Sex with my stepsister was worth it

To begin with, let me introduce myself. I am Vivan, a twenty year old boy writing about how I had sex with my stepsister. I was nineteen when my mom remarried after my dad’s demise. Although I wasn’t initially too enthusiastic about her marrying another man whom she met at a club and had been seeing for a couple of years. Honestly, I thought it was unfair to my birth father. I admit that I was not over with his death. The other man, Ron, was a great man, no doubt but I just felt that he was not worthy enough to marry my mom.

However, after a prolonged tussle, I gave in. My mom had successfully convinced me that Ron was the best choice for her. He was divorced with an eighteen year old daughter. I met Anna, my about-to-be step sister a couple of times, mostly at dinners and family get-togethers. We did not get along very well except for the formalities. Anna was a bit arrogant and wanted me out of the house. I realized that I might take certain amount of time to adjust with having her in my house. Her overpowering personality had reduced my worth in the family.

I mostly stayed in my room after the wedding. Ron and my mom did ask me if I was facing any trouble in the family and I denied. I liked to keep concerns and inconveniences to myself. So, finally I decided to ignore Anna’s presence since I did not have a choice. It was my mom’s first wedding anniversary with Ron and they had planned an evening out. I booked a table at their favorite restaurant. My mom dolled up and was really excited for the date. No sooner, they set out. It was around seven o’ clock by the clock. I knew that they would not return before midnight.


I was left alone with Anna, an idea I did not like very much. I locked the main door and decided to check on her before locking myself in my room. I knocked on her door but it was left unanswered. I turned the knob and the door was ajar instantly. She must have forgotten to lock the door, I thought to myself. The next moment caught me off-guard. My arrogant step sister laying on the door, playing with her pussy. She was in black lingerie and moaned while the sex toy fondled with her pussy. She had been touching herself!

I kept peeking in like a predator, I am ashamed, but the view was magnificent and my mind was confused if I will get to have sex with my stepsister. Her big tits jiggled and she grabbed them with her hands. She looked at the door and said, ‘Come in’. I was confused and I did not know if she was talking to me. She smiled at me. I nervously stepped in.

‘I am sorry, I…I didn’t mean to’

She got up from the bed and started to kiss me. I kissed her back and grabbed her bare waist. She pushed her tongue in my mouth and grabbed my dick that was throbbing inside my grey sweatpants. She started stroking it. I was enjoying it. The sexual tension between us was unfamiliar to me. She pulled my pants down and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked on it slowly. Her tongue played with my foreskin. I moaned and grabbed her head. I recalled everything she put me through for the last one year and decided to punish her. I made her choke on my dick, saliva dripping from her mouth on my dick, she smiled. She gagged on it and licked my balls while stroking my dick.

It continued for several minutes until I pulled her up and unhooked her bra. I grabbed her boobs and fondled with them. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. Her tits were too big for my hands and she suffocated me with her tits. She squeezed them on to my face and i sucked on them. I lifted her up and made her lay down on the bed. I spread her legs and started licking her thighs and fingering her. I finger-fucked her and used my tongue to explore her wet pussy. She loved the finger-tongue combo.

I pulled her to the bed post and slid my cock into her pussy. With slow, broad strokes of my hard dick, I made her crave for me. She was begging her step brother to fuck her hard. I fucked her vigorously. With every stroke my pace increased and her wet pussy was throbbing against my dick. I grabbed her head and started to fuck her from the behind. I grabbed her tits with a hand and spanked her ass with the other. She moaned my name while getting fucked. She was about to cum when I grabbed her ass and shoved my cock inside her intensely. She came on this big dick.

I turned her over and came all over her face, giving her the cream pie she begged for. We did not speak of since that day but my stepsister was a devil in bed. It took me a while to get over that pussy.