The Bus Stop

Anjana was a sixteen year old Indian girl who lived in England with her nan, her mum had become to ill to look after Anjana and so had sent her to live with her nan in the small English village. Anjana did not like living in England and after dreamed of being back in her home country of India where there was no racism and in the small village where she had lived everybody was more friendly than what they were in England plus all her friends were there, in England she hardly knew anybody who were the same age as what she was. Anjana was stood at the bus stop on the edge of the village where she lived, she knew it was another half a hour before the bus was due but thought it better to wait than to hear her nan moaning and nagging. As she waited for the bus to arrive Anjana saw Steve who was in the same class as what she was at school walking towards the bus stop, Anjana saw that Steve had his hands inside his joggers, Anjana knew that Steve had a couple of girls that he was often with and had seen him going into the woods near the bus stop with different girls a few times, When he got to the bus stop Steve stopped and stood near Anjana who smiled when she saw down the top of Steve’s joggers and saw part of his dick, Steve moved one of his hands as he did Anjana saw more of his dick and thought that is what the girls get, when Steve moved his hand a bit more Anjana could see about six inches of Steve’s dick, Steve looked at Anjana then looked down then as he looked back at Anjana he said to her ” are you looking at my fucking cock ” Anjana did not say anything but thought of course I am, Steve just stood there looking at Anjana then said ” what is up you never seen a white boys cock ” again Anjana did not say anything, Steve said ” you want a better look at my cock do you ” and lowered the front of his joggers saying ” go on have a good look ” Anjana saw that Steve’s dick was semi erect sticking out in from his body and when it grew to a full nine inch erection Anjana smiled broadly, Steve said ” how is that a white boy with a fucking hard cock ” Anjana stood looking at Steve’s erect dick noticing that the end was twitching, Steve smiled and said ” do you want to want to watch me have a wank and shoot some spunk ” then took hold of his dick and started to jerk it, Anjana thought this is cool and watched Steve in awe as he stroked his dick then after five minutes Steve’s knees bent and he squirted cum in four spurts, Anjana thought very nice, Steve wiped his dick and put it away just as the bus arrived, Anjana boarded the bus noticing Steve walking away from the bus stop as she did, as she sat in her seat Anjana thought we do not see things like that in the village back home, at the next stop when Martin another boy in the same class as her at school got on the bus with his hands inside his joggers Anjana thought I hope that he will get his dick out he is very cute I will even give him a hand if he want’s one and was disappointed as Martin sat with out doing anything.