The Older Sibling Part 2

Alex brings some of his friends to fuck and rape aliva while hes asleep

One night after the last story alex brings some of his friends over to rape aliva

Alex calls his friends over and while there coming to alex’s house alex knocks out aliva while he is screaming for help.

Once Alex’s friends arrive they all gather around Aliva naked and aliva wakes up crying and trying to scream but is tied up. Michael Alex’s friend takes off the tape from Aliva’s mouth and shoves his dick inside Aliva’s mouth. Alex takes his dick and shoves it into Aliva’s asshole. Steve takes a vibrator and puts it on Aliva’s cock and Aliva comes all over the other boys. They all get mad at him and choke and pull his hair while there still fucking him.

Aliva breaks out of the belts and trys to get away but alex pushes him down and sits on his face while the other friends keep punishing Aliva’s asshole. Alex quickly gets up and gets a knife and comes back to Aliva, Aliva screams for help but Alex’s ass is blocking the noice. Alex cuts Aliva’s dick a little each time he misbehaves. They all continue to fuck aliva until 6:00, Aliva’s dick is covered in blood and cum and the carpet us stained in it. Alex and his friends tie Aliva back up and clean the mess.

Alex’s friends go home and Alex unties Aliva and tells him if he tells anybody or runs away he will torture him. Aliva gets so scared he doesn’t talk for the rest of the day.

Im going to let everyone choose the next storyline.
A. Aliva behaves and continues to listen to alex.
B. Alex misbehaves and doesnt listen to alex.
Comment what storyline you will like.

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