Playing Hard To Get Her

On recess, there was this girl sitting by the playground all alone, and she had her legs spread wide open, so you could see her undies.

So, I asked her what she was doing, and she said it was for the boys.

I looked back, but they were still popping up, and down behind the wall, making “Pch psh!” noises at each other.

I shook my head, “That’s not how you get boy’s attention.”

“Well, it’s how I do it.”

I just stepped out of the way, and waved, but then 2 of them chased another making “BUBUBUBT!” Noises. He tripped, and fell back, forgetting all about his imaginary machinegun.

“Blam!” Another boy pumped an imaginary shotgun. “Chickchick, BLAM! Your dead.”

“Does that ever work?” She scooted over so I could sit down on the bench next to her.

“Well, how do you get boys attention?”

“I don’t know.” Now they were tickling the boy that fell down. “Maybe there homo?”

“Your the homo,” She laughed, “Looking at my panties.” And settled down to a giggle.

“Well,” I’m not really anything yet, but I never tried that. It sure didn’t look like it was distracting the boys, but you know what? They told us not to do that, sit lady like, cross your legs or it’ll distract the boys. Sure didn’t seem to be working.

“I don’t know anybody here yet, that doesn’t mean I’m looking for a girlfriend.” I pulled out my waistband, still nothing. “Besides, if I just wanted to see girl’s underwear.”

“I got an idea!” She scooted up, and dropped them, while I looked around, and wondered where the hell all the grownups went? I mean, this was right after school, and don’t they watch the playground for badguys here?

“Uh,” I stuck my hand in my pants, and rubbed the front of my underwear.

“You getting hot?”

“I don’t know, it’s like a hundred degrees out here, you know.”

She giggled, “There oblivious, but it cooled off my crotch some.” She shrugged, and got up. Bend over to get her undies, and I jumped when one of the boys ran up.

“Lezbos. Ahahaha!” He just kept running around the bench.

“What are you talking homo for, homo? I’ve been waiting here for hours, and you just want to tickle your boyfriend.”

“Nuh uh, school hasn’t even been out 4 hours.”

“Not 4 hours,” she held up 4 fingers, “for hours?”

“Uh!” I just got sick of them arguing, and wandered off, but you know what? I completely forgot about the other 2 boys, and the badguy. I mean I didn’t see him there in the parking lot until he honked, and the boys ran around the fence.

Right behind the benches, and they had bushes out there, so maybe I just didn’t see the car sitting down? What am I talking about, as soon as I saw her sitting there like that.

Maybe I am turning homo? She’s not that pretty, and if she’ll spread her legs for just anyone like that, and drop her panties right there at school, she’s probably got the AIDS anyways. Especially if they are homos, but I didn’t see any cold sores.

But the boys didn’t get in, and around the bushes, I looked back, and forth. They didn’t look like brothers, or the older one in the car neither, so maybe there adopted? They didn’t get in the car neither, so he must be a stranger, but now the one out in the parking lot is rubbing his crotch.

Oh yeah, I held my fingers up to smell if my panties got stinky. “Sniff?” I couldn’t tell.

The other 2 came around the bushes, and the boy asked “Where did he get money from?” Holding hands, and I can’t believe that worked! Maybe she does know something I don’t, because I heard that boys fight with girls they like, but I never believed it.

“Why don’t you ask them?” The car started up, and the older boy winked on his way by, but they boys didn’t get in. One of them stuffed something and ran off. Then, the other boy ran after.

“You coming, new girl?” The panty flasher followed them, so I just nodded, and caught up.

“I can’t believe that worked, I thought he hated you, but now your boyfriend, and girlfriend?”

She shook her head, “He’s just playing hard to get,” but then there were trees between the fence bushes, and the road. More bushes outside the fence to the parking lot, and somebody honked, but the teenager just waited for the other car to pass.

“My dad?” The boy answered, “He gave me lunch money for the whole week.”

“Well, why didn’t you buy more?”

“I’m saving it for the rest of the week!”

“Well, what you get?” Finally, they got behind a tree, so you couldn’t see them from the street, and the boy with the lunch money pulled out the paper. We could hear it crackle, before us girls ducked down under the branches.

It turns out some high school boy got a car, and tore out pages from a nudie mag to sell to younger boys for $1.00 each.

“Well, if you just saved your money, then you could buy a whole one.” The girl pointed out.

“Let me see,” I had to get between 2 other boys, but then I saw the page number, and it said [D-CUP] right next to page 7. then 6 when they turned it over, and started rubbing there groins again.

“Boys,” she rolled her eyes, but they barely even looked up from the topless pictures, and sure enough, they weren’t homos. They just needed big boobs to get there attention, at least D cups. I sighed, “Paying good money for 1 page, and maybe 8 pictures?”

“Yeah, but it’s 2 of them each picture.”

“Yeah, and it’s 10 of them.” The boy with the money flipped it over to show us. “See?” Sure enough there were 6 of them on page 7. “So, if you do the math, that’s like a nickle each nipple!”

We all laughed. “Well, what if I told you I can get a whole book for free?”

“Nuh uh, where?”

“At the library, come on.” She waved, and walked off.

“OhhHH!” I whined, “There just starting to get hard!” I looked back.

“Who cares? They’ll be here tomorrow, besides your boobs aren’t big enough.”

“Your boobs aren’t big enough, pancakes.” We stopped at the end of the fence. “Wait, the school’s back that way.”

“They don’t have dirty books at the school library, there at the main one.”

“Oh,” I looked back, but the boys must have finished whacking off quick, because they ducked under the branches, and came back out.

“Hey girls, wait up!” One of us waved for us to stop on the sidewalk, and the ran around through the gate.

“Yeah, they really got nudie mags at the library?” Another one asked, but the third one still had a page stuffed back under his shirt. All crumpled up, but if he’d just brought a workbook from school, he could have just hidden it there. I know we haven’t started getting homework yet, but still. Think about it, not like running around with paper wadded up under your shirt looks less suspicious.

“No, not nudie mags, dirty books. Your probably not even interested in reading, if they don’t have any pictures.”

“Yeah, if there free, but they’ll really let you check them out, in 3rd grade?”

“Uh! 5th grade, you really need to check your math.” I didn’t even want to think about adding up all the pictures, and all the nipples, then dividing that by 100 pennies, but I guess he’s about right.

Still, I had to think that she had a point about saving up for one big one, even if it is like $15.00 whole bucks, and that’s a lit of money, maybe I can babysit my cousins, and get $5.00 bucks from my uncle, then buy some nudie mags to show the boys, and give them boners. At least until high school, when I get bras to take off, and show my own.

“Here,” She stopped at a rack on the end of one of the book shelves, or 2.

“Uh, romance?” One of the boys shook his head.

“Yeah, we should have known it was too good to be true.”

“Yeah, but some of them are real steamy. Ooh!” She pulled one out, “My aunt just finished this one, so she must have turned it back in. The librarians can’t tell the difference between the romance ones, and the really hardcore ones.”

“Hardcore for girls.” The boys laughed.

“Well, you got your boobie pictures, so why don’t you go get a cookie or something?”

“What do we need a cookie for?” One of the boys didn’t get it either.

“Just wait outside until I check this out.”

“I better get a library card while I’m here.” Now that I know where to get steamy stories from. Of course, there not going to let you check out the really R rated ones in the school library, stupid.

“Meet me out back.” I nodded, and turned in the card, for the librarian to stamp, but she barely even looked at the book, just pulled the card out of the pocket in the back. “Huh,” she flipped it over, and tucked it in a box.

“A Fair Game.”

“Huh?” I shook my head.

She winked. “Enjoy,” with a weird grin, and flipped the lid shut over the cards.

“Okay, thanks.” I ran out, and realized, I didn’t know any of there names. “Uh, boys?” I called. Amazing that if you’re a boy, and a teenager, and you have a car, all he had to say was that. “Boys?” They came running, just like they would do for there dad.

“Back here!”

“Oh,” she said out back, “Right,” I shook my head, and went around the corner.

“If he only knew, he’d be livid, but I can’t help my desire for Randal. Randy, I like to call him, and the name suits him. He could be so much more passionate.” She read from somewhere in the middle.

“Oh,” I finally saw the cover, “Affair Game. Nkh!” I got it, and snorted, shaking my head.

“She means a circle jerk, the homos whack off on a cookie, and the last one has to eat it.”

“Ew gross.” It was like 2 different conversations. One over there with the boys holding the nudie pictures, and the other was that girl reading steamy romance. Of course, I was already used to boys talking about me like I’m not even there. My dad does it with his buddies, and about my mom, too.

“Not if you’re shooting blanks,” the one in the middle shook his head, looking back and forth. Maybe they’re not all homos, and his friends just don’t know, but he sure seems to know a lot about there beat off games.

“Uh, you think that boy in the car.”

“He’s not a boy, he’s a man.”

“Okay, young man, but you think he’s got pictures of guys naked too, with boners?”

“What do you want to look at naked guys hairy asses for?” Boys.

“Because we’re girls? If you’re not going to listen to the story, then why don’t you shut up, and get your peckers out?” I went over to read over her shoulder, but she turned the page, and then licked her fingers. Which was weird until she gave me the book, and said “Here.” To have both hands free to pull up her dress in front, and her panties out to stick her wet fingers in there.

“Don’t look!” The boys turned around, almost back to back, but with one in the middle, and sure enough they all got their zippers undone. Fished their weenies out, and pinched them to pull them so they stretched, and got hard.

“Uh!” I just let the book hang from my arm, watching.

“Give me that back.” I nodded, and watched the three of them beating off. Real fast too, but on 1 side I couldn’t really see with his hand in the way. In the middle, I saw that he pinched it with 2 fingers, and pulled the skin up so it almost covered the whole head. And finally, the one on the other side was holding it perfectly. So, I could see his thumb on the top, his fingers on the bottom, and his boner in between.

“Spit!” The one on the other side let go, then grabbed it again. “Huh yeah. Show us your bush.”

The girl giggled, and looked up. “Well, I don’t have a bush, but it if you really want to see.”



“Hhuhuhuh!” All three of them started shaking, and swaying together, so they bumped butts, and really wailed on them.

“Huh!” She just smoothed her dress back over her panties, and stuck the book under her arm. “Well,” she got her purse out, and it started beeping. “About time, but I have to go, I guess. See you guys tomorrow?”

“Yeah, maybe tomorrow you’ll take all your clothes off.”

“Yeah,” they all started talking at once, high 5ing, and then they started mumbling at each other, but I caught up with her around front, by the pay phones.

“Over by the library,” she nodded, and hung up. Checked the little flap in the bottom when the coins fell, but she came up empty.

“Who was that?”

“Well, my uncle got done driving around to make his stops, so he’s coming to pick me up. You need a ride home?”

“Oh, yeah.” Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for a stranger to know where I live, especially one so dirty minded, but then again, it was getting too hot to walk all the way home. “I’m Chris.” I offerered my hand, so she didn’t have to call me new girl the rest of the afternoon.

“Simone.” She shook my hand.

“Just like the lady in the book?”

“Yeah,” she looked away, “Just like that.” Lying, “Only she spells it different. I’m Symone with a Y. So, what’s Criss short for, Cristina?”

“Close, Christin with an H, like Christmas.” I held up 2 fingers, “2 Is.”

“Or Christian, you go to church?”

“Oh no, my dad hasn’t found one here yet, we just moved here this summer.”

“Where you from?” So, we chatted out front, while the boys slunk off somewhere with there tails between there legs. I guess, I’d never seen a boy beat off all the way before. I barely even saw my father with a boner before he covered it up, and kicked me out. Which is weird, because he didn’t even have a single nudie picture to look at in the bathroom, so how did he get hard in the first place? Not to mention wasting it, when he’s married, and he still has mom’s needs to please.

No juice, but I guess that’s too much to ask from 5th, and 6th graders. What did that one say about shooting blanks? But then her uncle showed up.

“Oh,” in the same car, only he took off the baseball cap.

“We better get in the back.”

“Yeah,” I’m not sure I want to share a seat with him up front. He might let his hand wander over to my lap, shifting gears, but I got in after her, and shut the door.

“Who’s your new friend?” He pulled out, and stopped at the street, so traffic didn’t honk at him again.


“Crystal.” I looked over at “Symone,” and nodded. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to give her my real name, but too late. I pulled the belt out, and buckled it across my lap.

“So, where do you live, Crystal?”

“Oh, um.” I pulled at my cuff, because it was hard to remember the number. “Twenty four oh seven. C.” I pulled my cuff back over, “Lake Pine drive.”

“That over by Lake Park?” He signaled, and we had to drive around, until we found the right street.

“Yeah, take Lake Park Loop,” but he came around the wrong end of the circle, so I had to lean over to look out Symone’s window. “Here.” I pointed, and he pulled up to the curb. I started getting out, then I remembered to unbuckle the seat belt, and she got out after me. “Can I come in?” She waved her dirty book right out on the sidewalk.

“Um,” I looked back at our building. “Why don’t we go for a walk?” I bit my lip, and nodded.

“Duplex huh?” She just chatted on the way to the lakeside trail.

“Um, kinda like a double duplex? There’s 2 more in the back.”

Also, I don’t really want to face mom, after what I’d been up to. I felt guilty, and I knew she’d see it all over my face. So, I put it off, but also I was making a friend, and I bet she wanted to finish the story, or at least the chapter, and without the boys around, we could take turns reading it out loud.

At least that’s what I imagined, but then she started talking about the lake, and how romantic it is. Where the best spot was to watch the sun set, and I looked back at our porch. Kinda, thing. it’s not really a porch, it’s more like 1 corner is tucked in under mom, and dad’s room, but all 4 corners are like that all the way around. A nice view of the lake from there, and we can watch the runners go bye, but I never went out, and watched the sun set, except from my room?

No wait, that was the sun rise, which woke me up first thing in the morning, but dad hadn’t gotten around to changing the curtain rods that fit our drapes. “Here, this is a good spot,” she ducked under a branch, and rustled through the leaves behind the bushes, but I didn’t point out you couldn’t see the sun set there. I looked around, but nobody was looking back, so I ducked under too, before somebody saw where we went.

“Huh!” She already had her legs spread, her dress up, and her fingers in her undies. Holding up the book, and breathing funny.

“So, what’s happening in the story?”

“Oh,” she started reading out loud, “What are you doing with that Hussy?” She did the voice, yelling low down, so she sounded older, “She said. He got up, but he couldn’t hide his turgid member, glistening with the nectar from Simone’s…”

“Um, this is confusing, but if you want to be friends, maybe you could tell me your real name? If it’s not Simone.”

She rolled her eyes, “Lisa.”

“What’s wrong with Lisa?”

“Nothing, except there’s only a million other Lisas.”

“Well, there’s 2 millions Chrises. Boys and girls.”

“Yeah, where was I?”

“Oh, they just stopped arguing, and kicked Simone out, so she could get on with the next steamy scene.”

She grinned, and turned the page. Licked her finger, and pulled out her waistband again. “Well…” She scanned down the page, and took a breath. “Huh, Simone’s hands shook, pulling the silk satin panties down to reveal the neat fringe of ginger minge.”

“What’s minge?”

“Oh,” she turned the book back, “This is written in England. That’s another word for Bush in England.”

“Oh,” I looked around for a good place to sit, but it was just leaves, pine needles, and tree trunks. So, I leaned back up against another tree, and pulled out the buttons to my pants. “Go on.”

“As soon as the scent wafted out, the heady musk filled Simone’s head with lust. She’d never done this with another woman before, but after her husband’s recent climax, he wouldn’t be much use to either one of them for a while.”

“Um,” I raised my hand, “So, who’s this homo woman joining Simone, and her husband? And what’s she look like?”

“Oh,” her waistband snapped back over her privates, and she flipped back a page. I waited for her to lick her finger again, and imagined her sucking it. Sexily, like a penis.

“Five foot two, a hundred seventeen pounds, strawberry blonde with hazel eyes.”

“Hazel, that’s like blue green?” She nodded, “What’s her face look like?” I closed my eyes to try, and imagine. “Pretty, I guess. Full red lips, but not too plump cheeks. Blonde eyebrows too, I assume, because it says later her bush matches.” I nodded, and rubbed my panties against my crotch.

Trying to imagine what that might feel like, having a hairy crotch. “She’s not a homo, though. When I said her husband, I ment Babette’s.”

“Mhm?” I blinked, and shook my head. “Um, Lisa? How do you do it?” I pilled my fingers out, and sniffed them. Still nothing, so I licked them, and pulled out the waistband to feel inside, carefully.

“Masturbate, or have sex? They’re bisexual, only Babette, and Norman already had sex with other women before. It’s not cheating if they share, but Simone is just starting to explore her own curiosity, about bisexuals.”

“Bisexual women? Hm, maybe you can skip ahead to when Norman?” She nodded, and looked down. Turned the page. “Yeah, when he recovers from his climax.”

“After a quick smoke, he came back in to find his wife in bed with Simone. Turned back the other way like yin, and yang, only with their tongues inside each other’s sex, it was more like yin, and yin.”

“So, 69ing? Which one on top?”

“Neither, turned sideways on their hips, and pillow their heads on each other’s smooth shaven thighs, they explored the deepest kiss there is.”

“Um, Lisa? You’re not, bisexual, are you?” I fail to see how that’s not homo, but at this point, I don’t really care. I’m still waiting for it to get steamy, but this close to the lake, after the sun’s been beating down on the water all day, it’s hard to tell.

“I don’t know, I’m starting to feel a little curious myself. How about you?”

“Um, we better go inside, where it’s air conditioned, and I have a bed. You can call your mom, and ask her if you can sleep over?”

“Sure,” she fixed her undies, and got up. Smoothing her dress out over the front of her long, smooth looking hairless thighs, and brushing pine needles over the back. “I never slept with a boy, or a girl before, you know. Like that?”

“Me neither, I’m a virgin too, but does it count against your virginity, if you just fool around a little?”

“How much?”

“Well, maybe on the outside.”

“Outside the clothes, or inside the clothes?”

“Well, maybe no clothes, but you know. If you don’t go inside, me?”

“Maybe a little inside, the outside?”

“What’s that mean?”

“It’s kinda hard to explain, but I can show you tonight?”

“Okay,” I held her hand. “You don’t mind if we miss the sunset?”

“No, not at all. We can always watch it tomorrow.”

“Huh, yeah and maybe we can show the boys, you think they’d like it, if we’re bisexual?”

“Yeahah!” She laughed, “of course, they’re boys.”

“Well, it’s hard to believe they like girls at all,” Homo, or normal, “Why do they have to be so mean, if they like you?”

“I don’t know, he’s just like that when other boys are around.”

“Oh,” I nodded, “What’s your boyfriend’s name, by the way?”

“Well, he’s not really my boyfriend.”


“John, his name is John.”

“Well, you think maybe John would like to share, or let you, and me share? Since he’s not your boyfriend, then you won’t be jealous, right?”

“What’s wrong with the other boys?”

“I don’t know? I don’t care about the other boys, just listen to me, okay? I like you, you seem cool and all, but I really really like boys.”

“Yeah, me too, but that doesn’t mean we can’t sleep together, tonight?”

“Huh, no. I guess not.” I just keep putting it off, but I know that I’m never going to find out, one way or another if I don’t at least try it.

Besides, she sure seems to know what she’s doing.



I can go on, but 1: This one went long because of #Reluctance, and B: These are children. Playing sexual games, but this isn’t child’s play. All they really have to go by is mainstream porn, and mommy-erotica, which isn’t exactly the best sex ed, even when they are old enough to understand it. So, even if I do do a part two. (Snickers, “Do do!”) They’re not going to be any more mature overnight, and it’s still going to take a while to figure everything out.

So, I’m not just playing hard to get…

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