
Mark was sitting in his cell in the young persons detention centre where he was serving a two year sentence for assault, Mark held a black belt in karate and also a black belt in judo and one night he used karate to defend himself from a mugger and claimed self defence but the court reject his claim of self defence saying he had used more than what would be acceptable force, Mark was gay but no inmate in the detention centre gave him any aggro on his first night there he had fought off four boys who attacked him, the boys had been four of the most feared boys in the centre so nobody wanted to tangle with him, Mark looked up when he heard keys in the lock of the cell door and when it opened a warder said ” you got a new cell mate” and sixteen year old Steve who was two years older than what he was and a gang leader walked in, Mark had heard that Steve was doing a life sentence for killing an old man when he had robbed him, Steve put his gear on the spare bed and the warder left, after he had made his made Steve spoke to Mark and said ” I know I will get done over in here for what I did” Mark said ” tough you deserve it” Steve then asked Mark if he would protect him, Mark looked at Steve and said to him ” you are homophobic and have beaten up many gay boys making it clear you hate them and your girlfriend is as bad” he looked at Steve and added     ” you are now asking me a gay boy to protect you” Steve stood looking at Mark and said ” I will pay you I got plenty of tobacco” Mark laughed and told Steve that he did not smoke” Steve said name your price” Mark could see that Steve was scared, as Mark looked at Steve heard the warders shout ” lights out” then the cell lights went out, it was still quite light in the curtain less cell, Mark said to Steve “I will protect you but you do as I say and give me what I want” Steve quickly agreed, Mark said ” you can begin by stripping naked I want a good look at your cock” Steve hesitated and when Mark said ok no deal then, Steve said Ok and started to undress as Mark sat watching and after a few minutes when Steve was naked Mark said ” nice cock” as he looked at Steve’s seven inch soft dick and after a couple minutes Mark said ” get a hard on” Steve looked at Mark then reached in side his belongings and pulled out a porno magazine and started to read it, Mark sat smiling and watching as Steve’s dick slowly grew to a full nine inch erection, then said ” nice very nice” Mark watched as Steve’s dick twitched then said to him ” get wanking£ Steve started to slowly jerk his dick and after a few minutes increased his speed, Mark sat smiling as he watched the straight thug jerk and when after five minutes Steve grunted and squirted his cum in four spurts Mark said ” yeah nice very nice” Steve cleaned up as Mark undressed, Steve saw Mark’s seven inch erection appear, Mark lay on his bed and said ” now jack me off” Steve looked at Mark’s dick then started to jerk him as he did Mark reached out and took hold of Steve’s now soft again dick and gently massaged it, after five minutes Mark squirted his cum and after a couple of minutes after cleaning up got under his bed sheets and went to sleep. In the morning on the way to breakfast six boys came from a cell and confront Steve, Mark moved forward and very quickly and easily fought the boys off, the word very quickly spread round the detention centre that Steve had Mark as his protector and nobody tried harming Steve again, that night Steve lay on his stomach holding his breath as Mark thrust in and out of his tight bum, after he had finished Mark told Steve that he had protection for as long as he needed it.