Sweet Little Katie

They say that every girl’s first love is her dad. This is a story about Katie, a girl who loved her dad.

Katie finished brushing her soft blonde hair and pulled it back in a ponytail. She stepped into her panties and then nestled her full breasts in their cups and hooked her bra. Hmm, I’m gonna have to get a bigger bra soon, she thought to herself; my boobies just keep on growing! Well, there are worse problems a girl could have, she thought. She finished dressing and checked herself out in her full-length mirror; she liked what she saw. Ready for the day! she thought, with a smile on her face.

I’m in the shower, soaping up. I hear the bathroom door open and figure it’s my wife. I’m shocked when the curtains part and Katie steps into the shower with me! She’s completely naked! She reaches down and grabs my erect cock! She kneels down and starts to kiss it! Ohhhh …

The buzzing of the alarm jolted Jim out of his sleep. Holy shit, where did that come from? he asks himself. He realizes he has a giant hard on. I’ve never had a dream like that before, at least not involving my teen age daughter, he thinks. My sweet little Katie just turned 16. A cute little blonde with blue-green eyes and a well-developed body.  Jim lays there for awhile, smiling as he tries to recall all the details of his dream before they fade, as dreams always do. What a way to start the day!

Drifting back to reality, Jim can hear his wife Pam in the kitchen, making coffee. She’s planning to take off to her mom’s house soon for an all-day visit. Her mom hasn’t been feeling well for awhile now, and my wife wants to go over there to buy some groceries, clean her house and keep her company.

Jim’s decided to work from home today. His IT job makes that pretty easy, and he doesn’t want to face the hour commute after he heard the weather forecast for later in the day — snow, possibly heavy at times.

He put on his work-from-home “uniform” — a t-shirt and athletic shorts— and went to the kitchen, gave his wife a peck on the cheek and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Katie bounced down the stairs and grabbed a piece of toast. She’s dressed in her school uniform — a white blouse, a short blue and gray pleated skirt, and blue knee socks. She looks cute as hell. Jim’s thoughts flash back to his dream this morning and he smiles to himself.

“OK, Katie, get a move on, your bus will be here any minute,” Jim’s wife says. Katie comes over and plants a kiss on Jim’s cheek. “Bye dad. Bye mom,” Katie yells as she pulls on her boots, grabs her coat and shoots out the door. “Bye honey!” I yell after her.

“OK, Katie should be home from school at the regular time,” Pam says. “There’s a casserole in the fridge for dinner. Go ahead and put it in the oven about 4 if I’m not home by then. I’m gonna go ahead and take off.”

“OK, babe, say hello to your mom.”

”I will. Love you.”

”Love you too.” Another kiss on the cheek and she’s out the door.

Jim thought to himself, that’s the way it is, buddy, might as well get used to it. A kiss on the cheek, hello, goodbye, “how was your day” and sex on Saturday night… maybe. Oh, well, after 20 years of marriage, maybe you can’t expect much more than that. Pam has always been a great mother and she’s good in bed, but there’s just no excitement anymore. Was that what was behind that dream about Katie this morning? Built up sexual repression or something? Hey, stop the self analysis, he tells himself; you’re a computer guy, not a psychologist, remember?

Katie got on her school bus and made her way down the aisle to join her girlfriends. As she passed a group of guys, she noticed them gawking at her and whispering. She was used to it. She knew her top was a little too tight and her breasts jiggled when she walked.

Katie was aware that the boys at school lusted after her. She hadn’t been allowed to date much before she turned 16, and she had never had a steady boyfriend. But she had gone on a couple of double dates. One of her dates was among the guys on the bus who were paying her so much attention now. He was a nice enough guy, she guessed, and the date went OK. After a movie, they had driven to a secluded spot and made out. They had kissed for awhile, and she let him feel her breasts over her shirt, but that’s as far as it went. He wanted to go further, of course, but she stopped him when he put his hand under her skirt and started moving up her thigh. Blocked there, he then tried to unbutton her top. “No, don’t”, she said. He then went back under her skirt and moved even higher. “No, stop!” Katie said, more forcefully this time. That was the end of that date. Not that the hadn’t excited her — it had! But she wasn’t ready for that, not with that guy, at least.

Jim took his second cup of coffee into his home office. He worked for a couple hours, answering some emails and planning a training program scheduled for next week. Then he decided to take a break and went down stairs to his home gym.

After working up a good sweat, he hit the shower. No intruders this time, he thought to myself, smiling. He worked another hour or so and then decided to knock off for the day. He turned on CNN to catch up on the news.

“Hi, dad!” Katie shouted as she burst through the front door. “Hi sweetie,” Jim replied. “What’s it doing out there?”

“Oh, not much. Just some flurries,” she said as she took off her coat and boots. “What have you been up to?” she asked.

“Oh, you know, just slaving away,” he replied. “Yeah, right,” she laughed.

Katie grabbed a snack and a glass of milk and retreated to her room, where she spent the rest of the afternoon doing teenage girl stuff, listening to music and texting her friends.

It was a little past 4, so Jim went ahead and put the casserole in the oven. He did some technical reading for awhile, then checked email from work. Everything seemed under control.

It looked like Pam was going to be late, so Jim called Katie to come down for dinner. They ate in silence, Katie glued to her smartphone, he watching the news. After dinner, she returned to her room and he went into the living room.

Katie came downstairs a couple hours later to watch TV.

“It’s really coming down out there,” Jim said as he looked out the front window. It had been snowing harder for the last couple hours and showed no signs of  letting up.

“Yay, no school tomorrow!” shouted Katie as she jumped up to peer out the window.

Jim looked at his daughter. She was wearing her usual sleep attire, an oversized white T-shirt that came down just below her butt. He couldn’t help noticing that her full breasts jiggled as she moved. He guessed his staring was obvious.  She plopped down on the couch, only a few feet away.  Their eyes met and held for a long moment. He stared at her chest, noticing her erect nipples clearly visible under her shirt. She caught him staring, and looked directly at him, a sly little smile playing on her face.

Jim’s cell phone buzzed. Pam. “Hi babe, what’s up? Yeah, I figured. It’s snowing bad here, too. No, we’re fine. OK, see ya tomorrow. Love you, too.”

“That was your mom. She staying with grandma tonight. She sends her love.”

“How exciting! We’re snowbound!” Katie exclaimed.

“Looks like,” Jim said as he headed for the kitchen and the liquor cabinet. “I’m gonna have a drink. You want anything?”

“I want a drink, too.”

Jim opened the fridge. “OK, let’s see, Coke? Seven-up? Snapple?”

“No, daddy, I want a real drink.”

“Katie …”

“Please daddy? Pretty please?” And she knows she has him. What the hell, no school tomorrow, why not? he thinks to himself. Besides, he’s under no illusion that Katie hasn’t had alcohol before at her friends’ parties.

He put Seven-up and ice in two glasses and added vodka, a little more for him, a little less for her, and stirred.

“OK, here ya go, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, daddy,” she cooed.

They sipped their drinks in silence for awhile. She’s downing that drink pretty fast, Jim thought. She moved a little closer to him on the couch.

“I know what you want, daddy.” She’s obviously getting a little buzzed.

“Oh,yeah? What do I want?”

“I know,” she repeated playfully, with a seductive little smile on her face.

Jim thought to himself, does she really know? His physical attraction to his daughter started maybe a year or so ago, when she really started to blossom. Her well- developed body was impossible to ignore, and he guessed he didn’t hide his interest very well. But had she noticed?

There was the swimming pool, of course. He loved to ogle her body as he lounged on the deck and watched her frolicking with her friends. Often he would jump in the pool and join in a game of “Marco Polo.” When he was “it,” he would swim underwater and break the rules by opening his eyes. He would zero in on her and grope her as she shrieked with delight. She would always let his hands linger for a moment before she squirmed away, just long enough for him to get aroused.

Sometimes he would swim up behind her and pull her close, his arms around her waist. Had she noticed his erection as he embraced her? Was it his imagination or had she actually eased back into him a little before splashing away?

And now she says she knows what I want, Jim thought. A pop song from years ago came to mind — “I know what guys like, I know what guys want …”

I know what you want, daddy, Katie thought. You want what all those boys at school want. You want what Mr. Davis wants when I babysit for him and his wife and he drives me home after. You want what all the guys want who watch me when I’m at the store or just walking down the street. You want to touch me. You want to feel my breasts. You want to feel me all over … you want to fuck me, don’t you, daddy. Yes, I know what you want.

Katie has finished her drink and says, “I want another one, daddy.”

“No, Katie, that’s enough, now, c’mon,” Jim protests.

Katie gets up and comes over to him. She holds out her glass and looks at him with those big, beautiful eyes, fluttering her eyelashes and tilting her head a little. “Please, daddy, just one more?”

He  can’t resist her, of course. Who could? He takes her glass and returns to the kitchen for refills. He can’t remember whose glass is whose, so he pours about the same amount of vodka in both glasses this time.

He’s so easy, Katie thinks, smiling to herself. He’s like my slave! He’ll do anything I ask, if I just act sweet and sexy enough. I wonder what he would do if I really came on to him. Could he resist me? It might be fun to find out!

“Drink it slow this time, honey”

She took a big gulp. “I will, honey … I mean daddy,” she giggled.

She’s really feeling the booze now, he realized. He’s starting to feel guilty. Well, a little guilty. He’s also enjoying seeing this side of his daughter that he’s never seen before.

The TV has been tuned to a “Law and Order” rerun that neither of  them have been watching. Katie grabbed the remote and turned to a music channel playing up-tempo dance tunes.

Katie is prancing around the room in time with the music. Her breasts are bouncing and jiggling. Jim catches a glimpse of her panties. He’s really getting aroused. Around and around she whirls.

“Whoosh!” she exclaimed. Out of breath, she collapses on the couch next to him and picks up her drink. She takes a sip, eyeing him over the top of her glass.

Dad is so much fun, Katie thinks. Mom is great, but she would never let me have a drink, let alone two. Yes, he’s my favorite parent, no doubt. He’s good looking, too and he’s really in shape. He’s sexy! I bet he thinks I’m sexy too. He’s never really touched me, except for when we’ve played around in the pool, but I’ve noticed how he stares at me. I know a couple of my girlfriends who have messed around with their fathers. Am I ready to join that club? Hmmm …

A roar outside and flashing yellow lights announces the arrival of a town snow plow. Katie runs across the room to the loveseat, pulls the curtains aside and leans against the back of the loveseat to look out the bay window.

“Turn off the lights so we can see better, daddy.”

Jim turns off the lights and joins her on the loveseat. He’s behind her as she leans forward to watch the plow. He can smell her hair as he moves closer. He can feel his erection growing. He’s so close to her now — he gently kisses the back of her neck. He slowly begins a thrusting motion — she parts her thighs slightly and starts moving in rhythm with him. He reaches under her shirt and moves his hands up to her chest, cupping her breasts.

“Ohhhh daddy,” Katie moans. She feels the warm moisture between her legs as he rolls her nipples between his fingers. She reaches for his big cock. It’s so hard! He pulls down her panties as she takes off her t-shirt. “They’re beautiful,” he whispers as he caresses her full breasts and kisses her erect nipples. “So beautiful.”

They’re both completely naked as he scoops her up in his arms and moves to the bedroom. He lays her gently on the bed. He kisses her breasts softly and then moves his tongue slowly down her belly until he feels her soft pubic hair and tastes the sweet moisture between her legs.

He looks down at his sweet little Katie.

“Are you sure you want this, honey?”

“Oh, yes, daddy, I’m sure. Please … ”

He gently enters her and Katie moans softly, “Ohhh daddy.”

He moves slowly as he pushes into her, determined not to hurt her. He feels a momentary resistance and Katie’s eyes open wide as she gives a little cry. “Are you OK, honey?” “Yes, daddy, I’m fine.”

He thrusts deeper now as she spreads her thighs wider and wraps her legs around him. Slowly pulling back and thrusting deeper … in … out … in … out … deeper! faster! harder! “Ohhhh daddy! … ohhh! … don’t stop!” Her moaning turns him on even more and he thrusts faster and faster! … and then Katie loses control, crying out as she experiences her first real orgasm! At the same moment, Jim reaches his peak and gives two, three final thrusts as he releases! He collapses beside her, both of them wet with sweat and panting for breath.

Oh, that was wonderful! Katie thinks to herself. I love daddy so much! I’m so happy that he was my first lover!

They lay silently for a few moments, then Katie moves closer and puts her head on his chest. He leans down and kisses her gently. She smiles up at him. “I love you, daddy.” “I love you, Katie” They remain like that for what seems like a long while.

Jim is only half-awake, enjoying a feeling of complete satisfaction. He can’t remember such a strong orgasm in years! He senses Katie stirring beside him. “See, daddy, I told you I knew what you wanted.” “Yes you did, honey, yes you did.”

Katie reaches over and gently takes his cock in her hands. She begins stroking it and it instantly comes alive. When he is fully erect, she climbs on top of him and slowly eases herself down until he is inside her. “Mmmm, that feels so good … ” she whispers. “Ohhhh, Katie,” he moans. He can’t control himself and he comes quickly, explosively. Katie moves up and down, up and down, driving faster and faster to her own climax. Jim watches her lovely breasts as they sway inches above his face. Finally Katie climaxes with a loud moan, as she collapses down on his chest.

Contentment washes over them as they lie in each other’s arms.

They make love twice more before they are completely spent and fall into a deep, blissful sleep.

Dawn light filters through the window as Jim opens his eyes. He looks over and sees Katie lying next to him. So it wasn’t a dream, he thinks to himself.

He gets out of bed and slips on his shorts. Katie stirs and opens her eyes. “Morning, daddy,” she says sleepily. “Morning, honey,” he replies. “How do you feel?” “I feel sore, but it’s a good sore,” she says happily.

Jim walks to the window and peers out. He’s surprised to see it’s still snowing at a pretty good clip.

“What time is it?” Katie asks. “It’s almost 10, time to get up, lazy bones,” Jim says. “Ughh, I don’t wanna,” she replies, as she puts a pillow over her head. He walks over and yanks the covers off the bed and is struck by the beauty of her naked body. “Daddy!” she yells, laughing.

Jim goes into the bathroom to relieve himself and turns on the radio to catch the news and weather. “… avoid all unnecessary travel. Another 6 to 8 inches of snow is expected to fall throughout the day and into early evening. Blowing and drifting snow will make driving conditions extremely hazardous. Repeating, county officials are warning citizens to avoid all unnecessary travel. Turning now to local news, police responded …” Jim turns the radio off and returns to the bedroom.

“Well, it doesn’t look like anyone’s going anywhere today,” Jim says. “We’re still snowbound.” “Yippeee!” shouts Katie.

“Do you think we can find something to do with ourselves all day?” Jim asks.

“Why don’t we take a shower together?” Katie says with a little gleam in her eye.