Raping sex worker true story

visiting nashville on business trip I got a cheap motel room with a young hooker

a couple months ago before all the Coronavirus stuff I was in Nashville TN for a conference. I had an itch for some pussy so I started driving around a sleazy area and finally saw a young girl to my liking. she was short, brown hair real skinny. Told me she was 22. Obviously on drugs or something. I picked her up n she told me only $50 to fuck her so we went to a cheap motel. I poured us each a couple vodka shots. after she drank hers I told her to take a shower n I handed her a robe. while she was in the shower I poured her a cranberry vodka and put date rape drug in powder form in it.
After getting out of the shower and drinking her drink she was completly passed out in about 30 min. I opened the robe and immediately went to town on her pussy. I licked her clit furiously pounding it with my tounge. I dug around deep inside of her with 2, then 3 fingers. She was stone cold passed out but I could feel her vaginal walls clenching n she was getting sloppy wet. I pulled my cock out and slid it in her warm tight pussy. She shaved while in the shower it was so good watching those bald lips take my cock. I went slow at first. Then I beared my weight on her and with a tit in my mouth I started slamming her pussy so hard after a few minutes of the bed frame pounding the wall the person next door started banging on the wall. I slowed down , I didn’t wanna cum yet anyways . I sucked her tit and gently buried my cock, in and out. I could feel inside of her opening up. I propped myself up a bit and started rubbing her clit with my thumb while gently fucking her. It wasnt long before her thighs started trembling and pussy lips smacked around my cock even though she was dead ass asleep. As she began cumming I gripped her hips and started thrusting rapidly. With a hard thrust I came deep into her. I slumped onto her and laid there till my cock slid out. I left her money on the nightstand and packed my things and left.