Sunday Whores

We’re hanging out after church when this guy pulled up, and rolled down the window. “Hey girls, you want to make some money?”

Dani was all “How much money,” but I stopped her, and told her not to be a whore. She pulled her arm out, and went over to his car.

It’s not a Christian thing, we’re not really Christian. Our parents made us go to church, and dress like this. Which kinda made me wonder what made him think we’re hookers? Yeah, hanging out by the convenience store, but in broad daylight in our sunday best, we sure weren’t dressed like hookers.

She shook her head, “How about a hundred?” I couldn’t hear what he was saying so I had to get closer. Looking around to see if he was blocking traffic, but it turns out they had parking spaces to parallel park. I just never saw anybody parked there on sunday, which is the only time we hung out there.

Skipping sunday school, we had a couple hours to hang out, before we had to go back, and get rides home with our families. Honestly, Danica was the only one that understood, and I don’t know how I could stand it if she weren’t there.

He got out a couple $20s, with the $50. “I don’t know, that’s kinda steep for a hand job.” She looked over at me, and I shook my head.

“Well, that’s just $90 bucks, so how about a little hand, and mouth.” She stuck her tongue in her cheek. “Not a full blow job, just a little hand and mouth?”

I was joking about her being a whore, but when he said deal, I tried the back door. “I better come along, and watch.” She hit the door lock so I could get in.

“I don’t have enough money for both of you.” Bulloney. $45.00 apeice is plenty for a couple middle school girls.

“It’s okay, she just wants to watch.” She looked over the back seat, when I got my phone out, and hit [911] She shook her head, but I didn’t send it. Just in case he got violent, or tried to kill her, at least I could give a description, and maybe take a picture of his car when he drove off. Hopefully get his license plate too, but if she was going to take such a risk.

He drove around to some alley, and pulled up to cut the engine. “Uh, you got any rubbers?” Her eyes went wide, and she giggled when he got it out.

“Is that a problem?”

She shook her head, blushing madly, so I could help looking over the seats. “I don’t know where you’ve been, but if you fuck hookers all the time, I don’t want you to blow it in my mouth.”

“Okay, I promise.” He patted her head, but Dani just held her head up, and gave it a couple pumps. “It’s okay, it won’t bite.”

“She might,” I pointed out, “So don’t try anything.”

“Swop!” She just kissed it, and popped it back out, but now it was wet, and glistening. I was getting a little uncomfortable, in my pants. So, I scooted over behind him, and spread my legs to pull up my skirt.

“More,” she went down again, and I closed my eyes, when she started making wet sloppy noises, but as soon as I pulled my underwear out. The scent of sex filled the whole car, and she sat back up. Wiping her mouth, she said “There. Now it’s nice and wet.”

“Huh!” He grunted, “Uh!” Her arm hit his leg with muffled fapping noises, and I was teasing the juice out of my hole with one fingertip, to get wet, and loose enough to slip it in, but she went down again, and this time she coughed.

“Kah! Don’t shove me down on it.” She looked over at me, so I had to grab my phone, and unlock it.

“I just want to make sure I get my money’s worth.”

“Well, let me do it, just. Keep your hands to yourself, and let me. Okay?”

“Okay, sorry.”

“Hey, uh.” He looked over, and I shook my head. “Never mind.”

“You want something?” I nodded, but Dani disappeared again, and I heard more quiet suckling from his lap.

“Huh, give me your hand.” He had to turn, and put his leg up. So, Dani sat back, and went back to pumping it in her hand, but behind the seat, I couldn’t see it. “Call it a freebie.” I put it on my lap, but I had to scoot out for him to feel up my leg, and touch the hot front of my panties. “Huh!” I held up my phone, right over the send button, and showed him it. “Don’t try anything funny.”

“Uh!” He hit his head on the window, “Huh!” And started breathing funny.

“Ptooh! I told you not to cum in my mouth!”

He just shook his head, shivering, and his eyes were squeezed so tight, the lids wrinkled up like a scrotum shriveled in the cold. “Oh,” she looked over the seat to see his hand up my skirt, and I just shrugged. “Huh!” She just stuck the money in her training bra, and got out. I slipped out of his hand, and pulled the door handle to get out the other side.

“Oh,” he looked back and forth before we slammed the car doors. So, I unlocked my phone, and went back. I tapped it on the window for him to roll it down. “Hey, let me get your number. When’s a good time to call you?”

“Well, if you give me your phone numbers, I can call you.”

I shook my head, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you. How does saturday night sound?”

“Yeah, all right. I get payed friday, so saturday night’s good for me.”

“We’ll meet you back here sunday, but I’ll call you saturday night.”

“Sound like a deal.” He finally drove off, and left us giggling in the alley.

“Look at you, miss don’t be a whore.”

I put my phone back in my purse. “Well, I didn’t make any money off it.”

“Oh yeah,” she pulled the bills out of her training bra. “Here’s $40 bucks for watching out for me.” She held it back. “Unless my whore money’s too good for you.”

“Oh no. I’ll take it, but you think he’s got a friend, that might come along next week?”

“Maybe if you ask him, why?”

I rolled my eyes, “Because you changed my mind about prostitution, okay? How many guys have you done that with before, anyways?”

“None? It’s a first for me too, but it’s not like there’s any trick to it.” She shook her head, when I giggled, “No pun intended, but did you mean hand jobs, or hand jobs for money?”

“Hand, and mouth.”

“Oh, I guess that was another first for me too.” She though. “It was always hand jobs, Or blow jobs, but you know what? I think I like it better that way.”

“Hand and mouth?”

She nodded, “Especially with a dick that’s more than a handful. I guess, most middle school boys don’t have enough to suck, and stroke at the same time anyhow.”

“Right? So, who did you suck off?”

“None of your business!”

“Pun intended?” She shook her head, so I flashed the money at her. “Because now that we’re in business together.” I grinned.

“Ohohuhaha!” She nodded, “Okay, so you know Gary Sanches.”

“I nodded, Hand or Mouth?”

“Hand then mouth. 3 times, but it was just a stroker the first time.” She pumped her fist for punctuation.

“Who else?” She shook her head.

“What about you? Are you a virgin?”

“No, but.” I shook my head, “Yeah, technically a virgin, but.” I took a deep breath, “Huh, you know how Gary is.”

“OMG, you blew him too?”

“No, but he jerked off on my tights once.” No big surprise, he is the biggest hornball in the whole youth ministry, and he’s a senior. Not in high school, I think he’s a sophomore, or junior? In high school, but the teenagers are Seniors in the Youth Ministry, because they take Juniors like us out to show us how to talk to people about our lord, and savior Jesus Christ?

Yeah, so we’re handing out pamphlets, and I told him about my doubts. About the whole heaven, and hell thing, so he said it’s natural for girls my age, and one thing led to another so we went out for a cup of coffee after we ran out of fliers, until finally he took me home, and beat off all over my legs, but I didn’t touch him.

I really wanted to, but I chickened out. So, he just jerked off in my lap, while I held my skirt up. I still have the tights, because I didn’t want to wash them but all this time Dani was giving him hand jobs, and blow jobs, and “Wait. You said his dick,”

“SH!” She looked around, because we’re in the store, looking for snacks to spend our money on. Or at least break the fifty, if the guy behind the counter would even do that for her.

‘sorry,’ I went around from the candy bar side to the chips side. ‘i thought you said his dick wasn’t big enough to suck, and stroke it at the same time, but it sure looked big enough to me.’

‘oh,’ she nodded, ‘he must’ve grown up since we’re in sunday school with him.’

“Can I help you girls find anything?” We jumped, when the guy came out around the counter, to make sure we weren’t trying to stuff chip bags in our purses. Well, I guess I could have pocketed a candy bar before I came around from the other side.

“I don’t know,” she flashed him her bra strap. “Can you break a $50?”

“Where’d you get $50 bucks?”

“We found it,” I grabbed her, and held her shoulders, before she spilled the beans, because I know her. She’s exactly the kind of girl to say sucking dick.

“Well, I don’t know,” he went back behind the register, “If I have enough small bills to spare.”

“Oh, and can you get me a box of rubbers? Not the 3 pack, the large one.”

“What for?”

“For sex,” See? “What do you use rubbers for?”

He shook his head, and just rung them up, but he slipped it in a paper bag. With his back turned to cover the move from the camera. Smooth, I even saw him on the monitor in the corner. They put that up so you can see everything’s on camera, but that’s stupid. It just makes it easier to shop lift if you know all the camera angles.

‘you ment the large box, not the extra large condoms, right?’ He had to lean over the counter, to lower his voice.

She nodded, “Yeah, I guess regular size is fine, but when do you get off?”

“Work?” He stood up, and started ringing up our snacks.

“Yeah,” I spoke up, “And more importantly, when do you get paid?”

What? He’s kinda cute!

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅