Reading Memories – Part 1

What if you could read minds? What if you could go into anyone’s memories and see everything they have done or fantasies they have, deepest secrets. Well this is exactly what happened to me when I was struck by lightning one evening and wake up lying on wet grass and my entire world changed. First part has incest and mind control.

My wife was at work I just got home and stepped out of car and bam. I wake up 10 feet from car. I look around realizing I was struck by lightning or close to it. It was pouring rain I run in house.

The kids were in their rooms none the wiser of what happened to their dad. My head was pounding. I take some aspirin, and go get a shower. We have a son Tony who is 18 senior in High School. Daughter Laura who is 16.

I sat down to watch tv and My wife gets home. Barb is my wife is 36 a nurse, she is 5 foot nothing and 120 lbs soaking wet. I tell her about what happened she blew me off and said if you was struck by lightning you would be dead. Then I heard it. Not really hear but thought it her thoughts. She said god I’m tired I wish we could order pizza instead of cooking dinner.

I said do it. She said do what? I said order pizza! She said wow like you read my mind I was just thinking that.
She left to go shower and I was confused, I thought she had said it. I go down the hall to check on kids and Tony was playing video games when I walked in.

I said we are having pizza for dinner. How’s school? He said good nothing exciting. Then I heard him think. Except Mrs. Davis she was hot in that dress today. I spin around and say what? He said I didn’t say anything.

I go down to Laura’s room knock she don’t answer ‘cause she has ear buds in listening to music. I open door her back was to me. And this is when I realized something was off. I could hear Laura. But she was talking to herself I thought. She was thinking about her BF and someone else I didn’t know wondering if she should cheat on him and go out with this Tom guy.
I leave and go back to kitchen, Barb was ordering pizza she was in her bath robe. She got off phone and smiled and said pizza will be here in 20 minutes. She walks to table sits down and was looking through mail and I heard her talking but I noticed her lips was not moving.

I watch and realize I was hearing her read the mail. Then I close my eyes and I see what she is seeing as she flipped through the mail. I set down and she gets up and goes to bathroom. I watch her close my eyes and like seeing through her eyes she goes in close the door takes her robe off sits on toilet pees. I watch through her eyes as she wiped. Then she stands and puts her panties on and sweats and a t-shirt. I open my eyes just in time to see her come out and go down stairs to Laura’s room. I close my eyes. I can see her tell Laura to get a shower before pizza comes. Barb comes back and goes flips on tv ignoring me.

Laura comes upstairs and I watch her carry her pjs and goes into bathroom. I close my eyes and I am looking at bathroom wall. I am in Laura’s head. She undressed taking her top off looks at wall and then pulls her pants off. She looks in mirror and I see her naked body. I look away and she does we are looking at wall again. Did I control her? I think look at mirror.

She stands before mirror admiring herself. More like me admiring her. I was internally excited. At time not by seeing her nakedness but by what I was doing. She steps in shower on her own while I was amazed at what I was doing. Then I just let her shower realizing I was seeing my daughter nakedness but more interesting about my abilities at time. I was more shocked than anything

She steps out of shower and I open my eyes. I am setting at kitchen table. I think of Tony I close my eyes he is in his room looking at porn on his phone. I open my eyes think of Barb and close them. I am in Barbs head watching tv. I look down. I see Barbs sweats sitting with her legs up in recliner. I look around room. Well she looks around room. She was alone so I look down. Wanted to see what I could do.

I think about spreading her legs she does. I take her right hand and slide it down her sweats. She does as I start having her masturbate herself. I start seeing images of my brother. Yes I was masturbating her but she started fantasize about my brother. I get that image out of her head and think about me. So she started masturbating thinking of me.

Then I got thinking who else can I have her fantasize about? So I thought of Tony. And let her mind take over and she was fantasizing about Tony and her riding him. I opened my eyes for a second and she got up and was going to spare bathroom. I watched her go to basement and closed my eyes she goes in bathroom. This time I let her take it. She pulled her sweats down and started masturbating herself on toilet. I sat back and let her control it after I started it. I look around in her mind I realize this opened up her fantasies. She was thinking Tony again and she was riding him. And I watched like in a movie as her mind fantasized about our son. She moaned out quietly and came. I look around in her mind and realize it was all I could see is her fantasies which I wanted to see them. But I was bothered by my brother. So l was pulled into her memories. Me wondering if anything ever happened between them put me into her memories. Nothing everything with my brother had to do with her just checking him out. So Barb comes back upstairs and I close my eyes and think of Tony again. Tony was still watching porn but masturbating. After what I saw Barb just do, I open my eyes and think of Barb and close them. Barb was almost sitting back down in living room. I took over and walked her down hall to check on Tony.

She opened the door and I walked her on in. Tony did not see her his back to door. I had her close the door quietly and come up behind him watching him masturbating. I have her turn and lock door. Then I take her hand and have her reach down and touch his shoulders. Tony jumped Barb shushed him with her finger to her lips. Tony was embarrassed. Barb said, be quiet and hold still. Barb got on her knees and was going to take hold of Tony. I could tell Barb was trying to stop herself. She was embarrassed herself but I control her.
Tony resisted and I left Barb for a second to have Tony stop. He relaxed and Barb started getting back up but I took over and she was going down on him. I eased Barb’s thoughts and she started doing it on her own. I look through her fantasies and this was one of them. I sat back let her take over and suck her son off. He came in minutes and she swallowed it all. She stood realizing what she did. I took over put my finger to her lips and she said or I said lol we can’t tell anyone. And I am sorry honey I couldn’t stop myself when I saw you. She turns and leaves and a few minutes the pizza was there and we were all eating. It was interesting watching the interaction between Barb and Tony. They were being really awkward around each other to my notice.
Some times later I close my eyes and think Barb. Her mind was a mess on outside she looks normal but she was thinking about what she did and was upset not knowing what came over her. I planted some seeds that calmed her down and excepted her actions as lust driven. I went in Tony’s head back in his room and he was still in shock but pleasantly satisfied and embarrassed cause it was his mom. But more over okay about what happened.

To be continued have a lot of parts to go with this first part.