The Demented and the Depraved

Again, this is not for you. Don’t cry :))

After my regular patrol, I get in my second car and drive off. Still in my uniform, I speed up not too much but how much ever necessary to get to my most favorite place in the world. There’s nothing else, not even something that God himself could offer me that was better than that.

After a sleepy town, I entered into the more notorious parts of the city and waited for a while outside one of many residential buildings. It was made to look like it was unoccupied, but it was. Very much occupied.

I get out and walk on the side of the building. Not directly going to it. Anyway no one would answer it. Checking thoroughly that I wasn’t being watched, I make my way through the net and reach a metal door. Knock the secret knock. The door opens almost immediately but the guy on the other side gets traumatized on seeing me. They haven’t been informed, I guess. That the most vilest of them all was here. I simply walk past the black dude. He scrambles on his radio, funny to see guys like them use one.

The stairs greet me instantly. To all thirteen or so floors up above. Like I said, the inside was barely reconcilable with the outside. Kind of pristine, too pristine for an apartment. The lift, marked ‘out of commission’ opened and the man I wanted to meet, came out to greet me. Sian is an African immigrant, once part of Boko Haram. He decided killing himself for Islam was not as lucrative as the business of sex racketeering. Another thing that the group was infamous for, besides the usual beheading.

“Assalamu alaikum.” He said.

“Shut the fuck up and talk. Your guys picked up a local?”

“It was a mistake. Trust me, I know the risks better than you.” He led me to the lift where one of his guards was waiting.

“Where to? Girls or office?”

“What’s so special about your office? Huh? Everytime I come here you keep telling the same thing like a joke…”

“Chill out brother, chill out.”

“Yeah…” I saw him tap the button to the sixth floor and looked at him for explanation. He sighed, the lift lights illuminating his dark skin.

“Don’t ask.” I wasn’t going to not go without an answer. He knows it too, so he relents. “Fine. A customer. He bled out a girl so we had to shift them to lessen their trauma. There’s only so much they can take after all. The fat fuck just said, ” Too much cock for her” And left a humongous mess.” Sian furiously snorted.

“I don’t want to know what happened to him, do I?”

“No you don’t.” I nodded and let my mind drift to happy thoughts. The doors opened. The entire floor had rooms without doors. These were their quarters now. Sian asked me to look around while he made a call and I obliged.

The first room was filled with the tiniest of girls. From various ethnicities like Arab, Asian, Caucasian, Indian and even Japanese. Their ages were from 10 and above. Some were just too small, for me personally. Don’t get me wrong, all of the girls with their hopeful eyes at me made me rock hard. Some of them came to me and tugged at my pants. I let them play there while I fondled their heads. A girl closer to my crotch, who was about 11 was pressed close, against the thin fabric, her mouth snuggled close to my dick as I held her head harder against her wish. She struggled to get free and I let her go. I walked out to the next room.

This was where the more grown up kiddies were. Starting from 14 to 17 year olds. All huddled up as they saw me enter. I recognized many of them and they knew me. What I was capable of. The next room was the older women’s. Not grannies but like 18 and above, till 30. That was it. More than that was a waste. The floor on the eight held the boys which was another category altogether. I wanted to enjoy myself with the kids here, but then I also had a job to do, so I reluctantly walked out and the girls sigh with relief.

“Where’s she?”

“You done, already? That’s fast, even for you.”

“I have no choice. I didn’t do anything worth my time. But if this business is to go on smoothly, you, me, your soldiers need to make sacrifices. Of our desires.” Sian nodded and without saying anything he led me to a separate room. Opening it, he stood aside as I walked in. The room had better lighting but no beds. The tiny girl who walked towards me gave me goosebumps. She was the most attractive little girl he had ever laid eyes on. Just supremely pretty. I lifted her chin up, her teary cheeks drenched my finger as she looked up in fear. She was clutching a bag tight to her chest, and was dressed in an insanely sexy pink skirt. It reached only upto her thighs.

“How old did you say she was?”

“Twelve. She’s a beauty, isn’t she? Now you can understand why the lady couldn’t resist picking her up. A shame, that she won’t be used. I could’ve turned a huge profit.”

“Yes. A shame indeed.” That was Sian. A good businessman if there was ever one in his line of work. He didn’t think about the actual pleasure of using her, just selling her for profit. Shit, I better not start falling in love with the girl.

“Don’t be scared. See, police.” I pointed to my emblem on the uniform, she glanced at it and seemed unconcerned.

“What’s your name?” I cleared a strand of hair away, acting concerned.

“Anika.” Her sweet voice cracked in nervous response.

“Want to go home, Anika?” She nodded. I got up and faced Sian.

“Her ID? School, preschool, anything.”

“This is hers.” He gave me a plastic card. I read the address. I don’t know who the fuck her parents are.

“Oh! Anika. I know your father. We used to go to school together. Come… come.” She gingerly caught my hand and I led her out. Satisfied she was comfortable with me, I made her wear her bag behind her and carried her on my shoulders. My fingers are constantly touching up her ass. Feeling her tiny gap.

(Will end the story, don’t worry:)

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