The Company Owner. Part 1

A father uses his daughter to save his job.

Three years ago my wife ran away with my best friend, abandoning me and our 8-year-old daughter, Casey.  They just up and left, moving to who knows where, my wife leaving me just a terse note on the kitchen table.  Casey, she didn’t even get a note.  I was devastated and angry. Casey, she never got along with her mom all that well, but she was hurt as well.

Luckily I had been working with the same company for the past five, now eight years, and had a very good salary and position in the company.  Financially secure, I had no problem supporting and looking after Casey.

So when my office phone rang and Mr. Peterson’s secretary said, “David, Mr. Peterson wants to see you in his office immediately,”

I replied, “I will come straight up.”

As I took the elevator to the top floor, I thought about why I had been summoned to Mr. Peterson’s office. There weren’t any problems with my work that I knew of and it wasn’t time for my yearly review. Still, there had been some changes of late, and maybe I was being summoned for a promotion and fill a recent vacancy.

In the outer office his beautiful looking young secretary said, “Please take a seat and I will let Mr. Peterson know that you’re here.”

A minute later after speaking to him on the intercom the secretary stood up from behind her desk and opened the office door for me to enter. I walked inside the office and he waved for me to take a seat in front of his large mahogany desk. I sat down and watched as my boss read and shuffled several documents around his desk. Every now and again he would look up at me as if he was checking me out.

Then after placing the documents into a folder, he placed the folder to the side of his desk and looked up at me and said, “David, I have some bad news for you. As you are well aware, my company is going through a restructure… and I’m afraid your position with the company has been made redundant.”

“What? I’m fired? Your letting me go?” I asked in shock.

“You’re not being fired, your position in the company has been made redundant. You will finish up next Friday and receive all your entitlements and severance payments.”

“Isn’t there another position in the company that I could be transferred too?” I begged.

“I’m sorry, David, but there aren’t any positions vacant at the moment.”

“I really need this job, Mr. Peterson. I’m a single father of a 10-year-old daughter, I need this job to support her,” I said.

“Yes, I remember seeing your daughter at work with you a few times.  She’s very pretty, what’s her name?” he asked.

“Her names Casey,” I replied.

“Do you have any photos of Casey you can show me?” asked Mr. Peterson.

I turned my mobile phone on to photos and handed him my phone and watched as he swiped through my collection of photos. As he swiped back and forth through the photos the expression on his face changed from mild interest, to a grin, to a look of lust as he licked his lips. After a few minutes he looked up at me with a strange look on his face.

“David, your daughter is very beautiful,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

“Yes, I think so,” I replied.

“Maybe there is a way to keep your job that would benefit both of us,” he said.

“How? What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“I’m a member of a camera club and we’re in need of new pre-teen photographic models,” said Mr. Peterson.

“Camera club? What type of photographs?” I asked.

“Nothing that you haven’t taken before,” replied Mr. Peterson holding up my phone to show me the photo of my daughter in a tiny bikini and a nude photo of Casey in the bath which I had forgotten that I had taken.

“Nude! I don’t think that it would be appropriate to let my daughter pose naked for you,” I replied.

“It’s up to you, David.  But, if you agreed to your daughter posing for nude photographs, your position in the company would be secure and you would receive a promotion,” he said.

“I don’t know. I would have to ask Casey, if she would be willing to pose for you,” I replied.

“That’s wonderful!” he said with a broad smile as he leaned back in his plush chair.  “By all means talk to her and if she is happy to pose for photographs, bring her to my office tomorrow afternoon after school, so that I can meet her and take a few photographs of her,” said Mr Peterson.

I left Mr. Peterson’s office with the possibility of keeping my job and receiving more money. But the idea of letting my daughter pose for naked photographs made me nervous. There were rumours that he was a pedophile and that he was sexually attracted to young girls.

After having dinner with Casey. I sat down on the couch with her and explained to her about my job being made redundant and for me having to find a new job and that we might have to move.

Casey started crying, “Daddy, I don’t want to move away from my friends and have to change schools.”

I explained to her about Mr. Peterson’s offer to keep me employed. If she agreed to pose and let him take photographs of her.

“What kind of photographs?” Casey asked.

“He wants to take photos of you wearing your bikini and your panties and bras,” I explained.

I didn’t know how to tell her that he wanted to take naked photographs of her.

“Daddy, I can do that, It will be a lot of fun being a model,” said Casey.

“Only, if you really want too, sweetheart,” I told her. “It would make Mr. Peterson and me very happy and I would still have my job and we can stay here.”

As we watched some television together, I kept looking at Casey and thinking about her posing nude for my boss. Surely she suspected that she’d be posing naked.

“It’s time for you to take your bath and get ready for bed,” I said.

I took my young daughter into the bathroom and helped her undress and climbed into the bath. I couldn’t get the idea of her posing for naked photos out of my mind and I began staring at my young daughter’s naked body.  Her breasts were puffy and just starting to develop, her pussy was completely hairless and her pussy lips were puffy and partly open.

“Daddy aren’t you coming into the bath with me tonight?” asked Casey.

It had become a common occurrence for Casey and me to have a bath together before we climbed into my bed.

“Please come into the bath with me, Daddy,” she begged.

I gave in and removed my clothes and climbed into the bath and sat down to face with her with my erect cock pointing at her.

“Daddy, did I make your cock hard?” giggled Casey.

“Yes, you did sweetheart. I love seeing you naked,” I replied.

Casey giggled and wrapped her hand around my cock and said, “I love making your cock hard and you putting your cock inside me, Daddy.”

She leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth and started moving her mouth up and down my shaft.

I took a deep breath and said, “Casey, I could get in serious trouble if anyone found out about me touching you. You would’ve taken away from me, you have to promise me not to tell anyone.”

“I promise. I won’t tell anyone, Daddy,” said Casey stroking my cock. “I’ve never told anyone.”

“That’s good, sweetheart.  Now, stand up and let me wash you,” I said as my cock started to throb.

After, removing her hand from around my cock, she stood up in front of me. I began to give her body a wash, my hands roaming unopposed across her naked body.  Sliding my hands over her small puffy breasts, I felt her nipples becoming hard and erect.  The temptation was too great and I pinched her nipples with my thumbs and forefingers making her suddenly jump and squeal in delight.

“Daddy, I love you touching my nipples like that, keep pinching them again,” giggled Casey.

I again took a erect nipple between my thumb and forefinger and gave it a twist, this time a little rougher. She squealed and giggled. I then did the same to her other nipple.

Casey sat back down in the bath and reached out and wrapped her hand around my hard throbbing cock again and started stroking my cock.

“Oh, sweetheart, that feels wonderful,” I moaned.

I remembered the first time that Casey had given me a hand job in the bath. It was when she was eight and at that stage in life where she was missing her two front teeth.  The feeling had been incredible.  In mere moments my cock had erupted and shot cum all over her young body.

Afterwards, I felt terribly guilty, but quickly convinced myself that it was alright if we washed each other in the bath.

The only problem was, I had to explain to her about sex. I tried to explain to her what cum was and what had just happened. It was the first time that I had ever talked to her about sex.

“Let’s get out the bath and go into the bedroom and I can explain what just happened,” I said.

I helped her out of the bath and dried her with a fluffy towel. She watched me drying myself and giving my cock a few strokes. We then moved into the bedroom and lay down on the bed naked and next to each other.

“You know boys have a penis,” I began wagging my semi-erect cock side to side and eliciting a giggle from her.  “It can also be called a cock. Girls have a kitty and it can also be called a pussy.  When a man gets sexually excited, his cock squirts cum,” I explained.

Casey giggled and laughed as I awkwardly tried to explain to her all about boys and girls.  Finally she said, “Daddy, you don’t have to explain. I learned all about this in Sex Ed at school.”

I then let her play with my cock and she had me hard once again in no time.  Excitedly she started stroking my hard cock. I’m surprised that I didn’t last longer before my cock squirted my cum over her young body. She was quite the sight!  She then surprised and stunned me by wiping up some cum from her body with her finger and placed her finger into her mouth to taste.

“Daddy, I like the taste of your cum,” she said with a gap-tooth grin as she wiped up some more with her fingers and sucked on her fingers.

Now I was totally confused at what I should do. My mind switched back and forth from being angry with myself for letting this situation happen and from being extremely excited. The desire and lust I was feeling for her had me kissing her young body all over. Then like the pedophile I was, I started kissing her hairless young pussy and licking up and down her puffy slit.

Casey gasped, “Oh, Daddy, you’re making my kitty tingle Ohh, Daddy!  What’s happening?”

I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop if I had wanted to. I just kept licking and kissing her young pussy and tried to penetrate her with my tongue. For a few seconds I thought about fucking her and taking her virginity right there and then, but I managed to keep myself under control and told myself she was far too young.

Next, I moved up beside her and kissed her and wrapped my arms around her and held her in a tight embrace. We must have fallen asleep like that for I still held her tightly when I woke up the next morning with the sun was shining through the bedroom window. I looked at my naked sleeping daughter and thought about how to explain to her what I did was wrong and should never have happened.

At breakfast I tried to talk to her while she ate her breakfast and again on the way to school, but I couldn’t find the right words to tell her what I had done was wrong. She said nothing and I said nothing.  It was like it had been a dream and had never happened. When I dropped her off at school she leaned over and gave me a big kiss before slamming the car door shut and running into school.

That was two-years-ago and every weekend since then I had been fucking her.  Every night since that night, Casey had been giving me hand jobs and I had been licking and tongue fucking her. On her tenth birthday, I lost control and took her virginity and pushed my cock into her hairless young pussy.

I was appalled at what I did, but she just wanted to do it again, and again. Since then, for the last few months, I have been fucking her nearly every weekend she never seemed to get enough.

Now here I was about to take her to my boss’s office for him to photograph her. I left work early to go and pick Casey up from school and bring her to Mr. Peterson’s office. When we arrived at his office his secretary gave Casey a smile and then looked at me as if she knew what was about to happen to my young daughter.

“David, Mr. Peterson is expecting you both.  Please go straight in,” said the secretary.

Holding Casey’s hand, I led her into Mr. Peterson’s office and as soon as he saw her he stood up from behind his desk and came over towards us.

“Casey, this is my boss, Mr. Peterson.

“Mr. Peterson, I would like you to meet my daughter, Casey,” I said.

Mr. Peterson reached out and took Casey’s hand in his, lifted her hand and after kissing her hand said, “Hello, Casey, you’re indeed a very beautiful girl.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Peterson,” replied Casey with an easy smile.
“Come and sit beside me,” he said as he led her to the couch.

Casey sat down beside him and I watched as he placed his hand on her knee. and said, “Why don’t you call me, Bill?”

“How old are you, Casey and what grade are you in?” asked Bill as he rubbed her leg pushing her dress higher up her thigh.

“I’m ten and in grade five,” Casey replied.

“What do you like doing at school?” asked Bill as he continued moving his hand further up her leg.

“I like swimming and dancing,” she replied.

“Did your father tell you that I want to take photos of you?” asked Mr. Peterson picking up his camera.

“Daddy told me if I model for you, we can stay in the same house and I can go to the same school,” replied Casey.

Smiling at my daughter he said, “Yes, that’s right, as long as you don’t mind me taking photos of you.  You don’t mind do you?”

“Oh, no.  I think it will be fun.”

Turning to me he said, “David, why don’t you help Casey take off her school dress and let me get a good look at her?”

Casey stood up and raised her hands in the air. I moved next to my young daughter and took hold of the bottom of her school dress and lifted it up over her head. My daughter stood there in her white panties and white singlet covering her training bra.

Mr. Peterson gaze at her young body and said, “Casey, you’re very beautiful. You’re going to make a very good model,” he said.

When he reached out and gave my daughter’s ass cheeks a squeeze Casey smiled and moved closer to him. I watched as he reached under my daughter’s singlet and ran his hand over her training bra.

“Can you take your singlet off for me and let me see your bra?” asked Mr. Peterson.

“I don’t have very big boobs.  They’re just growing,” Casey replied lifting her singlet up over her head to show her training bra.

My boss stared at me as he squeezed my daughter’s young puffy breasts through her bra. I couldn’t believe that I was watching my young daughter being molested in front of my eyes and that she was happy to let him touch her.

“I like small boobs,” he commented removing his hand from her tit.  “Yours are just the right size for a model,” he told her as he began snapping a few photos of Casey in her underwear.

He then asked, “Will you take your bra off for me and show me your boobs?”

Casey smiled and then removed her bra.  Standing there she sort of twisted side to side while Mr. Peterson stared at her puffy young breasts. He glanced at me and reached out and stroked her bare breasts, giving them a squeeze before he pinched her nipples making her giggle. He then snapped several photos of her breasts and erect nips.

He then whispered something into my daughter’s ear.  She giggled and laughed and he turned to face me.

“David, come over here and take Casey’s panties off.” said Mr. Peterson.
Without complaining or objecting, I moved closer and knelt in front of my young daughter and slipped her panties down to her ankles.
After helping her step out of them, I turned Casey back around to face Mr. Peterson. He immediately picked up his camera and began taking close up photographs of Casey’s hairless pussy.

“Do you like to dance?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Will you show me how you dance?”

Casey stepped back and began to twirl and shake her young body. While she ran her hand over and rubbed her puffy breasts, my boss snapped photos of her breasts.

When Casey spread her pussy lips, my boss snapped photos of her hairless young pussy.

“Casey, where did you learn to dance like that?” I asked.

“Watching YouTube, Daddy.  Am I a good dancer?”

“Hell, Casey, you’re a fantastic dancer, don’t you think so David?” said my boss.

“Yes, she is a very good dancer,” I gasped.

Casey moved closer to him and threw her leg up onto his knee just like a stripper would do giving a lap dance, opening her hairless pussy to his gaze. I couldn’t believe my ten-year-old daughter was dancing as if she was a nineteen year old stripper. I watched as my boss ran his hand up her legs until he was grazing the outer folds of her young pussy.

“Stand back and let me take some more photos of your pussy,” said Mr. Peterson.

Casey stepped back and squatted down with her knees apart and lewdly spread her hairless pussy lips apart.  Mr. Peterson snapped plenty of photographs of her pussy as she held them apart. She then stood up with her legs apart and moved closer to my boss.

I was shocked, but not surprised when Mr. Peterson pushed his finger inside my daughter’s young pussy and started to finger fuck her. When Casey started to moan, I panicked and pulled Casey away from him before he could discover that Casey had lost her virginity.
“Casey, it’s time for us to go home,” I said risking it all. “Now get dressed and say goodbye to Mr. Peterson.”

I was expecting him to complain and perhaps even to threaten me, but instead he asked, “Casey, would you like to come over to my house for a swim on the weekend?”

“Can I go for a swim at Bill’s house, Daddy?”

The look on my boss’ face told me that I couldn’t say no. “Yes, if you want too.”

Bill was back behind his desk when his secretary came into the office. She looked over at Casey pulling on her panties and doing up her bra. After helping Casey pull her singlet on, she helped Casey’s pull on her dress.

After Mr. Peterson gave Casey a kiss goodbye he said, “Barbara, give my address to David.”

Turning to me he added, “After lunch tomorrow, David, bring Casey over to the house.”

As we left Mr. Peterson’s office his secretary Barbara handed me a card with Mr. Peterson’s address. I was embarrassed and mumbled trying to explain why my young daughter was naked in Mr. Peterson’s office.

Barbara whispered, “David, there is no need to explain… my daughter has been naked in Mr. Peterson’s  office with him before… along with a few other fathers and their daughters.”

On the drive home, as my daughter cuddled up to me, I kept thinking about what Barbara had said, how her daughter and others had been naked in his office. Did Mr. Peterson target me because I had a young daughter? Was my position in the company ever in doubt? How many other employees had he threatened with termination so he could get access to their daughters?

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