Raped by my first boyfriend

My name is Ally (14F) and this is the story of how my first boyfriend (20M) liked to rape me

My name is Ally and I am not going to share my current age for privacy reasons but I recently discovered this site and wanted to tell you guys about my first boyfriend when I was 14. His name is Justin and he was almost 20 when we met at a party that my older sister brought me to.

Anyway, toward the end of the night I couldn’t find my sister and I was getting really nervous because it wouldn’t have been the first time she abandoned me at some stranger’s house during a party and the host, Justin, was starting to kick everyone out because it had gotten so late. I could hear him stirring drunk people from where I was hiding in the bathroom trying to text and call my sister with no response.

I heard him bang on the bathroom door and tell me to wrap it up and I fidgeted with my phone, unsure of what to do. I had no where to go and no idea where my sister had gone, and I couldn’t just stay in the bathroom, so after he banged on the door again I finally opened it and he looked down at me, telling me the party is over. I told him my name and explained my situation quietly and he looked like he felt bad for me rather than being angry so I felt better, and even agreed when he told me to just crash there until she came back in the morning. He didn’t even seem to care that I was drinking at his party even though I told him I was 14.

Since I only had the tight dress I was wearing he offered me a shirt and some sweats which I took, and changed in the bathroom because I had never been undressed in front of someone, before I asked where I would be sleeping and he told me his bed was big enough for the two of us. I was naive so I agreed to that as well and just stayed close to the edge of the bed as I fell asleep.

It was so late I fell asleep fast and I didn’t wake up until hours later when I felt him pressed against me. He sounded like he was sleeping by how heavy he was breathing and I was so small that I was practically pinned against him, trying not to move as I assessed the situation. My phone was on the bedside table which I couldn’t reach, and as I was thinking about that I felt his hips start to move against mine.

I said his name to wake him, thinking he was asleep but when his hand moved up to cover my mouth I realized he was awake the whole time, his breathing getting heavier as I felt him grinding into my butt. It’s embarrassing but a part of me was excited that someone wanted me until the panic set in and I started to try and squirm out of his grip but it only tightened, his hand still covering my mouth.

“I know you wanted this, don’t fight me now..” I remember he said as he pushed me down into the bed so he was straddling the back of my thighs and pinning me down with his body, still grinding into my butt but now my face was in the pillow so he didn’t have to cover my mouth anymore, using that free hand to pull down the sweats he let me borrow.

“I could tell by how you were looking at me, acting so innocent, like your sister abandoned you.. I know you wanted me to do this” He kept saying even as I fought against him but I couldn’t say anything because of the pillow, even as he had my underwear down too now and I could feel him rubbing something hard in between my cheeks before he pushed it down even further and shoved it inside of me in one swift movement, the pillow muffling my scream as he took my virginity.

“Holy fuck you’re so tight baby, tightest pussy I’ve ever felt” He groaned as soon as he was inside me and I could feel it throbbing and twitching in me which I didn’t know at the time was him resisting from cumming immediately from how tight I was. After he adjusted for a few seconds and seemed to calm down a little bit he started to pull out and push back in, moaning with each thrust.

“So fucking tight, you’d be the perfect little girlfriend wouldn’t you?” He said as he started to get rough again, fucking into me just to hear me cry out into the pillow. “Wouldn’t you?” He repeated as he yanked my hair to lift my face out of the pillow, clearly wanting a response and I choked out a yes, I would, so he would hopefully be more gentle but this just made him laugh.

“You’re such a good girl already, I won’t even have to train you..” He grinned as he shoved me back down into the pillow and started to pound into me, pinning me underneath him again as he took me so roughly. It felt like so long before his breathing was heavy again and I heard him curse a couple times as he slammed into me, filling me with cum for the first time ever. It was such a weird sensation and my heart was beating so fast trying to process what had happened.

After a few seconds of panting Justin laid back a little bit but his grip was still on me tight so he kept me close so we were spooning with him still buried inside me, breathing heavily against my neck. I had no idea what to say or do so I just stayed dead still, not wanting to upset him.

“That was so fucking good, you’re so damn tight. I need you to be mine” I couldn’t help but blush from his words, no one had wanted me before and it felt so weird. He sounded so out of breath and tired like he was already falling asleep again so I kind of just relaxed against him, hoping he would just pass out.

He did fall asleep like that, still practically squeezing me against him so I couldn’t go anywhere and eventually I fell asleep too. When I woke up in the morning it was to my phone ringing as my sister finally called and she said she was on her way back. After I hung up the memories came flooding back to me and I looked around for Justin, finding him across the room in the process of getting dressed.

“Good morning sunshine, sleep good?” He asked with a smirk like nothing happened as I stared at him with wide eyes, definitely confused, but trying to play it cool and act normal.

“Uh.. I slept good, thank you.” I said softly and he tossed me my dress, looking at me expectantly like he wanted me to put it on in front of him. “Come on, it’s nothing I haven’t seen. If we’re gonna be dating you will have to get used to this” His voice sounded teasing but something told me it wasn’t a joke so I slowly moved to stand, his eyes following me as I started to slowly undress shyly. He didn’t say anything even when I was in my bra and underwear but when I turned around to pull the dress on he came up behind me, grabbing my hips to pull me back against him.

“Feel how hard I am from your little strip tease baby?” He groaned near my ear as I could feel him grinding into me but luckily my sister rang the doorbell at the same time so he let me pull my dress on.

Once I got my things he walked me to the door and before he opened it he turned me around and leaned down to kiss me for the first time and it was surprisingly soft.

“Don’t forget you’re mine now Ally” He said sternly but with a contradicting smile, brushing my hair back before he let go of me and opened the door so I could greet my sister.

I told my sister about it as soon as we got in the car and she laughed in my face, saying there was no way someone like Justin would want anything to do with a little prude like me. I had no idea what to say so I just stayed quiet, her stupid comment made me want to be with him way more than I had originally.

Over the course of the next few weeks I would hang out at Justin’s house almost every single day after school, he would pick me up and bring me to his house and it was such an exciting secret. I hated how rough and aggressive he always was in bed and we didn’t really do much other than the sexual stuff but I felt like a young woman when I was with him instead of just a little girl or a stupid teenager.

Even when I would tell Justin I wasn’t in the mood or that I wasn’t feeling good he would still hold me down and remind me that if I wanted to be his girlfriend I had to stop resisting, or he would tell me that boyfriends can’t rape girlfriends and that I was just being dramatic. This was my first relationship so I honestly didn’t realize how wrong it was and I was just happy to be wanted somewhere. I had no idea that normal relationships weren’t like that.

Anyway, I don’t think we ever really talked about the issue of my age in depth and it wasn’t even that long ago, and we dated a couple years so if you guys are interested in more I will tell you all some more stories from my time with my first boyfriend. He always liked to make me late to places because he would wait until I was all ready, hair done and all dressed and everything and he would take the opportunity to hold me down and rape me, it got to the point where I would beg him not to do it because I absolutely could not be late and I think this just made it even more fun for him because he would be even rougher. Or he just didn’t like being told no but usually I would have to change my clothes after this as well which made me even later. Another thing he loved to do was touch me when other people were around, like his friends especially but sometimes just strangers in public too.

If you guys are interested in hearing about any of this please let me know as I probably won’t write it unless there’s interest.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅