The revenge sex

Camera recording………………………

Hi I am Rachel, and this is my story (true story). So i had a friend named Lisa we are friends for over a decade since middle school. She was better than me in every thing like subjects, sports etc.. so my parents always compare me and her and it was really irritating to me. We went to high school were very one really wanted to be in a relationship or lose their virginity. So i had a boyfriend in my high school days he was really and hot and one of the popular guys in the school so every girl would look at me in jealousy and i liked it so much. Even in my high school Lisa was better than me but she was single it never really bothered me as i don’t care i really hated her at that point but i was her friend only for my parents. Finally one day i caught my boyfriend cheating on me with Lisa i saw them fucking then in doggy style i was really heart breaking which was the reason that Lisa was single. I broke up and ended my friendship with Lisa. I went to another college and had no idea what Lisa was doing i was really successful in college and go a high paying job and i hot a car i had several men begging me to have sex or be in a relationship with them. One day at work i got a call surprisingly it was from Lisa. I thought of not answering but i answered it anyway. She told me that she was really sorry and was saying that she was getting married to a guy with whom she was in a relationship for 4 years. I wished her and said i will come to her wedding. Wonder why?? So her marriage was happening in NEW YORK CITY and I was in LA so I took a flight and reached New York I did not tell her that I came a week prior. So i stalked her in social media and found her fiancé s account he seemed seemed to be a nice guy until I caught a pic of him in the strip club. An idea blinked in my head. So i followed him secretly and found that he was having his bachelor’s party two days before the wedding. So i decided to go to the club were he arranged the party in a sexy seductive dress it barely covered my nips. I had my friend to help me in this. So at the club i was giving him hints a i winked at h I m is sucked the cherry and all that his friends encouraged him which was apt for the situation. So i came near him he was already drunk and he was staring my boobs. So i started kissing him and he started caressing my nips and butt. He offered me to Come to his room i said okay in the other hand my friend whom i brought to the club was recording everything in her camera me kissing him and b e sucking my nips in public etc.. so i came to my room my friend also came and i told him that she will join us. his friends left us alone. So he ripped my cloths and started kissing and sucking me i gave him a deep throat and he sucked my pussy bike i was in heaven. So he had a decent sized cock. And my friend was recording it he was drunk a d he didn’t mind the camera. So he fuck me a drunk talked say I ng that I WAS BETTER IN FUCKING THAN LISA which was amazing he cummed in me and i moaned like a cow. And yeah we ended fucking in doggy style. So after this i left the room and went back to my room and saw the footage it was amazing as fuck. I edited it and saved in my mobile so i went to her wedding and greeted her saw the groom’s face grew pale while when be saw me i winked at him and went. So the whole wedd I ng was over and i saw that Alex then groom was very nervous of seeing me and was acting like a idiot in his own wedding which i enjoyed so much. So i went to LA and in the airport i sent the video to her. She was shocked to see the video and called me and i said BITCH THIS IS HOW IS FELT THAT DAY!! And hung up. So her life is hell now she is unable to get a divorce cuz of her parents as they dated for 4 years and her father was also ill. I am in my best attache in my life now I feel so accomplished in life. So this is my story thanks for reading it till here I love you guys its my first story and i hope you will see more…


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