The Joy of Being a Man With a Vast Fortune

James Wood had inherited his Fathers vast fortune, anything he wanted in his bed was now available to him, including Catherine his Mother.

James Wood was a rich and handsome man of 25 years, after his Father passing James took over the family business . The fact that he was still single surprised most of his friends and certainly surprised the mothers of the many desirable young ladies who were introduced to him at the various social gatherings him and his Mother Catherine attended throughout the year.

James had seen little of his parents during his childhood, he had been sent away to boarding school at the age of six, and he was sixteen before he returned home for more than a week or two during the summer and Christmas holidays. Even when he was at home his parents were strangers to him, his Father was always at work in the city, and his Mother was always involved with charity events, afternoon teas, dinners, parties and any other social event she could find to keep her out of the home and bringing up her only child , James.

After his life at school ended James spent nine years working in his Fathers business, starting at the bottom as his Father told him time after time that’s what he had done, James worked his way to the top . James in his mid twenty’s enjoyed his life, he lived in a large apartment in the city, with a live in butler and maid , he spent many happy evenings dining with friends and many more happy evenings fucking whores in the many brothels in and around the Tenderloin area of New York City. Like most rich men in the mid 1800’s who frequented brothels his fear was catching the the pox, but with his unlimited income for pleasure, the various Madams would obtain a virgin for his visits. Unlike most of his wealthy friends who enjoyed breaking in young girls in there early teens, Jame’s taste was for older girls or even unwed women that had fallen on hard times and had decided to sell themselves to the Madam.

It was no secret that virgins were in demand in the higher class brothels of the city, a Mother could sell her 13 or 14 year old virgin daughter for as much as half a years salary that she herself could earn working 60 hours a week in a dress makers shop . The first time Johnathon visited one of the almost 600 brothels in New York City he met the infamous brothel owner Rosa Hertz, and describe his request and his fear of catching Syphilis, she promised if he informed her a couple of days in advance she would indeed have a virgin in the room waiting his arrival. Rosa indeed kept her promise, a week later after a glass or two of champagne she escorted James to a room, where upon entering there was indeed a woman sitting in the chair draped only in a thin robe. Rosa whispered to James that the woman called Helen needed the money for medicines for her ailing Mother, and she smiled as she left ,closing the door. The woman stood up ,she looked to James to be in her mid 20’s . He said good evening to her,
followed by ” do you swear on what you consider most holy that you are a virgin,” and after the woman confirmed that indeed “she was” ,James took off her robe and told the naked women to “undress him “.

The poor woman was all fingers and thumbs as she tried to undo the buttons on his shirt, once he was naked from the waist up he said to her ” Get on you knees and undo my pants” . Shaking the woman slowly knelt down , scared of what he was going to ask her to do next she closed her eyes and started undoing the buttons on his fly. His pants dropped to the floor , she opened her eyes and put her hands inside the top of his underwear and pulled them down showing the poor scared woman just exactly what he had inside his under garments for her.

James Wood’s cock resembled that of a horse , the woman knelt in front of him with tears in her eyes. ” Please Mister” she said softly ,” I don’t think that’s going to go in my doodle its too big” and she let out a little sob from some crying she must have done some time previously. She of course was wrong , laying naked on the bed James kissed and licked and softly bit her hard little nipples making the woman wet where his cock was going to go. His fingers began to explore her tight little cunny , before he climbed between her legs and pushed them open wide with his knees. , smiling at the scared girl he began to rub the huge head of his cock up and down the length of the Helen’s slit.

Teasing her he said ” do you know what I am going to do to you “, she sobbed gently and said ” no sir. ” ” I am going to rip you apart “,he said laughing ,”and when I fuck you there going to hear your screams of agony across the river in New Jersey ” Pulling the girls cunny lips apart he told her “to lift her butt off the bed so he could get his cock inside her honey pot ” ,but the poor girl had no idea what he was talking about and she just laid there praying it would be over soon.

Three times James positioned the huge purple head of his cock at the entrance to her doodle and pushed , three times the girl tried to slide up the bed away from him , the fourth time he lent forward putting his hands under her shoulders as he began to push his cock into her tight little hole. James watched as the poor girl began to tear up again, she tried to push him off her but that was a futile waste of energy, finally Helen stopped trying and Jame’s cock broke her hymen causing her to scream in agony which only excited him even more until over half of his cock was in her tight little cunny and already pushing against her cervix.

The Madam told her later after James had left to boast of his prowess to his friends in some bar when she came to help the girl get cleaned up that she was lucky that James had finished so soon, at least this way her bleeding had stopped and she could go home, all be it in agony. That night was the start of something different in James’s existent’s, humiliating, and causing pain to women became one of the main joys in his life second only to making money.

James used to visit his Mother every Sunday at the huge house her and his Father had lived in on the Hudson River north of the city . Arriving there several hours earlier than normal he asked one of the maids where his Mother was. The maid appeared to be uncomfortable when she quietly said ” in the boat house cottage by the river Sir ” . Heading down the garden towards the river James quietly climbed the outside stairs to the cottage where his Father spent many happy years painting and watching the river boats pass by as his illness and condition got worse before he had passed away a year or earlier. Slowly opening the door he immediately heard the sound of what he recognized as a woman in the throws of reaching a climax . Slowly he closed the door and lent against it . On the floor his naked month laid, her legs open wide and another naked woman who at first James did not immediately recognize, lay between her legs greedily licking his Mothers cunny.

As he watched his Mother she suddenly started to lift her hips off the floor, and grabbing hold of the woman’s hair who was driving her to her climax, she suddenly started shouting ” I am there, its happening ” and then she let out a loud cry of ecstasy as he head rocked from side to side and she banged her hands on the carpeted floor. The woman between her legs was still working hard keeping his Mothers climax going for as long as she could, until finally his Mother began to push the woman’s head away from her , laughing and saying ” stop, stop, stop, nnnooo more ,Oh God, Oh God,Oh God no stop aaagghhh that hurts ” she said still laughing.

James smiling started to clap his hands together very slowly, the woman who had been pleasing his Mother turned to face him , he recognized her as his Mothers young maid Annie. She jumped up grabbing her skirt from the chair and held it against her body. Trembling in fear of not knowing what James was going to say or do, she looked down at his Mother,still laying naked with her legs open on the floor. James walked over and stood between his Mothers thighs, she was still exhausted from her climax and was not thinking quickly enough to shut her legs to hide her shame . He turned and looked at Annie and smiled, ” thank you Annie I don’t think my Mother will need your busy little tongue again today , but I might one day, do you do the same good work on a mans cock as on a woman’s little man in the boat”, he said laughing, as the girl started to get dressed as quickly as she possibly could, and left with tears in her eyes without answering him.

“James” his Mother said softly, ” would you be kind enough to leave while I get dressed ” He laughed out loud , ” what’s the point of me leaving ” he said looking down at her, ” I have seen everything you have to show and I must admit it looks very nice for one of your age, very nice indeed “. He walked away leaving her laying there , picking up her clothes he put them on the top shelf of the cupboard and closed the cupboard doors . He watched as his Mother slowly got up,with one hand across her cunny and her other across her breasts , she walked towards him, and said ” James may I have my clothes now please ?. He ignored her pointing to his Fathers drinks cabinet, he said ” please Mother go and pour us both a drink ,I am sure you need one after all that excitement, and I do as well. His Mother stood there looking at him, rather angrily. ” I said pour us both a drink please Mother, or else I am going to be compelled to return to the house and send your friend Annie packing without a reference and tell the rest of the staff why she is no longer with us, is that what you want me to do ” he said as he lowered himself into a chair.

Three times they drank there glass of Brandy , while drinking hers Catherine sat in silence looking out of a window at the river. After she finished her drink each time she would stand up and ask her son to let her put her cloths on, but her pleas were just met by “pour us another drink please ” He watched as she walked looking quiet tipsy as she came back carrying their fourth glass of Brandy. He took both glass from her and put them on the table next to his chair. Kneel down he said, she looked at him warily, “why she asked “”because I told you to he said smiling at her as slowly knelt down in front of him.

” So you prefer women to men do you Catherine” James asked his Mother . ” I have needs like you do” she said a slight smile crossing her lips. ” not as bad as my needs” he said laughing as he began to undo the front of his pants before he pulled his hard cock out inches from his Mothers face. He guessed looking at her she didn’t really know where she was or what she was doing, after drinking so much brandy, he laughed as his Mother started to giggle grabbing hold of her sons hard cock . “Whats this , whats this monster thing in front of me” she said giggling again. He put his hand gently on the back of her head, ” suck it ” he said softly as he started to pull her mouth towards his cock.

Kneeling up and looking at her naked son, she wiped his seed off her face and breasts with the towel he had handed her from the bathroom. His cock was still semi hard and as half drunk as she was she could see he had a look in his eyes that almost scared her. ” Should I thank you for feeding me” she said as she put her hand on the chair and slowly got up to stand in front of him. ” Open you legs” he said and she did as he asked ,his hand went to her cunny and a finger went into her wet love tube. She jumped and made a tiny animal like sound as he inserted a second finger into her cunny. . She lent forward and put her arms around his neck, ” I love you , I love you James” she said slurring her words, ” did you like the way I sucked, I sucked your cock ” she said causing him to laugh. One of her hands went to his cock ,and it twitched as she touched it. ” You nearly choked me ” she said giggling as she laid against his chest gently rubbing his cock backwards and forwards .

” Your hard again ” said his Mother , ” what has made you hard, me or something else you thinking about ” ? He took her hands from the back of his neck and led her slowly across the room, bending her over the small table his Father used to have his dinner on she started to squeal as she felt his cock begin to stretch her cunny lips apart, then she screamed as he forced the full length of his cock into her cunny, by the time he had finished fucking her she was too weak to stand up, she was literally being held up by the iron pole of his cock she had in her sore cunny. As he began to go soft her legs began to give way,and as he pulled out of her she slowly slid to the floor, James could hear her humming some tune he had never heard before as she got into the fetal position and closed her eyes.

For the next six months Johnathon and his Mother spent at least one night together in either his or hers abode, Annie often joined in there love making, and with each weeks visit there time together seemed to grow more and more violent,it seemed that Catherine could not reach a climax without pain,something James was very happy to provide. . One evening at a small dinner party James was introduced to Elizabeth Kemp, the pretty although a trifle mousy daughter of Lady Mary Kemp a English widow who’s late husband Sir Henry Kemp had gambled away the family fortune, but still the family held on to a few acres of land and a semi derelict house in England to go with the Title of Lord and Lady of Ebbsfield, something James found irresistible. The thought of being known as Lord Ebbsfield soon became foremost in James mind ,it became a must have for him.

The Kemp’s had spent the last of the family fortune from a sale of some of the family’s silver and art work to come to New York in the hope of finding Elizabeth a wealthy husband, and after several Sunday afternoons of walking out with James, Lady Mary Kemp sat in her tiny apartment above a bakers shop in the lower east side crying with joy upon hearing that James had asked her daughter to marry him, and her daughter had excepted his proposal.

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