Slug, slag, whore – No regrets

I let my brother and his friends have sex with me in my bed, one of them is the father of my unborn daughter.

My name is Lucy, I turned 12 in September, and I’m 5 months pregnant.

It happened obviously a little over 5 months ago, my mom was out, I was asleep in my bed but my 16 year old brother Jake, had 3 of his friends over, Tom, Liam and Daniel, they came in to my bedroom, turn on my bedroom light and woke me up.

They were being very loud, and they had alcohol with them, they were clearly drunk, they said they wanted me to party with them, I sat up on my bed, wearing just a night shirt, and my brother practically forced vodka in to my mouth, he was being playful not nasty, but it felt like it was burning my throat when I swallowed it and I coughed and kind of puked most of it back up all over myself.

My nightshirt got soaked, so Jake brought me a towel to dry myself off, but it had already soaked me wet through, then his friends started cheering, “Take it off. Take it off. Take it off.”, I felt embarrassed and Jake told off his friends for being dirty, “Shut up, boys. That’s my kid sister.”

“Take it off!” they cheered.

It was all the spirit of fun, so I took off my night shirt and Liam took it from me and held it up to his face to smell it, “Smells good.” He announced, tossing it to Daniel and Tom in turn to sniff, I thought it was funny, and then they got me to try all their different alcoholic drinks, they tasted nasty but I drank them because they made me feel like part of the group, and we had fun, dancing and listening to music in my room for a few hours.

They even smoked weed and I tried some, but it made my head go funny so didn’t have a lot of it.

I was dancing with Tom and his hands were all over me, he pulled me in close to him, so our fronts were touching, then he kissed me and shoved his tongue in my mouth, then he picked up and the next thing I knew I we were on my bed, he was on top of me still kissing me, and I felt him take off my panties and then he was rubbing my pussy.

When Jake and the others saw what Tom and I were doing, they cheered, Jake didn’t even try to stop him, “Do it, Tom. Go on, lad. Pop your cherry.” Cheered Daniel, playfully rubbing Tom’s head, which annoyed him, “Fuck off, Daniel, dickhead.” He moaned.

Before I knew it Tom had his cock out and was wiggling around on top of me, I head was fuzzy from all the drink and weed and I didn’t feel much, until he pushed his cock inside me, I definitely felt that, but he didn’t give me a chance to cry out, as soon as his cock was inside of me, he started fucking me really fast, “Ungh – Ooh – Oomf – Ung!!!” I moaned and moaned, while he pinned my arms down and pounded my virgin pussy hard, I didn’t really know what was happening until it was over, and it was over very quickly.

It was my first time having sex and although he kind of forced himself on me, I enjoy it immensely, and my whole body was buzzing, not just my head.

When he finished and got off me, he high-fived the others, then Daniel got his cock out, got on top of me and he fucked me as well, then Jake, and finally Liam had his turn.

Once they’d all finished fucking me, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up and the sun was out, it was morning, and they’d all left my room, it was a mess, and my mattress was soaking wet with all sorts of fluids.

A couple of weeks later I started being violently sick in the morning, when it didn’t get better, mom took me to the doctors, but they couldn’t find anything wrong, it was at a follow up appointment that the doctor asked to speak to me alone, “Could you be pregnant?” she asked me.
I sat there shaking my head, even though I knew I could be.

“Are you sexually active?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Let’s do a pregnancy test, okay, just to make sure.” She said.

I agreed, and it came back positive, then she called my mom back in and I had to tell her I was pregnant, she got angry and demanded to know who I’d been sleeping with, but I didn’t tell her, I didn’t have too, none of her business, plus I didn’t want to get Jake in trouble.

My mom eventually stopped asking me who it was, and she just accepted the fact that I was pregnant, and she has supported me through it.

I don’t know who the father of the baby is, it could be any of them, even though Tom fucked me first, it could still be any of them.

Its not easy being a pregnant 12 year old, when I walk around the streets or am out in town, people look at me in funny ways, they’re not used to seeing a small baby faced 12 year old girl with a baby bump.

School has been the worst though, everyone makes fun of me, they say hurtful things to me and call me slut, whore, slag, slapper, even those I thought were my friends, they’ve all abandoned me now, I have no friends anymore.

If you ask me if it was worth it, giving it up and having sex with my brother and his friends that night, then I’d have to say “Yes.”, it was worth it, I shouldn’t have to feel ashamed for having sex, no one should, and I’d do it again given the chance.

I don’t need friends, fuck them, I love who I am and I will love my baby when she’s born, it doesn’t even matter who the father is.

I regret nothing.