Thank you, Cock

Every night me and my sister had to thank our daddy’s cock for giving us life and bringing us in to the world.

When I was little my mom would tuck me in to bed and my older sister, Jessie, would always be in our parents’ bedroom before coming to bed, and I always heard her saying, “Thank you, Cock.” Before she came to bed, but she would never tell me why.

Then when I was 11 and she was 13, I got in to bed as usual, it was my 11th birthday in fact, but instead of tucking me in, mom told me to come in to their bedroom with Jessie, I went in and Jessie was kneeling on the floor in her pyjamas, mom sat down on the edge of the bed, and daddy was standing a few feet in front of Jessie with his black night robe on.

“Come here, kneel down.” Said Jessie, waving me over.

I kneeled beside her on the floor, “What are we doing?” I asked.

“Shush – watched daddy.” She replied, holding my hand.

So I watched, and I watched him loosen the belt of his robe and let it fall open, he was naked underneath, and I saw his cock for the very first time, it was thick and hanging down about 4 inches long over his hairy balls, I didn’t know what to think or do, so I just kept quiet.

Daddy stepped up to us both, we looked up at him, and he placed his hands on the sides of our faces, “My two beautiful girls.” He said, smiling at us.

“Thank you, daddy.” Replied Jessie, so I thought I probably should too, “Thank you, daddy.” I said.

“Do you know why you’re here, Sophie?” he asked me.

“No.” I replied.

I thought he was going to tell me why I was here kneeling on the floor, but he said something completely different.

“You’re here because of this…” he said, and he motioned towards his cock, “…My cock created you, my cock gave you life.” He added.

“Thank you, Cock.” Said Jessie, and once again I figured I’d better say it too, even though it was weird, “Thank you, Cock.” I said.

“Jessie, my first born. Why don’t you show your sister how you thank the cock.” He said.

“Yes, daddy.” She said, then she sat up, took hold of his cock and put it in to her mouth, then she held on to his hips and gave daddy a blowjob, “Oah – the cock is happy, Jessie.” He groaned.

After a few minutes he pulled it out of her mouth and stepped across to me, “Sophie. Thank the cock.” He said.

“Uhm – “ I said, looking at Jessie and my mom in turn for some guidance, Jessie held my hand again, “Go on, it’s okay.” She whispered to me.

I sat up, held his cock in my hand, it felt warm and wet from Jessie’s saliva, I opened my mouth, and slightly gagged, then I closed my eyes and leaned forward, I gagged again when I felt it touch my tongue, but then got over the fear of it and I sealed my lips around his hard pulsating shaft, I put my hands on his hips and started to blow him, just like I saw Jessie do, “Oah – the cock is happy, Sophie.” He groaned.

Jessie and I took turns sucking on daddy’s cock for about 10 minutes, then he gently pushed our heads together, we looked up at him, “Open wide. Open up.” He instructed, Jessie’s mouth opened straight away and she stuck out her tongue, I copied her and opened mine and stuck out my tongue, not knowing why.

Then daddy tugged on his cock for about a minute, then he aimed it at our mouths and squirted his sperm in to both of our mouths, I squeezed Jessie’s hand really tight when I felt his sperm splatter on to the top of my tongue and tasted its sourness for the first time.

Jessie finished him off, sucking and licking the last drops off the tip of his cock.

“Now, what do we say?” he said.

“Thank you, Cock.” Said Jessie, and yes, I copied her again, “Thank you, Cock.” I said, choking back sperm bubbles in my throat.

Then mom stood up, “Okay girls, time for bed.” She said.

We said goodnight, and got a kiss from mom and dad, then we went back to our room and got in to bed.

“Psst…” Jessie sounded a while later, “…Are you awake?” she whispered through the darkness.

I was fully awake after what I’d done that night, I couldn’t get over it, “Yes.” I replied.

“Did you like it?” she asked.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Thanking daddy’s cock.” She said, “I really like it. His sperm tastes nice, doesn’t it?” she asked.

“I guess. Yeah.” I replied, but wasn’t too sure.

“I like it. Warms my tummy at night.” She said, “Night, Sophie.” She added.

“Night.” I replied.

And from that day onward, every single night, Jessie and I had to thank daddy’s cock for bringing us in to the world and giving us life, it was like a family ritual or something.

It stopped when I was 17 and left home, I met a boy and we got married when I was 20 and had a boy and a girl, they’re now almost the same age I was when I started thanking daddy’s cock, and I wonder if I need to get them to thank their daddy’s cock the same way, show their gratitude for it giving them life.

But I don’t think it works with boys that would be weird, maybe my son can thank my pussy instead, I did grow him inside of me after all.

We’ll see.