Taboo family life: bringing sister into the fun part 3

Mom and I got sloppy trying to keep it a secret. Now sister knows.

It had been six months since I became my mom’s Dom and her my sex slave. I tried to get cover six months in the last part but was very veg and didn’t go indents. To much to talk about.

I’ve learned a lot in six months. How to be a Dom. Not only technics we like, but also care and loving my sex toy mother. At the end of the day, she’s still my mom.

With the help of the internet and an active imagination we tired many things. Some we didn’t quit like…butt stuff. Not a fan. But we have found what we do like. BDSM, blind folding, ropes, play dress-up for master (thigh highs and paddle skirts, I won’t have made it in the 50-60’s) and She’s a slave and in being one, mine always and anywhere. I love getting an urge and grabing her hair, make sweet love to her mouth. Ok, I shoved it down her throat and deposited my lust down there and went on about my business. She loves me feeding her. It’s become the only place I cum. I’ve caught her many times holding in her mouth and swirling it around with her tongue before swallowing. “Swallow it” I’d comand her. “Eventually” she mumble with her mouth full, then start humming and going back to what she was doing.

It was mid July and sis and I where home alone. The day started typical. Mom waking me up before sis and taking her breakfast from the tap. And being sumer time now and now school. We’d shower together and she’d be off to work. Sis would wake up a bit later.

Today my 12 yo sister was acting weird. Weirder than her normal preteen hormonal self. We’re typical brother sister, we had our fights from time to time. And we got along great other times. Bit today was different. She was acting skidding and quiet. And if you’ve ever know a happy go lucky 12 yo girl, you know what I’m talking about.

It was afternoon when I finnally snapped after her forth time walking into the living room and hurrying back out while I was play a video game.

“”WHAT!?” I shouted. “What is you’re deal today? Why are you being weirder than normal!?”

She sheepishly came back into the living room “I…I need to ask you a question. But I don’t know how?”

“Come here” I told her. I was thinking ‘what hairbrained idea do you have know’

“Sit here an ask me. You know I won’t laugh at you…well, not very much” as I smiled and made my big brother sparky face at her.

“HA, not funny. Duffus.” She replied.

“Just ask me. You’re driving me crazy.”

“OK! Ok. Ummmm, last night….”

Uh oh. Crap! I thought she heard. I had mom wearing blindfold and earmuffs so she didn’t know what’s cuming next. And sis heard. Mom was a bit louder than normal. My heart started to fly. And some frog took residence in my throat.

“Uhhh, yeah. What about last night?” I think I’m starting to sweat here…

“I heard weird noises from your room…and…” yep she did, Ooooh damn. What’s mom going to say? “Well, it sounded like sex. Kinda like on The internet.”

“What!? Are you watching porn!?” First I was deflecting. And second my 12 yo sister realy shouldn’t be watching that crap.

“I curious!” She exclaimed. “And, that’s what it sounded like from your room! A porno! But with mom’s voice!? What the hell where you doing?”

Now, I was at an impass. On one hand, if I said I was watching something and she was mistaken, well. Continue as normal. Seeking around her. Ooorr…I could tell her, she’d freak out at first. Bit I could be a little louder and open with it. She’ll get used to it. Hmmm….

“Well.” Mulling it over still. “Mom is teaching me how to be her Dom.” I didn’t lie. I hoped she’d take that as good enough and not know what that was.

“Her Dom? Wait? THATS SEX STUFF!!!” She jumped up and stomped her foot. “You’re doing sex stuff with mom!?” She trailed off thinking about it.

“Um, do you like it? Isn’t it weird? She’s our mother.” She asked still standing there trying to process this taboo information.

“Yes. At first it was. And yes she is our mother.” I answered mater-of-factly.

“You like it!?”

“Yes. It’s fun, I’m always horny and I can get it when ever I want it.”

“This explains a lot lately. She has been saying yes Sir to you…to YOU! Her son. You’re only 15 and not a Sir yet. What do you do?” As her curiosity got the better of her.

“Latly, more tying her up, teasing, orgasm denial and forced orgasms, blind folds, toys and when you’re not here. Blow jobs s all over the house. Like last weekend, you and your friend Stacy were playing in the front yard. Mom was sucking me dry while I watched you two.”

“What!? I almost came inside then! I would’ve seen you two!”

“That’s why I was watching you and Stacy running around in your swimsuits through the sprinkler.”

She sat back down dumbfounded. “You watched us, in our swimsuits while mommy sucking on your thingy?”

“Yes. I liked what I was looking at. As mom slooowwly sucked and licked and kissed my whole hard shift. It was amazing watching both your little bodies while mom sucked me dry.” I said trying to peck her interest even more.

“Wha…” She muttered as I could she her breathing quickened. “You like seeing me?”

“Yes. Your body is just starting to fill out. I love that. And I bet you have the cutest hottest littke fuzzy dow there too?”

“It’s barely fuzzy. You see mommy fully naked?”

“Yes. Everyday”

“Then why mine? Mommy is fully woman. Her boobs are fullest. Why not big boobs like hers?”

“I like all boobies. Bigger ones like mom’s and little ones just starting out like yours”

“You want to see them don’t you?”

Yes, of course I do. Just like you want to see my thingy, wiener, dick. Manhood.” I smiled at her.

“Yes?” She said with hint desperation in her tone.

“Only if I can see yours too.”

“Ok.” She then shot up and pulled her shorts and panties down and stepped out of them.

“Shirt too” as I was taking my shorts off too.

Soon we were both naked sitting next to each other. I knew I had to start things. Since she was staring at my now rock hard member stand tall and proud.

“OK stop looking at it and touch it. Softly.”
She did as she was told. I just sat there and leaned back to enjoy my sister fondling me.

” what do you do with her?”

I started to tell her everything in detail. How I love mom’s BJs. Everything fro. Spanking her to pounding her till she’s sore.

“OK sis. Use both hands. And cup the sack.” She did as she was told. Just like mom, good girl.

I started to stroke her hair as I detailed how mom loves giving me blow Jobs.

“Mom loves sucking on it. She never uses her teeth and always is soft and gentle like I want it. She kisses the tip and then runs her tongue all over it. Up and down, all around my sack.” Sis was listening and fighting as I told her. I could see she wanted to try it too, but couldn’t.

“Here, just open your mouth.” She did then hesitated. “It’s alright. Mom does this many times a day.” I held the back of her head in my hand. Nugging her closer. And then she went for it.

She did just as I told her. Kissed the tip and then started to lick it very gently and in small strokes.

” oh hell yeah.” I said involuntarily. She looked at me and smiled.

“You like that? I’m doing good?”

“Very good.” I praised her. She then did everything I told her.

She licked the whole shaft. Up and down. Then the sack, never forget the sack. The whole time while wrapping her little hands around my junk. Then she slipped the tip into her mouth. The feeling was amazing. Mom had done this hundreds of times, but this was different. The fact that it was my younger sister, or she was smaller than mom. Sis’s lips where defiantly softer.

I instinctively, by now, i reached for her little slit since she was doing this from sitting next to me. I found her little clit between the folds. So soft and tiny. It took one swip across it for her to rock her hips against my hand.

Before I knew it she was sucking on me and cuming to her own orgasm.

“Be a good girl and keep it in your mouth” she giggled with her mouth full. And then her little body started twitching and muscles tightened. Muffled moaning came from my lap. With one big spasm she collapsed onto my lap. Her head laying on my thighs. She was looking straight at my still hard manhood and slowly strocking it.

“I want to watch you and mommy”

“Ok.. tonight. I’ll blind fold her and put ear miffs on again. And leave the door unlacthed. You sneak in and sit and watch. ”

“YES!” She yelled as she jumped up giggling all the way to her room.

Damnit! I didn’t even cum! I’ll get her tonight with my slave. I smiled

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅