The Family Motel

A 12 year old girl was serving two older guests to earn some extra tips..

My Family owned a Riverside Motel and a Restaurant with an Open Bar. It used to be full of guests and visitors but by time they had different other options so our Motel was about to ran out of business.

We were three children in the house, my Brother Jimmy 19, My elder sister Judy 16 and me Jennifer the youngest 12.

Since our business was about to go broke my parents had a plan and started to make us work in the Motel and Bar whenever we didn’t had any studies to do. My dad didn’t had any objections since his only goal was to make money.

Plus my Mom came up with the plan of wearing Hot revealing clothes because that’s going to bring back more people. So Mom, Judy and I started to put on short skirts, Butt shorts and cropped tops mostly.

My elder sister Judy was big for her Age and her body structure was very similar to Mom. They both had wide hips and thick thighs that looked great on short clothes but I was still growing so my body needed few more years to reach their looks. Such clothes didn’t do much on me but still I followed my orders.

We started our plan from the very next day and we three girls got all dolled up for serving guests, my brother stayed at the bar and dad took the Motel and the Cashier duties.

Few weeks went by and there was a huge increase with the incoming crowd. Mostly Men of all ages started to come in all day and we were so excited about it.

After the Men got drunk they always needed more so they can see us again and again. It was really fun to listen to their compliments on our looks.

Since I was the youngest not many wanted me to serve them. They always wanted Judy or Mom to have things bought in for them.

So One day two older men came in for a weekend stay and after they arranged their room they came out to the bar for a drink and they specifically asked my dad for me and I was amazed by that.

So I went their with my tiny skirt and a short top showing my belly button out and asked them about their order.

They both seemed very nice middle aged men and they had on lot of gold chains plus they came with an expensive jeep too.

So they just ordered two Beers and some food and after I bought it back one guy gave me a big tip saying “good girl”

I refused to take it but he insisted on it so I took it.

I stood a little closer to their table, waiting to serve but they left the table after they finished the beers.

After like an Hour my Dad called me and asked me to take another two beers into their motel room and I was shocked since this is the first time I was allowed to bring orders to a room. But I took what they asked and went around the back and knocked on their door.

The same guy who tipped me opened the door and welcomed me in and I heard the other guy was in the shower.

Soon as I gave him the bottles he again gave me a big tip and I again didn’t took it. He forced me till I took it and I ran out.

Then around midnight most of them started to get back to their houses and there were only two people sitting on the bar. So me and Judy started to Clean all the tables so we could sleep a little early.

But suddenly my mom came to me and asked me about those two men. I told her that they tipped me a huge amount and they really seemed nice. Then I gave that money to her.

She told me to keep that money to myself but I had to do something else for them. I was puzzled.

She said “Jenny just take two more beers and go into their room, they called daddy and asked for you specifically. Don’t run out like you did before just stay and have a chat, I’ll send Judy to bring you back”

I said “but mom why me? Usually you and Judy are the ones who do such late night orders”

“Jennifer listen to me, they are really rich they wanted to just have a chat with you, you want us to be rich right?”

I said OK and I went back into their room and this time they both were inside.

One guy was wearing a towel and the other guy was topples and wearing a shorts. They had tattoos on their bodies and two big bellies.

“come in huny sit down” one guy called me in

I went in and sat down on the corner of one bed.

“your parents told us that you are a good smart girl, is that right?”

“I think so” I replied

They both laughed loud.

“OK we can be friends and we really like young girls like you, since we don’t have our own”

“mm” I said

“so I think you will be a great company to us but you have to be comfy with us” the other guy replied

I said “OK let’s be friends”

“OK then Jennifer, its your name right?” he asked me

I nodded and he continued ‘remove your top and stay like us”

I was completely shocked when he said that and I didn’t knew what to say.

Then one guy came closer to me and pulled up my top out of my head and hands and took a gold chain out of his neck and put it around my neck.

“mmm now you look like a Princess, isn’t she?” he asked the other guy and they looked at me smiling.

I looked down on my chest and the chain felt cold on my skin and I sat there without knowing what to do next.

And then they both claimed on to the bed I was sitting and with their weight the bed started to make noises. Then they started to kiss my hands from both sides calling me “My lady and Princess”

I started laughing since it was tickling and I forgot that I was topples with two old strangers.

When I smiled and laughed they were so delighted and the other guy took off one of his golden chain and put on my neck saying “that’s how good girls earn”

-To be continued-

(ill post part 2 tomorrow stay tuned)

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