Taken a Back Seat

I knew he was a pervert, just as soon as I saw his penis. At least I thought I did, but he tricked me.

He came to help my dad with something, in the garage. I don’t know, car stuff but I don’t have a brother to help him with that. I sure didn’t want to get my hands dirty with greasy grimy engine stuff, but he wore gloves, and they were purple!

After school, he worked on the car with dad, then for dinner he told mom he’s “Learning.” So, he was teaching him how to work on a car, and it was almost like having a son. After dinner, mom told him he could “Keep trying,” with a wink, then when I was in bed, I heard them having sex.

I’m only 9, but I have some idea what that is. Mom was talking about having another baby with him, and hoping it was a boy. Dad was just happy to have a young man around, but he was a teenager, and practically an adult. So, he missed all the good stuff, like watching him take his first steps, and skipped right ahead to teaching him to work on cars.

So if it breaks down, he can learn to fix it himself, but listening to mom’s moaning, I knew that she was getting it good. I even had some idea what “It” was. Girls talk, and it’s not always the same thing, but in 4th grade, they started talking about that, a lot.

Boys, dicks, dating, sex and even cars. Justin had a nice car, and it wouldn’t break down any time soon, but dad had an old one. A classic, so it needed a lot of work. Finally, mom, and dad settled down so I could go to sleep, but then I dreamed of Justin taking me out for a ride.

That’s it, I didn’t even try to touch myself, I swear! I was a virgin, and I think I was starting to fall in love, but it was just a school crush. So, I just dreamed about riding around with Justin in his car, and I woke up before we got anywhere, he didn’t even kiss me.

I blushed, but it was starting to get light, and I had to go to school. I thought about him all day, knowing that he was going to be there when I got home, and when I saw his car out front, I ran up just to see him!

He was just sitting on the back seat, but it wasn’t in the car. They took it out, to work on something, but he just sat on it like a sofa. With his arms across it, and his legs spread wide open. “Where’s dad?”

“He took your mom out, so it’s just you and me.” He scooted over, and patted the seat next to him. “Come here.”

I shook my head, but my eyes were locked onto his dick. He wore tight jeans, so I could see it sticking down his pant-leg, and it looked huge. I knew he was a pervert, and this was not appropriate, even if I did start dreaming about him, he wanted sex, and I wasn’t ready for sex.

So, I picked up my backpack straps, and said “I have homework.” Then, I went in through the kitchen, but he caught the door, before I could lock it.

“Well, maybe I can help you out, what do you have to do, for homework?”

I said “Math,” hoping he’d get bored, and go back to wait in the garage, but it was cold out there.

“Great, I love math.” I had to convert measurements into Metric, but he got a sheet of scratch paper, and showed me his work. He copied the equations, and everything, but he was so close, I could smell him.

I was nervous, because I knew he was going to try something funny, but he didn’t even smell my hair, or touch my shoulders. He just read over my shoulder, then pulled the scratch paper around to check my work.

It was really hard to concentrate, with him standing behind me, and his big dick felt so close, all I could think about was that. I kept waiting for mom, and dad to get home, so he couldn’t try anything, even though I was starting to wish he did?

I’m not a slut though, I’m a little girl, and he’s a child molester. I just now it, he’s only being nice to get in my pants, and I don’t want to get molested in the 9th grade.

Mom, and dad were gone a long long time, so we ran out of Math questions, and I copied the answers in my work book. I had English too, but I just wanted it to be over. I’d do it in the morning, or after dinner before bed.

Well, you mind if I go use your restroom?” I just bit my lip, and shook my head, but he’d been inside before. With my mom, and dad home, so he didn’t try anything, but I was blushing so hard, I got hot under the collar.

So, I unbuttoned it, and tried not to think about what he was doing in there, but he had to take it out of his pants, and with it hard like that, he wouldn’t be able to piss with it hard like that. Pointing up at the ceiling, so he’d have to aim it, and the stream would arc over into the toilet like a rainbow.

Finally, he flushed, and washed his hands, so I knew they’d be clean. I didn’t hear anything in the bathroom door, so I went in my room. To make sure he didn’t get in my dirty underpants, but I left the door open, so I could see him when he came out.

I looked right at his tight pantlegs, but I didn’t see anything. It turns out, because he pulled the dildo out of his pants. It didn’t occur to me that he stuffed to impress me, but he had it in his back pocket, with his jacket over it. Also, it was behind him when he put his arm up, in the doorway.

“Well, it doesn’t look like Robert,” that’s my dad, “Is coming home any time soon, so what do you usually do, after homework?”

“Oh,” I shook my head, realizing that I was just waiting for him on my bed. With my hands in my lap, I had sex on the brain, so I just sat there, waiting. “Uh,” I hopped off, “You know, talk to my friends on the phone, or go hang out with them, when the weather’s nice.”

It snowed last night, but most of it melted, and even the streets were dried up when we got on the bus.

“Let’s go out,” he let his arms out, and waved me over.

“Okay,” he patted me on the back, and kept me in front of him, but behind me. I couldn’t help thinking about his dick so close, biting my lips, and blushing hard. We went out through the garage, so he could hit the button, close the door, and step over the invisible beam so it didn’t go up again.

Then, he got in the car, and unlocked the door for me, but before I got in, he pulled out the dildo.

“What’s that?” I shook my head, “For?”

“It’s a dildo, for fucking.”

“I know that, but what do you have it for? You weren’t thinking of using it on me.”

He laughed, “No, it’s too big for you, what are you, 10?”

“9?” I was even a little disappointed, because he negged me, and I told myself I got the wrong idea, even as I pulled the door closed, and the seat belt across to buckle up.

He just put it in the arm rest, right next to me, and I crossed my legs. More afraid that I’d start stinking up the car than he had a camera under the dashboard to look up my skirt.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but why would I? Honestly, all the blood must have rushed out of my head, when it pumped into my womb to get it ready. That’s when I felt lose, and I didn’t even know that, you could feel it without using your fingers.

There’s no other word for it, though. Except maybe empty, hungry? I don’t know, it’s just such a weird feeling, especially the first time you had it, but he didn’t say anything. It just got quiet, except for the engine, and awkward.

I didn’t know what to say, and I certainly wasn’t going to bring up the sex toy right next to my arm. Hidden under the arm rest, in a cubby hole, like a telltale heart. Instead, I told myself that he was gay, and that’s what he was doing with it, in he bathroom.

Gay stuff, up his butt, and he washed it off in the sink, instead of his hands. He wasn’t wearing those purple rubbery gloves, so I imagined a purple rubber instead. It sure looked big, like he said too big for me, but I just kept my eyes down on my lap.

My knees together, and I wasn’t paying attention to where we’re going, until the road got bumpy. “Where are we?” I finally looked out, but all I saw were trees. Lots of pine trees, but there were also hardwoods, without any leaves, and the snow-melt dripping down the bark.

“It’s a special place, but can you keep a secret?” I nodded, “I don’t want it blowing up, but I hope you like it.”

Finally, the road got out where you could see over a cliff, but that was on his side. My side was just a hillside, with rocks sticking out, but the road got so rough, he had to take it slow since he didn’t have 4×4 in his car. It wasn’t a Subaru, or what’s the other one?

Popular with racers, because it’s got 4 wheel drive, I think it’s a Mitzubishi? It was just a Ford, but I looked at the blue oval on the steering wheel, and wondered at how different it was than I dreamed.

For one thing, it wasn’t a nightmare, so I didn’t have this creepy feeling. Like right before the killer jumps out with a knife, and the camera looks away, but you can hear her screaming, and the wet noises when the knife hits bone, then she stops screaming, and he pulls the knife out, dripping blood.

“It’s got a great view.” He pulled the hand break, but it was under the dashboard, so there was room for an arm-rest, and a cubby hole for his backup dong. “Come on.” He got out, and started smoking a cigarette. So, I unbuckled my seatbelt, and got out.

There wasn’t a guard-rail, but I stood back, wringing my hands nervously.

“You’re not afraid of heights.”

I shook my head, “Yeah, a little.” I lied, because I knew that if I tried to run, he’d just catch me, and even if I got away, I’d just get lost in the woods, to freeze to death. “Um, what valley is that?”

It wasn’t overlooking the city, but I hoped that if I didn’t end up a dead body, raped, and buried in the woods, I could get back, and tell the police where he took me.

“I don’t know,” he got his phone out, and held it up. “No signal, but I think the GPS still works.” He shook his head, “It just says Stewart State Park.” He showed me on his phone, but all it showed was green, and a dot. Pointing down at nothing but Green, there wasn’t even a road.

“Hhuh!” I shivered, and rubbed my arms. “Well, it’s cold, so you better take me home.”

“Let me show you something,” he opened the door, and pulled the seat over, to the back seat. I got in, stupidly, I swear this whole day was one big Blonde moment, but then he got in behind me, and closed the door.

“What?” I shrank back when he tried to grab my face, but he just rubbed my cheek.

“You know, you really are a beautiful girl, has anyone ever told you that?”

I shook my head, then turned away when he tried to kiss me. So, he kissed my cheek, and started kissing my neck. His hand felt down my shoulder, my flat chest, and my hyperventilating tummy, but it didn’t take him long to start rubbing my legs. In my lap, he moved my hands, so he could feel up closer to my crotch, and my legs went weak?

I don’t know, it sounds like an excuse even as I write it, but the truth is I spread my legs. I want to think that he forced them open, and he was too strong to fight it, but he barely tugged my thigh, and they spread wide open to let him rub my crotch.

Through my pants, and my underwear, but then he felt up, and unbuttoned them, to get his fingers in.

I remember thinking that, he was just being nice, and helping with my math to get in my pants. Well, it worked, and when he touched me. My knees hit the back of his driver seat, when I scooted out so I could lean back, and he could feel lower.

“It feels good.” I nodded, “You like it, and you want more?” He finally asked, and stopped breathing on my neck so he could pull back, looking in my eyes. Back, and forth, searching for consent, so I bit my lips, and nodded.

“Take off your pants.” So, I pushed up, and stuck my thumbs in my pantie waste, so they came down with my pants, and he sniffed loudly. I could smell it too, and I’d never been horny before. I’d never been around a horny girl either, because if I had, I sure would have remembered the smell.

“You’re so wet,” He went right for the goodies, and I arched my back when his fingers slipped up. Slick, he found my button, and covered my mouth with his. I moaned into his mouth, even as his tongue was slipping in, and wiggling around to lick mine, back and forth to the teeth.

It seemed like forever, but then my eyes flew open, and I gasped. He pulled back, licking his lips, but then my eyes fluttered. “Oh, uh, I.” All I could get out was the letter I. I didn’t even know what to say, I’m cumming? Obviously, but the rush of pleasure was so overwhelming, I couldn’t form a sentence, let alone say it out loud.

“Huh! HhuhHhuh!” I finally blinked, and shook my head, but he was turned sideways on the seat. His knee up almost to my hip, and his pants open. So his elbow stuck out, and his dickhead disappeared in his hand. “Huh!” I touched it when it stuck back out, and he stopped, looking up.

“Can I do that, for you?” Of course, it wasn’t huge, like that fake plastic thing he stuffed down my pants, but I had little hands. So, I could stroke it, and the head stuck out. He closed his eyes, and put his head back, but then a drop appeared on the tip. When I looked back down, I sniffed, but all I could smell was his sweat.

Sexy boy sweat, it even overpowered the stink of my sex, so I licked it up. Rubbed the greasy drop on the roof of my mouth, but he didn’t even pat my head. He didn’t have to tell me to suck it, as soon as I tasted cum, I wanted more.

“Oh, huh. Yeah baby, your mouth feels so good, and hot, and wet. Uhn!” He just said “Uhn! Uhn,” over and over, with a little gasp in between each shot in my mouth. Just the tip, but I stopped stroking just to feel it bulge, and roll up the bottom.

I didn’t know it was on the bottom, but then I didn’t know much of anything about oral sex. Blow jobs, giving head, but I was so proud of myself. I did such a good job, and he was nice enough to finger me off before he even got it out. I was so grateful for the orgasm, my first orgasm, and he didn’t rape me.

I guess you could say that he molested me, but I don’t care. I loved it, and I swallowed every drop. Then, he stopped coming over entirely, and broke my heart. He drove me back, dropped me off, and I never saw him again. After he got what he wanted, he only pretended to be interested in dad’s car so he could get in the garage, but he was slow, patient.

So, I didn’t feel like a victim, but I was so heart broken, and I felt like such a slut. Giving him head on the first date like that, and wondering what other girls he was putting the moves on, now that he’d used me up, and threw me away like a dirty glove.

I got over it, and honestly I needed the years to grow up. Find boys my age to date, and eventually start having sex again. Until then, I just masturbated, but it wasn’t the same. Of course, there’s nothing like your first time, but for me.

He ruined me for any other man.

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