The reputation

16 year old Amy had a reputation to keep she was very popular at school this was because her dad was the local Mayor, her mum a M.P. and her eldest brother the leader of the council, Amy knew she needed to careful of what she said and did to stop bringing disgrace on the family, she hated being the miss goody goody and wanted to be herself, she had a lot of friends but felt they were fake friends only after what they could get, Amy wanted to be herself and after a big row with her parents had stormed out of the house and was now sitting in the local park. Amy decided she was going to be herself from now on. July a local 16 year old girl who was known as being a hardnosed trouble maker and in the same year as Amy at school and the same age was also in the park, July was who Amy said was a proper friend and never took Amy for granted. July spotted Amy and went over to her and spoke, July saw Amy’s top buttons on her blouse was open showing some of her ample boobs, July liked what she was seeing, she sat beside Amy said “your showing some tit” and was surprised when Amy replied “why you complaining thought you liked tits as well as cocks” July said “yeah I am bi but your always so well dressed we don’t even see your knees” to July’s surprise Amy undid her blouse completely showing her naked boobs” July looked said “fucking hell bitch they are beauties” Amy sat with her boobs on show, July stood up moved in front of Amy and cupped Amy’s boobs gently squeezing them as she did saying “fucking hell yeah these are fucking cute” and pinched Amy’s nipples, after a few minutes July stood back noticed Amy’s nipples were now erect July sat, Amy stood up raised her skirt showing her knee’s July said higher Amy did showing her shaved slit which July was soon rubbing saying “you fucking bitch your a dark horse” after a minute of rubbing July stopped stood up saying “I gotta go meet Steve, Amy said I will come with you” and started walking with July who said “you better put your tits away if Steve see’s them he will grab them” Amy said “is that a promise”  July saw her little brother heading towards them she told Amy who just looked, Mark came up when he saw Amy his eyes went wide he stared at Amy’s naked boobs, he spoke to July then walked away, July said “fucking hell you don’t care do you” Amy said “no I am fed up of being a good little girl I am going to be me from now on” the girls saw Steve who approached them and said “oh fuck look at those tits and rubbed them, July said “she got a shaved cunt as well” Steve said “yeah lets see” Amy raised her skirt, Steve looked said “yeah” he looked at July smiled July nodded Steve reached down started rubbing Amy’s slit July bent forward started sucking on Amy’s erect nipples, Steve took Amy’s hand and led her into the unused pavilion where July removed Amy’s blouse while Steve licked Amy’s nipples, July undid Amy’s skirt pulling in to the floor leaving Amy naked, Amy saw Steve’s 8 inch erection sticking over the top of his jogger she held it in her hand said “you going to fuck me” soon Amy was on the floor with Steve pounding away in her with July licking her nipples, after a few minutes Steve pulled his dick out and squirted his cum some which hit July in the face, Amy licked it off. After Amy had dressed the trio walked off. July invited Amy to her party at the weekend before Amy walked off leaving July and Steve talking.