”

“Well, let me tell you another secret then.  He doesn’t like it up the ass, he hates it, but you can make him do it anyway.”

“I can?”

“Yeah, you can make him do whatever you want, because he’s a teenager, and you’re a little girl.”

I shook my head, “That sounds backwards,” although I did make him drink my pee, I thought he liked that.  I made him kiss my butt too, but I know he likes that.

“Yeah, well, you can call the cops on him any time, and if anybody goes to jail, it’s him.”

“Oh, I don’t want to get him in trouble.  I like him he’s fun, and I like playing with him.”  He knows all the dirtiest games, and we just barely even got started!

“Yeah, I know that, and you know that, but he doesn’t have to know that.”

“So, all I have to do is lie, and say I’ll call the police, to make him let me screw him in the butt?”  I thought, “No wait, he’s way more scareder of my dad, I’ll bet.”  Speaking of which, I heard him drive up, but she was supposed to be watching me anyways.  

So, I went to the bathroom, and peeled my bloody panties off.  That’s how I found out I was bleeding, so Felicia came in when I screamed to see what was the matter.  First, she told me what happened.  Then, she told my dad, I fell, and hit my knee, while I got in the tub, and washed off in the shower.

Then, she let me borrow her mom’s buttplug, so I could wear it the next time we had sex. It was really uncomfortable sitting on it on the bus all the way home, but also worth it. So, he could fuck me up the butt, since I can’t get pregnant that way, and I had the butt plug to nail him when he was done.
Between the 2 of them, I learned all kinds of fun, and dirty games to make him play.

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