The good samaritans

I saved a man from a bunch of lowlives, and he repaid me and my family by enslaving us all, showing us the bliss of slavery

Kindness is the best possible trait you can learn, and the best possible one you can teach others, I believe this firmly.
I learned to be kind from my parents, and I taught this to my kids as well.
I am a married man of thirty-five years old, and I am also the parent of three good girls.
My wife, Kendra, gave me three bundles of joy to love and raise, Faith was the first to be born, she is sixteen now, next we had Sage, a year younger, and last we welcomed baby Sophie, fourteen now.
This story began a few months ago.
That day, I had to work late and was driving home when I passed by a park.
This park is big and has very little remarkable about itself, but what was unusual was what I saw inside that park as I drove by.
There was a group of people inside the park, not far from the street lamp on the concrete path of the park, what caught my attention, however, was that I saw a man that lay in the middle of the bunch of guys, and they were busy kicking him around.
I stopped the car and parked right away, while I ran and screamed at them.
“Hey, leave him alone!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran.
The guys got startled as they saw me running and yelling at them, I could see they were all rather young, just a bunch of teenage troublemakers abusing someone down.
They ran the other way as soon as I came close, leaving their victim alone at last.
When I came near, I saw it was a dirty old man, from his looks, he seemed like a homeless guy to me.
“Poor man,” was my immediate thought.
Those cruel kids thought it would be fun to beat a helpless homeless old man, not caring if they beat him half to death.
“Are you okay, Sir?” I asked him with great concern for his safety.
“Ughhh…I…I’m…more or less ok…” he weakly answered.
“Sir, if you cannot stand, I can help you and bring you to a hospital,” I exclaimed.
“No!…no…hospitals…” he moaned while struggling to stand up.
I couldn’t understand why would he refuse to go to the hospital, but I figured he must have had his reasons.
I debated about what to do or say next that could be of use, but very little came to my mind.
“Don’t worry about me, the man said once he could stand up, he was still barely standing but had an urge to send me away.
“This guy must have gone through a lot,” I thought.
“Is there anywhere I can take you to?” I asked.
“No, there is nowhere, I live here,” he pointed to some bushes behind him.
I saw a little makeshift camp behind him, the guy must have been inside when the kids came and dragged him outside to torture.
I felt my heart tighten inside my chest, this guy had so little and still, he called a tent in the middle of nowhere home.
Then, I remembered something my dad used to say.
“If you are going to help, don’t do half favors, either go all the way or don’t move a finger in the first place” he used to say.
“Sir, if you don’t want to go to a hospital, how about coming with me to my home?” I inquired.
He looked at me with a sincere look of surprise on his dirty and bloody face.
“I don’t want to bother you anymore, you already helped me. more than most ever bother to,” he said while scratching his head.
“I am not most people, Sir, and I want to help you, nothing more,” I declared.
He looked at me without uttering a word for about thirty seconds, he was debating whether or not to take my offer.
“Alright,” he finally said.
I smiled and came closer, sliding my arm under his to help him walk.
He was a big guy, much taller and heavier than I was.
I stand at five feet seven and weigh at about hundred and seventy pounds, he must have been above six feet one and easily over two hundred pounds.
I was barely of any help as we moved along towards my car.
Once side, I dialed Kendra’s number and briefly explained what had happened, while asking her to ready the first aid kit, dust off the guest room, and some clean clothes and toiletries, then started the car and we drove away, heading to my home.
From where I found him to my place, there was a twenty minutes drive, and he spent most of it looking outside the window.
He seemed like a quiet guy, and I had no idea what to say to him, so we both continues the drive in silence.
Once we got home, I once again barely helped him down the car and into the entrance.
Kendra was already waiting for us, she greeted him politely while helping me bring him inside.
Kendra believes in kindness as strongly as I do and had no trouble with bringing a stranger in need to our home.
Kendra studied to be a nurse, so she is the most qualified at home to evaluate the state of our visitor.
We helped him to the bathroom to wash and cleanse his wounds.
Kendra insisted that I couldn’t handle it alone and that I was gonna need her help, which turned out to be true.
He was heavy and every movement seemed to hurt him.
Kendra undressed him until he was left in a few foul-smelling rags that at some point in time should have been a pair of boxers, but now, it was just smelly fabric he wore on top of his parts.
I was too busy with the rags he took off to notice the look of surprise on Kendra’s face when he was left in his underwear.
Kendra’s eyes could discern what hid beneath the rags, and it was not a small matter so to speak.
I didn’t notice, but he did, he just smiled a little and said nothing.
Once he was left like that, then Kendra finally left and I helped him drop the rags.
I got startled when that thing sprung up from under the rags.
The old man was huge in more ways than one, his dick looked humongous, at least nine inches in size and similarly thick girth, with a lair of huge and heavy-looking hairy balls.
He was a monster, plain and simple.
He struggled to get inside the shower but felt a huge relief once the water started running.
I bet he couldn’t remember the last time he had a shower.
It took us a while to get him decently cleaned up, he was just so dirty it took about three or four consecutive showers until the water ran clear of any colors.
About an hour later, we left the bathroom.
We had very little that would fit someone his size, so all we could provide was my sleeping robe and the stretchiest boxers I owned.
He could barely put them on, and the robe looked tiny on him, but it was all we had.
That served to showcase how strong his physique was.
He might have been old and homeless but anyone could easily see that in his prime, he was physically impressive.
He still retained a strong-looking frame and two pairs of strong-looking arms and legs.
He was of dark skin tone but not to the point of being an African descendant, he looked Latin, with black hair already greying, thick eyebrows, a bushy black beard that prevented me from seeing the exact shape of his face, and some tattoos on both of his arms.
I recognized one of them, my das had one just like that.
“You are a veteran, am I right?” I asked him.
He followed my eyesight to his tattoo and then nodded.
“What is your name, Sir?” I asked.
“Diego,” he said, and the last name I couldn’t pronounce, “but the people that know me call me Blackbeard,” he pointed at his bushy beard.
I smiled “descriptive,” I thought.
Well…my friend black beard, I am Derek and this is my wife Kendra,” I introduced us.
Then he felt something and his sight turned towards the top of the stairs, there were three heads sticking out from it.
I saw them too, they must have been startled by the ruckus and were curious about our visitor.
“Girls, come down here, we have a guest tonight,” I beckoned to them.
The girls came down one after the other, with Faith in the lead.
“Girls, let me introduce you to a new friend, this is Diego, but he likes to be called black bears,” I made the introductions.
“These are our girls, this is Faith, this is Sage and this little Munchkin is Sophie,” I introduced the girls.
He smiled as sweetly as his mangled face allowed and greeted them with his best possible face.
The girls were taught to be polite and welcoming, and turned a blind eye to his slightly unsightly appearance and welcomed him warmly.
I smiled at this, my girls were good-natured and kind, just like I hoped they would be.
We led him to the dinner to have something to eat, and he devoured everything that was placed before him, he must have been starving.
After dinner was over, Kendra proceeded to examine him.
“He has a broken arm, a few cracked ribs and I think his left leg is also fractured,” she informed me.
He was big and strong, but starved and weak, and only God knows how long the beating lasted before I caught sight of it, so it made sense he was in worse shape than I anticipated.
“He doesn’t want to go to a hospital,” I informed Kendra.
“Makes sense, most homeless avoid them,” she remarked.
“Then, I guess that leaves us stuck with him for a while,” I exclaimed.
“Seems so,” she sighed.
“I guess tomorrow I have to make a run to a plus size store,” I told her.
“And to the market for some stuff for him to use, maybe a toothbrush and some more stuff” she suggested.
We showed him to the guest room and he thanked us with a smile and wishes us good night.
. That was the day we met Blackbeard.
Days passed by and he started recuperating little by little.
He took about two weeks to move on his own and a few more days until he could move his arms without pain.
Meanwhile, he slowly opened up to us, telling us about his life and how he ended up a homeless person.
His was a sad story, he served in the army but was wounded and almost lost his life, then came home, but was too shaken up to do any meaningful job.
His wife divorced him and threw him out, and then he drifted from one place to the next for years, until I met him.
We all grew used to him, he made himself useful around the house, and he knew plumbing and electrical maintenance, among other stuff, he became the unofficial handyman of the house, and also entertained us all with his stories and jokes.
Before any of us knew it, over three months had already passed, and for some reason, we all were starting to feel like he belonged with us.
I had no hurry to kick him out and neither did Kendra.
He was fun to be around, and was sweet and patient with the girls, even helping them to do their homework and doing their chores for them.
We grew comfortable with him, and likewise, he grew comfortable around us.
It seemed that my act of kindness brought a blessing to us in the form of a kind giant that we all grew fond of.
And of us all, Sage was the one that liked him the most, she was always around him chatting her mouth off, and he listened calmly and treated her gently, explaining things and even giving her advice on some things.
I was rather pleased with how everything was turning out, but there were still more surprises and changes to come, I just didn’t know it yet.
It took me months to catch up on some changes that were occurring.
I didn’t notice when, but the wardrobes of the member of this home started to change a little at a time.
Suddenly, Kendra started to dress a little less conservative, and day by day she dressed less so.
And the girls followed suit, they started to dress more freely and with tinier clothes every time.
I noticed the first time I saw Sage wearing a miniskirt to school.
She never wore something like that before, much less to school.
I mentioned it to Kendra, but she smiled and explained to me that it was her idea, after Sage told her her friends at school made fun of her for dressing like a nun.
I must admit that the way they dressed was rather old-fashioned, but no one had raised a complaint about it before.
But now that Sage had, I saw no harm in letting them dress more modern.
Other than that, I saw no other warnings, but that was because I wasn’t paying attention.
But it turned out all I needed was a day different from usual.
One day, my boss gave us all half of the day off, and I headed home about four hours earlier than anticipated.
I remember being happy I got the afternoon to spend with my family.
I got to my home. and parked, then descended and headed inside.
I saw no one around, but I figured the girls weren’t back yet, and Kendra was usually in the kitchen at this time.
I headed there but got frozen once I arrived.
Kendra was in the kitchen, just where I thought she would be.
But she wasn’t alone, Diego was there with her.
That in itself wasn’t all that weird, what was weird was what he was doing.
Kendra was dressed in a miniskirt, and Blackbeard’s hand was stuck under the skirt, rubbing her behind.
I was frozen, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
“Diego, please, I need to get dinner done soon,” she laughed and spoke up, but did not attempt removing his hand.
“Relax, beautiful, I am not holding your hands, you can keep working,” he smiled.
“I can’t concentrate,” she informed.
“Then we need to work on that focus of yours,” he snickered, and I saw how he made her underwear aside and stuck one of his thick fingers in.
“Hmmm…” a soft moan left Kendra.
“Focus,” he smiled once more as he wiggled his finger around.
“Oh God, Diego, please, spare me, I cannot do it like this,” she pleaded.
“Then you know what to do,” he said.
Kendra bit her lip slightly, she looked so cute doing that.
“Fine,” she finally conceded and turned around while dropping to her knees.
It was precisely when she did this that our eyes met.
“Eeekk…” she yelped, “Ho…honey…” she stammered.
Blackbeard turned around and also looked at me, but there was no expression on his face like he didn’t care.
“What the hell is going on here?” I raised my voice as I asked them.
Blackbeard only walked up to me and stood in front of me, while looking at me with that vacant expression on his face.
“I knew you had arrived, but I am tired of sneaking around, it is about time you found out,” he declared.
“Just what the hell….” I didn’t get to finish my phrase, as his giant hand grabbed me by the neck and pushed me down to the floor.
“This is all your fault, Derek, come here!” He ordered and moved towards Kendra while dragging me along with him.
The ease of the way he handled me was good indicative that I was powerless in front of this guy at full health.
He tossed me next to Kendra.
“You see, Derek, you haven’t been doing a good job around here, and gorgeous Kendra here is the one most affected by your negligence,” he explained.
I turned to look at Kendra, but she lowered her gaze and said nothing.
“Who..what…” I once more was silenced quickly.
“Shut up, and listen!” He barked at me, “you have been neglecting both your wife and your daughters, your daughters never see you and your wife needs some warmth from a male, and you have been doing a shitty job at both,” he detailed.
“Is this true, honey?” I asked her.
Kendra finally raised her eyes and looking at me, she nodded.
“I don’t like to meddle, but your wife is so unfulfilled, and if you are not willing, I can do the job she needs,” he smiled “ in fact, I can do that even better than you will ever be able to,” he smugly said.
I turned to look at him with a face of disbelief, I couldn’t believe my ears, the guy I saved was telling me he was gonna please my wife in my stead.
“I see you don’t think I am serious,” he said, and he walked next to Kendra, that was still on her knees.
“Take it out,” he ordered her.
Kendra looked at him asking him to stop.
“Are you deaf, bitch? I gave you an order,” he barked and grabbed her by her neck.
I could see Kendra’s will breaking as her trembling hand moved to undo his zipper.
In front of me, my wife was undoing another man’s pants.
Then, his monster of a cock sprung up, and after that, the rest of his genitalia followed.
When she was done, not only his huge cock, but also his pair of oversized nuts were on full display before us, with Kendra’s face just inches from them.
“This is my proof, Derek, look at the face of this bitch when she sees my cock,” he snickered and grabbed Kendra by her gorgeous platinum blonde hair and buried her face in his junk.
I witnessed my wife’s face being smeared around the biggest cock I had ever seen.
And she had a face as I had never seen before, her eyes lost focus and started spinning around, while her mouth was open and her tongue was sticking out.
Never, not once in all our years together Had I seen her like that, she looked like she was drugged like she was someone else other than the woman I raised a family with.
Diego had managed to turn her into someone I barely even recognized.
I just couldn’t comprehend what was happening, or how, or since when, my brain just short-circuited as I was on the floor watching the love of my life falling apart in front of me, and a tamed bitch took her place.
“This poor woman has been suffering in silence for God knows how long, all she needed was a little attention from a man, but you as her husband failed to provide her with that,” he solemnly declared.
My eyes alternate between her and him, trying to wrap my head around what I just heard.
“Derek, you are a good man, a kind man, but not a very perceptive one, your wife has been missing something, and you never noticed,” he looked at me “I owe you a great deal, you have done so much for me, and I have been trying to help you as much as I could around the house, but I realized that a busted lamp wasn’t this household biggest flaw, it was the lack of proper leadership,” he smiled at me, “ but fear not, my good friend, now that I am here, I will pick up the slack for you, I will be the strong leader this family needs” he solemnly declared.
“Diego, I….” I wanted to refuse.
“Shut up!” He barked at me, “I am not asking, I am merely letting you know,” he smiled at me “you only need to know that this family is mine now, yourself included,”
I was dumbfounded, did he just say we were all his property?
I had never even imagined anything like this was possible, let alone imagining it could happen to my family.
“You wanna see something exciting?” He asked me, “you just stay still and watch what a woman should truly look like,” he uttered, and then he turned to look at my wife.
“No more sneaking around, whore, time to show your dear husband what a filthy bitch his wife is,” he remarked, and then he tightened his grip on her hair.
Kendra was already barely conscious, and I only saw her eyes turn my way for an instant before her mouth, which was wide open stuck to his genitals, specifically his pair of big hairy balls.
I witnessed my wife’s delicate mouth being stuffed full with Diego’s ballsack.
She swallowed one ball at a time, they were too big to introduce both, so she settled for one instead.
I saw how she sucked those nasty balls of his while her eyes were stuck to the huge cock attached to them.
The look of worship in Kendra’s eyes was something I had never seen from her.
I saw how her arms suddenly wrapped around his legs like she was afraid he would get away.
“Look carefully, Derek, this is what a woman should look like when serving her man, she should look like the happiest bitch there ever was while being used like a whore,” he snickered.
I watched with bated breath as Kendra was being degraded in front of me, happily sucking on his balls, and I have to admit something.
She truly looked blissful as she served him and used her mouth to please him.
My pride as a man was shattering as I watched her, she looked a hundred times happier just sucking his balls than she ever looked while making love to me.
Blackbeard watched me carefully as I witnessed Kendra’s actions.
“It seems you get it now, lovely Kendra here deserves to be made to feel like a true female, not some doll in a showcase, and you cannot give her that, but I can,” he affirmed, ”this is the best way I can repay everyone’s kindness, by giving each of you what you need,” Diego proclaimed, “and I will start by giving your wife a truly top quality fuck, as she deserves,” he said, and then he grabbed her hair and pulled her away from his balls.
“Settle down, whore, my balls ain’t going nowhere, and there is another part that would fit your mouth better,”
I saw how Kendra looked at it, and how she opened her mouth, inviting him to use it to lodge his huge cock in.
I saw as if were slow motion, how her tender lips parted and his grotesque, humongous and bulbous cock head drew closer and closer to her mouth.
Her lips slowly wrapped around the head, giving it a passionate kiss for a few seconds before the rest of that dick sank inside her mouth.
“This is who your wife truly is, she might have always been a neat and clean prude in front of you, but she has always secretly wanted to be someone’s filthy little bitch, to be used and enjoyed like a whore, and now, there is a true man here to make her feel truly desired,” he said as he invaded her mouth with his manhood.
A mixture of several feelings invaded me as I watched.
Sadness, confusion, melancholy, helplessness, envy, excitement, and many more swirled around in my mind as I saw them.
I didn’t notice when swelling in my pants appeared as I watched.
But he saw.
“You too, Derek, I know what kind of a man you are, you too have unmet needs, and I too will fulfill them, all you have to do is obey, don’t struggle, and just accept that from now on, I am the head of this family, only what I say matters, and only I know what is best for us all,” he softly urged me.
I saw where he was looking and I too followed his sight towards my pants.
I was so confused, how could I have gotten a boner from watching him violate Kendra’s mouth? Could it be that what he was saying was true, and I too wanted something like this? Was this something I was enjoying?
A human’s mind can be so complex, whoever said that a person can only feel one feeling when experiencing a situation is a moron.
I was flabbergasted and appalled watching them, and yet, even while wallowing in despair, my mind found it the most exciting thing I had ever seen.
Kendra looked incredible, even when her face was being deformed by the giant dick in her mouth that kept drilling back and forth, she looked ravishing and happy, and I found her gorgeous as she displayed her debauchery in front of me.
The squishy sound of her sucking reverberated across the kitchen as her head kept bobbing back and forth on that grotesque thing.
“Kendra told me she has never done this for you, that you refused even when she offered it to you, so I have to thank you for keeping this mouth unsullied for me, but from now on, I will make sure her breath always smells like my cock, and she will kiss you with the same mouth my cock will enjoy every day from now on,” he smiled as he quickened her pace.
Kendra’s head was furiously moving now, his cock was brutally assaulting her mouth.
“Just like that, bitch, put some effort and suck harder,” he commanded and Kendra did as told.
“Ahhh…I’m getting close, Derek, you too come here, kneel next to your wife,” he ordered.
For whatever reason, even though I knew what he wanted to do, and I knew I should have refused, my body moved by itself, and scurried next to Kendra.
“Being for faces together,” he decreed.
Both of us did as he said and brought our faces together until our cheeks were touching each other.
We both watched expectantly as he jacked his cock slowly, then it finally happened.
A burst of cum got ejaculated from his cock, and the jet of jizz landed on both of us.
“Open your mouths,” he commanded.
Kendra and I opened our mouths to receive as much of his thick cum as possible.
He watched with a satisfied smirk as his cum coated both of our faces.
Never had I ever imagined myself doing something remotely as perverted as what I was doing now, I was next to my wife, getting a cum facial, and I did that on my own, he did order, but I chose to obey.
The worst part was, that I felt myself cumming inside my pants as he degraded both my wife and myself at the same time.
I ejaculated harder than I had ever done before from being humiliated by another man.
“Lick each other clean,” was his next order.
Kendra didn’t hesitate and started licking my face.
Her warm and soft tongue traveled all over my face, scooping Diego’s cum eagerly.
Once she was done, it was my turn next, and I did the same, harvesting that sticky cum off of Kendra’s face.
“You both are clean now, time to seal the deal,” he declared, “come dear, let’s give your dear husband a good show,” he said as he grabbed Kendra by her neck and made her stand up.
She looked like a rag doll as he lifted her like she weighed nothing.
Kendra was tall for a woman, but she was still tiny next to him.
Then I saw how he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her forward.
He bent Kendra over until her face was inches away from mine.
“Dear Kendra, it is time you tell your husband what has been going on, just before you tell him what is about to happen,” he instructed my wife.
Kendra’s hazy eyes looked at me for a moment, and her face flushed intensely, while her mouth twitched.
She was struggling with it, I believe this was the last chance Kendra ever got to refuse his command, and maybe if I had spoken up, together we could have gathered the strength to turn him away.
Unfortunately, neither of us managed to raise enough courage to do so.
“Honey,” her silky voice softly sounded, “from the day you first brought him over, I saw him naked, and from that day, I couldn’t take my mind away from his cock, I kept picturing it in my mind, dreaming about it even, and he noticed, he knew I was mesmerized by him, and little by little, he got closer to me, first it was just some light touches, he grazed my body as if by accident, and every time he did, I felt like electricity ran over the parts he touched, and slowly, I began to anticipate his “accidents”, before I noticed, it had become normal for him to rub my shoulders or caress my legs, and I knew what we were doing was wrong, but it felt too good to refuse him.
It was until a month ago that he finally groped me, and I came just by having my tits fondled, then he fingered me for the first time the next day, and a couple of days later, he finally let me suck his cock, and I became addicted to it.
I have sucked his huge cock every day since then, and I enjoyed it thoroughly, and even more, since I knew I would be kissing you about a few minutes after having sucked him, I have been giving you your welcome home kiss with my breath still stinking of his cum for weeks now, and I came a little every time, I am a bad woman, and I apologize to you for that, but it is not something I can control anymore, I have become addicted to him, and I know it is too late for me to go back to how I was before,” she confessed.
“But there is one thing that hasn’t happened yet, he hasn’t fucked me yet, he could have, I would have let him, but he didn’t, and I was beginning to think he didn’t desire me, that I wasn’t good enough for him, but now I realized why he didn’t,” she grabbed my shoulders as she made her confession.
“He wanted to wait until he could take me away from you in your face,” she declared, “he wanted to make me his bitch in front of you, he was waiting to claim my pussy for himself while you watched, he wants to show his new whore off to her husband, and that is precisely what is about to happen, he will claim the pussy that used to be yours, he is gonna use that humongous cock to drill the pussy you love, and make it into his cock’s shape, so it can never again feel anything from yours, and when he is done, he is gonna mark it as his property by flooding it with his thick gooey cum, to ensure I remain his obedient sex-slave,” her eyes turned to look at me, and I saw a few tears drop-down from them.
“I am so sorry honey, I never meant for this to happen, but I cannot resist him anymore, I will submit to him, I want to be subjugated by his horse cock, I want to feel my womb full of his cum, and there is nothing either of us can do to stop him, I am sorry for being a whore, you deserve much better than me, and if you wanna leave me, I will understand,” her tears rolled as she said that last part.
My heart was breaking as I heard her, and not for the confession, it was too late to feel bad about what she was doing, but because she felt she wasn’t good enough for me.
I was a piece of shit that enjoyed being bathed in cum next to my wife, I was no better than her, and had no right to scorn her or resent her.
“My love, don’t ever say anything like that ever again, you are exactly what I deserve, and I wouldn’t ever leave you, no matter what you become, no matter what you like, no matter who fucks you, you are the mother of my children and the only woman I will ever love, and even if you have fallen, I will happily jump into the same pit you did, and dwell in those depths together with you, until our last day on this earth, we will always be together, always,” I cried my heart out.
Blackbeard watched silently as we made a vow as deep as our marriage vow, if not deeper, he knew it wasn’t wise to interrupt us, he had already won, and all that was left was for us to make peace with it before he finished enslaving us.
Once we settled down, he finally spoke.
“You may think what I am doing is cruel to you all, but the truth is that I am doing this out of gratitude, I owe you all so much, and all I want is to be part of this family, to be one of you, and this is the only way I know how, I swear I will always look after each of you, I will never allow anything or anyone harm you, this is my oath to you all, I want you to be happy and this is the happiness I can provide,” he said with a serious face.
Kendra and I looked at each other in surprise.
The big guy wanted to be part of our family, and he wanted to make us all happy, even if that happiness was something, unlike anything we had experienced before.
Both Kendra and I chuckled.
“Diego, you have been part of this family from the time you arrived, none of us wanted you to leave, and neither of us is resentful for what you are doing, indeed, your love is not common, but it is also true that we have enjoyed it, and we intend to keep doing so, so don’t feel bad, and just show us what your version of happiness looks like,” Kendra stated.
Blackbeard turned to look at me and watched my reaction, I just smiled at him and nodded and saw him smile and how his eyes reddened a little.
“I swear to make you all happy to the best of my abilities until the day I die,” he said as he got closer.
“Derek, moisten my cock so I can drill this bitch smoothly,” he ordered me.
I saw how that horrendously huge meat rod swung in my face, and I opened my mouth to accept it inside.
I was sealing my cuck status by sucking my wife’s bull, by getting his cock ready to defile my wife.
I sucked a cock for the first time in my life on my kitchen floor, and I did it gladly with joy on my face.
It tasted salty, and his cum had a weird taste as well, but I sucked eagerly, I wanted to get that huge cock ready to do some damage inside Kendra.
“That’s enough, we don’t want to make gorgeous Kendra feel like we are neglecting her,” he chuckled.
Then he positioned himself behind her.
“Grab your husband’s shoulders,” he ordered.
Kendra did as commanded and grabbed me by the shoulders.
Her huge tits dangled, obstructing my vision by a good margin, but I was still able to see how he brought his cock closer to her pussy.
“he can’t see, so you will have to do some description, Kendra,” he remarked.
Kendra looked at me and smiled “I can feel the head of his cock touching my pussy honey,” she whispered.
I watched her face change as he thrust more and more inside her.
“Honey, his cock is already entering me,” she announced, “Oh God, honey, he feels huge inside me, I can almost feel even the veins on his cock, my tight pussy is getting stretched out by another man,” she described to me.
The grimace of pleasure on her face was intoxicating, I was happy for her from the bottom of my heart, seeing her happy was all I ever wanted for her, and now she truly was, the only thing I regretted was not being able to give her that myself, but as long as she was happy, I didn’t care whose dick gave her that.
Kendra’s body rocked back and forth as he kept drilling his cock further inside her.
“Honey, he is finally balls deep inside me, I can feel his balls smashing against my ass,” she informed me.
Now, Diego was lodged all the way inside her.
“This is by far the best married pussy I have ever fucked, by far!” Blackbeard declared.
“I’m glad you like it, her pussy is really tight and not used often,” I blushed as I confessed my inadequacy.
“Don’t worry about it anymore, I will get this pussy worn down and loose in no time,” he said as he hastened his hips.
The sound of their flesh smashing sounded like someone was clapping in rhythm.
“Clap….clap….clap…clap…” the sound was so hot I almost came again just by hearing that.
Kendra was moaning like possessed.
“Yeah…do it…massacre my pussy, make me your slut, claim what is yours,” she said between cries of pleasure.
Now, she was holding to me for dear life, and I was barely able to keep her steady, Diego was now straight-up beating her pussy into submission.
Kendra’s howls of pleasure were so melodious to me, that I moaned a little along with her.
Judging by the brutal beating my wife’s pussy was receiving, she wasn’t walking tomorrow, that was for sure.
“I can’t believe how tight this pussy feels,” he exclaimed, “Derek, I don’t think I can hold on for much longer, I think the time has come for me to steal her womb for myself,” he declared.
“Do it then, give her a nasty deep creampie and steal for yourself what used to be mine,” I smiled, giving him my blessing to defile the love of my life.
“You heard that? whore, your husband wants me to ascertain my ownership over your pussy, he wants me to seal your enslavement,” he remarked.
“Yes!!!, do it!!!, I want you to do it, we both want you to plunder my unprotected and fertile womb and mark me as your whore, show my hubby how you subdue his prude wife, and make her a tamed cheating whore” she cried out at the end of her subjugation drew near.
“Here it comes, you are no longer a free married woman, you are now an enslaved cheating bitch, now you belong to me, both you and your husband are mine!” He groaned as he wrapped his right hand on her neck and his other hand held her by her hair and swung his hips forward with all his strength.
Kendra’s eyes rolled out of control as her face contorted in ecstasy.
“Honey, I am done for!, he is marking me!, he wants to plant his seed inside me, he is impregnating me!, it feels like I’m burning inside, his hot cum is flooding me, honey it feels incredible!” She cried out as her womb was being claimed by another man besides myself.
I could see very little, but I was able to see his balls twitching between her legs, as their contents got injected inside her.
I came once more, as I witnessed my wife’s enslavement by way of merciless and reckless insemination.
The homeless man I rescued had just made my house his, myself his, and my wife and our future his as well.
I have seen some erotic imagery in my day, but nothing comes even close to what I saw then.
My wife’s delicate and exquisite face, contrasted with a pair of rough and burly hands holding her neck and hair, with her eyes rolled and lost in bliss as he kept pumping her womb full of his nasty cum.
“Ahh…nothing like using and enslaving a pussy for the first time,” he declared, “Derek, I think Kendra will need your help, otherwise she is gonna get pregnant,” he smiled.
As soon as he took his dick out, her legs buckled and she dropped to the floor, she heavily smashed on the floor, with her ass left in the air.
“Come help her,” he repeated.
I crawled until I was behind her, I knew how he wanted me to assist her.
The sight of my wife’s freshly used, gapping, and beat-up pussy, oozing her assailant’s thick slimy cum entered my eyes.
I wanted no time and proceeded to vacuum her pussy with my mouth, eating as much of his cum out of her conquered pussy.
Truth be told, I knew my “assistance” wasn’t really of much help, no matter how much cum I ate, her insides were coated in cum so deeply, that no matter how hard I sucked, it wasn’t gonna be enough.
But I did it anyway, to make her feel good and to make myself feel good.
I spent a good while doing that, and I helped prevent her from waking up, she was still unconscious, and I made her come two more times with my mouth before we were done.
In the end, Kendra woke up, but her legs failed to work properly, and Diego had to carry her up the stairs.
She rested there, recuperating until it was time for the girls to come home.
We three acted like usual in front of them, and at night, we reconvened in my room, where he fucked Kendra a couple more times, giving her a couple more creampies and sparing me from needing to have dinner.
The three of us lay there on the bed, and Kendra cuddled with him as I lay next to them.
I wasn’t such a good cuddle, which she had always given me a hard time for, now, she had someone to cuddle with all she wanted.
“Do you guys think we should tell the girls?” Kendra’s voice asked all of a sudden.
We both turned to look at Diego, it was his decision now, every decision was from now on.
“There is no need to tell them,” he said.
“They will get startled if they catch us,” I remarked.
“You don’t understand,” he smiled “there is no need because they too will get enslaved,” he announced.
Kendra and I looked at each other, I think neither of us considered that as a choice before.
“Don’t act so surprised, I told you that I would make each and every one of you happy, and last time I checked, they also deserved happiness,” he said.
“I don’t know…” Kendra wanted to object but was shut down immediately.
He wrapped his big hand around her neck.
“You don’t get to decide, bitch, neither one of you do, I make the calls now, and I say those girls will belong to me as well, just like your husband and yourself,”
I kept silent, it wasn’t a surprise to me, I knew Diego would set his sights on them, he was too greedy not to.
Kendra stayed silent for a little while, pondering things.
“Don’t force them if they don’t want to,” she finally uttered.
“Relax, I am not a rapist, they will submit to me of their own accord, just like you and Derek did,” he smugly declared.
I must confess that slavery wasn’t anywhere near what I thought their future would be like, but then again, neither did I think like that for Kendra and myself.
And here we lay, enslaved and happy, maybe such a future wasn’t as bad for my whole family.
I started to imagine just how Diego would manage to accomplish that feat.
Wondered if any of them would manage to resist, how long those who fell would manage to hold out for, and in what order would they fall.
I know that I don’t deserve to call myself a parent because the thought of what was to come for my little girls gave me a boner once again.
“Babies, you better watch out, because mommy and daddy’s owner is coming for you all,” I thought as a smile showed on my face,
And so the decision was made, and I had trouble sleeping that night, out of the expectation of what was to come next.
Kindness is often repaid, just not always the way you thought it would.

More to come sometime soon….

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅