
At 16 years old Steve was well feared, he was racist and often gave abuse and aggro to the local Bengali community, he was homophobic and beat up gay boys at his school, he was often drunk or out of his head on drugs, tonight was no different he was staggering home through the park out of his head on crack, he could walk in a straight line and could hardly stand. 16 year old Mark and his young mate were watching him and laughing,  despite being gay they felt safe knowing Steve was in no fit state to see them or do anything. Steve had not seen the boys, he stopped lowered the front of his tracksuit trousers and peed.  Mark said “fucking hell look at his cock”. Abdul said “yeah it’s a beauty must be at east 7 inches never seen it before”. Mark replied “me neither” both boys stood looking admiring the sight. Steve staggered forward his dick still on show, he was staggering all over the place. Mark walked towards telling Abdul to follow him. The boys got right in front of Steve, in his drugged state Steve did not realise who was there, Steve staggered on with the boys following, Mark looked at Abdul pointed at a bench, the boys took Steve to the bench without any problems once there they sat Steve down Mark felt Steve’s dick Abdul then did the same then said “time for bed get undressed get into bed” and were amazed when Steve tried to take his tee shirt off, Abdul said “your to stoned you need a hand” both boys started to strip Steve who put up no struggles, soon Steve was naked, Abdul stroked Steve’s dick while Mark gently pinched his nipples Abdul left Steve’s dick joined Steve in squeezing Steve’s nipples, Mark said “look he is getting a hard on” the boys carried on squeezing Steve’s nipples and watching as Steve’s dick grew to a full 9 inch erection, the boys carried on with the squeezing and watched as Steve’s solid member twitched and bobbed about, Mark took the erection in his hand and started stroking gently and slowly after a few minutes Steve erupted in 5 spurts. Abdul said “nice one” Mark said “help me get him up and over the bench I am going to fuck his ass” soon Steve was lying over the back of the bench his bum stuck in the air. Mark undid his jeans letting his solid 7 inch dick spring free, he moved forward and was soon sliding his dick up Steve’s bum and pounding away after 5 minutes he shot his cum up Steve’s bum, after he pulled out Abdul took his place pounding away as hard as he could, after he had finished both boys wiped their dicks on Steve’s clothes adjusted their clothes and left taking Steve’s clothes with them. A few hours later Steve woke from his stupor it took him a few minutes to realise he was naked in the park with an erection a sticky stomach and sore bum. He stood up looked for his clothes but could not find them, he knew he would have to walk home naked, he tried to cover his dick with his hands but could not, he knew there was only one way to get rid of his erection nobody was about so he started to stroke his dick after a few minutes he shot his cum in long spurts, as he came he saw the 16 year old Bengali girl from the local shop with her 3 younger sisters watching from near the swings, the girls all ran off when Steve shouted at them. His dick was now soft he covered it with his hands and started walking home. Near the park entrance he saw his clothes grabbed them and dressed without noticing the seat of his tracksuit trousers had been cut out.