Room Service

The Indian owned hotel was very busy all rooms were fully booked. The 14 year old Indian boy was taking a tray to one of the rooms that he knew was occupied by 16 year old Cindy who went to his school, Cindy’s boyfriend 16 year old Steve was also staying in the room, Steve wrestled on the school wrestling team. After knocking on the room door and hearing somebody yell to come in, the boy went in and got a pleasant surprise Cindy was laying naked on the large bed asleep she had one leg slightly up her shaved clit fully visible her ample boobs also showing, the boy put the tray on the side turned and saw the bathroom door open with Steve naked under the shower his dick fully erect standing up at about 9 inches, for a bisexual boy seeing a white girl and boy naked was a great thing but seeing the school wrestle champion and bully naked with an erection was out of this world, the boy started to move towards the door when Steve came out of the shower said ” do I need to sign” he stood there fully naked his dick still erect, after signing the docket Steve climbed on the bed started rubbing Cindy’s boobs, Cindy sat up snogged Steve, then Steve told her to get on her hands and knees, Cindy  turned got on her hands and knees looked at the boy smiled Steve moved behind Cindy looked at the boy then moved closer to Cindy, the boy saw Cindy’s big boobs hanging down then started to swing slowly then gather speed, getting faster after 5 minutes Steve  pulled back and shot his cum in 5 spurts up Cindy’s back, they then lay back on the bed pulled the sheet over themselves the boy left the room saw his cousin 16 year old Abdul told him what he had just seen his cousin told him that it was a flashers weekend then added his sister who was 10 years old had watched a boy from school wank off and that there was sex happening in all rooms on this floor. As the boy  turned he saw Steve’s sister who was a couple years younger than her brother and who he had a crush on, she was naked her nipples fully erect and fingering herself, the boy got closer stopped and watched after a few minutes the girl leant forward and moaned loudly. Abdul appeared told the boy to go to room 306 when he got there he saw people of all ages naked some having sex and some were from his school.  He stopped and watched wishing he could join in.