Tempting Thomas

It was hot as hell in Church, but it got even hotter when we came out…

It wasn’t so much the light shining in the stained glass, so it made everyone on that side colorful. I liked that, but up around the dome, there were arched windows so the light could shine in from any direction. You could the hot air swirling around in the smoke of the candles, and the incense, so I bet it was even hotter up there.

Finally, we said the Theotokos, and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I washed my face in the girls room, then looked up when a bra flopped over the stall door.

“Uh!” Myra put her blouse back on, and came out buttoning up her dress.

“Bra sweat?” I guessed, because the cup that hung over the outside of the door wasn’t dripping, but it sure looked damp from the dark crescent around the bottom.

“Huh, yeah.” She ran cold water, and splashed it on her face, but bent over the sink like that. With her bra off, I just walked over, and pulled it down, to check the label. (34C(

“You better watch out, or the boys will know you’re going braless.” She stood up, and took it back, but the way her unfettered boobs moved even under the lose modest top was a dead give away.

“Like Thomas?”

“Thomas Diakos?” I shook my head. “What about him?”

“Well, somebody needs him to read the Tenth Commandment, especially the part about coveting his neighbor’s ass.” She leaned back, and looked over my shoulder, so I covered it up, and she laughed. “I think he likes you!”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, really. I guess you never noticed, because he always waits for you to walk past, but if you don’t mind me saying, you have great hips.”

“Really.” I had to move over to the wheelchair sink, because that mirror is tilted down. Where Althaia can check her hair, since she’s the only one in a wheelchair, and she obviously puts so much effort into dying it blue, and brushing the curls into ringlets, but she’s old.

She dresses like a nun too, except for the headgear that would cover up her hair, but isn’t that vanity? I turned my hips, pulling my blouse tight over my hips. “What’s so great about them?”

“They’re childbearing hips, so they make your waist look extra tight, and your behind stick out that much more.”

“It doesn’t stick out.” I turned around, and looked. As if for the first time. “Does it? I’m not used to looking at myself that way, but I’m surprised he can turn away from your.”

The door just swung shut with a quiet thump, when she left. “Hm!” She’s a teenager, in high school though. So, I’m sure my bust will get bigger, maybe not that big, but she took her bra with her, so I went out to the dining hall.

She was filling a little paper bowl with Kolyva, since we lost someone, and they announced the funeral in announcements, but I didn’t really know him. “Mh, Kolyva!” I grabbed a bowl too.

She sucked a pomegranate pit, and spit it out on her plastic spoon. “It’s full of anti-oxidants.” She looked up, and smiled. “Hey, Thomas.”

“You girls are actually eating today?” Hey! We eat.

“Yeah, I love this stuff. It’s a shame that somebody has to die for them to make it.” They flirted until I got read in the face, and jealous, but he kept looking down. Every time she shook her shoulders, to roll her fun-bags right in front of him, and then he followed her out to the grounds.

I caught up, “She’s got no hips, and barely any butt.”

He laughed, “You’re just jealous of her big rack!”

I laughed, “Who needs the back problems?” I took his arm, and put it around my back. So, he could feel down, over my bra strap, and across my waist to hold onto my hips.

“Huh!” She turned around, and her blouse was coming unbuttoned again, but she kept on going down the buttons, until she had to stop at the top of her dress.

“It’s hot as hell out here.” I shook my hip, so his hand slipped, and brushed my buttock, but he let go, and backed up.

“What is this?” He looked around, but I giggled, and jumped into the gate. To hold it, and swing it shut, so he was trapped in there with us. Unless he wanted to climb over, and risk catching his pants on the spikes, but that might be interesting to watch, if they ripped open the right way.

“Me, and Myra were just talking about you.”

“Yeah, she says you’re a tits man, but I think you’re more of an ass man.” She unbuttoned her dress, then went back up for the next button on her blouse, but she knew right where to lead him. This is a private corner, for quiet contemplation. Pretty, and romantic, but also very private. With the gate shut, nobody is going to come snooping around so as not to interrupt your quiet spiritual contemplation.

It also happened to be the best place to tease him, interrogate him, and give him a boner. Blue balls, and also give each other better looks at our own bodies. I never really thought about it, but it isn’t as if I tried not to think about other girls, sexually. It just never came up, but now that my eyes were open, and looked on her the way that boys like Thomas do, I have to admit he’s right.

Loathe as I am to admit it, she did have great breasts. Not only are they large, and natural (Unlike most porn stars with implants to get them that big) but also young, and perky. With pinkish nipples, and they seem to hang in the air miraculously. As heavy as they have to be, it seems like gravity just ignores them, but the mass sure kicks in when she moves, so they shake and bounce back and forth, hypnotically.

“Huh!” She covered them in both hands, and rolled her eyes. “This isn’t a valid comparison, if you don’t show a little ass for him to make up his mind.”

“Oh yeah.” I looked down, and unbuckle my belt, but you know what? A part of me must have known, deep down that was my best side. My back side, since I wore pants, and tight belts to show them off. Maybe I even saw how sexy I looked in the mirror, especially getting dressed for church.

You want to show off what you got, without really showing that you’re showing off. You’re not supposed to tempt young men like Thomas into Lust, but then again. Your mothers, aunts, and grandmothers keep asking you, when you’re going to meet one. Preferably a nice Orthodox boy, though some would prefer he was Russian instead of Greek. It’s a mixed congregation, but the services are in Greek.

“Uh!” He grunted when i got up on the bench, and dropped my pants to flash my whale tail. I turned back to look over my shoulder, but he was biting his lip. Shaking as if possessed, and crossing his legs.

“Ihihihn!” Myra shook her head, and squeezed her nipples so they popped out, for her to pinch them, and let them pop back in. The gate hinges squeaked when he ran, and she looked out. Bent over topless before pulling it to swing back and catch the latch.

Leaving us alone, with her topless, and me with my pants down. “Huh, so what do you think?” I pulled out my waistband, and gave my hips a little shake. To slip the sweaty sating down, and peel them off. Turning to look back, she closed her mouth, and licked her lips.

“Huh!” She shrugged, and turned around. “I think we better get dressed, and leave before we do something stupid.”

“Sinful? Gay?”

“Huh!” He shoulders dropped, and she nodded. Slipping her bra straps up her arms.

“Here, let me help you with that.” I pulled her bra straps back, and hooked the loops, but i couldn’t help feeling down, and patting the back of her dress. “I didn’t mean what i said about you having no ass.”

“I know,” she turned around, and held up her blouse. “Ah, fuck it.” She grabbed me, and kissed me, then pulled back biting her lip. “Huh, this is wrong.” She shook her head.

“I know, but.” I pulled up my underwear, and rubbed them in, before I bent to pull up my pants. “But nobody has to know?”

“I guess not.” She giggled, buttoning up her blouse. “Nobody has to know that we tricked Thomas into spilling his seed in his pants!” We both laughed, and that cleared the air of most of the sexual tension between us. The homosexual tension, but we made a bet for real after that.

One of us was going to marry him, and whoever won would have the other as her maid of honor, but I knew we’d have another threesome with him. So, I shook her hand, and held it until she got uncomfortable, and let go. “You bet.”

She couldn’t resist the temptation forever, I bet…

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