The Joy of Being The Man With a Vast Fortune 2

James Woods had inherited both his Fathers fortune and his Mother , now he was about to own his New Bride and his Brides Mother.

PART TWO . It was obvious from the start that Lady Mary Kemp Ebbsfield and her daughter Elizabeth, James Woods bride to be, didn’t have two wooden nickles to rub together. A few days after he had proposed to Elizabeth he had a runner deliver a letter to Lady Mary, inviting her (but not her daughter) to dinner at his city apartment , so he and his Mother could discuss the initial arrangements for the wedding. While they had an aperitif James enjoyed watching Mary squirm while his Mother described how the wedding would be held at the village church of Hasting on the Hudson where their estate was , and as the wedding was going to be held in August the reception would be held in the garden for about 250 people. He watched the blood drain from Mary’s face ,he knew she could not afford to pay for a reception for 2 people ,let alone 250.

During dinner Catherine ,Jame’s Mother had a wonderful idea, she said “James you know what we should do, we should invite Mary and Elizabeth to come and live in the west wing of our house, that way myself and Mary and your bride to be can work together planning for the big day , what do you think ?She flippantly said ,”and Mary don’t worry about money,I have fund I have been saving for many years for the day I finally hand my son over to his bride and he becomes her problem and no longer mine.” James thought his future Mother in Law was going to faint, but the color came back into her cheeks and she agreed although putting on a show of reluctance on a move to live in the west wing of the Woods Mansion and have them pay for the wedding. It wasn’t very convincing but at least she put the effort in.

After dinner James saw Lady Mary to the street, hailed a passing handsome cab, paid the driver and returned upstairs to his sitting room , he poured himself a glass of red wine, and smiled at his Mother.
” Where is mine ” his Mother said looking at him and laughing. ” You my dear Mother will get yours as soon as you are naked, and as I am going to drink this fairly quickly and then pour the rest of the bottle into my own glass I suggest you hurry, I fear if you are not back here in a few minutes you will miss out on a nightcap” he said laughing. Catherine grabbed her long skirt and swished through the door into her sons bedroom, she returned a few minutes later naked apart from a pair of french high heeled ankle length boots . James poured her a glass of wine from the new bottle he had opened . ” Well will I become a famous actress after my performance in front of her Majesty Mary ” she asked her son sarcastically ? He laughed, “you were wonderful, now what do you think of her ” he asked his Mother. “In what way” his Mother asked him, taking the glass from her sons hand and putting both hers and his glass’s onto the table.

She took his hand and placed it against her cunny, he slid his finger deep into her love tube. ” Are you asking me if I think she will spread her legs for you to dip your cock in her ,” she said laughing , “then if that is something you would want to do,I would say yes” she said making a face and pretending to pout. ” Maybe that’s not what I was asking you” said James looking a little confused . “Oh I see ,then what were you asking me” she said giggling like a little school girl, “were you thinking of asking me if I think she would put her mouth on my cunnie, or maybe you were thinking of me putting my mouth on her cunny, was that what you were thinking, do you want to watch me do that,” she said grabbing her sons semi hard cock through his pants. ” My God” said her son smiling at his Mother , and holding her close as he pushed his finger in and out of her now hot wet hoIe, ” I am glad I am marrying into the British aristocracy, my Mother now swears like a street whore , what has happened to her ” he said laughing as he bent down to kiss her . She laughed at him then suddenly she went serious. “James she said looking into his eyes, when you marry your little whore what will become of me, will you toss me aside like a used rag, or will you expect me to amuse your whores Mother in bed each night listening to your bride screaming in pleasure in the bedroom next to mine on the end of your big cock ” ?

” Catherine” said James taking his finger from her cunny and putting it against the lips of her mouth, and as she sucked her juice off his finger he softly said ” when you want me you know all you have to do is kneel in front of me and beg like the bitch in heat that you are for me to fuck you”. She smiled weakly at him , “then no matter what, even if you love your wife you will spread my legs like the whore you have made me”, she asked ? ” Go and get on your hands and knees on the bed ” he said, ” Make sure you have a pillow to bite on ,I will get the goose fat from the kitchen ” She clung to him as if her life depended on it and started meowing like a kitten, ” nnnnooowww ,nnnnooowwww don’t fuck me in the back avenue please James that hurts so much” she begged pathetically. ” I would let go of me if I was you, or it will be a dry fuck and you hated that didn’t you ” he said laughing “.

The following weekend Lady Mary and her daughter Elizabeth moved into the west wing of the Woods household. James came up from the city every night to have dinner with his Mother and his futures in Laws, after dinner the happy couple would roam in the garden talking and laughing, until darkness forced them indoors. Several times James had passionately kissed his wife to be , trying to put his hands on her breast through her dress she had always pulled away which annoyed him greatly .

Angrily he grabbed her hand and said, ” once were married I shall forbid you from ever wearing anything in my bed chamber do you understand, I will want to see and touch those breasts when ever I wish, do you understand ” . She tried to pull away from him but he held her tight. She looked at him and meekly and said ” how often will I be required to visit your bed chamber ” ? ” Every night when I go to bed I will demand that I will find you in my bed naked waiting for me , and when I have finished with you you will remain there until the sun shines in my window and wakes me up , because there is nothing more I like to start my day, than a nice warm cunny to fuck.” Letting go of her hand Elizabeth took off running towards the house, James followed on thinking that marrying this meek and mild pretty but mousy woman may not be the best idea he had ever had.

Entering the parlor through the open French Windows his Mother laughed and said ” oh dear our first lovers lovers tiff was it James ” ? James let out a sigh, poured himself a drink and sat down in the chair, and it was only a few minutes later that an angry Mary Kemp come into the room. She stood in front of James and said ” what on earth did you say to my little girl, I demand to know” . James waved his hand at her for her to go away, but Mary had now got the bit between her teeth, and demanded to know what he had said to her daughter to upset her so much. James got up slowly, and poured himself another drink, ” well what did you say “, demanded Mary again. ” I told your daughter that when were married I expect to find her naked in my bed when I enter my bed chamber of a night time, and I expect to find her there when I awake ready to take my seed in the morning when I rise, that’s what I said to what was going to be my future wife” , he said .

Mary stood looking at him speechless, she slowly walked to a chair and sat down. ” What do you mean by was your future wife” she said slowly . ” I hardly think I am interested in a woman that is going to run off to her Mother when ever her husband speaks to her, the women in our family all learned very quickly that what there husband says goes ,isn’t that right Mother” he said . Trying not to laugh his Mother said ” yes James, that is correct, the husband is the master of the house ,as your Fathers wife I soon learned to understand that when I married him “. James smiled at his Mother he turned to face Lady Ebbsfield and said “and as far as her Mother daring to question me, any other woman speaking to me like that I would take to the boat house and horse whip” .

James could see Mary was totally deflated, but he couldn’t resist twisting the imaginary dagger he had pushed through her heart. He knew that they had no where to go in the city, everything they owned was in the rooms of the west wing and there was not much of it . He continued his tirade , ” I suggest tomorrow you and Elizabeth return to the city and do some serious thinking for a few weeks “. James strode towards the open French Windows and disappeared into the darkness of the garden leaving Lady Mary Ebbsfield sitting in silence, with little tears rolling down her cheeks. Catherine sat looking at her and feeling sorry for her but for once she didn’t know what to say. After a few minutes Mary sat up straight in her chair, ” I am sorry Catherine ” she said , ” I have upset James and you , I am so ,so sorry, I didn’t for one second mean to upset you after everything you have done for us “. ” Where is James do you know ,I need to apologize to him “. “Oh he has probably gone to the boat shed,” said Catherine,” then can we go there I need to talk to him I am so sorry I upset him said Mary “.

As they walked down the garden towards the boathouse, Mary said ” were you ever horse whipped. Catherine” ? Catherine smiled in the darkness, ” only once she said trying not to laugh, I learn very quickly”. “Did it hurt asked Mary softly “? ” Oh yes” said Catherine smiling to herself again , ” trust me after my whipping I never dared to question anything my husband ever said again “. At the bottom of the stairs to the rooms above the boathouse Mary took hold of Catherine’s arm. ” It’s hard being a single Mother of a young lady ” she said, ” I have needs as well as any woman, I can’t remember the last time anyone held me in there arms and kissed me, and as for laying me on a bed I think that was so long ago it was in a past life ” she said with little laugh. ” I can’t remember what it was like laying with a man,and there is my daughter complaining about her future husband wanting to lay with her , where did my life go so wrong” she said trying not to cry again

” Maybe” said Catherine softly , ” maybe you should try laying with a woman ” she said hoping she had not overstepped the mark. ” I have thought of that many many times, can I ask you a personal question” said Mary ? Before she answered Catherine put her finger to Mary’s lips, ” ssshhh” she said, ” and yes I do”. At the top of the stairs Mary took hold of Catherine’s hand, ” we don’t have anywhere to go,I have no money,I am so happy being here with you ” she said, ” what ever James wants me to do I will do ” she said as she moved close to Catherine and kissed her on her lips.

They walked into the loft hand in hand, James was sitting in a chair looking out in to the darkness and the river , nursing a glass of whisky. He could see see the two women’s reflections in the window ,but he said nothing.The women walked up and stood behind him, his Mother said “James Mary wishes to speak to you “. James grunted but said nothing they could understand , Catherine looked at Mary and smiled, she nodded indicating she should speak to her son. Weakly Mary said “James I have come to apologize for my stupidity, I can not say how sorry I am for coming between you and Elizabeth ,if you can find it in your heart to forgive me then I swear I will never interfere between you and Elizabeth again”.

James remained silent he watched her in the window refection, as she took her handkerchief and wiped the tears from her eyes. After what seemed a life time Mary said softly ” if you can forgive me, and your love for my daughter has not waned, then I wish for you to give me a whipping , I think the memory of a whipping will remind me that in the future I need to let my daughter and her husband solve any difficulty’s they may have without me interfering “.
” The whip is in there on the bedchamber wall “, he said softly, ” a whipping is always received with the woman to be punished naked ,if you decide that is what you want then go to the bedroom and prepare your self,call me if and when your ready ” Mary stood paralyzed for a few seconds, before slowly heading to the open bedroom door . Catherine knelt in front of her son and rested her head on his cock , ” do you want me to go and get naked as well she said softly” , “of course “said her son ,”of course I do” ,he said laughing quietly, ” I have plans for you as well he said gently pulling her hair and lifting her off his .

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