
A long story short, her mom married my dad, and he was really happy…

My mom died, and I don’t want to go into it, but he didn’t take it very well either, and he put on weight, so I was really happy for them at the wedding, but his daughter.

Olivia, or “Olly” to her friends. Me, and her got along, and her mom was cool, but my dad. She never really got over her “You’re not my real father” phase, and they had a bitter divorce. Fortunately, she was older, so she didn’t have to live under his roof for much longer.

She got a job, started saving up for rent to get her own place. He let her have the car for the weekend, and she even called it “My car.” Even though she got it from him, and she couldn’t be grateful, but then my dad, and her mom went out on a honeymoon.

So, dad offered to pay her for her time, “Keep an eye on my little girl,” and hugged me goodbye on her way out.

“Whatever,” she put the money in her purse, but I was 15. So, I didn’t really need a babysitter, and she could have that shitty little car anyway. I didn’t want it, but I just let her cool off, and waited her out.

She went in our room, and sulked for a few hours, so I got up, and started texting while I waited. “Uh!” I got another dick pic, and I guess I should break up with him, but I feel guilty, and I miss him, bla bla blah…

I started sexting with him, and I didn’t hear her come back out. “Ooh, who’s that?”

It was one of those naughty oohs, like “Ooh, you have a boyfriend?”

“My boyfriend,” I guessed. “Huh, Olly?” I put my phone down, and just waited for him to send the last shot. “You ever played what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done, with your old friends?”

That was another thing, she blamed my dad for. Her mom moved over here to live with us, so she had to leave her old school, and her old friends…

“How old is he?”

“Oh, 18. So, it’s okay. He keeps trying to get me to send him photos back, but that’s technically childporn.”

She came around, and sat on the couch. So, I checked the chat, and set the phone on the side table, while she pulled up her legs. Cross legged, she’s a pretty good listener.

“So, does this have anything to do with the worst thing you ever done?”

I couldn’t blush any more, but it was real sincere embarrassment. “Well, since you don’t know him, or any of his friends. I don’t have to worry about you telling anyone?”

She crossed her heart. “Promise.”

“Oh good,” I picked up my phone, and sure enough. He put his under the coffee table, so he could beat off all over the glass, and I blinked a little too long. “Snh!” I wiped the smile of my face, when I saw the look on her’s, but she gave me a smirk, and a wink.

“He’s cute?” She tried to take my phone, but I just turned it so she could get a better look. of course, standing over the coffee table like that, you could see his face, his shirt held up to show his abs, and even a little drip hanging from his dangling tip.

“I guess. Um, I know I probably shouldn’t judge him on this, but don’t you think he’s a little. Small?”

“Hard to tell at this angle, how tall is he?”

I shook head, and took a deep breath. “Huh!” I went back to the video, I know I should get rid of, but honestly can’t bring myself to pull the trigger on.

I licked my lips, and pressed Play. “Oh!” I held it out, between us, and watched her face. Because I don’t have to watch the video again. That doesn’t stop me from watching it again and again. “That’s,” She raised her eyebrows, and shook her head, then giggled a little nervously. “That’s obviously not the same boy.”

“I know, I cheated on him.”

“Is that as big as it looks?”

“From where I was it looked even bigger, I couldn’t even fit it in my mouth. Huh, you know aunt Lisa.”

“Not really, the one at the wedding?”

“Yeah, but she bragged about her. Boyfriend’s.” Okay, he’s her ex husband now, but they hadn’t gotten the divorce, so technically he was my uncle, but he married into the family, so at least it’s not incest? “I didn’t believe her, but it turns out he was even bigger than I imagined.”

She nodded, slowly, and licked her lips. Then she looked up, “Have you seen the leaked Zendaya video?”

“Well, no. That’s behind a paywall, which is sick, because they’re profiting off of it, when she didn’t want to release it in the first place, but.” I nodded. “I’ve seen photos from it.”

“Is that where you got the idea from?”

“I don’t look like her at all, but. I don’t. No, I hadn’t even seen the photos yet, and it’s not even interracial.”

“Um,” she crossed her legs, and held them tighter. Pointing over her shoulder at the door. “You don’t mind if I invite someone over.”

“Like who?”

“Well, he’s a boy.” She rolled her eyes, “He’s kinda like my boyfriend, but he’s also kinda. Well, he’s really nice, and a great friend, but I’m not friendzoning him. We just haven’t gotten there yet, but. You’re only 15.”

“Well,” this was actually before my dad met her mom, which is why he wasn’t at the wedding, but he had his sister come over to help him, through that tough time. I was going through a tough time with him, and I couldn’t see my boyfriend.

I mean, I could see him, over the phone, but. I couldn’t actually be alone with him long enough to actually suck his dick, and I wanted to so much. Before they left, I knew that I wouldn’t see him ever again because they were already talking about divorce, and I know I’m making excuses. I tried making these excuses before, but they just don’t work.

“I know, it’s childporn, but I don’t guess I have to keep this to blackmail him.” I really should delete it now, that I’ve actually shown anyone else.

“What are you blackmailing him for?”

“Well, statutory rape. I wasn’t old enough to consent, so even though I seduced him.”

“How did you pull that off, by the way?”

“Well, he was going through a rough marriage, and. I knew that he was cheating on his wife.”

“Okay, let me recap. He was married, and cheating on his wife with your aunt.”

“Basically, only they were separated.” Honestly, this was helping me keep my story straight.

“And then you seduced him, while he was cheating on his wife with your aunt.”

“Yeah, she was staying with us to help with. You know.”

“His grief.” She nodded, “But then how come I never saw her before the wedding?”

“Oh, she stopped coming over when he met your mom, so.”

“So? They’ve been going out for over a year now.”

“I know, I hadn’t turned 15 yet.”

“Then how do you get with all of these older guys with big dicks? My god, it’s hard to believe that’s not photoshopped, at all?”

“No, not at all.”

“It must be at least 10 inches?”

“At least,” I’m guessing 2, or 3 inches wide, too. “I wasn’t reaching for the ruler but.”

“What was he even doing in your room?”

“Oh,” that’s not my room. “I invited him. I had this ghi.”

“Ghee, as in chai butter?”

“No, ghi as in karate ghi, from a karate uniform.”

“Oh, you took karate?”

“No, I borrowed it from a friend. He took karate, it was my boyfriend’s, but he broke up with me before I could give it back.”

“So, you stole it.”

“No? He just left it here, and he couldn’t come over to get it. So, I started wearing it as a bathrobe, but it’s short.”

“How short?”

“Just regular jacket length, on him.”

“Okay, so what else were you wearing?’


“That’s it?”

“And a hair tie?”

There was a knock on the door, and she got up. “Well, that explains how you got him in your room.” She fluffed her hair.

“You expecting someone?”

“Well, I asked if it was okay if my boyfriend could come over.”

“Oh,” no. She asked me if it was okay if she called him, but she’s been right here the whole time, but the only phone she touched was mine, and I never let her hold it long enough to text anyone. “Okay, I’m just going to go to our room then.”

I hoped that she took him in dad’s room, instead of making out on the couch, but sure enough. She led him back, and let his hand go. Took off her top, and pointed at his pants. All I could see was the top of his head, but he got those down lickety split, and she lay back on the bed, topless.

Put her arm up on the pillow, and waved him over. Turning her head, and pulling his boner down, to kiss it, and rub it back and forth over her lips.

“Hn,” I unlocked my phone (This was all on my laptop) and called the house.

She shook her head, and licked under the tip. Kissing it, and shook her head again. Then, she opened her mouth, and sucked her cheek in, all the way to her teeth.

“Huh!” She rolled her eyes, and sat up. “Sh.” She led her finger up, and leaned over to get the phone.


“Look up.”

“What are you doing, cock blocking me?”

“No, just look up at the ceiling fan, okay? You see the little light, in between the lights, and the chain for them in the middle?” She finally stopped looking around, and her eyes stopped on the camera.

“Uh huh?”

“That’s not a light.”

“What is it, then?”

“It’s a camera.” I hung up. That’s why I waved him up stairs, and told him I had something to show him, in dad’s room. I thought it might be suspicious if I gave him my phone, and told him to take pictures of him, with his dick over my face. All over my face, and I liked the cum in my mouth. As much as I wanted to taste my boyfriend’s cum on my lips again, after the one time we actually got to oral sex, or he got it. I barely got fingered before he had to leave, but I can take care of my self.

“Hhuh, yeah. You like that little dick?”

She smiled, and winked at the camera, but there wasn’t any sound.

“Yeah, you like that little dick in your mouth. suck it, suck that little dick. Suck him off, and swallow every drop, you cumslut.”

I don’t know what he would say, but I’m betting something dirty. So, I made something up. I’m sure if it was something like that, he would have said big dick, but both me, and knew that wasn’t true.

Since I showed her what a real big dick looks like.

“Hhuh! Huh, huhn!”

That was the second hottest thing, I’ve ever done.

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