The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 15

“So what should I  name Tina?” Takashi asked his sisters. “I have no idea, but it can’t be something in Japanese because she won’t really feel it,” Harumi said. “You need to ask the other masters,” Arisa propounded. “Yeah, that’s probably best. I’ll talk to Master Aaron and see what he says.” Takashi did that and the two of them threw around some candidates. “Hey, dude, I got it. How about ‘happyhole’?” Aaron suggested. “That is the one, Aaron! Perfect!” Takashi enthused. “Thanks!” “No problem Master Takashi. Glad to help.” 

The following morning, when Takashi picked Tina up, he announced her new name. She liked it and off they went to school, Master Takashi and happyhole. When he got horny looking at all the hot naked girls at Mrs. Westfield’s, he loved it when he was now allowed to call Tina over to give him a blowjob, his subbie swallowing his cum like a good girl should. When they finished their homework, he took her over to his house. Her clothes came off as per the rules and they went upstairs to his bedroom and rolled out the futon on the tatami mat floor and tossed a couple of pillows on it to rest her head on. They laid down and Takashi and her kissed heatedly, their tongues circling around each other’s, as he palmed her breasts, the puffy nipples extending under them, which dispatched sparks of pleasure to her brain. He broke away to shed his clothes and rejoined her on the floor. She reached out with her righthand and caressed his overbearingly stiff cock. “Are you a virgin?” he interrogated. “No Master,” she disclosed. “Are you mad?” “No, it will make things easier,” he retorted. He felt her soft hand on his dick as it coasted up and down the length of his turgid shaft. He enclosed his mouth around her succulent left nipple and employed suction to tug on it and get her moaning.

Takashi leaked precum into Tina’s 15 year old hand, enabling it to slide smoother on his penis. She felt how slick she was between her legs and so when his hand began to rub her vulva she found it not just pleasurable, but somehow comforting. As her excitement increased so did the speed with which he slid his fingers over her clit and she bucked her hips back at them,  her breathing gaspier. “Oh God Master, I’m going to cum, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” she panted, her arousal peaking. His hand furiously manipulated her clit and she emitted a choked scream as the heat bulldozed its way through her.

He pulled his fingers away and licked them off and then straddled her upper body. He snaked his cock between the middle of her breasts and had her mash her soft mounds around it and he began pumping it through the fleshy gap, exerting soft, but yet firm enough pressure on his fuck stick, the bottom of it pressing on her sternum. He gazed at her beautiful face while he used her body for his own satisfaction, his raspy, rapid breathing causing her to mentally brace herself for the hot, creamy rain that would soon fall. The raspy gasps turned into grunts which became guttural near screams before he machine gunned her neck, chin, hair and chest with his spunk.

He rolled off of her and insinuated himself between her legs, where he enjoyed the vision of her glistening, hairless snatch. He eagerly lapped the whole thing to taste her aromatic juices more fully and then created a perimeter around her clit with his lips and sucked and licked, the blood rushing to the tip of her love button, making it throb. He rolled the hood repeatedly with his tongue as he inserted two fingers into her and stimulated her g spot while he endeavored to make her clit pulse with alternate long and short suction. He tenaciously attacked her hot button and finally tripped her trigger, the surging heat enveloping her like the most soothing firestorm ever created. He wasn’t done with her and she writhed and twisted as she experienced more explosions of sensation.

He had her get on all fours and got a close up view of her ample ass. He kissed and licked it before his tongue trailed down to her love channel again for one last sip of her juices. He scooted up directly behind her and pierced her opening with his flesh knife and buried it inside of her. “Fuck,  he’s only average length, but his dick is really  hard,” she thought to herself just before he initiated hip flexion and speared her as naturally as you please, rifling his cock continuously in and out of her, wanting to shove it as deep into her as possible. Their breathing was mutually intensely short and rapid as her brain milked every last iota of pleasure out of the reaming he was giving her, eventually provoking her to scream about how amazing the sensations were, which inspired him to pour his love fluid into her receptive canal.

They rolled over on to their backs to recover and he grabbed her shoulder to nudge her head on to his chest, which he cradled and stroked. Aya had warned him that American girls need a lot of post coital aftercare. He still wasn’t sure what to say in this instance, though. “Tina, I can’t express how I feel in words right now, but please understand I feel very close to you.” Aoi had told Tina that Japanese men aren’t going to be all that demonstrative, and to not  take it badly and look more at his actions than what he does or doesn’t say. “I’m glad Takashi. I understand, baby. You made me feel really good and that’s good enough,” she tolerated. He kissed her and she stroked his left cheek as she drank in his handsome face.

A lot of boys at Bauer High had been after after Tina, but she fended them off. So when they saw her hand in hand with Takashi that week, there was a lot of grumbling from some of them. While his fellow swim team members congratulated him on landing “a nice piece of ass” like Tina, some of the jilted suitors shared resentful remarks about Takashi’s Japanese accent and her having “yellow fever.” To Tina, though, Takashi had a dignity that so many high school boys lack plus she loved his fit body. He also dressed neatly, a contrast to the slobby appearance of too many teenage males of this era. And, then of course, he was a dominant and firmly showed her who was in charge. He kept her on a short leash and warned her about refraining from public outbursts that would cause the image of the neighborhood as well as him to be tarnished. The grousing about who she chose as a mate only made those spurned classmates appear more childish to her.

Her older sister Alissa was being badmouthed by some on campus as “stuck up” because, as had been the case with Tina, nobody could reel her in. She had a considerable ego herself, though, and didn’t care that much what the “little boys” and jealous girls were whispering about her. She knew that she could walk on to any college campus tomorrow and get a hundred offers for dates. When Takashi and Tina coupled up, Alissa experienced some jealousy because Takashi knew what he wanted, was smart and had standards and deep down was a nice guy plus he had the strong, tapered body. Not to mention his dominant streak.

In the neighborhood, of course, Alissa had to know her place and slowed her roll when she was around the kids from it. Those kids also provided her with a measure of protection because of their numbers and the closeness of the members of the bondage club and the alumni association.

With summer looming, many people were on the move and Friday evening, Alan Perlis received a phone call from a former junior high classmate and neighbor of his who was now based out of Atlanta, Chris Halford. He was just notified that he was being promoted to head his company’s branch in South Marlin Circle’s general vicinity and was seeking information about the housing situation in the neighborhood. Chris asked him to check on a house on South Hake Circle, which was the last cul de sac before the next sort of big north south street. Alan called the listing agent for that property and was able to do a walk through of it Saturday afternoon. It was a four bedroom 3600 square foot recently repainted and recarpeted affair with an up to date kitchen and a swimming pool. He reported back to his old friend about the state of the house. Two days later, Chris flew out with his wife Marisa, AKA “hothole,” to view it for themselves and put in an offer.  A week later, the Halfords were notified that it was accepted and the seller agreed to a 30 day close and a vacate on day of closing.

They had three children: Nolan, who was 19 and who would be a junior in college the following fall term, Brandon, a just turned 15 year old ninth grader, and Glenn, who was 13 and in seventh grade.

School let out for the summer on June 13th. Lisa Westfield, Jeff Perlis, Tomiko Hamamoto, Prentice Oldfield, Yuki Yamanori, Kathy Delasso and Eric Stevenson were now looking down the barrel of college as the demographics of South Marlin Circle and the members in the surrounding neighborhood continued to age.

The last week of that month, Cyrl Langford’s family moved in on adjoining South Dolphin Circle, after which they basically lived in one side of the house while renovations were being done on the backyard, the kitchen and the livingroom. Once that was done, they would then move on to redoing the bedrooms and bathrooms. They were going to spend tens of thousands on all this, but the tradeoff for a closer commute was priceless for Cyril. One of those bedrooms, incidentally,  would be converted into a BDSM playroom.

Because it was relatively close to the Fourth of July weekend, Alan Perlis and the rest of the South Marlin Circle board decided to kill two birds with one stone. They would have an early afternoon dinner party for the new honorary members and then everyone would take the scheduled trip to see a fireworks exhibition at a local park.

Since he had the biggest house on the block, though not by THAT much, and he was the one who invited the Langfords to become honorary members, the dinner party was held at the Stevenson residence. The inductees showed up right at noon and Conrad, Cecil and Olivia were in stunned disbelief when they saw all the naked submissives in the livingroom and kitchen, some of them helping to prepare dinner. The  three Langford males got instantly hard and stayed that way for the duration of the event. Moreover, Penelope also had to strip to conform to the rules. Yes, her three children had seen her naked frequently over the course of their lives, but only at home and not at someone else’s. Of course, after their experience the first day they visited the Stevenson house, Penelope and Cyril didn’t really bat an eye. Because their house was being renovated, the Langfords were anyway excused from the nudity rule for their own home until the updating and repairs were finished.

Everybody went up to the newbies to introduce themselves, the subbies always being accompanied by their masters. When Conrad saw Alissa, though, his eyes just about exploded out of his head. Once the introductions were over with, Conrad made a beeline for Alissa. He really turned on the charm as well as the remnants of his English accent and by the time dinner was over she was smitten with his cool British demeanor. It also helped that Conrad was tall and groomed rather sharpish, not to mention that he was in college while she would only be a high school senior in the fall.

While Conrad was macking Alissa hardcore, Arisa was quite taken with Cecil. Her exquisitely fit body and cute face were definitely working on him as they flirted with each other. It helped, too, that she was the only subbie near his age that hadn’t been claimed yet. For her, he seemed older than he actually was and she loved his sense of humor. The dinner was smashing and the already extant inhabitants of the neighborhood were quite enjoying the new arrivals. So when it came time for the subbies to get dressed and everyone to head to the fireworks show, the attendees were in high spirits. Cecil sat next to Arisa and Conrad by Alissa while they took in the spectacular light show. With the parents present, neither boy was sure he should make a real move on his target yet. All they could do, then, was go home and fantasize about shagging the crap out of their prey while stroking themselves off.

Yoriko came back home when her university’s classes concluded in June. She reunited with Donny  and she was grateful to feel his cock inside of her again. On July 1st, she formally submitted to him and spent the entire summer at  the Rosedahl house serving her new Master. A little over a year later, her life would change drastically.

The Halfords moved into their new abode on South Hake Circle at the same time as the Langfords were getting situated into their’s. As an alumnus of South Marlin Circle, his family was given a separate welcoming party that was held the second week of July. Arisa’s elder sister Harumi and Nolan hit it off at that celebration and within two weeks were officially a couple. A month later, just before he was to go back to college the second week of August, he went over to her house. He had told everybody what he was going to do that day and all the teens but the Soramino kids were hanging out on  the lawn of Alan Perlis’ house waiting to fete the anticipated new D/s couple.

‘Hi Harumi!” Nolan smiled, as he kissed his girlfriend hello. Takashi, Mina and Arisa were there, too and Mina excused herself to go get her mom and dad  and clue them in one what was about to happen. Once Mr. and Mrs. Soramino were present, Nolan  rose off the living room floor everyone was sitting on. “Harumi, please kneel,” he said to her. “Yes Sir,” she assented  and did as was requested. Harumi’s heart began to do backflips because she instantly knew what was about to take place. “”Harumi, what is your middle name?” “It is Marie, Sir,” she informed him. “Harumi Marie Soramino, will you submit to me?” he pleaded. As her face began to redden and the first tears fell, she consented, “yes Master!” Mr. Soramino gave him the pro forma warning about caring for his daughter while Harumi received hugs from her sisters and brother. Everyone adjourned to  the Alan Perlis lawn, where Nolan was high fived and hugged and Harumi was warmly embraced. Nolan and Harumi then went over to his house to tell his parents. 

But that wasn’t all. After the pair returned to the Perlis lawn to hang out, Conrad stood up and went to the head of the gathering. “Alissa my love, would you please come up here?” he asked. She rose and stood next to him. “What do you want, honey?” she wondered. “Alissa, please kneel,” he demanded. She let out an audible “oh my God!” “Alissa Joan Rosedahl, will you submit to me?” “Yes Master!” she smiled and jumped into his arms. Everybody applauded and Conrad and Alissa were accorded the congratulatory affection. Then Cecil went to the head of the group. “First, we need an outsider check,” he intoned. A couple of the older boys got up to make sure no non-members were within earshot. “Arisa darling, would you please join me?” he inquired. She hustled to his side. “Arisa, please kneel,” he commanded. She dropped to her knees and rivulets of tears began to trail down her face as soon as her legs had folded under her. “Arisa Gail Soramino, will you submit to me?” he implored. “Yes Master!” she bubbled. Once Arisa and Cecil got their due from the assembled, Prentice Oldfield stood and gave the warning about protecting their subbies before those new D/s couples went to tell their parents.

By that time, Ethan had turned 14 and was being trained in the ways of using restraints, which excited Aya. Arisa was also 14 by then and was put on the pill by her parents. In addition, Glenn Halford was staring a lot at Olivia Langford but was still too shy to approach her.

Harumi’s slave name became “cockpleaser,” Arisa’s was “cocktart,” and Alissa’s was “tastybit.” Alissa thought her slave name was adorable and made her sound small and sweet.

The day Conrad informed Alissa what her new name was, he brought her to his house and took her into the family’s playroom. He had her stand for inspection, leisurely inspecting her big boobs, flared hips, shapely legs and the details of her gorgeous face. His erect cock looked forward to being caressed by her vaginal and/or anal cavities. He wacked her on the ass for not standing up straight enough. “You know, one day, you may be my wife tastybit. Stand and walk like you would be proud to represent my family,” he commanded. “Yes Master. Thank you Master.” “What is tastybit thanking her Master for?” “She is thanking Master for his correction of her.” “Very good.” He then slammed his whip into her butt again. “Tastybit,  your grooming of your pubic hair leaves something to be desired,” he insisted, as she hadn’t trimmed it in a while. “Yes Master. Thank you Master.” “Does tastybit know how to deep throat?” he inquired. “No Master,” she revealed. Her ass was subjected to another strike of the whip. “Thank you Master.” “Does tastybit swallow?” Yes Master.” “Will tastybit accept facials?” “Yes Master.” “Will tastybit undergo anal sex?” “Yes Master.” “Is tastybit on the pill?” “Yes Master.” 

‘So what did tastybit learn from her correction?” “Master, your tastybit needs to learn to deepthroat, stand up straight and trim her pubic hair.” “Very good tastybit. You shall have 60 days to learn to take my cock into your throat. Failure to meet that deadline will result in severe punishment. Does tastybit understand?” “Yes Master.”

“Tastybit will kneel.” “Yes Master,” she replied, sitting on her haunches on the floor. He unzipped his pants and waved his cock in front of her face. “Suck it,” he directed. She took it in her righthand and turned her head under his dipstick and licked his balls with the tip of her tongue before trailing it up the underside of his shaft. She brought her lips right to the edge of his cockhead and sucked on it. Then she slid her lips down to the halfway point on it and sucked it several more times as he moaned. She began to stroke the area near the base of his penis as her mouth glided down as far on his shaft as she could get it without gagging. She bobbed her head up and down, slowly at first, but more frantically once she was able to build some momentum. “Oh yes tastybit, that’s hitting the spot,” he groaned as her lips pressed on his engorged lickin’ stick over and over, his spear riding her tongue and pouring precum on to it.

His cock shone with her spit as she milked it, seeking to extract his semen from it and bring him pleasure. His voice rebounded off the walls of the room as his moans became louder and more frequent. “Oh yes, oh shit, God, your tongue feels divine my little slut,” he declared. Encouraged by the intensity of his sounds of pleasure, she really went after it and he fed her ropey doses of his cum, Alissa neatly collecting every drop until the spasms ceased. She opened her mouth to show him his cum on it and then channeled it into her stomach. “That was a ripping hummer,” Conrad averred. “Thank you Master.” “What are you thanking your Master for?” he interrogated. “Tastybit is thanking her Master for both the honor of being allowed to suck his cock as well as the gift of his cum into her mouth,” she reasoned. “Your Master is most encouraged to see such a beautiful slave be so compliant,” he burbled. “Your tastybit is glad, Master.” “Why is tastybit so glad?” he pondered. “Master’s tastybit is happy when she pleases him so that he will want her to keep serving him.” “Good answer, tastybit. Now let’s see how comfortable your pussy is. See that bondage bed? I want you to bend over it and spread your legs.” “Yes Master.”

Conrad  removed his clothes and knelt down on the floor in front of her pussy and began licking and sucking it, his  tongue absorbing her juices. “Oh my, this twat is most tasty,” he complimented. As he lapped at her cunt, he stroked his semi-flaccid cock until he was back at maximum rigidity. He bent at the knees slightly and bored his dick into her love gulley. She moaned as she felt it coring and stuffing her. She hadn’t been fucked since she was 15 and had almost forgotten how good being nailed with a flesh hammer was. Conrad held her hips as he used her to pleasure himself, mixing in occasional hard smacks with is open hand on her perfect ass. The compression of her seldom used sperm catcher was exquisite and the sound of her wetness splashing around his cock echoed around the playroom. “Tastybit’s cunt is like velvet,” he sighed. “Thank you Master,” she moaned as her mind focused on the sensations his plundering tool was provoking inside of her. Her ass was the color of a ripe apple now after the manual punishment he exerted on it and she enjoyed the heat radiating from it from the nerve endings on the skin there being made almost raw. “Mmmm, I am very impressed by how rich the red is on your bottom right now tastybit,” he admired as he pumped his elongated weapon into her.

She could feel herself beginning to give in to the swelling intensity of the sensations inside of her as he reamed her, ratcheting up the frequency of his thrusts the closer he got to liftoff. Alissa’s breathing was now so erratic she sounded as if she had the wind knocked out of her, her  breasts mashed into the bondage bed. He grabbed a length of her hair and pulled on it, whipping her head back as he continued to drill her. “Ahhhh! Ahhhhh!” she cried gutturally, signalling to him that she was about to make that leap into temporary insanity. “I am finding you a most adequate slut for me,” he growled while he pumped himself to as close as she was. Suddenly, she emitted a choked scream and then a long series of short gasps as her orgasm railed through her. A couple of minutes later, he defiled her  previously tidy snatch with globs of his snotty ballcream.

“Did tastybit enjoy her Master’s cock?” he asked. “Oh yes Master. God, it’s been so long since your tastybit felt anything that good.” “Would tastybit like to receive her Master’s cock again?” “It’s always an honor to be permitted to comfort Master’s cock,” she asserted. “I think you’ve done well enough today to earn another taste of your Master’s plonker,” Conrad informed her. “Thank you Master.” “Now stand for inspection,” he ordered. As his cum dripped out of her hotbox, he gazed at her amazing figure for a couple of minutes and then dismissed her for the day.