The seduction of an old woman (and a younger boy)

It was a long time since mylast homosexualexperience

I had taken to taking a regular stroll in the park and remembering Grace’s and my first assignation popping in to the public toilets> They were the old fashioned type an attendant to clean in the morning and back to lock up at night. The Gents had two urinals and round the corner three cubicles They wre the type with a gap between the wall and the floor of about nine inches.
I noticed that one of them was occupied so i slipped in the centre one, bending down I could see a small foot.
I scibbled on a piece of paper “Can you open your door?” It was accepted and quite a few minutes later the message was “Scared” I answered don’t be scared I’ll keep a look out and went out of mine and gently tapped on his door. he opened the door a crack and I said don’t be scared, he opened it and stepped back his trousers round his ankles his shirt rolled up exposing a hard littcle circumsised penis he only had a fluff of hair so I guessed him to be 12 or 13 I beckined him and he shuffled forward close enough for me to carress his cock and tight little scrotum. Why dont you take them off? He sat back on the toilet and shrugged off his trousers. Good boy stand up on the toilet he looked puzzled but did ,I went in and closed the door and took his pretty cock and balls
in my mouth he sqeelled with delight as I gently sucked, his hand held on to my shoulders as he climaxed but I only tasted a little precum. It had taken a long time and i didn’t want to take any chances so I told him to get dressed wait a few minutes and meet me on a park bench.

His name was Jim he was 12 years old and did not like school in fact he didn’t go very often!
He only had a mom and they lived in a council flat and he didn;t like that either! He didn’t know how old his mom was but she had black hair and was “nice”

He said we needed to wait to go home so that his Mom thought he had been to school so we went back into the Gents and I let him suck my cock his eyes widened when he saw the size of it and I only let him take the head as I was afriaid fucking deep would frighten him
Exolaining my presance was relatively easy he was walking on his own ignored by the other kids so I offered him a lift.

She fussed about explaining that happened because she couldn;t afford to buy him the best trainers a phone etc she made tea and we got to normal chit chat the flat was scruffy but clean, everything was cheap she explained how the Social Services system worked She explained how she concieved Jiim on a one night stand as a 15 year old, All the time we were talking I couldn’t keep my eyes off her breasts she blushed looking down at her cavenous cleavage “I’m sorry I would have wore someting more appropriate if I had known…….” Not at all you are a very attractive lady stand up give me a twirl! she laughed stood and twisted round her waist was tiny compared to her bust and rounded hips her bottom was curvy. We settled down again more tea I could see she was glad of the company as for me Jane was away for a couple of weeks and wouldn’t care anyway.
I leant forward Jean would you like to earn some money it might help.But I’ve already got two cleaning jobs I’ve not long come in from my afternoon one.
No I mean one you are more suited for I am an ameture photographer and would pay you well to pose for me
She looked very guarded what kind of poses
Well from lingerie down to nude but you can say enough at any stage and I would pay you to that stage the rate would be a hundred pound an hour And would we be on our own? her face showed concern well I’m on my own for the next two weeks then my wife is home so either really
And I would come to your place?
If it was the evening I’d have to bring Jimmy
Thats fine dear we made arrangements for her to come the following Saturday and as I passed Jimmy on the stairs I gave him a five pound note put my fingers to my lips Not a word about you and me OK?

Saturday came and when she arrived she had obviously done her best to smarten up she was made up her hair looked good and she had a nice summer frock on straining at those wonderful breasts
I gave her a box, these are the things I want you to change into when you are ready come to th door in the hall

I took my drink down the hall into the garage.
It seemed an age and no sign of her I could have misjudged her she may be down the road now with the family silver!
Eventually there was a tap on the door I’ve left Jimmy in the garden is that OK?
Then she came in and I’d chosen well I’d bought a cut away black bra her areola and nipples fitting perfectly a black thong covering just her vulva then disapearing between her buttock cheeks.A red garter belt holding sheer black nylons rounded of with black patent 4″ heels
She hesitated is this OK? What do you think? How do you feel? I said Well shall we get on with it? I posed her in every possible way not once going over the line of seductive pin ups by the end of the hour she was completely relaxed
Well lets have a drink I went to the cabinet and poured us both generous gin and tonic thats one hundred earned Jean ready to go? I forgot to tell you its 200 for nudes!
She jumped up how do I do it?
Well basically two stagesfirst same kind but undressing the full nude
She took her place first removing her bra poses including cupping them together. then the thong rear and front leaving a well cropped hair patch
then the garter then sitting to unroll her stockings eventually she was standing hands on hips proudly naked . she giggled don’t know what to do with them waving her hands.
Once again we went through a series of poses nothing pornographic just tasteful but sexual.
When we finished I gave her a robe and I run through the pictures showing her what I would keep what I may need to edit Then I gave her the three hundred pounds she had earned she flung her arms my neck then remembering she was only wearing a robe jumped back laughing

Now young lady will you honor me with your presance next week? Oh god yes!!!
So next week came and they both turned up I had bought Jim a computer game and set him up in the lounge we went into the garage
Now jean please don’t take offence but this is a YES or NO job OK? she nodded I put a stack of pound in twenty’on the table Count it she nervously began to count it’s a thousand she gasped
Yes and it’s yours for a different kind of posing YES or NO
Oh god I think I know what you mean Just between you and me? Definitely I promise
Ok better get you undressed
She sat on the settee push a breast up and suck Jean now both of them make a big cleavage pull your nipples out with finger and thumb
on the floor on your hands and knees pull your buttock cheeks open lets see your bud
Good girl on the armchair legs over the arms thats it pull your cunt lips open hold it now fingers in in and out 2 3 4 good I put a box of toys on the side table the large one turn it on put it in in and out Jean love you must smile thats good now in your bottom just a little way in now the smaller one thats it in your ass now both of the cunt and ass big smile and fuck yourself soon the smiles turned to gasps the grunts the squeels as her hands took over and her body was wracked with spasms her wonderfu tits swaying I clicked away until she climaxed I gently relieved her of them took her in my arms now that wasn;t bad was it she reached for the gown Did I earn it? you did indeed

But will you come next week bring Jimmy and my wife will be back it will be nice to get together she said you wouldn’t show anyone Oh don’t worry my wife is a photographer as well she will want to see them
Even those sexy ones? I laughed

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