The Devious Daughter Saga (Tessa’s Dilemma)

It’s been three days since the “incident” at Kaley’s apartment. Tessa and Camille had seldom gone a day without at least talking on the phone once a day. But Tessa has been in self isolation. Feigning illness as to not raise her husband’s suspicions, Tessa has remained in her bedroom. Her thoughts are awash with the event three days earlier.
As she lay in her king sized bed, her thoughts of watching Camille and her daughter having sex fill her every waking moment. Several times a day her fingers make their way between her legs to her extremely wet pussy where they work their magic to send herself into orgasm after orgasm while thinking of the mother/daughter love making team, the taboo of the act making her more excited and horny.
More and more as she lies there masturbating, her mind cannot help but bring her own daughter, Lindy, into the equation. Lindy is tall and slender, married, 22 yrs old, 5’9″ 125 lbs, hazel eyes, dyed jet black shoulder length hair, small A cup breasts and a bubble butt to die for. Being a sometime tattoo artist, Lindy has many tattoos over her body.
Tessa remembers that as a teen, Lindy had gone through a lesbian “stage” so she knows she has had and may still have attractions toward women. Tessa’s mind is engulfed with thoughts of Camille and her daughter Kaley. And now Tessa’s own daughter fills her fantasies as well. She fights to keep the thought from her mind but it keeps coming back over and over.
Now, as she lies in her bed, her fingers find their way once more to her wet pussy. As her middle finger slides into her drenched snatch she can’t help but close her eyes and imagine that it’s Lindy’s wet pussy she feels. She brings her wet fingers to her face, she smells her sweet scent then tastes her sweet juices. In her mind it’s her daughter’s scent and juices she savors.
“I-I can’t do this” Tessa says, trying in vain to convince herself. But in her mind she remembers the last time she saw Lindy, wearing her bikini, bending over, her bottoms almost completely in her ass crack and her beautiful cheeks overflowing from them. She pictures herself squeezing those cheeks, pulling the swimsuit to the side and seeing Lindy’s sweet pussy glistening. In her mind she can taste her daughter’s sweetness. Tessa knows it’s no use fighting her lustful feelings toward her own child. “I have to have her somehow, someway. ” Tessa softly says to herself. “But how?” She asks.
Kaley is surprised to see Tessa’s name on her caller ID. With her curiosity piqued she answers the phone.
“Hello bitch. ” She says as she answers. “What a pleasant surprise. Have you been missing me?”
“He-hello Mistress. ” Tessa nervously responds. “Ye-yes I do miss you, ma’am. ”
“Mistress?” Kaley says.
“I like that, bitch. ” She adds. “What does my little slut have on her mind today?”
“Mistress, I have something on my mind that I’d like to talk to you about. ” Tessa, still nervous, says.
“Gone on. ” Kaley responds.
“Do you remember my daughter, Lindy”?
“Why, yes I do. ” Kaley answers. “The bitch tried to hit on me a few times a couple of years back. I lead her on but then left her horny ass hangin’. Why do you ask?”
“Well, after what happened between us-you and your mom in particular, I’ve kind of been doing some thinking… ”
“You horny little slut! You want to eat your daughter’s cunt, don’t you?!”(Silence) “Don’t you, bitch!” Kaley interrupts.
“Yes ma’am I guess I kinda do. ” Tessa says, barely above a whisper. “Say it to me, bitch!” Kaley commands. “I want to eat my daughter’s cunt. ” Tessa meekly says. “Good job, bitch. ” Kaley tells her.
“But you don’t know how to make it happen. That’s where I come in, right?” Kaley says.
“Yes Mistress. ” Tessa shyly says.
“Well, you are a whore so it only stands to reason that your daughter is a whore too. ”
“Hmmm… I think I have an idea. ” Kaley mischiefly says. “I believe I still have her number. She’d told me to call her ANYTIME. Looks like now is the time. ” She giggles. “Bitch, I think I can make this happen. I’ll give you a call later. ”
Tessa hangs up her phone. Her mind is racing on different scenarios. “What if this backfires and Lindy is disgusted by me?” She wonders to herself. “What if she tells her dad? That would ruin me. ”
Tessa is tempted to call Kaley back and stop her from contacting Lindy. She starts to pick up her phone then stops. Her hidden lust and desire for her daughter is just too strong. “This will work out. ” She tells herself. “It has to. ” She whispers.
Lindy’s phone rings and she picks it up. She doesn’t recognize the number but answers it anyway.
“Hello. ”
“Hey Lindy. This is Kaley Breck. How are you?”
“Hey Kaley! Nice to hear from you! I’m doing great! How are you?”
“I’m doing great too. ” Lindy adds.
After a few minutes of idle chit chat, Kaley gets to her secret point:
I (ahem) saw your mom a few days ago and thought I’d give you a shout. ”
“Oh? What was mom up to?” Lindy asks.
“Her and my mom were, uh… Enjoying the day together. She asked if I had met you before. ”
“Ummm… And what did you tell her?” Lindy nervously asks.
“Just told her we were acquaintances. ”
“Oh, whew!” Lindy giggles.
“I didn’t know if you’d told her anything else. ” She laughs.
“You mean about the times you hit on me?” Kaley chuckles.
“Um… Yeah, that. ” Lindy laughs.
“That’s our secret, girl. ” Kaley says.
“By the way, I’ve always thought your mom was a very sexy and beautiful woman. You came by your looks honestly, Kaley.
“AAAAW… Thank you Lindy. Your mom is ageless. A very beautiful woman herself. ”
“Well, it’s been nice talking to you, Kaley. ” Lindy says, not really wanting to hang up.
“Oh, don’t hang up. ” Kaley says. “You said I could call you anytime. ”
“I sure did. ” Lindy responds.
Lindy’s mind goes back to the times she hung out with Kaley and remembers just how sexy she is. She knows that the feelings she had back then was much more than a “girl crush”. In the back of her mind she’s thinking-no, hoping that this may turn into the one unfulfilled fantasy that she’s been dreaming of for the past two or three years. Lindy’s always considered herself happily married and never considered herself a cheater. But, her husband had once said, half jokingly, that if she were to have a “fling” with another person that it wouldn’t bother him if it’s with another woman. That’s all the justification she would need.
“I was wondering if you would like to have a drink sometime. ” Kaley says.
“Um, yeah-sure. I’d like that. ” Lindy responds. “Any certain time or place?”
“Whenever’s good with you, Lindy. I know you have a husband to babysit. ” Kaley laughs.
“I’ll let his friends babysit him for a night. ” She laughs. “How about this Saturday evening at 6?”
“Is my place ok?” Kaley asks.
“Sure. I’ll see you then. ” Lindy says.
After Kaley gives her her address they hang up the phone and Kaley thinks to herself: “This is almost too easy. Time to give Tessa a call. ” Kaley says with that evil grin on her face.
“At precisely 6 pm there’s a knock on her door. Kaley opens it and Lindy is standing there dressed in a light blue tank top and sports bra, short shorts, flip flops and holding two bottles of wine. Her jet black hair slightly ruffled from the breeze.
“Wow! You come prepared!” Kaley says with a laugh as she steps aside to let Lindy in.
Lindy walks past Kaley, looking her in the eyes. They don’t break eye contact until Lindy is well past her.
Kaley is wearing a white tube top that’s showing her half erect nipples protruding, short cut offs and bear feet. Her auburn hair is flowing down to her mid back. Both girls looking incredibly sexy and both knowing for the exact reason why.
Lindy sets the bottles of wine on the table, turns around and the girls give each other a hug. They both feel their nipples rub against the other’s and now all four nipples are fully erect.
“Let’s have some wine. ” Kaley suggests. She reaches for the wine glasses and Lindy pours them both a glass.
As Kaley walks to the stereo, Lindy’s eyes fall on her ass and the slight edges of her cheeks showing from her shorts. Kaley puts on some soft jazz music to set the tone somewhat. As the girls are talking and getting reacquainted, the wine has taken it’s effect and what tension and nervousness that was there is gone now. The girls then hear a knock at the door.
“I wonder who that could be?” Kaley asks as she walks to the door.
Kaley opens the door and her mom is standing there holding her own bottle of wine.
“Mom? What are you doing here?” Kaley asks with her all too familiar sly, mischievous grin. Knowing fully well why her mom suddenly “dropped by”.
“Just left the gym and thought I’d drop in. I didn’t know you had company. ”
“Hello Mrs. Breck. It’s been a long time. ” Lindy says as she stands and hugs Camille’s neck.
Camille is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a matching sports bra underneath. Her black and yellow yoga pants show off her still perfect 41 year old ass and her auburn hair too hanging down mid back. Lindy can’t help but notice the incredible resemblance between the mom and daughter.
Lindy, already buzzing from the wine, has a fleeting thought: “Kaley and her mom, both?!” “No way!” “That only happens in unreal fantasies. ” Lindy thinks to herself and she dismisses the thought.
An hour later and all three women are feeling the wine and feeling less and less inhibited.
“Excuse me girls while I go to the ladies room. ” Camille says.
As Camille walks away, Lindy can’t help but notice her round asscheeks as she walks by. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Kaley watching her mom’s ass too.
“Your mom has a beautiful ass. ”
“Yes she does. ” Kaley says as she turns her face toward Lindy. As their eyes meet they move closer to each other and their lips meet in a deep kiss. Kaley slides her tongue into Lindy’s mouth-circling their tongues together. Kaley takes Lindy by the hand and helps her off the couch. She then begins to lead her to the bedroom.
“What about your mom?” Lindy asks.
“What about her?” Kaley asks.
Before Lindy can respond, Kaley puts her finger to Lindy’s mouth and whispers: “shhh… It’ll be ok. ”
As she takes Lindy into the bedroom she turns her around and stares into her eyes with a most lustful look. The wine has taken it’s full effect on Lindy as she gives herself to Kaley-throwing all caution to the wind. They kiss deeply, neither girl holding back.
They both fall to the bed, kissing and caressing each other passionately. Slowly they take turns removing each other’s clothes-one piece at a time. Kaley’s hand finds it’s way to Lindy’s pussy and it’s soaking wet. Her middlefinger slides in and Lindy softly moans as her hips rise into Kaley’s finger. Kaley moves her lips to Lindy’s neck and softly her lips and tongue caress and gently suck on her soft flesh.
Kaley then eases her way to Lindy’s hard nipples and takes turns sucking and licking each one. Then suddenly Lindy notices a second presence in the room. She opens her eyes fully to see Camille walk to the edge of the bed-completely naked. Still moaning and enjoying Kaley’s lustful attack on her body, all she can do is is watch as Kaley’s mom crawls to Lindy’s face-their eyes locked onto each other’s. Camille and Lindy’s lips meet in a deep, passionate kiss.
By now Kaley has made her way to Lindy’s hot, wet box. Kaley wraps her arms up and around her thighs and to her pussy lips. She spreads them then runs her tongue up the length of her dripping snatch. Lindy moans even louder in ecstacy. Camille then eases her left hand down and spreads Lindy’s pussy lips open for her daughter. Kaley then slides two fingers into her hot snatch, surprised somewhat at how tight she is.
While her mom hold Lindy’s lips apart, Kaley begins working her finger in and out of her pussy slowly while at the same time sucking and licking her clit. Lindy’s hips are moving up and down in a lust and passion she hasn’t experienced in years-made stronger knowing she’s being made love to by this incestuous mother and daughter team which fuels her desire even more. The intense sexual feeling between her legs is drawing her oh so close to orgasm. Her mind is almost insane with passion.
From the closet, Tessa’s pussy is drenching wet as she watches intently as Kaley and Camille seduce her daughter. Kaley finally motions, letting Tessa know it’s time. Tessa tip toes to the bed as Kaley moves aside.
Tessa’s passion is uncontrollable as she kneels down between her daughter’s legs and sees her open and wet pussy. She eagerly commits to this taboo act she’s been fantasizing about now for days. As she runs her tongue up her daughter’s pussy, Tessa is almost immediately to orgasm herself. The taste and smell of her daughter’s pussy overwhelms her inhibitions as she devours her child juices.
Kaley then leaves Tessa to her fantasy and eases her way to Lindy’s right nipple where she sucks it up into her mouth.
Camille has made her way to Lindy’s left nipple-sucking and licking, as the sounds and smell of lust fill the bedroom air.
Suddenly Lindy realizes that both of her nipples are being sucked on yet her pussy is still being licked. She looks down and sees familiar blond hair between her thighs. As her eyes adjust she cannot believe what she’s seeing.
“Mom? Mom, is that you?” Lindy says as her voice rises. Kaley stops sucking her tit and whispers to her: “ssssh… It’s ok, baby. It’s ok. Kaley holding her right hand and her mom holding her left. Kaley then kisses
her deeply on the lips. “But it’s my mom. ” Lindy says.
“It’s ok, my sweet love. Let it happen, baby. ” Kaley assures her.
Lindy’s pussy is already too close to orgasm. Not really wanting her mom to stop she can’t help but move her hips up so her pussy is up against her mom’s mouth, hurrying herself to climax. Not caring who’s mouth is on her pussy, Lindy’s desire to come is more than she can take. She grips Kaley and her Camille’s hands tight as her orgasm explodes. Lindy’s head leans back as she screams in pleasure. Her mom’s arms and hands pull her pussy into her mouth as she laps up her daughter’s juices. Lindy’s excitement and lust is still at it’s peak as she succumbs again to her mother’s mouth-cumming even harder this second time.
“OMG mom! OMG!” Lindy screams as her mom is still licking her pussy. Lindy’s body shudders from the intensity of her orgasm. Her chest heaving as she breathes hard. As her body relaxes, her mom makes her way from her pussy toward her face. They’re face to face as Kaley and Camille let go of Lindy’s hands. Tessa then softly lowers her body onto Lindy’s as Lindy’s arms wrap around her mom’s body. Their lips come together as in a deep and lustful kiss, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths.
Tessa then eases her body up so that her right nipple is in her daughter’s mouth and Lindy instinctively suckles her mom’s nipple. Tessa then moves to the side and Lindy takes her left nipple into her mouth, sucking it softly. Lindy’s hands go to her mom’s waist and she gently nudges her mom upwards. Her mom eases her way upward more, knowing what comes. Her hips are now over Lindy’s face. She can feel her daughter’s breath on her wet pussy. Then she feels her tongue slide up and between her labia and into her drenched pussy. Tessa moans in pleasure as she lowers herself onto her daughter’s mouth. Tessa begins the slow riding on Lindy’s mouth. Easing her hips up and down, the feel of her daughter’s tongue massaging and pleasuring her pussy is more than she can handle.
“Oh Lindy” Tessa moans softly. “That feels so beautiful, baby girl. ” Lindy’s hands are now on each side of her mom’s hips as her mom gently rides her daughter’s mouth. Faster and faster now as her own orgasm draws near.
“OMG baby girl! I’m gonna cum sweetheart!” Tessa’s hips are now moving faster as she knows she’s to her point of orgasm.
“I’m cumming baby! I’m cumming!” Tessa then explodes in climax in her daughter’s mouth. Her own head tilted back in ecstacy. She looks down at her daughter’s face and their eyes connect, watching each other intently. Tessa sees a what seems like a look of new love in her daughter’s eyes and she feels in her heart that she shares that same feeling.
Tessa notices how her pussy lips are spread over her daughter’s mouth-a lip on each side. How sensual it is watching her pussy lips on her daughter’s face as she licks every drop of her juices out of her pussy. She then reaches her hand back between Lindy’s legs and against her still wet pussy. Her finger slips into her tight, shaved snatch and she slowly begins finger fucking her daughter-her finger arched slightly upward she finds her g-spot. Her upper palm massages Lindy’s clit as she works her finger against her sweet spot.
Lindy’s tongue is probing inside her mom’s pussy as she sucks and licks her clit. Both there pussies are drenched with their juices as Lindy’s head once again arches back, her hips bucking slightly again as she nears another orgasm.
“OMG mom!” She yells once again. “OMG mom yes!” Lindy shouts as she cums on her mom’s finger and hand. Tessa’s pussy is nearing climax again as she rides her daughter’s face. Her hips are rubbing more intensely on Lindy’s mouth.
Oh god, baby girl! I’m cumming!” Tessa again cums in her daughter’s mouth-her juices glisten on Lindy’s face as she laps up her mom’s juices again.
Tessa then eases her hips from her child’s face. Down further until their lips are once again locked together in mother/daughter passion. Lindy rolls her over so that she lays on top now. Her mom’s hands find their way to her ass and she squeezes and rubs her asscheeks. The passion between mom and daughter is unlike either has ever experienced.
As they lay on the bed kissing and making out and licking each other’s juices off their faces, they finally notice Kaley and Camille with their phones filming and snapping photos. They both know from this day forward their lives will never be the same. (To be continued… )

Author’s note: Please feel free to let me know what you think. i.e: where I can improve or any new ideas, etc. Thank you,
pinkishly2018 at yahoo