Slut Farm 1 – New Hole in Town

An ordinary girl is dragged into a life of servitude, in a place where women are used as fleshlights.

The man pulls up to the dirt parking lot in an old, red pickup truck. He steps out, and looks out on the field beyond the fence. Various buildings and small sheds are strewn around, and little else. He looks over towards the other side of his truck, and sees another man leaning on the fence. He goes up to the man, and pats him on the shoulder.

“Hey, Ryan, what’s up?” he asks.

“Hey, man! Nothing much, how are things going with you?” Ryan replies, turning away from the fence.

“Oh, same old, same old, you know the deal.”

“So, Steve, you said you wanted some time with one of the breeders?”

“Yeah, I haven’t gotten raw pussy in days, and I thought you could use some help knocking up those sluts.”

“Well, you’re in damn luck. We just got some new meat, and she still needs broken in.”

The two men begin walking out into the field. To the uninitiated, their conversation seems a little strange. To those “in the know,” however, this is a familiar place. Outwardly, it’s a small farm with more storage space than seems necessary. If you punch the words ‘farm near me’ into a GPS, however, this place won’t come up. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, and despite what it seems, this is no ordinary farm.

Colloquially known as the Slut Farm, this is a place where women are treated the way they ought to be – like fleshlights designed for nothing but male pleasure. The many sheds are actually the homes of these women, where they spend their days taking dick after dick from men who just can’t seem to get some. Among them are the larger sheds, which house the previously mentioned breeders. All the women of the Slut Farm take it raw – many are on birth control, whether they take it willfully or hidden in their food.

The breeders are no exception; at least, not to the first part. Their job is to become pregnant and create more sluts. While the breeders are often taken off the streets, the sluts must be born within the farm. This ensures that they can be raised into their true calling, and do not learn of the world outside of sex.

When the child’s gender is determined, the decision is made. Male children are given necessary healthcare until they reach a few months of age, and then are given to a local adoption center to ensure they can participate in society. A female child receives the same care as a male until the same age, but their path from here is different. While they do receive a limited education, consisting of base-level knowledge in most subjects and a reasonable understanding of the English language, much work goes into making sure they can sexually pleasure their superiors. They are shown videos of men dominating women sexually starting from a young age, alongside detailed sexual education. The girls will typically begin having sex with men around age 11, to learn their way around a real sexual scenario. Their education typically ends at around 14, at which point they are prepared to be sold away to elsewhere in the world, or kept on the farm for the workers and local townspeople.

Ryan and Steve approach a shed not too far from the parking lot. Ryan loudly knocks on the door, and stirring can be heard inside the shed.

“H-hello? Is anyone there? P-please, help me,” a female voice says. Ryan opens the door, and steps inside. He gestures toward Steve, who also walks in. The room is dark. Ryan shuts the door, and turns on a light. There’s a woman sitting on what looks like a prison bed in the corner, on the opposite side of the room from a metal toilet. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are moist; she’s been crying. She’s a brunette, decently tall. Her chest isn’t small, but it’s not freakishly large either; it hits the perfect sweet spot. She has a bit of fat on her body, but it’s all in the right places, and her figure still manages to bear a resemblance to an hourglass. Steve doesn’t have a good view, but he can tell that she has a nice rear-end, judging by her round thighs. Her hips have a bit of a dip, but that’s no issue. She attempts to cover her chest with her arms; all she’s wearing is a dingy, beige bra and faded panties.

“W-who are you? Please, let me out,” she says.

“Shut up,” Ryan says. “You ready to take a load in that nice hole of yours?”

“N-no!” she yelps. Suddenly, Ryan punches her in the face. She screams, and begins to cry.

“Shut the fuck up! You don’t get to make orders!” Ryan barks.

“P-please, what are you going to do to me? I’m in college! I have a life!”

“And what a fucking shame that is! Look at yourself! You’re a worthless bitch made to do nothing but fuck! Now, get up.”
The girl, shaking and sobbing, struggles to get to her feet. Ryan grabs her by the arm, and pulls her up. She takes a moment to stabilize.

“Take that shit off,” Ryan orders, gesturing towards what little clothing she has.

“W-what? N-no, please,” she begs. Ryan hits her again, in the same spot as before. It’s beginning to bruise.

“I said take that shit off! There’s a man here to use you, and you don’t get to say no.”

The girl cries, but begins by unhooking the bra. She hesitates and shakes a bit, but Ryan gives her a look, and she takes it off. She drops it to the ground, her head hung in shame. The girl stands there, with her arms at her sides, looking down at the floor. Steve stares at her breasts. They’re firm and smooth, sagging down only the tiniest bit. She turns a bit, as if to make an attempt to hide them. Ryan, seeming impatient, shoves her back to the bed. She hits the wall, and grunts a bit. He grabs her underwear, and roughly pulls them off her legs. He pulls out a pair of scissors, and cuts the part that covers her crotch.

“A good slut needs to be ready at any time,” he says. He throws the panties to the ground. Then, Ryan leans in close to Steve.

“She’s all yours, pal. You know what to do from here; just remember to knock that bitch up for me.” He turns around, opens the door, and leaves. Steve looks down at the girl on the bed. She’s shaking, and quietly sobbing, tears dripping from her eyes.

“P-please, don’t do anything to me, please,” she begs.

“What’s your name?” he says, commanding.

She takes a moment to answer. “M-my name is A-Alexa Smith,” she barely manages to get out. “Please, I don’t k-know where I am. Let me out.”

“Stand up,” Steve demands. The girl obliges, still hesitating a bit, but she’s more cooperative now that she’s had some sense knocked into her. Steve looks at her quivering body. Then, he grabs one of her breasts. He moves it around a bit, and gives it a mild slap. Alexa winces.

“Nice rack,” he says. “Now turn around.”

Alexa turns around, to reveal her backside. Steve inspects it closely. He looks up and down her figure, looking closely at her curves. He reaches down, and begins to fondle her rear end.

“Can’t wait to push this cushion,” he says, to himself.

“P-please, no,” Alexa whines. Steve smacks her ass, causing her to yelp. She turns back around to face Steve, gently rubbing her backside, with a pained expression and tears gently welling up in her eyes. Steve unbuttons his shirt, and kicks off his boots. Alexa looks at him, fearfully.

“P-please, no, please, don’t do this, please,” she cries to him. Ignoring her, Steve removes his belt, and drops his trousers to the floor. He kicks them off to the side, and then pulls down his underwear. His erect cock stands out, just about hitting the 6 inch mark. She stares at it, with panic in her eyes. She begins to lightly back away.

“Please, I d-don’t want to do this, have mercy, please!” she screams through sobs.

“Get on the bed, and show me that pussy,” Steve says, barely giving attention to the girl’s suffering.

“Don’t make me do this, please,” she says, following his orders as slowly as possible in the hopes that he changes his mind.

“I said get on the bed, bitch!”

Alexa gets onto the bed, on her hands and knees, sobbing and crying. Steve walks over, and gets onto the bed as well. He grabs the girl’s hips, and positions his dick in front of her entrance. He begins rubbing it on the outside, while the girl screams, in the hopes that someone, anyone, will help her.

“P-please, God, Mom, anyone, save me,” she barely enunciates, through stifled sobs.

“You were put on this earth to serve dick,” Steve says. “Stop fighting it.”

Finally, Steve stops rubbing his member against her. He positions himself, ready to use the fuckmeat in front of him. The girl continues to cry, knowing that there’s nothing she can do to stop him. Finally, Steve begins thrusting inside, slowly. Alexa starts to gently scream, but gets louder as he goes deeper inside. The uncaring man begins to gently slide his cock in and out of the girl’s hole, as she silently sobs.

“P-please, no, stop,” she quietly begs, even though she knows nobody will listen.

“I won’t stop,” Steve says. “You’re a woman. You don’t need to be educated or do work. Your place in the world is to shut the fuck up and let men use your wet little hole.” Steve stops talking, and strengthens his grip on her. He begins to thrust harder into her, as she stifles her suffering. Suddenly, he smacks her ass, causing her to scream.

“AH!” she yelps, continuing to scream. “PLEASE, STOP RAPING ME!”

Steve ignores her, smacking her ass again, as he abuses her cunt.

“Ohh, this is the best pussy I’ve had in days,” he says. “You like it, bitch?”

“NO!” she yells brokenly, through sobs. Alexa finally begins to realize her fate. Is she doomed to sit here forever, letting men use her to get themselves off? Has her life been reduced to nothing but this little shed, a bed, and a toilet?

“Please… stop. My mom, s-she must be worried about me,” she says.

“A bitch like her ought to be here with men like me,” Steve says.

“N-no,” Alexa says. “S-she doesn’t belong here, I don’t belong here.”

“Anyone with a vagina belongs here, or somewhere, takin’ dick like you,” Steve replies. “After a man comes home from work, there should always be a woman ready to relieve his stress. Now, shut the fuck up, will you?”

Out of fear, she decides to oblige. She doesn’t know what will happen if she doesn’t listen. Will they kill her? They’re clearly savages; would they rape her dead body after? She tries to ignore these thoughts, and just think about now. She’s having sex! She should enjoy it, right? Alexa tries to think about that. The man’s dick isn’t half bad, maybe about 6 inches. And it isn’t like this is entirely unfamiliar to her; she’s had sex a few times before, with her now ex-boyfriend when she was 15. She can feel the man sliding in and out of her more easily.

“Hey, you’re wet! You finally gettin’ used to it, slut?” Steve asks.

“Y-yes,” she says, trying to ignore her circumstances.

“Good girl.” Steve grips her thighs a bit tighter, and brings up the pace. It occurs to Alexa that he had never really been going all that fast, she had merely been panicking. Maybe this is better? She stops crying, though her cheeks are still moist. She feels the man thrusting his full length in and out of her. The girl loosens her muscles a bit, to allow Steve to fuck her more easily.

“Ugh, damn that’s good,” Steve grunts. “You’re gonna make me bust, girl!”

She can almost feel herself blushing, despite the crudeness of the compliment.

“Oh, fuck,” Alexa mutters. She can feel her crotch tingling. “I-I’m so close.”

“I’m gonna fill you up nice, bitch,” Steve moans out, moving his hands up beneath her shoulders.

“W-wait, hold on, you’ll get me pregnant!” She begins to realize that her sense of security was a mistake.

Steve doesn’t respond, and pulls himself in closer to her. Alexa starts to panic, and attempts to pull away from him. Steve keeps his grip firm, and keeps himself buried deep inside her, not pulling out too far. Alexa tries to scream, but she can’t stop moaning from being on the brink of orgasm. Suddenly, she feels a wave of pleasure run over her body; she groans loudly, and feels herself soaking the man’s cock. Steve grips her shoulders, and thrusts deep inside. She can feel the man throbbing in her, shooting cum deep in her womb.

“Aaah, yes, fuck, no!” she moans, conflicted. They both flop down on the bed, panting. Steve pulls his dick out, and smacks the girl’s hole with it. It gently continues to squirt out hot jizz, dripping onto the bed. The man rolls over next to her, and sits up on the edge of the bed. Alexa puts her head into her arms, before curling up into a fetal position. Steve smacks her hip.

“That shit’s grade A,” he says, ignoring her flood of emotion. He strokes his softening dick a few times, to milk out the last few drops.

“W-why… why would you do this to me?” Alexa quietly cries. Steve ignores her, and stands up. He grabs his pants off the floor. Before putting them on, he pulls a radio out of one of the pockets, and sets it down on top of the toilet tank. He then grabs his underwear, and pulls them up onto his legs. He puts on his pants, and then sits down on the bed to put on his boots. Meanwhile, Alexa doesn’t make a sound, sitting and contemplating. Once he fully dresses, he grabs the radio once again. He fiddles with it for a minute, before hitting a button that sounds a beep.

“Hey, Ryan, we’re all clear here. We got a li’l Steve in the oven, safe and sound,” he says. A reply sounds through the radio.

“Alright, I’m on my way to pick her up. I’ve got some guys at maternity ready to take her in. I’m a few minutes out, so make sure she doesn’t try anything,” Ryan responds.

“Copy that.” Steve sticks the radio in his pocket, and then turns to Alexa.

“Hey, I know you’re a bit shaken, but if there’s any time to honor the ‘pee after sex’ rule, it’s now.”


“These sheds are pretty much only for temporary use, we don’t clean ’em very much,” Steve explains. “And don’t worry, it won’t do anything to the baby.”

Alexa sits up, but seems a bit annoyed. “I’m not all that concerned about the baby I didn’t choose to have,” she says. She stands up off the bed; she struggles to stand up for a moment, but adjusts herself after leaning on the wall. She walks over to the toilet, and sits down on it.

“C-can you turn around? I’m a bit uncomfortable.”

“No can do, lady. Sorry if you’re mad, but I think it’s protocol, or something. Gotta make sure you’re not trying to clean yourself out.”

Alexa rolls her eyes, but still relegates herself to the situation. She presses her legs together, in an effort to cover herself up. After a few seconds, a dripping sound comes from the inside of the toilet. Alexa looks down, her face reddening. She crosses her arms in front of her stomach. Eventually, the dripping stops. She looks around for a moment, before looking up at Steve.

“Uh, is there any toilet paper around here?” Alexa asks. Steve looks around for a moment as while, before taking on a bit of a frustrated expression.

“Afraid not. Sorry about that, but it looks like whoever was supposed to leave a roll in here decided to be a dick.” Steve looks to the ground for a moment, and then picks up the crotch-hole panties. “They’re gonna give you some actual clothes at maternity, so you aren’t gonna need these.” Steve passes it to Alexa. She reaches down to her crotch, holding the cut underwear, and wipes herself. She tosses them to the ground beside the toilet.

“Well, what do we say to the guy with the quick thinking?” Steve asks.

“Not thanks, since it’s the same guy who raped me,” she says.

“Alright, this is going nowhere. How about you tell me about yourself?”

“I’m sorry that the girl you raped isn’t chatty enough for you!” Alexa yells, causing Steve to step back a bit. The girl hangs her head down even more, crossing her arms tightly.

“And you suddenly got the confidence to yell! What happened to being a crybaby?”

“Oh, like you’re keeping things consistent! Trying to put up a nice-guy facade, even though you’re a RAPIST!”

They both go silent, assuming angry expressions and looking away from each other. They hear what sounds like a vehicle pulling up outside, and stopping. The door opens, and Ryan steps in. The two both have crossed arms, and are looking away from each other.

“Uh… so, how’d things go here?” Ryan asks, turning to Steve.

“Bitch has a nice pussy, but, well, she’s a bitch,” Steve replies.

“YOU RAPED ME!” Alexa yells. Ryan turns to look at Alexa, standing up assertively.

“Alright, well, you’re not the boss around here, capiche? You’re in a place where girls like you stay for men like him. Now, I hope you haven’t forgotten my hand from earlier, or you’ll be saying hello to him again.”

Alexa sits up, but doesn’t respond. “Now come on, you’ve got places to be.”

Ryan and Steve begin to walk out. Alexa stands up, and follows. She uses her arms to cover up her chest, and walks out with her legs close together. A golf cart sits outside, still running. Ryan gets into the driver’s seat, and looks towards Alexa. He gestures towards the passenger seat.

“I’m not sitting next to you,” she says.

“Well, we can’t have you sitting in the back. You could run off, and you sure sound like you want to,” he responds.

A buzzing noise comes from Steve’s pocket. He pulls out his phone, and looks at the screen for a moment.

“Hey, guys, I got some stuff to deal with at work. Ryan, you mind if I head off?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s cool. I can take care of this girl myself.”

Steve walks off, back towards his truck. Ryan turns back towards Alexa.

“Alright, well, now you really need to sit next to me.”

She seems frustrated, but still hops on. Ryan begins driving the cart through the network of small buildings. As they drive, they see a variety of girls outside the different structures. There are some larger structures, almost like schoolhouses, that have younger girls outside. Some women who look to be in their 20s are walking around. All the girls are wearing revealing clothing; crop tops, leggings, short shorts, some with visible panties and skimpy bras.

Eventually, Ryan and Alexa pull up to a large building. Half of it is mostly wall, with few windows covered by blinds. The other half seems to have a lot of windows, containing something that looks like a cafeteria. They pull up to a door on the windowed side; there’s nobody inside except for two men, who seem to be waiting for her.

“Alright, well, here you are,” Ryan says. “Walk in there, and they’ll show you where to go.”

Alexa gets off the cart, hesitantly. The ground is grassy, though there are pebbles scattered about, so it hurts her feet a bit. Ryan backs up, and begins to turn around.

“Wait, what is this place?” Alexa shouts.

“This is Maternity 3, it’s where you’ll be living for now.” Without providing further details, he drives off. She looks towards the building. One of the men waves at her. She walks towards the door. It’s a pull door, but she tries to push for a second before realizing. She finally opens the door, and walks in. The floor is tile near the door, though parts of the room seem to be carpeted; notably, one section of the room that seems to contain comfortable chairs and a few bookshelves. The rest of the room is inhabited by cafeteria tables. One of the men walks up to her. He’s typical height, with a nice tan, and blond hair. Not muscular, but not fat either. There doesn’t seem to be a uniform around here; he’s just wearing sweatpants, a T-shirt, and some generic sneakers.

“Hello, your name is… Alexa, was it?” he asks.

“Uh, yeah,” she says, continuing to try and cover herself up.

“So, welcome to Maternity 3. My name is Matthew, I work here,” Matthew says. “My friend over here is Luke, though he’s a bit new, so I’m taking care of this for now.”

“So, uh, do I have a room, or anything like that?”

“Oh, yes, it’s this way.” Matthew begins to walk away. Alexa follows, hesitantly. Luke seems equally intimidated. They go into a hallway that goes into the more encased side of the building, before reaching a staircase.

“Just, uh, follow me up here,” he instructs. They continue walking, until they reach the 3rd floor. “Alright, you should be in 306… let me just, uh, find it here.” Matthew leads them down a hallway of rooms. 303, 304, 305, 306. They eventually reach the room. He pulls out a key, and unlocks the door. He opens it, and gestures towards the open door. The room is organized almost exactly like a hotel room; there’s a bed, a TV, a lamp, and a bathroom right next to the door.

“There are some clothes on the bed for you. Since you’re new around here, you won’t have much going on today, so we’ve only provided one set. We’ll have some more for you by tomorrow. Now, I assume you’ll want to rest, yes?”

She looks around for a moment. “Uh, yeah, I’ll do that.”

“Alright then, see you later.” Matthew steps out, and shuts the door. She inspects the clothes laid out on her bed. There’s a basic pink underclothing set, some short leggings, socks, and a light blue T-shirt.

She hears a knock at the door. She goes to the door, and opens it. Matthew is back already.

“Uh, hey,” he says. He seems a bit surprised that she’s still naked. “What, uh, what’s your shoe size?”

“That’s what you came back for?”

“Yeah, so sorry, but we do need to know.”

She rolls her eyes, but still obliges; if she doesn’t answer, there’s a good chance she’ll get whatever shitty pair nobody else is using.

“Women’s 9, last I checked.”

“Alright, got it!” With that, Matthew shuts the door again. She goes back to her bed. She tosses the clothes onto the floor, and flops down butt-first onto the bed. Her breasts shift off to the sides of her chest.

“God, is this really my life now?” she mutters to herself, before drifting off to sleep.

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