Silvia And Megan: Part Twenty-Four


The holidays finally ended, and Mika and I were a couple. I know I did a bad thing having sex with Michelle behind Mom’s back. It was fantastic, and if Mom hadn’t been dating Michelle, I would have done it again. Thankfully, Michelle was keeping her word about not telling Mom, and I think Mom was keeping her word about not telling Michelle.

Making love with Mom was something special. I don’t think we’d do it again the way our lives are going, but I’ll always treasure the intimacy we shared. Sharing Mom and Michelle was out of this world, and they wore me out. It’s one of a few secrets I’ll keep forever and cherish. But now I have Mika, and those types of things are behind me. My focus is on Mika.

Mika’s parents like me, but they think I’m just a close friend and soccer student of Mika’s, which is fine. I don’t want to ruin what Mika and I have, and I certainly don’t want to mess things up with Mika and her parents. Mika can tell them when and if she feels like it, and I’m okay with that. I love being with her and Noa. Little Noa is so cute when he sees me. He gets excited and wants me to hold him. It’s like I’m his aunt or something. Mika never talks about his real Aunt Kai, and I don’t ask.

So, the countdown to graduation continues. I still haven’t heard from any universities about a tryout or an offer. I need to decide soon to apply for financial aid despite having money set aside from Dad for my schooling. It’s better to have my bases covered than find out I don’t have enough for tuition and every other expense that goes with college. I know Mom would find a way to help me financially, but I don’t want to be a burden. I don’t know what skills I have if I had to work, but I’m sure I would figure something out.

Mom definitely enjoys having Mika and Noa over. It was like her grandma’s instincts kicked in. She dotes over Noa as if he were her grandchild. It is cute, and Mika loves it, as does Noa. I don’t think I’d ever have kids, but if I do, I know Mom would love my child no matter what.

I see Brandi at school almost daily, and she has changed dramatically. From when I saw her at New Year’s, it took her just over two weeks to quit hanging out with the jocks and cheerleaders. I usually sit alone or with girls from my soccer or volleyball team and the cheerleader at the opposite end of the cafeteria. Brandi would walk by, and it seemed like she wanted me to talk to her. She’d sit at the same table I was when I was alone, but she wouldn’t say anything. We’d nod and greet each other, but that was it. It was the beginning of February when we finally said hello and had a brief conversation. We were in the library studying when Brandi got up from another table and sat across from me.

I looked up and said, “Hi, Brandi. I was wondering if you were ever going to talk to me again. Thanks for not telling anyone. How are you doing?”

She smiled, “You’re welcome, and thanks too. I wasn’t sure if I should. I know we’ve never talked before. I guess I had to build up the courage to say hello. I’m doing great, thank you. Are you still seeing Mika and her cute little boy?”

I smiled, “Glad to hear. I could have said something to you. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t sure you’d talk to me. Yes, I am. I assume you’re seeing Kai also?”

She smiled, “It’s alright, I’ve changed since meeting Miss Kai. Oh yes. Miss Kai is amazing. I never would have imagined I could feel like this, but I do.”

I replied, “I’m glad you’re happy. Are you wearing her collar? Mika explained that to me after you two left.”

Brandi practically purred, “I am when I’m not in school or home. It’s stunning, and I treasure it as I treasure Miss Kai. Do you and Mika have that type of relationship?”

I told her, “No, we don’t. We have a mutual understanding. It works for us.”

Brandi grinned, “I’m glad for you two. I never thought a woman could make me feel like I do. I was shocked at first. Miss Kai has introduced me to some other ladies when I’ve stayed with her. It’s just been twice, but OMG!”

I blushed, “I won’t ask. I noticed you’re not hanging with your usual crowd anymore?”

Brandi giggled, “I understand. No, I can’t relate to them anymore. I’m afraid to tell my parents too. I want to go to college, and if I tell them, they’ll disown me or something. Miss Kai might pay for college, so I have to be a good girl and see what happens. Hopefully, I might get an academic or a cheer scholarship. I’ve been to tons of college cheer clinics and have some advanced skills.”

Brandi smiled as she blushed, “Miss Kai and her friends like some of my advanced skills. I’m extremely flexible. But we’ll see. Thank you for being understanding and nice, Megan. I wish we’d been friends earlier. I like you.”

I smiled, “Aw, thank you, Brandi. I like you too. I’ve never been very outgoing, but meeting you has been nice. I wish you luck with Miss Kai, her friends, and college. I’ll remind Mika about the babysitting thing.”

Brandi smiled, “Thank you. I need to get going. Take care, and maybe we can get together outside of school sometime. Bye for now.”

Brandi got up and left. I noticed she had a little wiggle as she walked out. She turned her head to see if I was watching, and when she saw I was, she winked, which made me blush.

She did have a hot body, and I know being very flexible can be very yummy in bed. With all the stretching we do, Mika and I are pretty flexible. Not that we get many chances to make love, but they are very special when we do.

During January, I noticed Mom and Michelle in a lull in their relationship. It used to feel like Mom was on cloud nine and talked with Michelle every chance she got. Maybe it’s her work or something I don’t know about, but it isn’t like they are on a honeymoon anymore. I wondered if Mika and I would go through that at some point.

We weren’t even close to that point on the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. Mika came over with Noa for the day. Mom had asked if she could watch Noa so Mika and I could have some private time. I suggested that to Mika, and she was all for it. When Mika came over, Mom asked if she could put Noa’s car seat in her car so she could take him. Of course, Mika said yes, so she changed him first, then set Mom up with everything she’d need to shop with him.

Mika and I thanked Mom for taking him with her. Then, as soon as Mom left, Mika and I headed to my room and began undressing each other. We kissed between removing each piece of clothing. It was fun and sexy as we teased each other, undoing a button or halfway unzipping a zipper. We wondered aloud if Mom was going to quickly return and catch us. It was a kind of erotic talk. I’d never thought that of Mika, but I guess she’s opening up more with me. I didn’t ask what she’d do if Mom caught us, but I do know that if Noa could talk, Mika would freak out that he’d tell his Grandparents.

Soon, we were in my bed naked, kissing and playing around. We both love to kiss and doing it naked with Mika on top of me is our favorite position. She knows exactly how to lay on me and move so we both climax.

We started slowly, knowing Mom would be gone for at least a couple of hours. It’s just another thing I love about my Stepmom.

As Mika and I kissed with her on me, we rubbed against each other, becoming aroused relatively quickly. We both like being verbal as we make love, telling each other how good we feel. Mika rarely uses dirty words, and we don’t have little pet names for each other. So, I guess we’re pretty mundane compared to others.

This time, Mika’s breasts didn’t leak like the first time we made love, which was good and bad, in my opinion. Our playing around wasn’t as messy, but I missed her milk. It’s weird, but suckling her breasts when she was lactating was pretty erotic.

As we continued kissing, we became more vocal, telling each other how good we felt. When Mika moved so her lower lips brushed against mine, we both moaned.

My hands gripped Mika’s butt cheeks to keep her in place as she worked her sweet body over me. A few F-bombs and saying each others’ names between kisses added to our pleasure. I asked Mika to slow down; I wanted an intense climax, not a quick one.

Mika grinned and whispered, “Whatever my baby wants, she’ll get.”

I giggled, “I’m your baby now?”

Mika smiled, “Yes, you are. All mine forever and ever.”

My eyes met hers as I told her I loved her. Mika paused her gyrations to tell me she also loved me.

When Mika lowered her lips to mine, we kissed long, slow, wet, and sloppy. When our lips parted, Mika told me she was going to tell her parents about us. I asked if she was serious, and she said she was.

We kissed again, and then Mika started grinding me once more as we continued making out. She moved her body so our breasts smushed as we kissed. My hands roamed her body while we grunted and moaned, heading towards another yummy mutual climax.

We were like two bunnies in heat, going at it, moaning, kissing, and grinding until we both were close to that magical moment. When we peaked, Mika let out a loud squeal, something I hadn’t heard her do before. Then she collapsed on me, and I held her tightly as we caught our breath, both panting and happy. We lay talking until Mika rolled off me, worried she was too heavy. I told her we could lay like that for as long as she wanted to. I loved her body against mine. That got more kisses and another ‘I love you’ from her lips.

As we lay, basking in the glow, Mika happened to look at the clock on my nightstand, surprised our lovemaking session had lasted as long as it did. I told her my mother didn’t care if we were still making love when she returned, but Mika was still apprehensive about being so open around her.

I sighed, then suggested we shower before Mom and Noa returned, and Mika smiled. She loved showering together, getting all soapy and slick. I love it too and find it’s very intimate washing each other. Mom knew we were going to make love, and both of us having wet hair when she returned would confirm it. I don’t know if Mika realized that or not, so I didn’t say anything.

A few more kisses, and then we rolled out of bed. I thought about using Mom’s shower, but I knew Mika would worry we’d get caught. We took a nice long shower in my bathroom, going down on each other for more delicious orgasms. As we dried off, I asked Mika if she wanted to try a toy the next time we had some private time.

She asked what kind, and I told her about Mom’s strapless strappy. Mika seemed intrigued, so after we dressed, we snuck into Mom’s room, and I showed her what it was. Her eyes lit up when I told her we’d both enjoy it. She asked if I’d used it before, and I lied and told her no.

I said Mom suggested we try it sometime because she and Michelle love it. Mika was fine with my explanation and said she’d be willing to try it with me.

I smiled as I put it back in Mom’s nightstand. We left Mom’s room and went to the living room to wait for Mom and Noa to return. We snuggled on the sofa, talking and kissing for half an hour until Mom and Noa entered the house. Noa had been sleeping while Mom drove, and he looked groggy as Mom handed him back to Mika. She said he’d been good, and they had a nice time wandering the mall. She had changed him once while they were out. He’d only urinated, which Mom was thankful for.

She also mentioned he was a little ‘chick magnet’ smiling and giggling at all the moms and girls who wanted to see him. Mom said she got a few raised eyebrows when she told the person she was his grandma because they didn’t think she was old enough. She mentioned that it was good for her ego, and we all laughed.

Mika kissed Mom on the cheek as she told her, “Thank you for taking Noa out, Grandma.”

Mom blushed, “You’re welcome, Mika. I enjoyed it, and he did, too.”

Mom had stopped and picked up lunch, a take-and-bake veggie pizza. I put it in the oven after it got to temperature. Mom told us more about the little adventure at the mall while we waited for the pizza to cook. When it was ready, we sat around eating and talking while Noa played in his walker and Mika fed him some baby food. It had been a good day having time with Mika. She and Noa left at about three that afternoon, and I didn’t see Mika until Saturday when we met for our workout.

Friday night, I stayed home alone because Mom had a date. I looked at more possible colleges to attend and added a few to my list. I was coming to grips with living at home and going to a junior college to get my general courses done. Mom would love that, me hanging around more and not off to some university far away.

Saturday morning, Mom told me briefly about her date. She and Michelle had met another lesbian couple, Caroline and Jen, at a New Year’s Eve party. They invited Mom and Michelle to a charity function at the school where Jen teaches. During that event, Mom met a local celebrity chef, Esperanza Avila, and they hit it off. Apparently, the woman had a daughter whom she was worried about and asked if I wouldn’t mind getting to know her because the daughter seemed too quiet recently. Mom told Esperanza she’d ask me, and I agreed to meet the girl.

So, near the end of the month, Mom asked me if her new friend Esperanza could bring her daughter, Simone, to workout with Mika and the girls. I texted my soccer partners to ask if it was alright, and they all agreed that it was fine.

The following Saturday morning, we met on the pitch. Esperanza was a well-known chef who owned a very successful restaurant and had written a couple of cookbooks.

Esperanza and Simone arrived, and everyone was introduced. Then Mom and Esperanza did some stretching and headed out for a short run while Simone worked out with us.

Simone was as gorgeous as her mother: dark complexion, long black hair tied in a ponytail, and long gangly legs. She was a little shy at first, but once we started our workout, she got the hang of it and opened up, talking to us.

Simone played on a recreational team, and she said it was fun but not very competitive. We showed her some drills to improve her game, along with exercises and stretches. She liked that we were older because it brought out her competitive nature. We didn’t push her too hard, not wanting to stifle her.

Esperanza and Mom returned, which meant our time was up. Simone thanked us and asked if she could work out with us again. We all told her we’d love to have her, and it was up to her mother. She said she’d talk to her, but her mother would probably be alright with it. Getting a ride might be a problem because her mother worked too much, but she’d try.

As we finished, I noticed Mom and Esperanza sitting in the bleachers watching us. Mom had asked me to talk with Simone and get to know her because her mother had concerns about her. I wasn’t sure what to do, but working with Simone was a delight, and I hoped I’d broken the ice.

I don’t know if Mom was just being nice or if she had intimate thoughts about Esperanza. I know I did; she was beautiful. However, I wouldn’t do anything to ruin my relationship with Mika, but Simone’s Mom would be a nice addition to my masturbation time.

I wasn’t alone with those types of thoughts because Ivy, Isabel, and my love Mika commented in whispers to me how hot she was. Ivy and Isabel had mentioned to me the first time they met Mom I was lucky to have a hot Mom. I told them she was taken, and they both pouted.

On the way home, Mom and I talked about Simone and Esperanza. I told her what I found out about the team she was on and that she didn’t like that her mother worked so many hours. We didn’t talk about her dad or anything too personal.

I told Mom we spoke Spanish a few times, and Simone liked it, but we didn’t do it much because the others didn’t understand what we were saying. I mentioned that we all thought Simone was nice and that we had invited her back to practice with us. I gave her my cell number and told her to text me anytime or if she needed a ride on Saturday mornings.

Mom said I did great, and she’d let Esperanza know. She thanked me by buying lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I mentioned we all thought Esperanza was gorgeous, but I didn’t suggest anything naughty regarding her.

On the way home from lunch, Mom mentioned she’d be staying over at Michelle’s next Friday night. She and Michelle were going on a double date with the two ladies they met at the New Year’s Eve party. I immediately texted Mika and told her we could get together. I got a text back asking if it was alright to bring Noa with her. She wanted to give her parents a break, which was nice of her. I told her he was always welcome whenever she visited. I didn’t mention what we might do once Mom left, but I think she had an idea from her last visit.

Mom saw me texting and smiled, “A little rendezvous with Mika, baby?”

I blushed, “Yes, and she’s bringing Noa. I think she’ll try to keep him up all day so he can sleep while they’re here.”

Mom laughed, “That’s my naughty girl. I hope the three of you have a good night.”

I smiled, “I think we will. Thanks, Mom. Oh, I showed Mika your toy, and she was intrigued. Is it okay if we use it? I’ll clean it and put it back.”

Mom grinned, “I hope you both enjoy it, sweetie.”

When Friday night finally arrived, I was so anxious about it that I could hardly concentrate at school. Brandi stopped by my lunch table twice during the week and again while I was studying in the library. She was very flirty with me. I don’t know if Miss Kai put her up to it or what, but I was uncomfortable with it despite her flirting and getting me a little damp.

I did something out of my comfort zone for our Friday night date. I don’t cook that much, but I did make something special for our dinner. I planned on making a Hawaiian slow cooker, Kālua Pork. It looked good when I was doing a search online, and I thought Mika might like it. I started it around noon, hoping it would be done in time for dinner.

I kissed Mom goodbye and told her to have fun. She smiled and said she’d try. We giggled, and then off she went. I went back into the house and busied myself until Mika texted me she and Noa were on their way over.

I quickly looked around the house, straightening things up and putting away things Noa might play with that he shouldn’t. I slipped into one of the lingerie sets I got for Christmas, which Mika hadn’t seen yet. I double-checked Mom’s drawer for her strapless strappy, and thankfully, it was there. I hoped Mika was in the mood and Noa was tired so he’d sleep early and let Mika and me play undisturbed.

When I heard Mika’s car in the driveway, I went out to greet them and help bring in Noa’s things. I kissed Mika and told her I missed her. She said the same to me, and into the house we went.

Mika brought a small inflatable pool that we could pad with blankets and let Noa sleep in it in my room. I thought it was a great idea. He might wake up, but we’d probably hear him. He couldn’t fall out of bed or wander since we would close my bedroom door. I thought about using Mom’s bed, but I didn’t know if Mika would go for that.

Mika mentioned that Noa had been up most of the day and was starting to get cranky. He slept a little on the way over, but it wasn’t very long. He looked tired, so we played with him until he was close to falling asleep again. Then we set him in the makeshift bed, used the baby monitor to watch him, and then closed the door.


That’s when the fun began for Mika and me. We ate dinner, Mika loved that I made the effort to cook something special for her. We both thought the Kālua Pork was good, and I’d have it again for lunch the next day. After dinner and dealing with the dishes, we went to the sofa to start our night of mischief. We made out on the sofa, slowly removing each other’s clothes as we built our arousal. When Mika saw my lingerie top, she was intrigued and wanted to see the rest of it before we went any further.

I got up from the couch and did a slow strip tease with the remainder of the clothes I was wearing. Mika liked it because she was rubbing herself as I slowly undressed. When I was finished and still in my lingerie, I rejoined my aroused love. We made out for a bit more, and then I asked her to strip for me.

Mika checked the baby monitor as we switched places. Noa was sound asleep as Mika started to undress for me. She mirrored my moves and added a couple of her own. We were both awkward except when it came to stretching and grabbing our ankles. Naturally, we didn’t face each other doing that, and I came to the conclusion that Mika had the better ass by a long shot.

I smiled and complimented her choice of boy shorts and nursing bra despite the fact she wasn’t feeding Noa anymore. Mika giggled and said the bra was for my benefit because I loved suckling her so much. I blushed deep red and admitted I did love it.

Before we both were completely naked, I asked Mika if she was in the mood for the toy. Her eyes lit up as she nodded. So, leaving our clothes in the living room, we headed to Mom’s room to fetch her strapless strappy.

Mika asked if I’d gotten permission from Mom before we used it. I told her I had and that we’d wash it and put it back all nice and sanitary.

Mika laughed, “I don’t believe how honest you and your Mom are. I could never talk about things like that with mine. Maybe Kai, but she’d go off the deep end and twist things around or something. Do you ever see that girl she seduced from your school?”

I told her I had but didn’t go into any details. I wanted Mika with the toy and didn’t really care to talk about Brandi. Mika said she’d looked up the strapless online. There were some videos, but she didn’t watch them. So, I told her Mom gave me a quick briefing about it, which end did what, and that sort of thing.

I saw some lube in the drawer and grabbed that, too. We headed back to the living room to look it over and talk about it. Mika asked if she could hold it, so I handed it to her. Despite my telling her, she looked it over, trying to figure out which end went where.

When she said, “You know this doesn’t look like a real penis. I don’t know. I guess it takes practice to work right. You said both your Mom and Michelle love it? Do you want the small end or the big one? Where are we going to do this? I don’t want to wake Noa.”

I replied, “Yes, Mom and Michelle use it frequently. I can hear them sometimes, even with the bedroom doors closed. I guess I’ll take the small end. It doesn’t matter to me. Well, we could do it right here on the sofa. I can get a towel and sit on it. We have the monitor right there in case Noa wakes up.”

Mika thought about it as she turned it over and over in her hands. This seemed like it was more of a science experiment than sex fun with a toy. So, I asked Mika to put it down and sit on my lap facing me so we could make out again.

She laid the toy on the sofa’s armchair and settled in my lap. I whispered to her that we didn’t need a toy and that I was happy to just have her. We started kissing, and as we grew more passionate, Mika began rocking back and forth on my lap.

We were both getting worked up again when Mika reached behind her to unhook her bra. I looked up at her and smiled as she cupped her breasts, offering them to me. Mika moved closer as I leaned in and began to suckle. My hands grabbed her ass cheeks, squeezing them as I devoured each sweet breast.

Mika began moaning and telling me she wanted me to fuck her with the toy. I heard what she said, but I was too busy enjoying what I was doing to stop. Then we heard Noa turning in his little bed and making a noise. So, we stopped what we were doing and watched to see if he was going to wake up. After a minute or so, he settled back down. Then Mika looked at me with lust-filled eyes, bent down, and we kissed.

When she broke the kiss, she got off me to remove her panties. I sat up and took my bra off as Mika grabbed the toy and began licking it. I reminded her we had some lube, but she just smiled and kept coating it with her saliva.

I smiled and stood, removing my panties so I could fuck my love. I placed the towel on the sofa. When Mika finished coating the toy, we began kissing again. Mika was very worked up as she placed the small end of the toy between my legs and started to rub it over my lips.

I started moaning as she whispered, “I want to ride you, Megan. I want you to make me cum, sweetie.”

This was a new Mika I was seeing, and it excited me. I replied, “I’ll do my best.”

Mika smiled, “I know you will, my love.”

I reached down and took the toy from Mika, then stepped back and began fiddling with it, trying to find the right spot within me. Mika watched with a huge smile as I fumbled around until I finally got it where it needed to be.

I told Mika I was ready, then sat on the sofa and waited for her to climb up. It was fairly awkward at first. I had to slouch down so she had enough room to sit on me so I could suckle her breasts as we fucked.

Once we got into position, Mika eased herself down onto the toy, wincing slightly as she did. She almost bottomed out on it and asked if I was feeling okay. I told her I was, and that’s when she started moving up and down on it. Slowly, at first, she got used to the feeling inside her. Then, Mika gradually increased her movements until she found the perfect angle and rhythm.

The strappy was doing its job on me as it was on Mika. I could feel it hitting my clit as we got into a rhythm. I watched Mika move up and down on me, her sweet breasts bouncing as she gained confidence in her movements.

Her face said it all. She was enjoying the feel of the toy in her, along with my hands roaming her body, playing with her nipples, and squeezing her ass. We kept it up for a long time. Just when I thought Mika was about to climax, she changed her movements to a much slower pace. She leaned forward so I could play with her breasts as we kissed. Long, slow, saliva-dripping kisses. Mika teased my lips and tongue with hers, making me catch her as she tranced my aching lips with her swirling tongue.

I loved the new sexually charged Mika and wondered what other surprises were in store for me. When she’d played enough, Mika went back to the hard grinding and pumping. My eyes rolled back in my head as she brought us both to a spectacular orgasm. Then Mika collapsed onto me, panting and kissing my neck, face, and lips. She confessed she’d missed that feeling inside her, and having me on the other end of it made it truly amazing. I told her I loved it and that if she enjoyed it, maybe I should have Mom get one for us.

Mika smiled, “Thank your mom for me. Having our own would be yummy, baby.”

Once more, we stopped and turned to see Noa moving around in his bed and slowly falling back asleep. When he settled back down, we started kissing again, basking in our orgasmic glow. It was getting late, and we both knew Noa would be up early. We decided to take separate showers so one of us could keep an eye on Noa.

When we were both clean and dry, we headed to my bed. We lay whispering sweet things for a while, and then both nodded off to sleep.

As expected, Noa was up early. We dressed and had breakfast, then I went to the soccer workout, and Mika went home. Simone met us there with her mom, Esperanza. When Esperanza asked what my mom was up to, I told her she had a late night and was sleeping in. She seemed a little disappointed, but she didn’t say anything. Then she headed off for a run while Isabel, Ivy, Simone, and I worked on passing and the usual drills. Simone was really talkative, more so than her first workout with us. She said her coach noticed an improvement in her play since she’s been working with us, and that made her mom happy.

As we worked out, Simone talked about her team. She showed them some of our drills, and the girls liked them, so their coach added them to their routine. Simone seemed to become more open and like a team player. I thought about it, and I think that’s one of the things her mother was worried about. It made me feel good about helping them.

When our time was up, and we were saying our goodbyes, Esperanza, Simone, and I were talking as we walked back to our cars. Esperanza asked if I babysat. Simone corrected her, telling her mother she wasn’t a baby and just needed someone to hang with when Esperanza was out late. We all laughed at that, and then Esperanza continued. She was hosting a banquet and would probably be at the restaurant until early Sunday morning. It would be in two weeks, and she wondered if I wouldn’t mind keeping Simone company. She’d pay me, and I could stay the night since she didn’t know when she’d be home.

I told her I probably could. So, we traded phone numbers, and I said when I knew more, I’d text her. She was fine with that, and Simone added she’d fix us dinner. I told them Simone sealed the deal and mentioned I’d been craving Latin food recently and that I couldn’t wait to tell Mom.

When I got home, I called Mika to tell her about my ‘babysitting’ gig and Simone’s news. We talked for about two hours despite seeing each other earlier in the morning. I laughed when Mika suggested that I should consider teaching or coaching as a career choice. She went on to explain how much it fit my personality and demeanor. I started thinking about it after we hung up, and it did make sense.

When Mom arrived home from Michelle’s, we talked about Mika and I using the strapless. I thanked her for letting us borrow it, and I’d put it back in her drawer, all nice and clean. She asked if Mika liked it, and I blushed, telling her Mika wanted to get one for us and not have to borrow hers. Mom’s face lit up, and she squirmed a bit. She grinned and told me she was glad we enjoyed it. There was a lull in our talk, and then I began telling her the same things I talked about with Mika. She thought it was great that Simone was opening up to me, but she was a little jealous I was having dinner at Esperanza’s even though Simone was cooking. Mom suggested I think about what Mika had suggested regarding teaching because teaching was a challenging and sometimes thankless job. She suggested that if I was serious, I should talk to her new friend, Jen. I reminded her I was only thinking about it and coaching would be my choice, not teaching. She seemed relieved when I said that, and we dropped the matter. Then I asked how her night with Michelle went. She said it was fine and that they might double date with Caroline and Jen in a couple of weeks or so. I told her it sounded like fun, then asked what they were going to do. Mom replied that she wasn’t sure. They mentioned a play, but it depends on when we do it. Michelle and Caroline were working it all out. I replied that I thought that was cool, and we went about the rest of the day.

Valentine’s Day was fast approaching. I had talked to Mom about buying a strapless for Mika and me to use instead of borrowing hers a couple of weeks before, but nothing happened. But on Wednesday, Mom gave me an early Valentine’s Day present before she went to Michelle’s for their get-together. It was a strappy, just like hers, only in a different color. I gave Mom a huge hug and a kiss, thanking her for being so good to me. She smiled as she told me how much she loved me and was so glad Mika and I were happy.

We almost started crying together, and it was sappy and fun. It’s another reason I love my Stepmom. Then I hurried to my room and retrieved the gift I got her, a white gold diamond infinity necklace. I told her I will always love her no matter what happens to us. Naturally, we got all teary-eyed again with hugs and kisses galore. If she weren’t going to Michelle’s for the evening, we might have wound up in bed together again. Neither of us said anything, but I think we both felt it.

After we calmed down, Mom grabbed her overnight bag and hugged me goodbye. It was tough not to ask her to stay, but we did make a promise when we made love that we’d never do that again.

Thursday was back to normal, with Mom reminding me she’d be gone Friday night and probably all weekend. I told her Mika was coming over with Noa, and she asked me to hug and kiss them. I told her I would and that they would miss seeing her. That got a sigh and a pout.

Valentine’s Day was much like the other Friday when my love and her darling boy came over. Noa was set up in his sleeping pool while Mika and I played. The difference this time was that Mika brought dinner. She stopped at the store and got the ingredients for Poke bowls. It’s an anniversary-type thing, which I thought was very sweet. We kept Noa awake as long as possible, entertaining him. When he finally crashed, Mika laid him in his makeshift bed. We watched him for a few minutes, then snuck out with the baby monitor so we could keep an eye on him. That’s when our fun began.

To celebrate our love, Mika gave me a lovely red heart tag bead bracelet, which I loved. I was very embarrassed when it was time to give her my gift. I told her I should have gotten her something personal, like she got me. That got her wondering what I did get her. It was embarrassing when she opened the box, but the look on her face when she realized what it was made me feel much better.

Mika laughed, “If this isn’t personal, I don’t know what is, baby. You are so naughty and sweet. I love you, Megan.”

I was blushing as Mika held the strappy in one hand and hugged me. We kissed and then decided to try it out. I told Mika we would use her Mom’s bed this time. I felt comfortable about it since Mom bought the strappy for us. Mika looked at me and asked if we really should. I told her we didn’t want to wake Noa and it would give us more room. We could change the sheets afterward, and if Mom got mad, I’d do extra chores or something to appease her. Mika replied that she’d help out if Mom were that upset. I smiled, and we headed to Mom’s room with Mika’s new toy and the monitor.

Mika waited as I pulled back the covers. She was eyeing the strappy and had a curious look on her face. I asked what she was thinking, and she said she was debating what position we were going to use it in. I kissed her briefly and said, “Any position you want me in.”

Her eyes lit up as she smiled. Mika handed it to me, and I took it to the bathroom and washed it. While I was doing that, Mika set the monitor on the nightstand and made sure we could see it from the bed. When I returned, we started kissing and undressing each other. Mika was anxious, so our playing around didn’t last very long. When we were both naked, we got into bed and continued getting each other aroused. Instead of using the lube, we sucked and licked the strappy simultaneously. It felt so sexy doing that with her, and I couldn’t wait to see what she had planned.

When it was good and wet, I asked Mika how she wanted me. She grinned, “On your back and spread your legs, baby. I want to look into your eyes as we cum together.”

I purred out loud, which made Mika giggle. Onto my back, I went, opening my legs for my lover. Mika was kneeling on the bed, watching me. She waited until I was ready before inserting our new toy into her. It took a few tries, adjusting and seeing how it felt before Mika got it where she wanted it. Then she bent down and started kissing and licking my legs from my ankles to my pussy, teasing me and making sure I was ready to receive.

I smiled and told her to hurry up, or else I was going to cum without her. Mika giggled and told me I better not, then moved directly on top of me and started teasing my labia with the tip of the toy. I looked up at her and almost said something. She smiled, then guided our little friend inside me. Once in, Mika lowered her face to me so we could kiss. Our tongues played as she began moving it back and forth in me. I asked her to go deeper because I wasn’t feeling it. She grinned and told me to be patient. She was just getting the hang of it. I sighed and replied, “Okay. I’ll try.”

Just then, we heard Noa shuffle around in his bed. Mika stopped, and we looked at the monitor to see what he was doing. He stirred for a bit, then settled back down while we watched. Once he quit moving, Mika started pushing the strappy back and forth in me. She went slowly at first, and after getting more confident, she really started fucking me. She’d vary her movements and speed and intermittently lower herself to kiss me or to suckle a nipple. I loved watching her facial expressions as the tip of the strappy rubbed against her clit, and the opposite end touched mine. When Mika raised herself above me, I’d reach up and play with her nipples. She’d swoon and stay upright as she pressed the toy deeper into us. We kept varying angles and pressure until both of us were close.

When Mika was on the verge, she let me know by intensifying her movements. I’d pull and pinch her nipples harder to let her know I was right there with her. When she was almost over the edge, she looked down at me intensely and told me she loved her Valentine’s gift. I giggled and told her I loved her. That put my love over the edge, with me hanging on to her, following her over. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets as Mika froze in mid-pump. Our bodies shook as our orgasms peaked, and the only sounds we could hear were each other’s blissful moans. When it was all over, Mika collapsed on me, softly panting. She whispered how wonderful she felt and thanked me by smothering me with kisses. I was definitely in my happy place, lying under her, basking in the glow of our lovemaking.

When Mika sighed, I asked if everything was okay. She said yes but wished we could move in together without worrying about hiding our love. She still hadn’t told her parents because it never seemed like the right time. I told her not to worry; we always have my house and Mom to play grandma and keep an eye on Noa. Mika giggled and reminded me how special my stepmother was. She loved her almost as much as she loved her parents. I laughed and asked, “What’s not to love about Silvia?”

Mika replied that she couldn’t think of anything, and then we kissed again and decided to take separate showers so one of us could keep an eye on Noa. We used Mom’s shower since we’d already used her bed. We thought about putting the monitor on the counter across from the shower, but we couldn’t hear him with the water running. So, Mika went first, and I followed. It would have been more fun together, but we could do that again, assuming Mom wouldn’t mind watching sweet Noa. I’d have to ask Mom when I saw her next. I washed our new friend and dried it while Mika was in the shower so we could use it again before Mika went home. I left it on the counter to dry, then switched places with my love.

The rest of the evening was spent cuddling and kissing on the sofa as we streamed a movie. The next day, Mika and Noa went back home, and I went back to my routine and counted down the days until I supervised Simone and graduated from high school.