
“Heeeey! Come on in!” Bramley Applewhite cheerfully called out, swinging the door of the apartment wide open.

“Hey! Thanks,” Ann MacIntosh smiled, entering the cool, dimly lighted living room.

The petite red head looked around; the furniture looked plush, inviting. Everything was soft, muted colors but was not drab. Even the framed painting over the sand colored velour couch was soft and muted.

“I swear, it is just so hot out there,” Ann said.

“Yeah, but it’s a dry heat,” Haralson Apple said from the depths of the kitchen.

“Hot is hot, whether it’s dry or not,” Bramley retorted.

Ann wondered how they managed to make the apartment dim; the late summer morning sun was bright with not a cloud in the sky.

“Come in, come in, sit, Hare’s in the kitchen making us some canapes or as normal people call them, finger food,” Bramley said, shutting the door of the apartment.

“Some people also call them hors d’oeuvres,” Haralson called back.

“Or, the majority of people in the world just call them appetizers,” Bramley teased, settling onto the couch next to Ann.

She smiled as Haralson entered the living room, tray in hand. With a flourish, he placed the tray onto the table. He placed some cloth napkins next to the tray.

“The ones on the left,” Haralson said, indicating what side of the platter he was referring to, “Are smoked salmon; the ones in the middle are an olive spread and the ones on the right are a humus. Care for a drink?”

“Um, what do you have?” Ann asked, deciding to try a smoked salmon canape.

“Sparkling water, um, mimosa, lemon spritzers, oh! Oh! He makes the absolute best muddy blary in the world…” Bramley enthused.

“Muddy…? Sounds like you’ve already had a few,” Ann giggled.

“I use this cayenne vodka,” Haralson called out.

“I just love your hair; how long you been growing it like that?” Bramley said, even combing her fingers through a few strands of Ann’s ankle-length carrot orange hair.

“Pretty much all my life,” Ann said. “My mom cut it once when I was like five or six and we both cried and cried and we never cut it since.”

“Or, I can make us a batch of apple of my eye,” Haralson suggested as he walked back to the kitchen.

“Ooh, could you?” Bramley begged, helping herself to a smoked salmon canape.

“Apple of my eye?” Ann asked.

“It’s this drink he made up,” Bramley enthused, still playing with Ann’s hair.

“Some green apple vodka, some apple brandy,” Haralson called out from the kitchen. “Some cinnamon liqueur and apple juice.”

“He freezes the apple juice,” Bramley confided. “It’s the perfect summer brunch drink.”

Any conversation was cut off as a large capacity blender ground through the chunks of frozen apple juice. A moment later, the blender whined to a stop and Ann tried a humus canape. She looked up when Bramley twisted to pull her feet under herself on the couch.

Bramley Applewhite apparently had some Asian heritage; her dark eyes were almond shaped and her knee-length hair was straight and shiny black. Her face was narrow, her nose slim and pointed, her lips thin.

Just like Ann, Bramley was petite; Ann guessed they were both roughly five feet in height. Both were also slender. Ann hated her own 24A chest, 22 inch waist, and 25-inch hips. If she had to be short, cursed with pale skin, red hair, and an abundance of freckles, couldn’t she at least have been blessed with large breasts? Blessed with a sweet bubble butt?

Bramley also seemed to have a small chest, slim waist, and narrow hips. Her skirt reached to mid-thigh, exposing slim, golden brown legs.

Ann tugged down the hem of her sundress but could only pull it down to mid-thigh. When Bramley had invited her over for Sunday brunch, Ann had not known what to wear so decided on her cutest sundress, a pale yellow dress with light blue flowers and her leather sandals. She’d not given thought to just how short the dress was but now struggled to preserve her modesty.

“Here we are; an apple of my eye for the apple of my eye,” Haralson said, bringing two drinks into the living room.

“Apples,” Bramley giggled, accepting the drink.

“Hmm?” Haralson asked.

“Apples. I’m an apple, and Ann’s an apple,” Bramley explained.

“Oh God,” Ann groaned. “Yeah, yeah, heard it all my life; MacIntosh is an apple. An apple. Ann Apple.”

“Why when you moved in I told Hare we needed to have you over,” Bramley said, her breath warm against Ann’s ear and neck.

“Hey, I’m an apple too,” Haralson smiled at Ann.

“By the way, these hors d’oeuvres are great,” Ann offered.

“Canapes,” Haralson smiled.

“Appetizers,” Bramley teased.

“Know what, Bramley? Next time, you cook,” Haralson told Bramley.

“You really want me to do that?” Bramley asked, laughing.

“He’s a cook,” Bramley confided to Ann, resting her hand lightly on Ann’s bony hip. “Works off-shore.”

“No kidding?” Ann asked, trying another humus canape.

“God, I could just play with this hair all day,” Bramley said, now gently raking her fingernails against Ann’s scalp.

“Wonderful. Wonderful, oh, these are just perfect,” Haralson enthused and Ann heard the oven door slam shut.

“Brunch is ready,” Haralson announced and placed three plates onto the round dining table.

“What? What is this?” Ann asked, seeing three small pies on her plate, along with a small bowl of chopped vegetables in a sauce and some chopped pieces of fruits.

“Quiche,” Haralson said. “This one…”

He pointed to one of the quiche as Bramley and Ann took their seats. Ann put the linen napkin onto her lap and took another sip of her sweet and tart Apple of my eye cocktail.

“…is a spinach quiche. This one is a crawfish quiche, and this one is a five cheese quiche,” Haralson continued.

“Five? Five? Only five? Ann, he’s cheating us,” Bramley teased.

“You hush your mouth, woman,” Haralson smiled and kissed Bramley’s laughing mouth. “The broccoli cauliflower carrot medley has a dill sauce with it and the fruit is oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit; just something light and refreshing.”

Ann watched as Haralson returned to the kitchen. He was a handsome man with thick brown hair, deep brown eyes and a tanned, strong face. His shoulders were broad and his chest tapered into narrow waist and hips. Ann was terrible at guessing heights but Haralson was easily six feet tall if not taller.

“Um! Oh! Oh, this, this is to die for!” Ann said, trying the crawfish quiche first.

“Ann, what you take in your coffee?” Haralson called out.

“Bailey’s,” Bramley called back.

“Your name Ann? Huh? Is your name Ann?” Haralson asked. “I’ve already made yours, Ms. Bramley Applewhite.”

“Bailey’s?” Ann asked.

“Bailey’s Irish Cream,” Haralson and Bramley explained.

“Oh, I try that?” Ann asked.

“Absolutely,” Haralson agreed.

After their brunch had been eaten, Haralson made another batch of Apple of My Eye, refreshed their coffees, then served a warm cinnamon bread pudding with a brown sugar bourbon glaze. Ann could feel the effects of the alcohol as they finished up their late morning meal.

“Can I brush your hair; do you have your hairbrush with you?” Bramley asked as Haralson cleared away their dishes. “God! I just love your hair.”

“I, yeah, yeah, let’s see,” Ann said, fishing her pink plastic hairbrush from her faux Barragona bag.

Bramley knelt on the floor behind Ann’s chair and slowly, lovingly brought the brush through Ann’s limp red hair. While Bramley worked, Haralson prepared another batch of the sweet, tangy apple drinks.

“Beautiful,” Bramely husked into Ann’s ear, then delivered a soft bite to Ann’s left earlobe.

“Hey!” Ann giggled, lightly swatting at Bramely over her shoulder.

“She’s like that,” Haralson agreed. “Anything else before I close the kitchen down?”

“Some more appetizers?” Bramely teased him then gave Ann’s graceful neck a soft bite.

“Hey,” Ann protested lightly, even as she tilted her head to give Bramely easier access to her neck.

“Canapes?” Harrelson smiled, unconsciously rubbing his growing erection as he watched his girlfriend slow, methodical seduction of the new neighbor.

“Mm,” Ann moaned lightly as Bramley’s tongue gave feather light licks to her throat.

Remaining on her knees, Bramley twisted Ann’s chair and softly kissed along Ann’s jawline. She used her hand to gently tilt Ann’s face down and pressed her lips to Ann’s lips.

“Mm hmm.” Bramley worked her tongue into Ann’s gasping mouth.

Ann could feel the button at the base of her neck being worked loose. She could feel the zipper of her sundress being worked down. Ann felt powerless, felt unable to stop Bramley as the attractive woman continued to kiss her.

Slowly rising to her feet, Bramely continued to kiss Ann. She then pulled Ann from the chair and eased Ann’s sundress down over Ann’s shoulders and narrow hips. Ann realized she was now dressed in only skimpy lace panties and sandals in front of two people she’d known for less than an hour.

“Oh! These, these are the prettiest…” Bramley husked, gently running her fingertips over Ann’s tightly crinkled areolae.

Bramely again worked her tongue into Ann’s mouth as she played with Ann’s breasts. Then, releasing Ann’s mouth, Bramley bent her head and captured Ann’s left nipple in her mouth.

“Bedroom, bedroom’s right down the hall,” Bramely suggested, her left hand sliding past Ann’s waistband.

“I…I, oh!” Ann tried to think, but Bramley’s mouth and fingers were making coherent thoughts nearly impossible.

And the alcohol had not helped. Ann allowed herself to be guided to the neighbors’ bedroom. Her sandals and panties were removed and she was placed in the center of the large, fluffy bed.

“That is the prettiest little pussy,” Bramely enthused, kneeling between Ann’s splayed legs.


Ann squealed loudly when she felt Bramley’s mouth upon her sex. Ann could feel Bramely’s full lips kissing her puffy inner labia. She felt Bramely’s fingers at the mouth of her sex, felt Bramely’s fingers opening her for a searching tongue.

“Ung!” Ann heard Bramley groan.

Through heavily lidded eyes, Ann watched as Haralson knelt behind Bramely’s upturned buttocks. She watched as Haralson’s arm jerked behind Bramley and Bramely’s eyes squeezed shut tightly.

“Ung! Go, ung, go slow; you know you too big to just…” Bramley grunted and shuddered.

“Fuck! I, oh God!” Bramley then cried out.

Bramley rocked back and forth as Haralson began pushing himself forward. Bramley’s fingers jerked in and out of Ann’s squelching pussy, in synchronization with Haralson’s movements. With a heavy shudder, Bramley bent her head and began lapping at Ann’s pussy with earnest.

“Ooh,” Ann grunted as Bramley’s tongue found her clitoris.

“Yeah?” Bramley asked, voice strangled. “Like that?”

“Uh huh,” both Ann and Haralson answered in unison.

“God, God damn, Haralson; you, you’re splitting me in…AUGH! I, oh God!” Bramley cursed then squealed in orgasm.

When her shudders ceased, Bramley again placed her mouth on Ann’s sex. She lapped insistently at Ann’s folds, then sucked Ann’s clitoris into her mouth. Haralson began to thrust in earnest which forced Bramely’s mouth to thrust against Ann’s pussy.

“Augh!” Ann panted, coming closer and closer to her climax.

“I, oh, oh God, yes,” Haralson gave a strangled scream.

“Aieegh!” Ann gave a strangled scream as her orgasm racked her slim body.

“I, God, that, God, your ass is just perfection,” Haralson groaned.

“Mm hmm,” Bramley moaned, tongue and fingers bringing Ann to another screaming orgasm.

“He, augh, I, damn, damn, damn!” Bramley panted. “He, he just loves anal.”

“A… He, that…” Ann panted as Bramley now kissed along Ann’s inner thighs.

“I love it too,” Bramley whispered as they could hear the water running in the bathroom. “When he’s fucking my…”

Bramley ceased talking when the water stopped. She again brought her mouth to Ann’s pussy as Haralson entered the bedroom, washcloth in hand.

“Mm, oh, oh Sweetheart,” Bramley approved as Haralson sponged Bramely’s anus.

Wiggling forward, Bramely kissed Ann’s tuft of pubic hair, then Ann’s belly. Bramely then spent a few minutes gently gnawing on Ann’s nipples while thrusting a few fingers into Ann’s pussy.

After a few passionate kisses to Ann’s lips, Bramely somehow managed to roll herself and Ann over so that Ann was lying on top of Bramley. Ann’s thin thighs were between Bramley’s spread legs. Their crotches mashed together, Ann’s sprigs of coarse pubic hair rubbing against Bramely’s smooth crotch.

Ann had never engaged in lesbian activity before; she’d gone to a strict Christian private school. Yes, there were two or three cheerleaders that were rumored to be lesbians, along with a few softball and volleyball players, but Ann had not been in their periphery. She’d been an outcast among her fellow classmates.

Closing her eyes, and her thoughts against the years of moral upbringing, Ann bent and captured one of Bramley’s hard nipples in her mouth. She softly licked at the hard nub, slowly increasing the suction. Then she gently bit down and pulled the breast away from Bramely’s torso. Releasing the nipple, Ann again kissed Bramley’s gasping mouth. Then she captured Bramely’s other nipple.

Wiggling down after releasing Bramley’s nipple, Ann kissed her way down Bramley’s smooth flesh. When she reached Bramley’s navel, Ann gave the small dimple a kiss and a swipe with her tongue. Then she continued her downward progress. She could smell Bramely’s musk as her lips met the beginning of Bramley’s prominent pubic mound. Ann continued to kiss down along the smooth flesh until she felt the beginning of Bramley’s slit. Then she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.

“Oh!” Bramely moaned as Ann’s tongue swiped along her slit.

“Mm hmm,” Ann agreed, tasting Bramley’s musky essences.

She could feel Bramley’s inner lips peeking through the plump folds of Bramely’s sex. She could feel their moisture, feel Bramley’s excitement. Using her thumbs, Ann opened Bramely’s sex and delved her tongue into the moaning woman’s wet depths.

“Erk!” she grunted in mild surprise when she felt Haralson’s fingers at her own sex.

For the briefest of moments, Ann had forgotten that Haralson was there, in the room, watching the two women pleasure one another. Ann grunted as Haralson pressed the head of his cock to her opening. Instinctually, she thrust herself back to meet Haralson’s forward thrust.

“Erk!” she grunted again when Haralson’s cock was firmly in her to the hilt.

His cock was long and thick, filling her deliciously. After a shudder of pleasure, Ann resumed her attention to Bramley’s pussy. She used her fingers to enter Bramley’s fragrant pussy while her tongue lapped at Bramley’s clitoris.

“Erk, I, oh AUGH!” Ann gasped out as Haralson thrust a thick finger into her unsuspecting anus.

His cock pushed and pulled in and out of Ann’s pussy in a slow, deliberate movement. The finger fully entered her rectum, pushing into her virgin ass.

Bramley’s sleek thighs came up and imprisoned Ann’s head. Ann redoubled her attention to Bramely’s clitoris and added two more fingers to the two fingers she already had inside of Bramley. Though muted, she heard Bramley squeal, then suddenly her face was wet with Bramley’s orgasm.

“Oh! Oh God!” Ann grunted as Haralson added a second greasy finger to her rectum.

Ann shrieked out in orgasm when Haralson reached around with his other hand and rubbed Ann’s clitoris.

“Aw! Wait, wait, I…” Ann protested when Haralson pulled his cock from her pussy and his fingers from her ass.

“Aieegh! I oh God! God damn it!” Ann screeched when the blunt head of Haralson’s cock pushed against her rapidly constricting anus.

Another diddle to her clitoris had Ann bucking in orgasm. Her bucking drove the head of Haralson’s cock past her resisting anus. Ann again shuddered as waves of white hot pain radiated from her anus outward.

Haralson persisted, pushing himself into her struggling rectum. Ann could feel the blunt head of his cock pushing into her formerly virgin ass, rasping and scraping against her rectal walls. She could feel the shaft of his thick manhood rubbing against her tightly clenched anus.

I, oh! Oh God, God damn!” Ann shrieked as he again diddled her clitoris.

Suddenly, warmth began to build inside her guts. The pain was still there, but the warmth began to push the pain aside. With a groan, Ann decided to again concentrate on pleasuring Bramley. She bent her head again and began to lap at Bramley’s essences.

Ann heard Haralson’s deep voice telling Bramley, “I think, damn! I think she likes it.”

Bramely’s answer was muffled as Bramley clamped her thighs around Ann’s head. Ann felt her face grow wet again. Suddenly, her guts knotted up, then Ann felt lightheaded from the force of her first anal orgasm.

“I – oh, Jesus God!” Ann shrieked and bucked tremendously.

“I, oh, augh!” Haralson grunted, spurted his semen deep into Ann’s bowels.

“Ack, ack, ack, God! God, stop, stop, oh please,” Ann sobbed out when Haralson began to pull his wilting cock as Ann’s colon spasmed.

The cool washcloth gently sponging her raw anus caused Ann to twitch. She let out a weak groan, then rolled onto her side as Haralson left the room.

“I, I’ve never…” Ann weakly offered, slumping onto the bed next to Bramley.

“But did you like it?” Bramley asked, gently playing with Ann’s hair again.

“Here we are, some Apple of my eye for the two apples of my eye,” Haralson announced, carrying three glasses into the bedroom.

“I, yeah, yeah I, I liked, I loved it,” Ann admitted, pulling herself upright.

“She loved it,” Bramley smiled happily as Haralson sat on the other side of her, pinning Bramely in the middle.

“Ask her if she’ll do it again?” Haralson smiled, sipping the potent drink.

“Let’s see,” Bramley said, leaning over and softly kissing Ann’s mouth.

Bramley captured Ann’s bottom lip between her teeth and playfully tugged at Ann’s lip. Releasing the girl’s lip, Bramley kissed Ann again.

“Would you…” Bramley asked.

“Yes!” Ann laughed.

Ann dozed lightly; the sex and the alcohol and the comfortable bed conspired against her. A few moments or a few hours later, Bramley kissed her awake. The two women kissed softly, touched one another softly. Ann wiggled down and captured one of Bramely’s nipples in her mouth. She gently sucked on the hard nub, her tongue flickering back and forth across the sensitive flesh. When Bramley shuddered, Ann switched to the other nipple and began tonguing that dark nipple until Bramely again shuddered.

Pushing Bramley onto her back, Ann wiggled down and began to pleasure Bramley’s very wet slit. Bramley’s pussy had an odd taste, a slightly bitter taste. Ann realized she was tasting a combination of Bramley’s excitement and Haralson’s semen.

“Augh, oh God,” Ann gasped out as she felt the head of Haralson’s fat cock at the mouth of her pussy.

Ann gave a low, guttural grunt as Haralson entered her in one long, steady push. When she felt the scrub of his pubic hair against her slick lips, Ann shuddered in pleasure.

“Oh! Oh no! Oh, please…” Ann groaned as she felt Haralson’s fingers pushing against her tightly clenched anus.

Haralson must not have heard her; Bramley’s thighs had Ann’s face trapped against Bramely’s hairless mound. His middle finger slid into her rectum and Ann shivered in pleasure.