Sallys Headmistress (Cont)

A headmisress’s three day tutorial for Susy

No sooner was she out of the door but June was pestering
“Mommy. Daddy can I have one of these?”
I told her yes but not that one maybe her mother would buy one for her at the weekend in the meanwhile she couldn’t tell anyone remember the Headmistress had said it’s usually for the girls just leaving when they are 11 or 12
We got her into bed and couldn’t get in fast enough
“You want her don’t you?”
“Well I’ve never wanted anyone but you but yes do you mind?”
“No go for it but god do I want to watch?”
The next evening couldn’t come quick enough so we were dissapointed when she turned up in her usual business suit
“Now for this evening I have brought along a dildo”
and she produced a ver small plastic dildo we have bigger ones for anal but it had the proper shape
June was already naked in her armchair eyes wide
“This goes in your pussy just like the vibe but it is shaped like a daddy penis’
She turned to me
“If you will oblige john?”
“You want me to…….show her?” I stuttered
“Yes I’ll look away if you wish, she will need to see it hard like the dildo”
I shuffled forward stood in front of June eased my cock out into some form of erection and quickly restored it to my pants
“Well I suppose it gave her some idea!!”
“Now June you put it in pussy don’t forget the greasy stuff:
Handing her the lube
June was clumsy so she helped her to hold the balls end to push “here mommy you help”
Sally had her hand on the balls with Monica.assisting looking directly into her eyes as Junes little bottom began to lift up and down and she was squeeling “More mommy more. thats nice!”
“Oh she is a natural she wont need much more teaching tomorrow night should do it Good planning!!”

“We do need for June to put all this together, as I told you at our meeting at this stage we can usually involve Daddy but in Junes case she is to young
So can I ask mommy and daddy?”
“You cant’t expect us to …… well you know ….in front of you and our child!”
“Can we just take a step back here when we met I apologised for the behaviour of my girls
YOU Mary demanded that her education should continue and YOU demanded it should be in your own home and that YOU insisted on being the chaperone”
“Now June needs to be shown intercourse and can’t be involved because of her age so do you have an alternative that I have missed?”
We both looked at each other she was smirking
“OK OK you’ve got us Mary on the chair in the same position as JUne?”
“Yes exactly”
“And me in an undignified position of my knees?”
“Exactly I would suggest nude from the waist down”
We both undressed
She handed June a vibe pulled her own skirts up and offered a big one to her bar cunt
“Whenever your ready a loving fuck!”
We were awkward at first then Sally looked over my shoulder
“JEEEEEEEEEEEeeeezzzz look at those two”
“tell me?”
“they are both fucking themselves and both looking at each other and she’s encouraging her”
That was it!!! inside her cunt i hardened she thrust forward and we fucked probably harder than ever before Imagine it my 8 year old fucking herself her headmistress skirt round her waist fucking herself
It had to finish and finish it did with howls from both the women my cum sputing all over Sally and Monica ruining another chair wiith their seeping cum. With little June staring wide eyed at her little cunt and the innocent impliment that had caused her so much pleasure.
The next night we were prepared June was naked, Sally had a housecoat on and me a bathrobe we won’t get embarressed this time as Sally said “bring it on!!!”

She arrive on time as usual this time with the same overcoat and accompnied by a young girl.
“Lets all sit down now we have had the practical part ( the vibe and dildo) and the loving part (Mommy and daddy) So I always emphasise tomy girls there is a “Fun” part and as june can’t take part I have brought along Maria one of my star pupils who left last year”
“So shall we all undress please”
Being prepared this didn’t take a minute but my eyes were on Maria being fully dressed took her longer she was dark skinned taking off her shirt revealed a white training bra probably AA or something like that because when she took it off revealed a pair of wonderulf firm bud like breasts. Slipping off her skirt and panties exposed her nicely shaped crop of vulva black hair. She was beautiful her hair in one long pigtail down her back
“Now June can watch with her new vibe I have brought her ” She gave June a much larger vibe than before with a wink
“And that leaves a gentleman”
Maria stepped forward bending down took my flacid cock in both tiny hands stroking it to its hardness her pink tongue licked up and down my shaft and round my cockhead teasing my meatus open before sucking it in deep Sally has never got it this deep my balls were agaist her chin and she was still gulping . She released me “would you like your testicles?”
before i could answer she took my balls bulging my cheeks
“Now we fuck yes?”
and with that she jumped on the chair parted her legs inviting my hard cock into her glistening cunt
“wait wait wait I show you something”
She pulled out her cunt lips and there it was the wonderful pink cervix the entrance to the holy grail
I plunged in this 12 year olds cunt hard fast her head thrown back “clever man! clever man big fucks!!” “Big cock Big cock!! God knows how many orgasms she had befor I exploded into her but we were soaked
I turned around anf Monica and Sally both of which have obviously groping each other actually applauded
Maria with a cheeky grin turned and cocked her bottom pulling the cheeks apart exposing a tiny pink rosebud. Monica said “lick it then she’ll be ready:
As i went down between her cheeks I saw Monica fitting a strapon with a red dildo god help Mary it must have been10”
I licked maria then pushed against the bus with my soft cockhead and it opened like the bud of a flower opening as, my head shall we say plopped in my hardening cock shaft followed she was screaming
“Big man! Big man!” Ten suddenly quietened and we settled into a wonderful ryhthm, this time I spunked all over her back white thick semen against her smooth brown back

We turned to see and hear Sally being virtually raped by the dong not in her cunt but her ass hole on her hands and knees her breasts swinging by each thrust, Both of the screaming obscenities Monica ”
Then IT WAS JUST CUNT ASSHOLE SCREAMS Until Moonica collapsed on top of her. They were both drippink wet Monica dong literally covered when they crawled over to me
“Oh no!” “Oh yes””
As they took control of me even Maria helped and eventually with my hands and knees got that dong in it was new to me but after the initial pain the sperm helped lube and slowly and surely Monica fucked me while Sally and Maria lay under me sand sucked and played with my cock and balls
I didn’t scream like the girls more moans pleading for more length! faste!r fuck deeper!!!
Eventuall we were all exhausted and lying around naked and dirty Sally suggested a shower we have 2 so it wasn’t long before our prefered partners were soaping each other down
Back in the lounge Sally raised the question on our minds
“Even June has fucked herself and its only you that hasn’t”
“Dont worry Sally I told you this was the fun part you are having me in a different way”She took a paddle out of her case and handed it to Sally stood legs apart hands clasped behind her head in a defiant position
Sally laid into her buttock hard strokes fast strokes while Monica counted
“one thank you two thank you” until her buttocks were red and began to show signs of bruising
Sally administered 5 on each breast the firmness shaking at each stroke
she nearly fell into Sallys arms
“Thank you, Thank you!”
She smiled “we all have our different ways”
“There is on more night scheduled I do have some ideas if you are interested”
We were!! so a Saturday night was scheduled to allow for the late night we were all expecting

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅