Sex-Lust-Vulgar – Sex Controlled by a Psycho Darren Ambler – New Jersey

Beginning in 2016 I was Stalked and Pursued by a shy, homely, obsessive guy from Southern New Jersey named Darren Ambler. Darren Ambler upon our first meeting was frightened but Obsessive and eager to have Sex and whatever else came to his filthy mind. Darren Ambler seemed timid but as soon as we met he made it very clear he wanted SEX only with no strings attached. He emphasized that he would do anything sexual. Darren was into all Porno acts, Very Dirty- Inappropriate Sex, a lot of Oral Sex and a great deal of caressing and fondling genitals. Darren Ambler had a clean cut moral image all of his life. However, something compelled him to change his lifestyle and focus. His life now became all about himself, satisfying his sick deranged lust and sex drive and he wanted to try new sexual quirky things too see if he enjoyed them.


I had the feeling Darren had little to no experience in SEX or Intimacy. He admitted that he got a real thrill out of sneaking around with Prostitutes and just about any female willing to give him a good time. Darren seemed naive and unaware about the dangers of open sex with people you barely knew. I too was in a vulnerable and lonely time in my life and I naturally gave in to his outrageous demands. Darren did tell me some things that I felt were true. However- I also felt a great deal of what he told me were lies, I mean big time lies and even fantasies. Darren Ambler told me he was a Pharmacist in NJ. He also tole me his wife abandoned him and there were children involved. This was another reason Darren Ambler felt it critical to keep his new SECRET SEXUAL lifestyle HIGHLY SECRETIVE.


I did feel dirty like just another one of his one night flings. But I gave in to his every wim. To start Darren quickly stripped but he was covering his Penis by cupping his hands which I found more than odd. I told him to open the curtain so I can have a peek. Darren did as I asked and I must admit I was not impressed at all. Actually it looked like something was wrong with the little bugger. It just sat there motionless. It looked like it needed to be sucked- caressed- touched- prepped- made to tow the line.


Darren admitted a sex compulsion which escalated into frequent dirty sex with various partners mainly hookers and unsavory whores desperate for a good lay. Or where Darren was concerned just a lay. Anyway- this night was awkward. Darren got on top of me did his thing…. it was short- very un satisfying and actually left me stressed and wondering if we did anything at all.


The oral sex was not very good either. Darren did have one request. He asked me to get on top of him and place his Winkee inside me and do my thing. I did comply as my master had asked and again I felt like nothing much happened.


This went on for about a month…. Darren Ambler would arrive after work evenings.. One night I came to the door and he was standing butt naked on my lawn. he grabbed me and threw me on the flower bed and began pumping me full of whatever that foreign looking dilly dally he had hanging in front. After this was over his began a series of oral copulation all over me. By the time we finished we ended up on my neighbors patio completely nude… I used to lie to Darren to make him feel like a Man or at least half a man. I realized this dude led a double life and took great pains to keep his corrupt and vulgar sex life very quiet as if it did not exist.


Every sex session became more bazaar. Darren Ambler wanted a Lover- a Whore- a Mommy and a Nurse maid all rolled into one. He did not seem to care about friends and seldom discussed family or work. It was like Darren was obsessed with all sex acts and needed as much as he could handle almost every day. Darren had some sick quirks. he enjoyed risky and dirty sex in odd places… Closets, in the Pool, on Kitchen Table, back seat of my SUV. Darren asked me to scream every time we had sex. I guess this heightened his shattered ego- I don’t really know….


The Sex sessions became more frequent. However- now Darren began obsessively texting me and calling from work all day long. Darren would buy me black stockings and make me do sick things with the hosiery during sex like tie up his winkie, kiss his ankles and tug his ear and he wanted to call me mommy. The mommy thing bothered me alot. Finally- it was a warm May evening in 2016… Darren rushed over after work- kicked my door down dragged me to the shower by my hair, stripped his clothes off, ripped mine off, began oral sex with great intensity… This time he cut a piece of my pubic hair for a souvenir. I told you he was odd. After this sex session we talked a bit. Darren explained it was time for him to move on and explore more Dangerous and Vulgar sex with others. He mentioned Prostitutes- escort services and for some reason he was obsessed with old ladies and sex. I think Darren was so insecure that sex with old ladies gave him a level of comfort and satisfaction. Maybe old ladies are less harsh and judgmental. Darren was also Obsessed with Lubricant oils, KY-Jelly- Black Candles, Mens Briefs Undies, Ladies Garders and watching Porno movies where a young STUD abuses a 70 year old women and forces Sexual acts upon her. I watched the delight in Darren’s eyes and the look of happiness on his face as this STUD wacked the old lady with a paddle as she became his SEXUAL slave.


YES- I was abused -used -poked- screwed- eaten up by Darren Ambler. It was an adventure but I was glad too see the sick- insecure sex obsessed child finally go his own way. I am sure a variety of hookers and senior citizens followed our sexual encounter. Darren Ambler was obviously seeking something other than sex. I hope he one day finds what he was seeking. I must say Darren Ambler was naive- unaware- not prepared and not too discreet. These qualities are all a recipe for ultimate disaster. I must reveal Darren Ambler never gave me an ORGASM. I pretended so he would think he was worth something. I hope his techniques improved and I do hope he finally purchased some very potent LISTERINE or SCOPE. A Pharmacy major can certainly afford strong mouth wash.


I do keep a JOURNAL of all my Sex encounters. YES Darren Ambler is discussed on pages 228 through 279. Frankly- Darren’s sex quirks turned me off. I do not enjoy SEX on the grass or in the closet. Sex on the Kitchen table is quite uncomfortable to say the least.


Whomever reads this – Remember Darren Ambler of Southern New Jersey (Cherry Hill- Moorestown Vicinity) is quite different than what he portrays himself to be. Darren is not the quiet reserved, church going, moral daddy that some may think he is. In fact Darren is a lonely sex starved addict, who enjoys Immoral filthy sex- plenty of Oral sex, pornography, Bondage and sometimes painful sex. Darren has a filthy mouth when it fits the bill. The words are “no holds barred” so to speak. Plenty of “F” words during sex- Called me many names beginning with “C” as well as “W”! He is a filthy PIG with a corrupt mind geared toward his own needs- his sex fantasies and his appetite for dangerous risky sexual intercourse…. I would say Darren is TROUBLED and unsure of HIMSELF. Unsure of Life or even why he is here. I did learn that Darren Ambler can look you in the eye and lie in an expert manner. He is a great Liar- and master manipulator. I feel Darren Ambler will NEVER be fulfilled SEXUALLY- EMOTIONALLY- or any way for that matter. He has a one sided BRAIN. A Brain that is so Focused and Obsessed with Himself and his desires he will probably NEVER be able to give another the attention, concern and devotion that they deserve. Therefore- in my opinion Darren Ambler should remain alone and single the remainder of his life. Marriage and/or Monogamous Relationships have no room for a third party especially if it involves Prostitution, Love Affairs, Sexual Flings, Bondage or Oral Copulation.