Sex & Sexual Abuse(A true story that happened in my life)

This is about what happened years ago while I was young and in 2nd & 3rd grade.

Hi, my name is Savannah. I was raped while I was in 2nd or 3rd grade by my older brother. He raped me while my little brothers were sleeping and he would cover my mouth so I couldn’t scream and when he did it I just froze and did nothing. He would fuck me after school and I didn’t know what to do until I told my oldest brother. He never stayed at home and went to football practice for Boone. After I told him he had quit football and I told him not to. A few months later when it was bedtime and my little brothers were sleeping I was crying and told my mom. She then called for my dad and so we went out into the living room and I told them and they told him to apologize. So he did and I said it was ok and they said it wasn’t ok. A few months or next year I was walking in school in my jumper with my hair in a ponytail and I got on the bus after school and went to the middle school. I then walked home and when I got there unlocked the door. I then got into my mom and dad’s room and locked it so my older brother couldn’t get in. I went with my mom to pick my oldest brother up from high school. I was dancing in my mom’s van while there was 2 guys looking at me one pointed and I didn’t notice he was pointing at me. I then had sat down on the seat I was sitting in before I got up. The next day I was wearing it after school I tried getting away from the guy and he was blocking where I tried to walk away from and so was his friend. He then kissed my head as I was in his tight grip and I tried to scream. I also was watching my older brother play the Xbox then I went over to give him a kiss on the cheek. Instead he made me kiss him on the lips and pulled me tight and I was scared and then he opened his eyes as mine were opened from surprise and shock, I then walked away into my room and cried. Another time was with my older brother, I was playing hide and seek while my oldest brother needed to use the bathroom. And I was in the shower and then he caught me in there and I said I was hiding. He then said the only way to stay in the bathroom was if I touched something of his, so I said ok and he pulled his pants and boxers down. I then touched his huge dick(even though at that time I didn’t know what it was.) I said it was warm and went into the shower again as he used the bathroom and then he closed the door. Thank you for hearing my painful story even though I have gotten over it in years.

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