Sexual Love with a Girl child

Awakening and grooming a twelve year old sexy girl

“Hey weirdo! Mom’s asking for you.” My sister, (16 but acts like she’s older), slams open the door to my room and leaves. She treats me, her 18 year old brother, like garbage.

I almost think I deserve her treatment. I walk out and into the living room. There’s a girl, who looks about 10, busily watching TV. I ignore her and head to the kitchen. Mom’s not there. My parents’ room then. I see her getting ready for the night. My parents are headed out for one of their many house parties, of which I too was supposed to tag along but I flat out refused. Mum’s not been in a good mood since.

I knock once. “Mom, you called?”

“Oh…” She seemed to forget what for, till she looked at the living room. “Yes! Since you’re stubborn about being here, I have a job for you. Your sister has gone out with her friend and her friend needs someone to watch her sister. That’s the girl who’s sitting there.” I looked nervously at her, but she wasn’t looking here.

“So..hope you make a new one.” She was subtly referring to my bad social circle. Actually nil social circle. I sighed and nodded. I sat down on a sofa and watched my parents leave, shouting out last minute instructions till they walked out and then except for the TV noise, silence engulfed the room.

“So you’re Cat’s weird brother?” The little girl chirped, out of nowhere. Used to insults on a daily basis about my lanky self, my nerd like look and my attitude in general I had developed a thick shield, against all abuse. But hearing her say that, agitated me.

“Why do you say I’m weird?”

“Oh… because..… wait.. I know!” I almost was thankful she didn’t and was simply hurling out rumours. Till she said,

“Of course, you showed your penis to your sister!” She said it gleefully. I buried my face in my hands and asked her to watch the telly in silence. She refused and sat beside me, revelling in my torture, as she pressed against me.

“I’m Zarina.”

“Hello Zarina, you annoying minx. Please let go of my hand.”

“No.” She stated firmly and I gave up. We sat for like an hour, talking amazingly freely. For her age at least, she knew stuff no kids should know.

“You know something, Carl? Or maybe your sister told you…”

“About what? She doesn’t speak to me a lot.”

“Oh..” Zarina giggled mischievously. “Because of that penis incident..”

“Won’t you just let that go? What did you want to say?”

“About my family. My mom has an Onlyfans account and my dad has three wives.”

I looked at her stunned. Pulling my hand away, I asked if she was being serious. She nodded, her behavior almost truthful but I just wasn’t sure if she was playing.

“How do you know this?”

“My sister found out, we get teased for it also. A lot. If your sister talked, you would know. Father was once unaware I was home and he brought a woman, I didn’t know. That was the first time I saw him naked and also when I first saw a penis.”

Yikes. And I think my life’s bad.

“Doesn’t your mom get upset?”

“They always fight. But it is tradition, I heard, for us. By the way, why did you show your penis to your sister?”

“I’m not telling you that.” Zarina begged, pleaded, danced on my head till I relented on the basis that she had already shared so much with me.

“Fine, fucking fine.” She didn’t seem too bothered with my language so I continued.

“Back when we shared a room, I was in my shorts and seeing her sleeping beside me I got an erection and I began to rub it out. I honestly had no idea, she had already seen me. And she even waited for a while before telling me.”

“So she was watching you?”

“Yeah, maybe.” Zarina dropped all interest after I showed her my stash of toys, broken pieces of Lego and board games. She made me play those with her and we kinda became close. So close that amidst all the amusement that she said I was providing her with my limited knowledge about cards, she found courage to lean and kiss me on my lips. I didn’t move or do anything for a minute as she held onto my lips and before I could deepen it, she withdrew and smiled at me.

“What made you kiss me?”

“I like you. That’s why. You’re very funny.”

Truly flattered, I began to think. Really think. Not used to much female attention in my life except from my mom and looks of disgust from my sister, I was overwhelmed that someone like Zarina, however small, was happy with my company.

After an hour, Zarina was picked up by her sister who was all thanks and seeing her smiling at me, she almost looked at me like I was a normal person and not the one who had shown his dick to her friend.

I felt sad after I closed the door. When Cat walked in after her party, I asked her about her friend. Thinking I was interested in her, she reluctantly gave her number. I called her up and said, if ever she needed someone to babysit Zarina, I was available. When asked why, I said I felt like a special bond had developed between us. She said it was kind of me and surprisingly (to her) even Zarina wanted me to be around whenever I could.

A couple of days after that phone call, they showed up. They being, Zarina and her sister. While even she got the impression that I was into her, I quickly said bye to Cat and her, pulling Zarina inside. Zarina promptly went up to where my room was and sat on my bed. She was wearing a purple skirt today and a hijab.

Feeling a bit courageous myself, I removed my shirt and walked in. She simply saw me and snickered.

“What are you laughing at?”

“You look like a stick. Maybe even your ‘thing’ looks like you.”

“That sure huh? You wanna see it?”

“Maybe later.” I nodded and went beside her, lying down and watching her fiddle with her dress as she looked over me, giving me an insane amount of goosebumps. She says she wants to remove her headscarf but to keep it a secret between them, as she doesn’t want her sister to find out. I shrug and watch, as her cute little fingers slowly remove clips then extract the cloth from her head without pulling on her hair.

“How did your mom let you go out?”

“She needs privacy. For her..” Zarina made a sign for a camera, indicating her mom’s hobby. Zarina said she was hungry, just when I was building up courage to remove my pants. My entire body was throbbing with anxiety with each move I made. I made her hold my hand and for some reason, I scooped her up on my shoulder as I brought her to the kitchen.

Serving up a bowl of some mixture of cereal and others, I watched her eat. She barely looked at me while eating. Maybe she’s as nervous as me.

“Zarina, you said you saw your father’s penis right? How was it?” I was deliberately pushing her to answer more and more sexual questions. My intentions are clearer than ever.

“You said you don’t like to talk about…”

“No, no. It’s ok. You can talk about whatever you want. Just tell me.”

Zarina said about her father, how she almost fainted when she saw his shriveled penis and hairy chest. His entire body was covered in hair. I asked her how she felt.

“Nothing different. I don’t know why I saw that. But I think it was not correct.”

As a response to comfort her, I leaned on her to kiss her. She jerked back on the kitchen platform where she was sitting and I held her from falling. She looked down from where she was.

“It’s ok, Zarina. I’m only trying to comfort you. Come…” I pulled her close to me, her face was pressed sideways. I kissed her cheek, breathing in her soap, her scent and her smooth skin. Even Zarina was quite breathless with what I was doing. I slowly turned her head to face me. She looked shyly at me, holding eye contact in brief moments. I pressed my lips to hers and she opened them after much prodding.

Her entire self felt small against me. From her lips, to her neck and her entire body. I could easily crumple her up and have her in an instant. But I willed myself to be patient. We both were patient. Being older than her, I knew that I was to lead, however awkward I might be in this. She was still a child, and her judgement would be masked by other feelings.

Lifting her up, I made her embrace my bare back, still holding our kiss. It was horribly messy and amateurish. We could feel our breaths on each other, rapidly picking up pace. I was fighting for her mouth, while Zarina struggled to accommodate my space. We pulled back to relax but despite our madness, it had been intoxicating so we dove back in. I stumbled through eternity to get to my room and lock it behind me, while taking small breaks between our kisses.

I gently laid on my bed and threw everything else in it, except the sheets and us, away. I felt hazy staring down at Zarina’s pale face, covered entirely in our mixed saliva, looking back at me completely breathless. She looked so innocent, and so lovable. Having sex with her, causing her pain as a result, almost made me reconsider. And besides, she was a really good friend even for her age. Zarina sensed my hesitation.

“What happened? Did we kiss badly?” I laughed.

“That we did. But it’s not that.” I rolled away from her and lay beside her. Zarina got up and I leant back to see what she was doing.

“Oh boy..” I looked stunned as she removed her skirt, in a seductive manner. I could simply not comprehend how it was possible for a girl her age to behave like this, but she did. Her weightless legs let slip the loose bottom she had and she came at me driven by her preteen agility, only in her panties. I tried to get up, but she pushed me back and sat on my chest. Her hair was loose already but I noticed it just now. It’s long and among my many fantasies, I wonder how it would be to fuck Zarina holding her by her hair from behind.

I growl and wrestle for a position to dominate her. Easily winning, we go back to where we came. Me atop her smiling beatific face. I see her now. A bit satisfied that she’s not very small for me, holding onto a bit of flesh that can accommodate me. I rise up and begin to remove my pants, her gaze unwavering as she waits in anticipation. I mentally hope, I prove to be better in comparison with her father. My underwear also comes out and I let her glimpse at my erect cock for the first time. Zarina just looks on, saying nothing.

“What are you thinking? Do you like it?”

“It’s nice. A bit bony though, isn’t it? It could hurt me.”

“I know. But I’ll be careful, ok?” She nods as I pull back on my foreskin and glisten the tip with my precum. I generously take a large amount of it on my index finger and place it on Zarina’s lips.

“Open your mouth, Zarina. You need to get used to this. Please. Come on.” She slowly does and I clean her lips with my fingers. Then I dab more of my precum and feed it to her. After the first time, she gladly lets me do it and even sucks on it. I move closer to her open mouth and place my penis on her lips. Zarina protests mutely but slowly begins to suck on it too.

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