The Retirement Home (Part 7)

A new recruit with special qualifications

Sally and I sat having a quiet drink celebrating our year at the Home. Things had gone well. The owners were happy with the resident turnover and profit margins had stayed steady so they had granted us money to spend for a Residents Party next week. We had been given a modest raise but really we didn’t care. (Good salary’s , Good living quarters, and Really good sex!!!)

Sally suggested that a Senior in the back office would take some of the admin drudgery off us and would be within the budget. so we said we would advertise after the party.
Sally reminded me we had to be careful phrasing it what with all this “Diversity” business I groaned god knows how “diverse” they are going to be However one lady stood out qualification and personality wise, so that was no problem.
She was however a “person of colour” as we have to say these days and she was also very very big!
As it was Sally who had interviewed her it was she was hesitent on both subjects and the lady rocked with laughter “Oh Deerie just think of me as a big black mamma!!!” And that was it,June was our Head of Admin

It was a week after she had settled in Sally called her in with another embarrresing question pointing out that all the staff have identifying uniforms and we may have a problem getting hers made. Once again June made it easy, she explained she had her bra’s made as she didn’t feel comfortable with standard sizes so Sally could just measure over her bra and panties to allow for the uniform size

She slipped off the blouse she was wearing for Sally to measure her chest having a job getting her arms round her Sally was relieved to manage it Then to Sallys relief measuring the hips and she was done without undressing any further
June was just going to put her blouse back and paused “Would you like to see?”
Sally gulped of course she would sh’e’d been fascinated from the day she’d walked in
“If you don’t mind”

June turned away and Sally saw her fumbing with the clip then she turned, bent over and let them out of the cups. They were magnificent, her areola was jet black and spread, her nipples looked wrinkled and thick.The actual breasts could onlybe described as udders, The skin was a smooth ebony her droop minimal considering their size, Sally couldn’t resist she reached forward to suckle, June held her head and whispered if I show you more you may not want me in your employ.
Sally lifted her head said with a giggle “Oh Mamma your not going anywere!!:

June stepped back and once again turned away holding the desk to steady herself she stepped out of her panties when she turned she was exposing a circumsised penis just normally flacid neither large or small Sally gasped trying to keep her shock to the minimum. You poor child, don’t worry your perfectly safe here. Put your blouse and skirt on and we’ll go over to our quarters.
They crossed the aquare into our quarters into our bedroom
“Now tell me have you always been like this?”
“Yes always it just grows naturallywith me”
“and do you have an erection?”
“Yes but I don’t ejaculate”
“Well that’s all the questions out of the way” she reached forward asking “May i”June nodded
Sally held it it seemed strange, looking up she could see June’s beautiful breasts and here……
Just as she couldn’t resist her breasts she took it between her lips June’s body stiffened she gasped
“Please no”
Sally stood and kissed her gently on the lips and June returned it hesitently
“I want you, you know that don’t you?” “that’s all of you:. She nodded “but can I stay?”
“As long as you wish my darling”
“Come for dinner tonight”

I came in from my rounds my usual time ready for dinner. Sally sat me down to tell me the story
“Jeeez what are we going to do?”
“What do you think? we are going to fuck her all ways, this way that way and the other!!!”
We both fell about laughing
June arrived she was in a pretty summer dress and despite her size she was very attractive, she had taken trouble with her hair and added a touch of make up and very high heels took a little off her size.
Whilst we were eating i broached the subject we had all been skirting round and told her that Mark had been told but as from now as her emploers her secret was safe, but when we had finished dinner Mark would like to see her She agreed no doubt knowing her secret was safe.

“I have one questionJune in your pretty unique position what sexual experience have you had?”
Not having much experience with dark skinned people I didn’t know they blushed but blushed she did
“i’ve not got a ….you know….a vagina and when people see my breasts they think I’m a proper woman so none really. I’m 30 now so I suppose I won’t’
“If I left you alone with Sally would it help?”
“You mean to have sex?”
“Well to see how things work out”
I slowly undressed there now nothing to be afraid of we are not to different
She slowly undressed, I noticed she had no bra her wonderful breasts staying firm
I patted the bed beside me and she came to sit
One hand cupping her breast the other stroking her cheek I kissed her hun
We got up from the table and I took her hand leading her to the bedroom looking back shouting “Your turn for the dishes!”
grilly soon we were all over each other I was deliberatly not touching her cock although I could feel its stiffness against my belly.
I began to shift around at first she didn’t understand then we were in 69, I licked her cock head then sucked while she was licking my smooth now soaking wet cunt. Her hips began move as her cock found my throat soon she was in me I was gulping and retching as she inexpertly thrust as if she was truly fucking. i squirmed away lay back my legs open and raised and she lowered her bulk onto me. her hips between my thighs her cock head finding my inviting cunt.I squirmed my hand down and guided her shaft in between my cunt lips she groaned as iit slid in. Using her weight she began to fuck. Her tits were enveloping my face I found a nipple and sucked my cum was spurting as she realised I was finished she rolled off me

We lay sweat covered i kissed her was that good? she was crying
“I’m not the same am I?:
I stroked her head, “your better than the same but it’s our secret just you and me and Mark
He will do things with you that i can’t and I mean with you not to you”

We left the bedroom to join Mark
He raised a quizzical eybrow
My arm around June I said “you can tell us next time”

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅