The Bout

Steve was a sixteen year old homophobic lout, but he was also a champion junior boxer, he was sat in his corner in the boxing ring waiting for the bell to ring which would start the boxing match in which he was defending his County Championship Title, many people thought the fight was a waste of time as everybody knew that Steve would win and many had betted on a first round knock out win, the bell rang  Steve and his opponent touched gloves then started boxing, after the first round had finished many people were saying that Steve should have knock his opponent out by now, mid way through the second bout Steve’s opponent got a punch to Steve’s jaw and Steve fell to the canvas and was counted out by the ref. Steve was taken back to his dressing room where his boots and gloves were removed, the doctor examined him and declared he was perfectly fit and then said he was not knocked out the medical signs say he was not knocked out, his manager then said to Steve  ” you threw the fight you bastard” Steve knew he had but was not admitting it, there was uproar in the dressing room, Steve’s manager told him that he would never box again he was finished, July his girl friend told him that they were finished and slapped him round the face then started to leave but when the manager said ” I want all my gear back and those shorts get them off” July stopped looked down at her ten year old sister Amy and said to her ” do you want to see his cock” Amy smiled and nodded, Steve stood still, the manager said ” get those shorts, a few of the lads crowded round Steve and soon his shorts were being handed to the manager, July said ” let Amy see the cheating cunt” the lads parted and Amy smiled when she saw the naked Steve’s seven inch hairy dick, Steve was being held by the arms and could not cover up, July smiled and said ” you watch” and stepped behind Steve and started to rub his naked bum after a minute and after a minute one of the lads said ” fucking hell the cunt has got a hard on” one of the other lads said ” go on July make him spunk up” July reached round and took hold of Steve’s nine inch erection and started to stroke it while still rubbing his bum, after five minutes Steve squirted his cum in five spurts as he did a big cheer went up, July took a smiling Amy and left, the manager left as well leaving the other four boxing boys in the room, ten minutes later the other lads left the dressing room leaving a battered and bruised Steve laying on the floor. Steve could hardly move, Martin who was two years younger than Steve walked in with John and Colin who were the same age as Martin and friends with him, Martin said ” we came to help” Steve said” thanks” Martin said ” not help you we come to help ourselves” and started to rub his bum Steve saw John and Colin undoing their jeans and looked in horror as he saw two hard dicks appear, Colin walked over to Steve knelt on the floor pushed Steve’s legs apart bent forward and slid his seven inch erection up Steve’s bum making him scream out Colin started to thrust in and out of Steve’s bum making him cry out, John knelt down in front of Steve lifted his head and pushed his six inch erection into Steve’s mouth making him gag as he started to thrust in and out of the straight boys mouth, after five minutes  Colin squirted his cum up Steve’s bum at the same time as John was squirting his cum into Steve’s mouth forcing him to choke, Steve felt Colin pull his dick out of his bum started to relax but screamed out again as Martin pushed his seven inch erection up his bum and start to thrust in and out, a hour later Steve was struggling to get up when the door opened and his mate Paul walked, Paul walked over to Steve and helped him up, Steve thanked Paul who said to him ” your no longer a mate of mine you cunt you have cost my family loads” then said ” can you see” Steve then saw Dawn Paul’s sister who was a year younger than what Amy was, Dawn said ” yeah it is big” Paul told her go on then, Dawn walked over to Steve and got hold of his dick and started to stroke it, after ten minutes Steve had an erection which Dawn happily stroked and after five minutes Steve squirted his cum in two spurts, Paul said to her ” you have now wanked a boy off go on home” Paul then said to Steve” a few nights when you have stayed at my house you have wanked off it has been fun watching you” Steve looked round at Paul and saw he had his dick out and that it was erect, Steve screamed out as Paul slid his nine inch erection up his bum and started to thrust away saying to him ” you never knew I was gay did you” a few hours later a naked battered and bruised Steve was found  in the ally behind the gym where the boxing bout had taken place and after spending two weeks in hospital was released. Steve went to the gym owned by Mr Khan who had promised Steve ten thousand pound and a boxing contract  to throw the fight, as he waited for Mr Khan to turn up Mr Khan’s son Abdul who was two years younger that what Steve was walked up to him and said to him ” I have got to weigh you come with me” Steve followed Abdul into a room where there was a set of scales, Abdul adjusted the scales and then told Steve to undress and step up onto the scales, Steve stripped down to his boxer shorts and stood on the scales, Abdul looked at Steve and said to him ” you know the boxing regulations it has to be a naked body weight so take your boxer shorts off” Steve got off the scales removed his boxer shorts and got back on the scales, after Abdul had finished weighing him Steve got dressed, he was then told that  Mr Khan would be back next week when he would pay him. Steve left and as he walked through the park he saw July who walked over to him smiled and said to him ” did you enjoy having your bum fucked by those boys because Amy liked seeing you naked liked seeing your hard cock and watching you shoot your spunk” Steve walked away but July followed him saying” we know it was Mr. Khan who bribed you but he is not going to pay you we have made sure of that you are well finished in this town” A week later Steve went back to see Mr Khan as he walked into the office he saw a moaning July totally naked leaning over a chair her large boobs swinging back and to as Mr. Khan thrust in and out of her love tube, Steve saw Abdul smiling, one of the older boys went to Steve and said to him ” you done us all a big favour July is now our very willing fuck bag” Steve then saw Amy stand up in front of Abdul and wipe her mouth, that night Steve was sat on the canal tow path when he saw Martin who walked up to him and said want to suck my cock dry and ten minutes later was swallowing Martins cum as he stroked his own erection, the next day Steve was approached by twelve year old Kevin who said to him show me your spunk and ten minutes later smiled as Steve squirted his cum in four spurts, a few days Steve’s new reputation was all round town.